Monster Hunter Thread

Got any last hopes for Iceborne's roster of monsters?

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MH5 with 110 monsters when and minimalist gameplay when? Getting bored of tech demos like the World series.

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>Gore and Shagaru
I would also say Mizutsune

Literally every single monster.
Except Gravios.

Hot Monkey dick
Gore and Shag

Throw Rathaos in the trash where it belongs

A reminder to make fun of LS users.

Attached: Foresight_this.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Old MH is obsolete and done for. Get over it.
I recently bought a switch for FE and wanted to download the demo but seeing the screenshots made my dick shrivel back into my body.

Its simply obsolete at this point. Its the same game over and over again. World saved the franchise.

Fanged Beasts and Leviathans, but those are probably not in until MH6. More realistically I hope Valstrax and the Magalas are in, their skeleton is very minority different to Nerg’s so it wouldn’t be too difficult to implement. I’d like Chameleos, Gigginox, Seregios and Zinogre in terms of skeletons that already exist in the game.

The little squirrel ojiisan monkeys have some of the monkey animations. Hopefully there's a surprise for Rajang, but Ryozo likes to disappoint so I'm expecting blangonga in base IB if any of the monkeys make it and Rajang in post launch.

Is there actually a single monster that came from the first generation of MH that's fun to fight?

I fought Behemoth for the first time and I gotta say, the guy's skeleton can easily be used to get Rajang in, right?


I want more new monsters
>Great Shamos
>Great Wulg or a similar Fanged Wyvern
>Puffin or penguin-like raptorial Bird Wyvern
>Another bat-like Flying Wyvern like Paolumu, but stronger, like what Yian Garuga is to Yian Kut-Ku (so not a subspecies)

Lagiacrus was 95% done for World before they decided to shelve it and Kulve with her coat on is literally Ludroth


A reminder to stop being an elitist twat and help your allies so you don't fail the quest

Yo gravios laser beam is pretty cool ok

only zinogre and great jaggi

How about a new fresh monster that isn't shit and not hoping for old monsters that have always been absolute dogshit to fight like tigrex?

>I want more -dromes and bird wyverns
Said literally no one.

>new monsters

Attached: mhw newcomers.jpg (1920x1710, 1.56M)

Never. Classic Monster Hunter died when World became the most popular game in the series. Every game from this point on will just be a World clone.

Behemoth is just a swole Zinogre

Pretty cool desu

>Its the same game over and over again. World saved the franchise.
But World is the same game again, only with far less charm?

And that's a good thing

I want them to make stronger monsters of those types for once. I don't think there's been a single raptor in the games that wasn't an early game or outright beginner monster, it's about time they changed that.

You're literally me.

Said no sane person.

No, not really. The little shits can't physically be strong. And their fights are always fucking terrible, because all they do is jump around.

>LSfag fails the Kulve Taroth siege because he tried to Foreskin Slash her puddle of Gold

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Get back on your 3DS grandpa, and let the people with taste carry the torch for the series

>Rajang with turf wars
>loses against literally nothing
My dick is ready

His favorite monster is Khezu or something, his taste is absolutely atrocious

>HR600 LSfriend carts twice in AT Nergi because he wants to show off and Foresight Slash every dive

It's a shame that they probably won't keep Rajang's inclusion a secret like they did with Bazel whenever the hot monkey dick returns
I want to see people shit themselves when they hear that distorted ass roar in the middle of fighting something else

The fact that people die to Nergigante's dive just shows how randoms have just gotten dumber with World
You have all the time in the world to sheathe and superman dive you fucking shitters

Anyone has that one webm of an LSfag under baby blanket carting to AT Nerg during foresight slash?

>but nintendo!!!
Why are Worldbabs so fucking stupid? Monster Hunter started with PlayStation.

It's Rahtalos, but close enough.

The fights are usually terrible because they've only ever been designed specifically as tutorial or filler monsters. If they actually designed a raptor for mid or end game they could probably make a decently fun fight out of it. Great Maccao was a decent start.

>Go into a normal Nerg quest to farm for G-rank weapons
>Rajang just fucking Blanka balls in and has a turf war with him
>Beats the shit out of him and then hurls him at you, can damage you if it hits
I like to be hopeful, they regained my trust after Glavenus and Brach

be quiet listposter

Amazing how shit players will do anything to get that minute moment of superiority. You were doing fuck all in that hunt anyways, I'm going to bet the ls was doing better dps than your unoptimized rotation like who the fuck uses DmC cb even diablos is better. And kjarr ice even more so. Shitters like you need to be shot.

That is actually worse

Maccao is just as bad. Just because its jumping around animation looks slightly different, doesn't make its fight any better than the other dromes.

Bazel,nerg and vaal are the only ones that made any impact to me imho but excited for iceborne and the eventual world 2

You can die while using the cheater mantle?


You absolutely can. It only nullifies attacks that have a strong knockback. Attacks that only trip or stagger still go through and do full damage, as do DoT effects and environmental damage.

U still get hit sometimes. Idk why but like if the monster is running(?) like nerg i still get chipped dmg

Some attacks don't trigger it yes, specifically there's a strange interaction were using foresight with temporal where it ends your i-frames too early and you'll get hit

Jabs are considered light attacks, doesn't trigger temporal. ATs don't have "light" attacks, every attack has potential to kill you. It's very much possible to die with mantle on because shit rng. Like nerg 2x hand swipes.

It only blocks attacks that knock you down

>Great Maccao
Shit taste

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Dare you gaze into the autism?

it boggles my mind how LS is supposedly the most popular weapon when it feels like one of the hardest to use as a baseline. I use basically every melee weapon at least competently but LS is just too intimidating to feel like I'm ever being effective with it. what is the attraction of the weapon?

LS foresight slash and GS shoulder tackle overwrite the temporal mantle effect. In case of foresight slash - even after the iframes end, the animation still has some superarmor frames following them, so you can mistime it, take damage, and STILL get your counter and spirit finisher.

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Your feelings are wrong.

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Muh katana folded 2 times

that makes sense i suppose, i remember being pretty confused when i-framed half way through his dive only for his lower half to instantly kill me

I can't time Foresight Slash at all. It crushed all my hopes of using Longsword.

the basic moves are awkward as fuck and the whole MO of the weapon is to be perfectly positioned while constantly hitting the attack button, repositioning with fade slash, and avoiding everything perfectly with foresight. I have literally never pulled off a combo longer than like four seconds with it. Meanwhile I can beat just about anything with hammer, CB, GS, lance, gunlance, etc which all feel much easier and more forgiving.
that's part of what makes it hard for me, but the fact that you have to be mid combo with it makes it so much worse

>sword and shield loses its unique ability to shoot slingers whilst weapon is drawn
>doesnt get anything to compensate
>is basically just shit twin blades with a shit shield

It's fast and strong enough for shitters to use without even properly charging the spirit gauge, it's flashy enough to attract people who want a cool weapon, and foresight slash has like 50 seconds of invincibility so shitters who can master that feel like gods while most other weapons languish with their sub-par defensive options
t. longsword user

I don't really like it much but it's not nearly as tight as you feel it is. Spending a lot of time beating up Dodogama in the arena was pretty good practice to feel the weapon out.

>Pinned by Game Informer
>Game Informer
>1 month ago
>J-Just to clear up any confusion, we d-don't reveal any new monsters in Iceborne in this video, hehe. Dan Tack was trying to remember the name of a monster from a past game, whose name he didn't know despite fucking using it as one of his mains in MH Stories, and couldn't possibly think of that monster in the first place unless he just fucking saw it recently. Thanks for watching!

Attached: it's khezu.png (939x599, 1.04M)

It's my favorite weapon, it's a shame I didn't get to use it sooner. I love being a healslut while still doing decent damage and contributing to my team with mounts. Plus I bet the SnS slinger is still faster, the Lance shielded stance one seems clunky and slow, do any other weapons get to fire the slinger when unsheathed?

guy keeps carting everytime I meet him in a hunt

What is this? Sekiro guardian ape crossover? He was guarding a white flower too

It got a new just-frame combo that does a shit load of damage if you do it right and can fire multiple slinger shots at once

Yeah I think they gave up damage controling on that slip up

It's just some shitty "kawaii" drawing of Rajang handing a flower to some random loli blob

>we're not saying it's khezu but it's khezu.

