Post underrated games

Post underrated games.

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>posts a shitty game that deserves the ratings it got

But its not shitty.

but it is

>dude dark souls lmao
>tacked on covenants and metroidvania elements
>no story
>characters look like fish people for no reason

The combat is good and so are the metroidvania elements.
>muh graphics
Opinion discarded.

That game was pretty boring. There wasn't much to the gameplay. And it was quite ugly.

>The combat is good
No it's shit, it's literally just roll and attack ad nauseum till the boss is dead.

If you're being that reductionist so are 99% of action games.

>it's literally just roll and attack ad nauseum till the boss is dead
So you do in original Dark Souls. Your point?

I quit this game after jump a little too close and transitioning into a climb/stall so it was doomed to fall to my death and lose about 5 levels. Real fucky and it wasn't the first time, I was done with it.

Nice strawman, I didn't say that Dark Souls doesn't have shitty combat as well tho.

Fun game. I enjoyed it.
The ost was nice, all two tracks of it.

salt and sanctuary is unironically good, ignore contrarian

My second time through this game I got to the Ziggurat from the right side before the left, through the Mire, by accident and I have no idea how.

>>dude dark souls lmao
>>tacked on covenants and metroidvania elements
>>no story
>>characters look like fish people for no reason
so, just like dark souls?

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Dark Souls is shit too, buddy.

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>Browser flash-tier game
>Sold at premium
>Retarded mechanics
It's rated as much as it deserves

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>muh graphics
>muh price
Literally not arguments.

$1.00 has been deposited into your account

>if you like things I don't you must be a shill!
Cope. Not everyone has trash taste like you.

No in Dark Souls they're beef jerky. You telling me fish people are the same as beef jerky people? I can't even take you seriously.

$1.50 has been deposited into your account

Now I want beef jerky.

I didn't like the art style. I like something like Hollow Knight more.

Tried it for a couple of hours, uninstalled and forgot about it.
It plays as bad as it looks.

And now he calls you a graphics whore or just says
>muh graphics
Its an important part, and its not that the game needed to be super fancy, just the artstyle and some other shit could be better.

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Based and Cringepilled

But it is good and got good ratings

That's fine. But you not liking the art style doesn't mean the game is bad.
>i played an hour and a half of this game trust me I'm an expert

I also think something like Hollow Knight plays better. It not being bad does not mean good either.

I liked the whole idea that the island is basically the Bermuda Triangle but for people who made a deal with something sinister. I hope there's a sequel in the future.
Edward the Thief is best girl.

How? Hollow Knight is seriously lacking in variety with regards to combat. And how can you criticize Salt and Sanctuary for being "just dodge and attack" when Hollow Knight is the same.

I like this game but OP is trying a bit too hard.
Also I really like the boss fight themes despite there only being two of them.

Hollow knights dodging is about repositioning to avoid enemy attacks, dodging in most S&S boss fight amounts to rolling through the boss so they can't hit you. I like both games but I'd say HK has better combat and bosses.

They're hardly any different at the core. Especially taking the Shade Cloak into account.

I didn't notice there were two boss themes 'till I ran into the Tree of Men, it left a real strong impression on me so that's what I corrolate the song to.

I never criticized it. I just said hollow knight is better. And way more fun to fight and move around in. Platforming bits are fun too, also the atmosphere, story and music are great.

Don't get me wrong, it's far from bad and much more polished than Salt and Sanctuary but the lack of variety hurts quite a bit.

>lack of variety
What kind of variety does S&S have

Loads of different weapons, moves, spells and builds. In Hollow Knight you only have one attack, three spells and three special attacks two of which are almost the same. The charms also don't really add much variety and only serve to make certain things a bit stronger.

It has a skill tree and you can do different builds.

In a 2D sidescroller all that is kinda wasted development time. Hollow Knight traded that with interesting areas and an interesting story and fantastic music. And I feel it's definitely better for it.

To each their own I suppose. I much prefer deeper and varied combat.

How many of those builds boil down to dodgeroll into attack into dodgeroll?

It has a meta build just like Dark Souls and even in builds that not many use, they take advantage of similar tactics in certain situations. I dunno. Hollow Knight is really fun cause its not bloated with that stuff. And I just love all the rest of it so much I can't really say a bad word about it other than it kicks your ass a lot.


>I can't really say a bad word about it
Nail bouncing is finicky and detection iffy. You notice this on the Path of Pain especially.

They mostly amount to the same thing when it comes down to it, except maybe exchanging attack rate for range. Same with Dark souls and most games like this.

Hollow Knight is pretty easy outside of the endgame content and Godmaster stuff.

Salt and Sanctuary would be better if it focused solely on the action and got rid of the shitty platforming. Platforming on that engine was a nightmare.
Also I know it's a dark souls inspired game but in many instances it crosses the line from inspiration to rip-off, it could use some originality.

Man fuck that crow nigga

I never had too much of an issue with nail bouncing. Even across death pits. I just like it more. That's all. I look at salt and sanctuary and just get Dark Souls in 2D from it.

>Hollow Knight is pretty easy
Post steel soul

Haven't tried Steel Soul yet, though I probably should.

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Well I'm not a metroidvania guy usually so it kicks my ass. I do like having sharp shadow though that shit helps. I just need to get better.


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user... that doesn't make the game harder. It just makes you use the "I win" cheese strategies such as spell charms combined with down spell spam.

Every metroidvania game boils down to dodging and attacking.
I don't see how having more options is bloat. Having limited options doesn't hurt much during your first run but each playthrough being pretty much the same really hurts the game's replayablilty.
I disagree. Most weapons categories and magic are unique and feel different to use. Everything amounts to "pretty much the same thing" if you're reductionist enough.
Not him but filename randomizer is a thing.

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Sure but the point is it's more than Hollow Knight, in the same way that SotN has more variety than Super Metroid. HK has charms but you can try every combination on one playthrough.

>filename randomizer
What a bunch of faggots

I sort my filenames in a really specific and autistic way, I don't want to inadvertently avatarfag.

Because you don't need them. There are options in Hollow Knight but its boiled down immensely. That's fine. It's still fun. Maybe if salt and sanctuary had better art and animation. Just ain't me.

Why are you replying to me?

Fair enough. To each their own.

It's so that some derailing tard don't archive your filename and start posting your old posts to make up for a point he doesn't have.

absolutly kino game 10/10. first true iteration of souls style game done in 2D. fuck the contrarian haters, go dilate fags.

It's not underrated though. Its rating is not low

yeah we figured out that you can't tell the difference between games that are obviously different in fact probably don't play games at all. So your assertions of whether one is better than the other aren't worth shit.

trying this out now thanks user