Got any last hopes for Iceborne's roster of monsters?
Monster Hunter Thread
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MH5 with 110 monsters when and minimalist gameplay when? Getting bored of tech demos like the World series.
>Gore and Shagaru
I would also say Mizutsune
Literally every single monster.
Except Gravios.
Hot Monkey dick
Gore and Shag
Throw Rathaos in the trash where it belongs
A reminder to make fun of LS users.
Old MH is obsolete and done for. Get over it.
I recently bought a switch for FE and wanted to download the demo but seeing the screenshots made my dick shrivel back into my body.
Its simply obsolete at this point. Its the same game over and over again. World saved the franchise.
Fanged Beasts and Leviathans, but those are probably not in until MH6. More realistically I hope Valstrax and the Magalas are in, their skeleton is very minority different to Nerg’s so it wouldn’t be too difficult to implement. I’d like Chameleos, Gigginox, Seregios and Zinogre in terms of skeletons that already exist in the game.
The little squirrel ojiisan monkeys have some of the monkey animations. Hopefully there's a surprise for Rajang, but Ryozo likes to disappoint so I'm expecting blangonga in base IB if any of the monkeys make it and Rajang in post launch.