You got an entire new strong as fuck combo dumbass

Could also be Gigginox
Or God forbid, something new entirely

it's probably a psychological thing born by the fact that foresight slash is so good at what it's for and the fact that I know that you CAN play well enough to do constant pressure and the moveset supports it. Honestly I should just give up on trying to figure it out on my own and go to youtube for a guide if I actually want to learn how to use it

Console brainlets are the worst. Holy shit. They don't have the patience nor any skills and actively shit on those that do hahahaha

That probably happens because they don't input a direction when they use foresight slash. If they're facing Nerg when he dives, which they most likely do to actually see him coming, then foresight slash animation would make them dodge back slightly, effectively putting them back into the path of Nergs dive. So if they mistime it, by the time their iframes end, they'd be chasing the Nerg's hitbox with their dodge. So you want to pull the stick back to do a 180 foresight, so you'd dodge away from the Nerg's path when he lands.

Cool to see that Barioth's eyes still change

Gigginox wasn't in Stories, so it's Khezu, unfortunately.

if true and not a 3-4 framer, that fucking sucks

Doesnt Foresight invulnerability wears off if you hit it? If a monster has a multi-tick attack you're pretty much fucked if you use it right?

40 frames is more than enough. Still nothing compared to valor/brave infinite iframes GU shitters forget about.

The window on the perfect rush is pretty tight, but it's not literally one frame, you'll be okay.

Yeah but it has to be something really fast and I can't think of much that's like that in World right now.

I hope we get Steve.
I hope we don't get Khezu.

It's monster hunter dude not a fighting game lol
it's closer to 2-3 frames and not literally frame perfect, it requires some practice but there already SnS mains who can get the frame on every hit in the combo

No, it's continuous iframe period. Although if the multi-hit attack is slow enough, they it will fuck you up, true.

Pretty much, but you can angle yourself to dodge away from the attack in a lot of cases, or the actual dodge itself will cause the other attacks to miss you
The only time I've really eaten shit is with AT nerg slams/paw swipes

I hope we get both
Mostly Seregios though


I actually agree

Possible tier
>confirmation of Zinogre
>Gigginox, Khezu, or both to satisfy all faggots
Unlikely tier
>S. Queen and the male
>by extension, Nerscylla
>Mizu, Gammoth, Astalos
The rest will be subs and stuff, I dont think they can really add any more but I would welcome it


I enjoy Yian Garuga for how purposefully infuriating he is, but objectively all the gen 1 monsters are mediocre or outright bad. I like to give Capcom a lot of shit for not knowing what the fuck they’re doing with this series 99% of the time, but they really got a LOT better at designing engaging fights over the years.

Nah it’s not that similar unfortunately. It’s pretty close to Zinogre though, and it reuses a lot of Nergigante animations.

Honestly, just chuck literally everyone in already. It's not like oversaturation will break the online system anymore than SOS already does.

Why did they create Xeno'Jiiva? It's such a boring goddamn fight, smashing it's feet for 20 minutes. The only serious danger is passing out from boredom.

G Rank games rarely add fully original monsters beyond the flagship and final boss, Banbaro and Beotodus existing is actually far more than we usually get.

there is probably some guy playing mhw...
who started with mhw...
and he thinks he is GOOD with his 30 minute luna clears...
*heavy breathing*

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*screees at you in ayy*
*ground tremors*
*lights ground on fire*

I checked /mhg/ because I wanted even more discussion and maybe the chance to play with other Anons and it was one of the least comfy threads I have ever seen. Seems like listfag's headquarters plus drama with regular players from there. I'm so disappointed.

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Yeah. If you go on reddit or gamefqs or even /mhg/ people call AT Nergi a shitty fight because it has a single move which is a bit faster amd harder to dodge than usual.
In gen 1 or 2 there was so much bullshit it was simply accepted.

Mitsuzune is my favorite monster aesthetically. Chameleos second.

Have you tried the AT version?

Most generals are cancerous, because it only takes 1 fag to shit them up
In /mhg/'s case it's like 10 fags spamming the same shit every day

How do I solo at nergigante?

foreskin slash
baby mantle

/mhg/ has gone to shit almost four years ago.

They probably cant do that until their final MH game, or else the next game in the series can never live up to the roster of the previous one

>Rajang turf war where he fucking eviscerates a Kirin

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Just did AT Kush for the first time. I used LS.
I expected worse but he honestly seemed really tame compared to the rest of them. Sucks that he doesn’t come falling out of the sky when you flash him but I expected all of his wind nonsense to be way more troublesome than it actually ended up being. I suppose it would be a nightmare if you let him get to the top of the mountain but I never let him leave once he started to limp.

Anyway thanks for reading my blog. It’s fun catching up on all of this at once.

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foresight slash through EVERYTHING even moves you don't have to

For me, it's the Magnet Spike

Attached: mhfzz magnet spike 2.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

/mhg/ exists for only one reason and it's sure as hell not the thread itself.

Why the fuck did they make so much shit require dragonite in GU but then they made it one of the rarests things to obtain?

World Luna is stronger than previous Lunas though.

Go full on offense, focus the spikes while they're still white to break them and knock Nerg down. If you can, you can pace your damage output on the downed Nerg in such a way, that the next batch of spikes breaks as soon as he gets up. Because breaking them while he's down won't lead to another trip until he gets up. But don't get too greedy when he's up and anticipate the slam. It doesn't actually have good tracking and has pretty short active hitbox, so as long as you're not animation locked, you should be able to roll it.

It certainly helps that monsters don't universally share 80% of the same Wyvern moveset these days. Even the flying wyverns are getting more unique every time they're forced to completely redo the monsters like Tri and World

But AT nerg isn't a fun fight, mostly for the same reasons that a lot of the early gen monsters weren't fun: t's fast, does tons of damage and doesn't have many openings
The benefit of World is that at least there are better tools to help cope with that sort of shit, but it's still not very fun
And yet it's still somehow a better fight than all the other ATs aside from Xeno

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I genuinely hope they start repurposing most of the Frontier stuff for the main series. Even if that means just making the Freedom/Portable series into Frontier lite. Seems like a bunch of cool ideas to let rot in a dying lobby MMO.

It's just Kush that doesn't drop the moment you flash it. Pretty disappointing AT, because no other functional chances to the fight has been made. Like with Luna. Mostly just number inflation.

nah, he just takes a Kirin's (or a Kirin sluts) anal virginity

Congrats, Cuteanon. I actually did it today too! I was going for the Guild Cross layered armor and honestly the double Diablos quest was harder than AT Kush. He didn't seem to have as much extra HP / damage as say, AT Nergi, who is still my favorite fight.

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Anyone would like to help me fight Ancient Leshen?
It is the only thing (besides AT Luna, fuck her) that I did not do yet, and I want those Witcher weapons.

After he enters the 2nd half of the fight (the wing stretch and big roar) play super fucking safe and only commit more than a poke or two on big recoveries because he can bodyslam at any time

It's stupid how many people are parroting losers like Akantorex, and call ATN "bad design", but can't explain why.

I want him crushing Rathalos in a turf war

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Some of the Yea Forums threads have been pretty good with both World and classic MH discussion going on with minimal shitflinging. Unfortunately Yea Forums lobbies are very rare but the few I've joined have were great.

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>Rathalos tries to fly up and fireball Rajang
>Rajang just fucking jumps up, grabs him by the neck, and punches Rath in the face until he's KO'd

The next 10 years of mainline will be based on World. And they will obviously make a Frontier 2.

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Classic Monster Hunter died with Freedom Unite though, Tri to GU was Bing Hunter and World onwards is Graphics Hunter.

You can just do it with randoms, it's not that hard, just kinda boring. You can just throw together a wide-range healer slut set and carry them to victory. And there are plenty of "support mains" online to begin with, especially in the endgame quests.

