What are you playing right now Yea Forums?
I just finished replaying sleeping dogs.
What are you playing right now Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
darksiders 3
just gone done playing the Darkness 2
i always wondered why this series just straight up disapeared
camera controls take some getting used to but it's surprisingly fun.
About to start another run of Age of Decadence, thinking of running loremaster this time
Finally got Sea of Thieves and am enjoying it so far.
Im super hooked playing wotlk on a private server, that and modding honey select when Im horny, Im even thinking about making a VN out of it.
replayed risen 2 for some reason, I don't even know why I like that game
installing ELEX
no clue what to play next, maybe replay KCD or Arkham Knight
any advice?
I have the kind of autism that makes me play mutliple games concurrently.
-Been playing through RDR 2 for the first time, it's fucking great, I don't care for some of it's negatives, the immersion has got me by the balls.
-Playing through old game called Drakensang for the first time, very fun and basic Western RPG from the 2000's, I love that kind of shit way more than Elder Scrolls crap.
-Replaying Divinity: OS1 on Tactician Mode, melee characters only, just for fun and variety.
Have some RDR2 clips cuz I've also got the type of autism that makes me use the Share button on the PS4:
crawling through the filler between base game and the first expansion