Is Nintendo the Apple of videogames?

Is Nintendo the Apple of videogames?

Attached: Nintendo-Apple.jpg (788x464, 22K)

In the sense of overprices peripherals that are basically just plastic, yes.
In literally any other way, far from it.
Price-wise, the furthers from Apple of the big three.

Yes in the worst possible way. I'll admit to hating Apple more but Nintendo really isn't fucking far behind charging $300 for $100 at most decade old hardware.

I feel like sony fits that bill a little bit more. nintendo is more the economy gaming console, they don't market themselves as the top of the line product in their market.



No. Apple still sells mobile products with batteries that actually last all day

Yes, they should be selling consoles at a loss.

Nintendo has a cult around it, overcharges for underpowered hardware, and is immune to criticism because it makes games and hardware for a certain "demographic". Sony doesn't fit any of that.

>Nintendo = Apple
>Sony = Samsung
>Microsoft = Motorola

Applefanboys= nintendo fanboys
Stop being delusional

Yes like all other brands

Sony used to be thanks to their memory card bullshit.

Attached: D7M3Oo5.jpg (1136x640, 118K)

Their consoles are the same price and offer wayyy more power. Also Sony games usually drop to 75% off or more after a year. The absurdity of your post

This was done because the keyboard connector draws more power than what it can under the USB standard. It has two ports that put out 2.4a each on the sides of the keyboard. If you force that flat and plug another USB device in it will break it. But you can still plug the keyboard into a regular USB port or extender


Nintendo and their fans wouldn't get so much shit if they just stopped acting like they aren't just being fed the same fucking game with "NEW" in front of the title. NEW ZELDA, NEW SUPER MARIO, NEW THIS, NEW THAT.

It's the same shit you played on Wii. It's not groundbreaking or innovative.

I've heard this but I don't buy it. If anything, a different extension cord would bottleneck the power from a computer, not give too much to the keyboard. I've forced it flat with no problems before, though I'll admit that's too small of a sample size to say for sure. I still think it heavily leans toward Apple being assholes.

Nintendo products are actually good, joycon drift aside.

Nintendo is Honda
Sony is Toyota
SEGA is Mazda

The pinout is different from a regular USB extension. Also where’s the benefit in Apple doing this to be assholes? The keyboard works without it fine.

BOTW was pretty innovative for the series but it is literally the sole exception. Odyssey was also pretty unique.

This is a good analogy, but fanboys will deny it.

>npcs buying overpriced trash because they want to think they're different from those microsoft npcs
it checks out

I've been saying that ever since good old 80s/90s Nintendo because disgusting Neokiketrashitpisstendo with the Wii. the Wii reeked of piss and shit and desperate Apple LARPing, it very much could have been an Apple product

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x225, 6K)

I like mazda cars but sega? Lmao

reminding you that N.
- lobbied (without even denying it because, Japan) to have a bill that bans videogames rentals in Japan successfully passed
- is forcing publishers to pay them THRICE to publish a product on their platform: once for the "nintendo seal of approval", twice for royalties and finally for them having to buy the empy media from them (cartridge, proprietary optical, memory card) since they are the only ones manufacturing them. Never wondered why N. products NEVER lower their price even after years from release?
- is aggressively protecting their IP shutting down youtube channels and sites, and trying to lobby bills against emulation all over the world.
- has educated a generation of americans in the 80s and 90s to worship them like a cult. In this they are 100% like Apple.

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Nintendo is Hiroshima
Sony is Nagasaki
SEGA is Kuril Islands

Zelda is immune to criticism, Nintendo as a whole is not.

>tfw wii u user
i see your point, user

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And XBOXONE is Detroit....right?

isn't the wii u more powerful than the switch, anyway?

Nintendo products are family oriented. Apple products are status symbols

Come on, don't be fucking blind, user. I'd agree if you say Sony is the woke Commiefornia Marvel of the gaming industry, but Nintendo is indisputably the biggest jew in the industry, with millions of drooling sheeps who would faithfully buy any shit released by Nintendo:
>sells shallow shovelwares like 1-2-Switch, ARMS, Kirby Star Allies, Super Mario Tennis, Pokemon LGPE, and Super Mario Party at $60
>These shovelware all sell millions of copies thanks to brand names
>These shovelwares will never drop their prices because drooling sheeps will still buy them at full price anyway
>also sells literal cardboards at $80
>unsurprisingly, these cardboards become bestsellers too
>sells wagglan plastics Goycon at $80
>other Switch peripherals are overpriced too

yes, see

Disney is a more apt comparison

>its another snoygoy seething thread

>it's criticizing N.
>it has to be a Sony fanboy
thanks for proving my point kid

You're just spouting decades old memes