>Rath tries to use the poison claws
>Seregios outmanoeuvres him and shreds his wings with his scales

I swear to god if the new cave monster is a shitty fucking Khezu

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> And they will obviously make a Frontier 2.
Better localize it this time fuckers.

I don't think so, or if they do it won't be Capcom Online Games developing it. Both Frontier and DDO are being shut down at the same time which isn't a good sign for that department's future.

Frontier has a couple of late game Bird Wyverns, but none of them use the raptor skeleton lmao.

Good stuff user. I’m making all of the armor and layered stuff. Not much else to do but it seemed like a decent goal just to have something to work on until September.

COG killed Deep Down. Fuck them.

But they are not shutting down Explore

Are we assuming this random retard who doesnt even know the names of monsters to not mix them up? Especially when its going from a cartoony styled model to a brand new HD one?

Astalos would be cool as fuck
Steve x Astalos x Rath turf war

It's the best fight in the game in my opinion. The floating slam is a bit unfair though, at least against slower weapons.

How to Glavnenus' have sex?

I was thinking it will be a "brand new monster" who is basically just a different colored clone with a tweaked gimmick, just like how they introduced Radobaan first before Uragaan appeared

khezu is based and you cannot deny that

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Except the all powerful Greatest Velocidrome.

Attached: mhf velocidrome.webm (960x540, 1M)

"Yeah, I'll make a screaming penis as a monster" - some MH designer, reading a doujin

It really depends on which weapon you're using, a lance or LS user will definitely have a better time than someone using a switch axe for example

Did he spit a farcaster?

>And they will obviously make a Frontier 2.
I don't think, honestly. They said Dragon's Dogma was never going to be made until DD Online was around, so they clearly want to not have competition between mainline multiplayer titles and their MMO versions.
Since MH6/MHW2 will be released at the start of the next generation, they will probably turn to it into a Frontier-ish MH on console, with multiple years of free DLCs and more than one paid expansion.

It's fine for me if they actually reworked him into a decent fight.
Nu-Kirin was made way more enjoyable than the old one.

As based as Seregios is, he'd get is skull caved in by Astalos

The japanese have a very quirky sense of humor, they made a penis monster and then they made an anus monster

Sadly they probably won’t have him win against Elder Dragons except Kirin, since he doesn’t have a reason to appear during their hunts. Even if he did I doubt that he’d overpower a flagship Elder Dragon, let alone a current one.

how do i cb? tired of playing ig

He might be a retarded game journo, but we can be sure he's not blind.

Just like the t.rex

>huntress gets knocked into the air and lands
>full view of her ass and thighs
>crawls through gap
>panty shot
Goddamnit, I shouldn't have played as a girl. My dick gets so hard playing this fucking game. Can't even focus on fighting.

Sensual moonlit tail sharpening.

Whatever it was, if it was even real to begin with, probably wasn't Frontier.

They wank on their tails, then slip the seed into the vagoo. That's how it works in the animal kingdom often. You're lucky you get your penis proper wet during sex. Well, maybe not (You).

In one of the later difficulties in Frontier, Velocidrome spits random status effects including Farcasters

>article from 2015
>rumored release is 2016
This was either cancelled or the people hired were working on vanilla World.

I could see a Switch exclusive MH title in the future, but there is no fucking way they will push two different MH games with their own updates on the same platforms.

For SnS should I bother building all different elemental builds or just build a wide range set for co-op and a raw set?

>in MH
It's shit. Try the tight pants, like Dante or Comission.

Raw is most effective if you can consistently spam shield bashes on weakpoints but otherwise elemental is your best bet

Based on the investor call from earlier this year any Switch exclusive monhuns are going to be spin offs like the Palico village and Stories. They straight up said that there's no MonHun in development for Switch or planned for Switch and that all resources are going to supporting Iceborne after it launches and development of a next gen title.
You know for a fact that they're going to push a World sequel on PS5/Xbox/PC now that they're past 13 million on current gen. Plus launching earlier in a gen means they can do games as a service methods for next World until the market demands World 3.

>Based on the investor call from earlier this year any Switch exclusive monhuns are going to be spin offs like the Palico village and Stories
You got a link or something?

If World 2 launches early in the generation I could actually see it getting more than 1 expansion. With maybe a spinoff or two as filler.

Needed a final boss and someone found the Grigori skeleton rig from Dragon’s Dogma on a USB laying around the office.

Don't tease me like this my friend

>charge O until red, R1+O, fill phials
>charge O until red again
>triangle+O x2, R2 on 2nd triangle+O, charge phials into shield
>R1+O, fill phials then charge triangle for sword phial charge
>keep filling phials with charged sword and throw them with SAED
have fun

Not before the World spinoff next year ala MHX and its subsequent G rank game. 4th gen have set the standard for 4 games per generation.

Not hope for iceborne, but,
How on Earth do my friends and I beat ancient leshen? We beat EX behemoth fair and square, but this guy is some bs

this hurt my autism

t. akantorex

Garuga is a fun Hammer hunt.

Attached: best monster.png (1265x701, 909K)

My only problem with him is the fucking slam that takes only a second from initiation to completion that he can do as many times as he likes whenever he feels like. The rest of his attacks can be predicted fairly well because of how he chains them, but that slam is pretty unfair. I’d love him if not for that.

Not that guy, but investor related stuff can be easily found on their site.

replace with B and Y respectively if it hurts too much

its not wrong though, thats the general gameplan of the weapon

If 4th gen mattered then World would have be a mobile game from the start. Also X was the 10th anniversary game. Iceborne is the 15th anniversary game. You pattern doesn't fit.

Reddit says Khezu is obsolete since Gigginox is everything Khezu is just more interesting, and the only reason to want Khezu is nostalgia goggles.

Is Reddit right?

Nah Capcom have said they’re focusing on the global market first and foremost now, and COG’s focus was on Japan only games. Both their games are now being shit down and their last project Deep Down has been a gargantuan money sink that never released, so I’m assuming they and the legacy of Japan only Capcom games is over.

It can be annoying when that happens, but the slam can be rolled even without evade window or extender skills. When you have to do it reliably multiple times in a row, it's very tough, but doable. It can be very demanding, but it's not unfair.

It's Garuga's anus seeking peck but with range
It's a pain in the ass but you just gotta always expect it

It's my least favorite move, too.
It unironically feels like what fighting every monster in dauntless feels like, and it sucks.

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SAED is situational, and spamming it would only lead to trading hits and/or wasting phials. And even worse if the player is inexperienced.

>AT Nerg is just a yian garuga with OHKO moves
Now that I think of it this way, I can actually go out and beat it

That is like saying "why have monoblos if you can just have barioth"

It’s bullshit but the rumours that they killed it intentionally so they wouldn’t have to release a game in the West due to the producer or some other big wig at COG being a massive racist are pretty funny and wouldn’t actually be surprising if true.

>Suggesting SAED spam.
Not unless you wanna be lame. Hunters who actually like to have fun utilise guard points and positioning to keep up consistent damage.
SAED is ONLY for sleeping monsters in the absence of a GS/Party wide bomb, on your successful KO or for all Rath fights.

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For once in their life, yes


>Gigginox hasn't been used since 3G
>Khezu showed up in 4th gen
Reddit continues to not know what the fuck they're talking about and if anyone ever listened to them we wouldn't have Diablos around either. The only people that want Giggi are tribabs. If people wanted him around they'd have kept putting him in games.

Gigginox thunder sub is a plain better Khezu

"Situational" here meaning "any time the monster is in front of you"

Every game is an anniversary game. MH is a yearly series after all. And I see you've forgotten about MHXX; the 12th year anniversary game. Since MHX is the 11th year anniversary game which is kinda odd.

it’s not that the slam is hard to dodge, in fact it’s piss easy to dodge if you’re just standing there waiting for it. it’s the fact that nergi can do it virtually any time he likes during his attack recoveries and it comes out so fast that it seals away virtually all openings for slow weapons to do damage because they cannot commit to anything

Now you're just being dumb on purpose. X was X because X is 10 and also for wordplay on across generations.

That's not "something Reddit says", that is fact
It's like saying you shouldn't drink water because Reddit does

>He doesn't go for the meaty SAED whenever available
Okay virgin

Don’t scientists not actually know how most dinosaurs fucked? It’s pretty funny that we can figure out so much about them from fossils but not how they actually made more of themselves. For all we know they could have done it like spiders do where the female laid her eggs and the male came all over them, and they just didn’t fuck at all.

Since i'm only just getting back into World, I barely even feel like using the foresight slash. I just fucking dodged everything.

>the fact that nergi can do it virtually any time he likes
It's not a fact, but a misconception. He only does the slam after certain other actions or from neutral. He cannot cancel his recovery with it either.

And also the 11th anniversary game and MHXX is the 12th anniversary game. But if you want to discuss seriously, MHX is the Portable equivalent since the Playstation "Portable" is no longer the the MH platform, and MHX is crossing all of the Portable games ; obvious by it having only the Portable villages.

How do I get prepared for the Arch Tempered fights?

I've beaten Zorah and Kushala so far. The rest seem like absolute monsters, though I haven't tries Xeno yet. I'm using the Axe of Demons + Drachen armor, but think all the attack shit isn't helping me, since I die. I feel like I've hit my first World-wall, and don't know how to climb it.

Diablos is a shit monster so we wouldn't lose anything

Well, if you just want to dismiss the word of reason and continue singing your tune, I can't stop you. Be ineffective with the weapon if you want. Just don't try "teaching" others then.

Been fucking around with some weapons I don't normally use because a friend wanted to do arena quests, LS and GL are surprisingly fun, but I'm also terrible with them
How do I weeb and stabby shotgun?

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Sure thing buddy. Iceborne even getting a G rank means the pattern is dead too since the only console G game was the original G. Everything else was a mobile port.

Health augments, health boost level 3, temporal mantle
Bonus points for using max potions to heal rather than chugging all your mega potions after 3 hits

For Vaal you might want to stack some Recovery Boost to countereffect his canceraids, since recovery boost affects your weapon's health aug procs. For Xeno you might want to get tremor res, if you're not confident in your positioning skills. The other ATs are mostly the same fights just with number bloat.

MH4, base game
MH4G, base game G rank
MHX, spinoff game
MHXX, spinoff game G rank

All on the same console, all carrying roughly the same 4th gen assets. In case you've forgotten.

he can chain it after
-kelbi hop
-instant paw slam
-heavy claw swipe
-slow flying slam

which is pretty much 90% his moveset

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>the only console G game was the original G
3U released on the Wii U

>How do I weeb
LS is one of the more straightforward weapons in the game. What is there to explain?
>stabby shotgun
Depends on the shelling type. The only "shotgun" is the Normal GL.

Hope someone get the copy soon, just like happened with world, and leak all monsters in the roster.

You're never going to get a handheld MH game again after the success of MHW.
Get over it.

SAED does so much more damage than every other option the CB has that it's barely optimal to use anything else
Of course you CAN use other options, but even a half-whiffed SAED does enough damage for general use compared to other shit

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Some other guy responded to you, not me.

You're right about it being situational but its part of the gameplan all the same, just as dancing around with directional circle is. But I didn't mention either or any of the other 100 things he'll have to grind out with the weapon to actually learn it because it'd take more than 2 posts to finish writing and the general guideline of holding off on your phials for when the time is right to do big damage on a downed or distracted mon with SAED instead of blowing your load on other axe attacks is still there.

So calm your tism. General guidelines are just that, general. They don't account for the many situations in the game and no mon plays the same ever. Anyone who plays MH should already know that.

not true for kjarr ice due to the way elemental phials work, unfocused saed hits can do crappy damage compared to aed on something like teo’s head

With the inclusion of Behemoth and Leschen, we now have access to guest monsters for hunters to fight for the first time in Monster Hunter World. Which third-party guest monsters do you guys want in Iceborne? I'll begin:

A Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus. Wanderer layered armor when?

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Thanks. I can't find any Hero's Streamstones for Axe augmentation, but I have a one for LS. Thinking of adding Health to Kjarr Sword Fire and use it specifically for hunting AT Vaal Hazak.

>ywn have teh rie as your huntress' voice

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wtf is going on in this image?

True, which is why I actually like the Kjarr ice, even if it is blatantly overpowered


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2B and 9S layered armor. LS and Lance weapons.

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It's not all about damage.
AED damage is focused on a single body part, rather being spread like SAED, which is better for staggers, part breaks and KO, which in turn lead to more attack opportunities and monster downtime. AED is also faster and more efficient with phials. Not to mention that if you just spam SAED whenever you can, you'll just miss them or eat a hit yourself. SAED are situational because they can only be used when there's a big enough opening for you reliably land the SAED on a weak spot and recover. It's a better burst damage option whenever you can fit one, but that by no means suggests that you should be spamming it whenever you have full phials available. Nor that charging phials is all you should care in the sword mode either.

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I don't really want more crossovers, I'd rather they just put all that effort into more regular monsters.

Ryozo and the MHW director said their crossover dream was Godzilla.
That would be cool and the idea for armors/weapons would be crazy, but it would be a Zorah reskin so fuck that.

Someone in the last thread recommended the Guardian Ape and I think that would be certified dope.

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This build today got me a 15min on vaal and 17 on teo, both ATs. Try it with LS, change effluvia charm into anything else that helps with other ATs, change the element jewels to the ones you want or make them into more expert jewels if you're using raw weapon and maybe change the 2 power prolonger charms for critical up or evade extender. Its pretty versatile.

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GS and duals could also work for Automata weps.

Fighting to the Godzilla theme would be the good shit. But it would also be fucking awful due to size.

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>What is there to explain
I guess I felt like there was something I wasn’t doing right. I can get quick kills, but from what I understand, it’s the go-to tail-cutting weapon and I seem to have trouble cutting tails compared to when I use GS
As for the Gunlance, didn’t know that, only really used it on the Barroth once while getting some coins.

It's a Capcom game with perfect enemies to include in MH. Just fucking do it.

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>A Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus
Chug city if it ever happens.
But to answer your question if it ever comes back to Nintendo one of the Face Mechon from Xenoblade if not then Hirudegarn for some DB sets.

>tfw too shit to do anything outside of the base game elders
>don't know what augments are
>haven't even seen a kulve taroth
>can't participate in any discussion of the game, don't know what I'm talking about
>get bullied for having never done an AT monster
>haven't even fought lunastra yet
>constant thoughts of perceived inadqueacy, want to sell PS4
>literally everyone is better at the game
>just keep farming regular monsters
>will never have layered anything
Should I just uninstall and cancel preorder? I'm not sure Iceborne is going to be right for me.

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Dyaus Pita

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just SOS up on tempered quests to get the hang of stuff and look up what augments are friend
I'm awful at the game too and I don't have any augments but I was able to get a couple of ATs done with randoms

Dude, if you're that shit just make an SnS set and mash to victory.

Well, why HAVEN'T you done any of those thing? What's stopping you?

Go fight Lunastra and get your temporal mantle. Use a cool drink, upgrade your armor's defense.

You unlock the ability to Augment a weapon after you beat HR49 Kirin, if I remember right.

Give me an answer for not trying any of the content you mentioned not having done, one that doesn't include
>bad so i cant :(
If you do write that then yeah, you deserve ridicule.

Everyone's bad until they learn and then they're not. Change your mindset already. SOS flares are there for a reason if you're so scared of solo too.

are these fucking hunter voices? I recognize like half of them from their faces alone and pretty much all my favorites are there. That's some cast right there.

Isn't the lion/tiger version more appropriate for MH?

Not necessarily. You unlock weapon augs when you get any of the weapon streamstones, which you can get from T2 investigations.

I'm actually horrible at this game but I like it, then hate it, then like it again.
I've tried SnS, even made Jho SnS but I'm terrible at that too.
Lunastra scares me. I hate Teostra as it is, getting his gloves was hell. I don't want to imagine that but worse.

Yes those are premium voices.

one of the giant movie monsters

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

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Perseverance trumps difficulty even with the lack of skill. I've seen carebears go straight from Animal Crossing to Dark Souls and beat it through sheer willpower.

Is the only way to deal with AT Nerg's flying slam with Lance to have Evade Extender to be abe to reliably shuffle forwards fast enough? If he does it from neutral I can avoid it fine or just block it but if he does it as a followup I can't survive the chip damage and also don't have enough time after getting up to dodge forward far enough. And if you try to stay down the last hit still clips you.

New flying wyverns are still shit as the ones from gen1, only raths, seregios and astalos stand out of the rest.

Fucking CGO wasting money on their P2W shit like that, instead of just using those voices for the mainline.

Beat them up again and again until you can do it with your eyes closed.

>He doesn't exert his dominance by styling all over the monsters.
Whatever, fag.

Since most people are listing the same monsters, I'll say alatreon. Nostalgia for tri might have something to do with it, but I remember that fight being fun. Since they've been reworking monsters, I could see them giving him a mode for each element instead of the ice/lightning and fire/dragon thing

He’d actually fit decently in Monster Hunter based on his moveset. Not conceptually or design wise but as a fight sure. Kind of the opposite case to the crossover monsters done so far.

Maybe CB isn't for you

Quality opinions

guard 3 or 4

remember that dog is your friend

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I have Guard 3 and Health Boost 3 with 490 def before eating and blocking the flying dunk still does like a 5th of my HP in chip. If he does it as a followup to a knockdown it doesn't leave me with many options

He was in the accurate leak for the base game but alongside Oroshi Kirin wasn’t added as DLC like Deviljho and Lunastra were, so he’s definitely at least been in the works on and off for a couple years.


Wait, who is the anus monster?

I'm sick of Odo. I grinded for his set in LR and HR not to mention the Mega Man event.

Something from Dauntless so they can make a better monster

Grigori's cool and all but he's not actually a very fun fight in his own game, and I say this as someone who loves Dragon's Dogma

>lance of longius weapon
>EVA armour
>plugsuit armour
>angel fights

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He’d be even more jarring and out of place than Behemoth and Leahen but this guy would be awesome.

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if these are sold separately I'd buy like 1 or 2 in world.

Some jap meme called the bubble tea challenge where people, usually women, drink from the cup while holding it with their breasts alone.
As you can see, teo's cup boiled and exploded and kush just can't keep it still due to its aura.

Gigginox I presume

you really shouldn't be blocking 2 attacks in succession and if it comes down to a situation where you feel you'll have to, power block them

Gigginox, because of how his mouth looks and stretches like a sphincter (minus the teeth of course).

I thought Nerg's hand exploded for some goddamn reason.

>Khezu shock circles, but bigger.
>AOE attacks big enough to catch almost all weapons of they're attacking.
>Only blunt damage has any safe to target location to attack.
>Tracking Rajang thunder balls.
>Quick, far reaching chase down attacks to catch gunners.
>Immune to Paralysis.
>Elemental Weakness equivalent would be Dragon, not too commonly used.
>Only major downside is 1-2 attacks leave him stationary for a bit.
>Edgy wing mode in it's entirety.
Would he be, dare I say it, the most annoying Monster?

>minus the teeth of course
haha yeah

Do any of the challenge quests give Ace Hunter coins or are my options really only arena 8 and 9?

0% chance that setpiece fight would work outside of the game
lovely ost though

I'm talking about if I eat a hit, if I was blocking two in a row I could survive but losing 80% of my HP and then immediately having Nerg flying over my head is a death sentence with no time to start up a charge
And powerguarding most of Nerg's big shit is a really bad idea unless you have no choice because then you eat even more chip

Despite doing them all I can't even remember because I didn't pay much attention to that. The tempered Nerg challenge does but I'm not sure that one is up.

A chinese dragon monster would be a nice design, in general.

But think of the good drops.

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Oh shit a fellow assmouth. Keep on keeping on brother, having teeth in your asshole is a tough condition to live with.

Nope, sick of it.

It is not, unfortunately.

I don't remember there being an attack from AT Nerg that can do 80% on 500+ def apart from the actual big ones that have a visible tell and a big windup.

If you eat those then you can either stay down to avoid the followup or take the cart if you're stuck on a really bad spot. So in order for that to not happen, you gotta avoid them.

You forgot
>Great Jagras
>Great Girros
and I guess since you have Iceborne monsters there:
>Shrieking Legiana
>Fulgur Anjanath
>Ebony Odogaron

But hey who’s counting?

>he hasn’t fought a frenzied GQ 140 Velocidrome

The flying dunk takes so long to execute that the last hit still clips you even if you stay down as long as possible, I guess the real answer is never get hit in the first place

The golden anus face lion in Death Stranding as a cross-promotion

>Troy Baker’s character gets stranded in the MH World too and shit talks you all throughout the hunt

You mean the flying dunk from after you get knocked down hard right? The one where he flies up before coming down.

Yeah, that one's much more dangerous in AT now. If you get into that situation you're 80% dead. I tried evade extender on it and decided to keep the skill but couldn't get it to lvl3 so even when I got up late and dodge towards nergi to avoid the spikes afterwards, it was a true 50/50. No actual tell whether I'd dodge clearly or not.

Either get EE lvl3 or don't get knocked down/take the cart.

What's the meme with the monsters becoming more realistic? Are the monsters from the older games really that non-realistic?

A dumb meme pushed by retards who only saw the shitty first trailer

It’s just shitposting really. World’s art style is a bit more grounded and realistic than past games due to the increased visual fidelity, but the actual subject matter and how it’s portrayed hasn’t changed at all. It just looks ever so slightly more believable, not that that’s saying much.

Not realistic per say, I think grounded might be a more appropriate word.

I tried, and all the randoms just cart at the last phase

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Is Ancient Leshen just as weak to Igni as nornal Leshen?

Try to save your Ignis to break people out of the bullshit grab

>only with far less charm
It has more soul than your entire lineage, which I suppose isn't saying much.

It's just that World finally gave the devs a means to portray the monsters as just wild animals living through their daily lives (marking territory, eating, taking a shit, sleeping, etc.)

>stumble on anjanath taking in the sunset on his little beachside cliff
I can't kill this fucker anymore now.

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The fact that anybody dies in any of the previous MH games shows how much stupider the previous players are. You have all the time in the world to sheathe and leave the area to drink pots.

The whole point of guard point is SAED. This isn’t 4U.

I thought they said switch would still get classic style games

Of course it's realistic and grounded
Did you see the giant alien dragon, or the Godzilla turtle?

not if you play bow/hbg/lbg

You can essentially do the same thing since monster don't actually chase you for great distances


In that case you deserve it

>Are the monsters from the older games really that non-realistic?
Visually? Yes.
Gameplay wise? No. Xeno alone makes it just as unrealistic as the other games.

>the actual subject matter and how it’s portrayed hasn’t changed at all
I wouldn't say that's entirely true. A lot of World's new monsters definitely feel like they were designed to be more grounded than previous monsters (mainly from 3rd and 4th gen), and it's especially apparent with monsters like Glavenus being reintroduced. He's being treated the same as any other World monster, but he still sticks out like a sore thumb thanks to his design and concept.

it really is shit in terms of discussion, but I still find great lobbies for XX, 4U, and MHW. Seriously, the rooms are shockingly comfy compared to how fucking bad the general is

3 years later and I still dont get it. The PC Rooms however, are legitimately bad

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The fire breathing dragons make it extra grounded
Jokes aside, it was a meme spouted by people who think "realistic" means colourless and shitty, even went as far as to say real birds aren't colorful

It all started in the first trailer, they saw Anjanath in the first trailer and they all shitposted about being just a regular dinosaur, which I guess it's kinda true.
Then at launch they ignored shit like Bazel, Kulve Taroth, Xeno, Odo or Dodogama.
Now that we have the same dinosaur but with stripes and thunders and not one but two Glavenus, one of which has a fucking katana as a tail, they probably just jumped out a bridge.

>the chance to play with other Anons
There are rooms daily, at least for PC. Just CTRL+F "pc room" or "3pseat".

>but he still sticks out like a sore thumb
He really doesn't.

don't fucking do this. It's legitimately awful compared to other rooms.

stop shitposting so much even in Yea Forums neph

He does not fail.

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You shouldn't lie on the internet, that's a sin.

>t-rex that breathes fire
>bat-rat-thing that somehow floats by inhaling air
>literal wizard wyvern that shoots ice out of nowhere
>Gorgonopsid that is somehow able to walk even if it's hands are a biological mess
>dromeosaurid with fins somehow able to function like a pho tocamera
>fat lizard surviving with a diet based on rocks
>all of these realistic or grounded in any way, shape or form
Read a book nigger

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That makes me really happy. Like pickle, I technically never finished his armor set due to bad internet. Thanks for making my day

No I'm serious. Give the rooms a try if you don't believe me. There's like 3 separate autists from PC alone
>one that checks your dps average through a modded meter
>one that blatantly cheats
>one that spams constantly on the chat
only one of them gets the boot, but most of the time they do nothing about it cause general infamy

read the fucking description
>defends against STRONG monster attacks
the ones that actually do anything threatening AKA the ones you should learn to avoid rather than relying on the temporal
weak attacks like nergigantes cat jab still hit you

t. retard that has never touched pc rooms and only gets his opinion from the general

a bug
a mammal
just something that isn't a brute wyvern or pseudo wyvern

based puking iguana

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We have heard your requests here at the monster hunter team and we're proud to announce another flying wyvern monster

I've played in the rooms since october. The only issue is the latter two because it's the same person nobody pays attention to.

They already give you 2 attack jewels for free how the fuck do you have 0

Shitposters =/= people who actually plays the game
Especially considering listfag's high uptime in the threads, it explains a lot of shit

>want to get rid of the FF music
>do the behemoth quest and finish it
>music is still there
I love FF, but jesus stop this. It's out of place

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theyre equipped

I think problem with Glav is it's backward spike on and 4th gen color palate in general.

Not that guy. But compared to an aquatic blind fox lizard who can release blue fire, those are far more grounded.

You need to host the room, not completing other's special assignment
Also need to do the slay behe one not the repel

How come he's deleted instantly on Yea Forums but left alone in /vg/? he still breaks the same rules (ban-evasion, spam, flamewar, low quality etc.)

Every time.

No, they're not, they're all stupid fantasy monsters
You mongoloids don't even know what real life animals do, you just want to argue about the most retarded shit possible because mommy hasn't forced you to get a job yet

>aquatic blind fox lizard who can release blue fire
You say that like it's the only one like that.

>no Witcher music for the hub
>stuck with the garbage one from FF that bursts my ear drums whenever it starts

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Maybe pseudo-grounded was the better word. It's just a lot easier to suspend disbelief for the sort of things you mentioned than it is stuff like a spiky carnotaurus with a sword tail that it can set on fire, dragon that flies around using organic jet engines that also function as cannons.
Hell, some of what you listed isn't all that far off from real life, like Tzitzi-Ya-Ku basically just combining a frill with bioluminescence, which both occur in nature. The only remotely unrealistic thing about it is that it can produce a flash of light instead of just an ambient glow.

He's protected by a janny, who shuts down the reports of his shitposting, so they don't reach the actual moderator staff, unless you contact them directly on IRC.

i honestly don't know which ones to report over there since literally almost everyone uses shit vocabularies
>incel post
>tranny post
>no u
/mhg/ is literally unsalvageable UNLESS news drops, in which case thread quality goes up because people actually talks about the game and drowns out the shitpost
It's also faster news-wise compared to Yea Forums, sadly

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>all these retards shitposting if GU is better or World is better
>mfw favorite MH is 3U

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where's hypnocatrice?

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Go make a new character in MHFU :)


Fun fact, the that's one guy. Everyone else likes both but can see their respective flaws

Do you have any fucking idea how difficult it would be for an animal to produce light so fucking bright that it can blind other organisms
Next you're gonna tell me that it's possible for Zorah to exist in real life while also whining about "bad XX monster"

Not flagships.
Not fan favorites.
Not staff favorites.

>dragon that flies around using organic jet engines that also function as cannons.
still more believable than anything Kushala does since it's literal magic

>first MH game was MH1
>pulled almost 100 hours
>fast forward to 11 years later
>try it again for the sake of nostalgia
>literally can't even get past Rathian
>attack uses stick controls

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>realism according to Yea Forums

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>peco, kutku and garuga not fan favorites
the real reason is a bunch of birds wont hype up the worldlets as much as bunch t-rex and tigrex clones

>>pulled almost 100 hours

There is no drama, only tards trying to force it. The people who actually play the game just play the game instead of posting.

Literally add nothing to the game other than shitty filler quests for early on in the ranks, why anyone would want them to return when other, better monsters already fill that role is beyond me

I mean if there's a shrimp capable of firing a heat bubble as hot as the sun, an organ capable of producing a similar impact might be able to trigger a powerful flash

That's a good point.
With Val you can say that it's just like breathing fire but out of a different hole but with Kush he's just surrounded by wind that comes from nowhere.

In the trash. Where they belong.

What are Great Jagras and Great Girros for you?

>a heat bubble as hot as the sun
It's about as hot as a fired bullet
If a shrimp managed to produce the same heat as a star the water would evaporate

has much actually changed for charge blade
is the new axe mode going to be better than SAED spam?
i guess we charge shield, then sword, then axe now? Or just ignore charging sword (unless against an enemy that would bounce) and go straight into axe to spend phials?

Actually three
>main story
>save the pukei with geralt
>login reward for 13 million copies

Again, it's about suspension of disbelief, not how realistic it actually is.
And I never once said I disliked any of the XX monsters, I actually like most of them a lot.

>Not Tzitzi

World was a one time only hit, Iceborne is gonna tank hard after all the normalfags realized MH is the dark souls of jurassic park.
Next games are coming back home were they belong.

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just b urself

There's something in the artbook for XX about how Val works, it has something to do with breathing and airsacks birds have that are connected to the wings
I have no idea what is actually written since i don't speak Godzillian, maybe oxygen gets turned into dragon whatever for some chemical reaction in the wing reactors or something, idk
Still, more explanation than given for Kushala or how Elderseal works

I feel like they wouldn't exactly be grateful that players are literally killing Godzilla, unless they made him like Zorah where you just repel him.

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>the dark souls of jurassic park
I know this is shitty bait but I laughed.

>after 70+ hours finally get to hunter rank 11
Why do I have to be an autistic fuck that wants every piece of armor.

But TziTzi is just a TziTzi, like Kulu.
They don't have smaller versions they guide.

Toho isn't overprotective of Godzilla like how Gamefreak might be of Pikachu
Otherwise Shin Godzilla wouldn't be a thing, they only stopped Anno the hack when he wanted to turn Godzilla into a shitty naked woman angel

>these niggas don't read the old ecology books and hunter guides
Shame on you for not knowing that Kushala combines rapid vibration with down flaps to rapidly cool the air after utilizing his metal exo-skeleton like skin and friction in order to heat the air and the reason he rusts is because of the constant exposure to moisture and ice.
Meanwhile when they tried to explain Valfalk the literally just drew up a basic oxygen fed reaction engine, something that's 100% unnatural and can't be found anywhere until humans invented jet engines. Then people try to justify Valfalk have a Su-30 engine in its body by saying squids can expel oxygen underwater and that counts as natural jet propulsion even though Capcom detailed the method used by Val and it's 100% completely unnatural.

He'll just get up and walk away after you've got your carves.

Dude, Tzitzi is drome through and through.

It seems like it is although I haven’t seen the hard numbers to back it up.
IMO, the most logical balancing should be that Impact is SAED all day while elemental uses Savage Axe and SAED only as a finisher, but it’s Capcom so balance is all over the place.

>Pistol shrimp bubble temperature - ~4,700 °C
>Fired bullet temperature - ~300°C
It's closer to sun surface temperatures than it is a bullet. The reason the water doesn't evaporate is because everything happens in an insanely short timeframe and it straight up doesn't have time to.

Because they're beta bitches

Ultimately that would depend on how fast the monsters are in master rank and what kind of gear is available then.

Currently right now the monsters are slow and easily stunned such that SAED spam is effective (and why triple charge GS is a thing).If they increase the overal rate of attacks or change the speed of the monsters then maybe being more mobile or doing more damage over time is better so the overcharge will be a better thing. Alternatively, its just another condtion to race towards such that overcharged sword+shield uptime is so high that SEAD spam is still legit.

At least its not Amatsu explosion into water

World hasn't had an ecology book written for it, but Dos had a book explaining Chameleos, Kushala, Teostra, and Lunastra. They even partially explained White Fatalis having control over tuning a magnetic point inside of his body and using and electromagnetic pulse to channel lightning.

>the ridiculous amount of heat just disappears, like magic, because it happens so fast!
That's not how things work. Why aren't we using pistol shrimp chitin for heatsinks if they can dissipate 4700° in a split second?

If you unironically want me to believe all that bullshit is somehow more realistic than what Valphalk does i'll burst out my kidney laughing
He doesn't even vibrate in the games

can regular monsters defeat elders?

>World hasn't had an ecology book written for it
It kinda has, it's the same book detailing how Nergigante reproduces

>rapid vibration with down flaps
That's the problem, he doesn't vibrate not to mention that wouldn't cool the air. Kush's description was entirely bullshit that didn't make any sense.

Demo numbers, so take it with a spoonful of salt.

Attached: saed vs savage axe.webm (900x470, 2.94M)

You're going to be actually punished for fucking up SAEDs since it eats your phials at the start instead of at the end.

I remember the first time I saw this. Was just messing around in the AF and went to that area for some gathering. Anjanath actually fucking scared me cause I didn't know he could go there. Was about to just get out of the way when he sat down. The best thing World changed was how monsters really behave like part of nature.

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If there are enough of them I suppose.


>shit, these stupid nerds are upset we put a fantasy monster in our game, how do we explain his air bending shit
>Dunno, i don't know how air works
>Neither do i, let's just write some random stuff and hope they buy it

It unironically makes more sense than a naturally evolving Flanker. You niggas don't even understand how bullshit difficult it is to build and maintain a jet engine. There's a reason why it's easier to build an atom bomb than even a 70s fighter jet engine.

Could one trillion lions defeat the sun?

Deviljho and Rajang can, but they aren't exactly regular
Your avarage 5 star pussy like Rathalos cannot

The issue is drama migrating from the general into the rooms.
PS4 rooms used to be full of good hunts and AT clearing groups but nowadays i think its just another chat room like discord the way people just act out their fucking soap operas in Astera.

Makes me kind of jaded for what will inevitably happen in the hotsprings in IB after the new game glow wears off.

The other user's wording was misleading
The temperature spike is from the collapsing bubble created by the shrimp's claw not the shrimp itself

Fuck off, that shit is terrible.
It's all time the devs waste on irrelevant things that are pointless for the gameplay.

Absolute same over here my dude.
If we got all those it'd be happy, I already can't believe we got Brachydios and Glavenus.

I also understand that dragons don't exist and animals can't control the wind, especially with the retarded method you listed which wouldn't even work
Just give up, if you want a realistic hunting game buy Hunting Simulator on the switch

They are just animals, elder dragons are living disasters. Like dogs and whatever they'll fuck off the moment they sense that a dragon has spawned

Oh like gathering quests in GU, right? Fuck outta here

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So if the monster is standing still, the savage axe is the heaviest damage dealing combo.

Some can
"Elder Dragon" just means "What the fuck is this?" not that they're all super duper strong even if most are
Dah'ren Mohran is just fucking big, a really persistent Seregios could kill it just the same way the hunters do by tearing at its back

>It unironically makes more sense than a naturally evolving Flanker.
Not really as complex as it would be there's at least a logical explanation that can fly in a fantasy game but monsters like Kush still have no logical explanation.

user, that thing wasting players time rather than dev time.

Shoot fire to shoot water

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can shiki kill servants?

it's a waste of time developing these shitty gathering quests. Much more so than just a single animation

I'll lurk and join one of the PS4 rooms sometime. I hope I don't get bullied for SnS support, though.

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>Oh like gathering quests in GU, right?
You know, people like you like to go back to that but they really weren't as much of a problem as you think given you only had to do, what like, 3 key ones?

Also with the savage axe you don't have to commit to the full combo. Every axe attack benefits from the buff.

I think Hannibal would be a better option

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>Capcom gives a reasoning that falls in line with Monster Hunter's world make up years ago
>Capcom just shits out a "it works like a jet engine cause dragon element is volatile" for Valfalk
user you clearly don't understand the difference. They didn't even put any thought into it. It's not about realism, it's about the creating the illusion that it works. The way they created Valfalk doesn't make sense, and it'll never make sense, especially because Ichinose's group literally said they just wanted a jet dragon.

>hunting azure rath to build fire sns
>get into elder recess volcano zone
>suddenly rath falls, starts accumulating little bits of damage rapidly
>the goddamn gajalakas are throwing bombs and keeping it pinned
Holy shit, 100 hours and I've never seen this. Little shits completely destroyed that poor rath.

I meant DEVELOPING time

People complain because you have to do every quest to get the Hayabusa Feather and that's like 10+ gathering quests per rank

just be you'reself man

Ah yes, my favorite realistic japanese games involving 900kg swords being slammed really hard against dragons with impossible skeletons
Just to clarify, if Rathalos existed he would look like this

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Does anyone genuinely enjoy gathering quests? I feel like only autistic people could enjoy it

Lak-lak, motherfucker. It's the Gaja version of the cats holding a monster down, doing the Gajalaka sidequest in the Witcher assignment can increase it's chance of appearing.

Why does that fall in line with MH when both explanations have no actual basis and don't work

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>pointless for gameplay
It helps a lot with immersion when you can see monsters doing their own thing, the older games just felt like glorified boss fights than actual hunts

Only listfag defends that cause its a major flaw in GU, which he doesn't want anyone to discuss

Only if I was already planning to go on a gathering/supply run.

It's a godsent against AT Nerg

Report them all. They all deserve to burn.

Seriously? I didn't bother with the side objectives since I already had all my Attack jewels. I'll have to go back and find those doodles at least.

The problem of GU (and especially Gen) is not really the amount of gathering quests, it's all the repeated quests with mid-low tier monsters the put in just to inflate the number of quests, even if it was unnecessary considering the enormous roster.
Do I really need to slay a fucking Khezu in like 6 different quests?

Why are they so much better than the cats? It lasted longer and actually did damage.
>the virgin felyne vs the CHADkalaka

>tfw I've been wasting time going on harvest tours for gathering rather than just picking a gathering quest to do it on
Fuck, I think I'm retarded

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How do I get good at Extremoth? I have yet to try once. I don't want to join a quest if I'm going to make them wipe. Is it really that much more difficult than normal Behemoth? I cleared normal Behe many times, and AT Nergi, but the horror stories about Extremoth are scaring me and enticing me to try to beat it at the same time.

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The only reason Kushala was made was because they wanted to introduce a fantasy dragon after people talked shit about the mummy hydra
I fail to see the difference, maybe the true answer is "XX bad"?

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>it's about the creating the illusion that it works
Which is the problem, Kush doesn't work in any respect. If you go at it in a fantasy angle it doesn't have a magical explanation, if you go at with a realistic angle it also doesn't make any scientific sense.
Kush is just kind of stuck in the limbo between the two.

Val on the other hand isn't because it's inner workings can be explained in either way.

Not enjoy, but they are actually incredibly helpful. It adds more rewards to the gathering you were going to do anyway, and sometimes gives higher chances for items.
There is nothing wrong with having them and they don't take up that much time.

It's a good way to clear those shits out so you don't worry about them later. They also give might/adamant seeds, so it's a nice little roundup.

They're alright as a sort of cleanser between hunts.

It’s hard but the main things it stresses are jumping and understanding the dumb MMO mechanics. Having someone tank drastically cuts back the bullshit spell spam and having someone heal makes it very safe. The damage is no problem at all.

If you can do normal Behemoth you can do Extremeoth
The only new thing to watch out for is that you can only flash him once so use that to get someone out of the grab if you bother at all, and in rooms 3 and 4 he gets an incredibly lethal shoulder drop attack

I will never not be angry about the MMO mechanics in trannyfantasy's crossover.

It's a crossover with the fucking MMO and its an extremely watered down version of those mechanics
The Rathalos fight in FF did the same shit where he has no aggro table and in the later half of the fight you can only heal yourself with Mega Potions

>doing whatever
>need to heal
>fucking pop up notification blocks up the pouch panel and i can't see what i'm selecting
>the notification is just some faggot tranny playing some shitty MMO, probably to ERP or something

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Thank you Anons, I'll watch a few videos and give it a try. I can play support so I'll try to get a feel for the fight while healing the other players.
They make the fight really unique and awesome in my opinion. It's such a great gimmick.

FF fight even has the flex

>Blitz Hannibal in MH
It would be untold amounts of bullshit but I need to see it.

>we will never get back the flex
Kill Ryozo

You can change which corner of the screen steam notifications appear in. Or turn off the overlay for the game.

Sorry, I should correct myself. I hate how literally THE premier armor set is locked behind a trannyfantasy erp sim lite that absolutely does not work in monster hunter.

>He doesn't exclusively use the radial menu

It got a new combo and an upgraded slinger. Still not enough though. It needs oils back. Only good thing from Gen

It works fine and you're just a bitch. Stop your crying and bring Plunderang, you can make the entire set without ever actually beating Behemoth if you're that bad

I can get a ton of these just from doing the events.

Blitz Hannibal is actually deceptively easy though. Sonic fast sure, but Hannibal's base moveset is incredibly simple to deal with even for slower MH combat.
Although if they break his back pretty much everyone without a shield is fucked.

Now, add Crimson Orochi to World and then you have true bullshit.

Wait, the cat can fucking just plunder the materials? All of them? Solo?

Never been to the general but I dont understand how there can possibly be any drama, there are clearly no women there so there shouldnt even be a catalyst for drama to start.

>it eats your phials at the start instead of at the end
Interesting, didn't play the beta. Did they change it so that SAED consumes the shield charge too?

Yes please. Imagine cool looking Roman armor that isn’t dog shit like Lavasioth’s poor attempts. Imagine the shield.

Yes, he only has like 4 parts anyways.

No, they should, but at least you don't get it completely for free if you get hit before the swing connects

>Imagine cool looking Roman armor that isn’t dog shit like Lavasioth’s poor attempts
They should just bring back Clackclacktor for that

It’s one of really only two fights where “support” makes any sense. Bring adamant seeds, clear defense down if anyone gets hit by Meteor. SnS is by far and away the most useful. Horn’s kinda shit because hitting the head steals enmity from the tank.

I find the number one way to help is to tank, especially with randos because most people either don’t understand the mechanic or don’t grab enmity fast enough.

You need to cut his tail and break his arms to get those mats but you never have to even leave the first area, just reset after getting the breaks you want. None of my friends have killed him but they all have the full set.

How about they say fuck it and bring in Arius Nova?

I just started GE2RB after finishing GER so i don't know if Crimsom Orochi is worse than Arius Nova, is it?

How long and tedious is Behemoth to solo if you have good equipment
I have the full Drachen without ever actually killing him, i feel like i should earn it at least

Yeah but he’s a leviathan and I don’t foresee those returning until the next game unless Lagi was fixed and added to IB. If they did then that’s fine, that’s good. They’d definitely add more Leviathans if they did

In the Geralt quest, he says something about using the slinger to stop the Leshen teleporting. What in the FUCK did he mean by this?

If you hit the Leshen while he's turning to mist you can stop him from teleporting
I only managed to do it twice

24-30 minutes to kill depending on the weapon, if you don't fuck up
Abusing Foritfy is probably a good idea I guess

I play Lance, CB, Longsword and SnS, but I am absolute trash at LS and CB. So I guess I could tank or support if any of them is needed. You think support doesn't help the group enough in other hunts? I've been falling in love with SnS support and i was thinking about maining it, but I fear what you seem to imply. I try to bring Dash Juices for the bow users, heal people on AT Nergi, use Might Pills, etc, and it's very fun for me, but I do wonder if I wouldn't be helping more if I actually did more damage. My damage isn't terrible, but it's not high either. This is the set I use:,124,103,107,116,102,74,health,0,0,57,37,0,42,42,42,5,5,5,57,57,0,16,0,0,16,96,0,2

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>Honestly, just chuck literally everyone in already.
Fucking no, oversaturation killed GU.
Fuck having to fight absolute trash like Khezu and like 90% of gen1s roster.

I got 2 Artillery Jewels in a row from this fucker after only getting 1 throughout 800 hours.
God bless that fat lizard.

Leviathans are 100% going to be in iceborne, they finished the entire skeleton but just had to temporarily shelve it because they disnt have time to fix the physics with its neck. They have had plenty of time since to fix it, lagi is more likely than zinogre at this point though both are probably in.

>oversaturation killed GU.
You people say everything killed GU but it was your own fault for not doing the keys and then the ones you liked.

>they didin't make a MH style armour out of the Leshen
>they just gave you a Geralt skin

Style shit and 30fps is what killed it, including gen 1-2 garbage did not help matters though

You're saying that like mandatory quests weren't shit like double Khezu.

>Can't use layered armor over it
Double fuck

>guest starring: Gore Magala with an old man face

No thanks.

And Kulve literally moves and fights like a Leviathan until her coat comes off

It's the Jagras moves but yeah it's the same shit

You don’t even have to understand the MMO mechanics for that version. It’s not really a factor until Extreme which only has a vanity reward.

>only 4 ice monsters

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Oh wow, one quest out of six that's so terrible.

Mandatory, not keys. A lot of mandatory quests had those trash monsters.

Friendly reminder to capture all the Khezus, don't kill them.

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He's the "super boss" of GE2RB and currently the hardest fight in the series overall, though technically some of 3's missions are harder due to low time limits. Arius Nova is not close, though his fight setting and battle theme are much cooler.

Basically he's a Blitz variant of a new Aragami in 2, only with much higher stats and his own moves added.

Friendly reminder that Khezus went extinct and will never be seen again

They deserve to be killed for their screaming shittery

>A lot of mandatory quests
No, no they didn't. The only mandatory non keys were the gathering ones where you were introduced to the four.

AT Teo
Easy, nothing different from regular
AT Luna
Easy, nothing different from regular
AT Zorah
Easy, nothing different from regular
AT Kush
Moderately annoying as melee, but nothing different regular except immune to flash bombs
AT Xeno
Absolute cancer, bring a Pierce 3 HBG or cheese with IG. Worst AT in the game. Whoever thought that a monster should be designed around chasing his hand every 5 minutes as he moves about erratically should be castrated.
AT Nerg
Best AT the game, good challenge, honest mechanics and no gimmicks

Ingredients and other such rewards make a quest mandatory you nigger

>MH is the dark souls of jurassic park.

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How can they go extinct if they are impregnating your huntress with little Khezu larvae right as we speak?

AT Teo is far more aggressive and has a new exploding bite that covers his old weakpoint
AT Lunastra charges her nova much faster and spawns more fire puddles in general
AT Xeno is great

Ah yes... of course a huntress would want a pet Khezu...

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Finally got it after a gunner team joined me.
>need even more mats for Zireal
Kill me

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You've never played GU have you.

I remember an article calling it the dark souls of destiny with dinosaurs or some shit

My buddy's girlfriend's first non-Sims game was Spelunkey, which she beat. Now she's better than all of us at Risk of Rain.

Pickle is better with handicraft tho.

I have, seems you haven't.

Even MHW is harder than dork souls tho.

>Ingredients and other such rewards make a quest mandatory you nigger
Are you an idiot? What quest are you even talking about? What does that even have to do with double Khezu?