This is the most fun I've had with a looter shooter

This is the most fun I've had with a looter shooter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

nu-wolfenstein will never stack up to rctw and 3d, fuck off swedecuck shill

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Wtf ,are you actually retarded,game is a piece of shit,have you ever played anything good? I don't think you have if you actually like this dumpster fire of a game,honestly this might be the end of Wolfenstein series,that's how bad it is

why are they so ugly lol

>This is the most fun I've had with a looter shooter
That is not saying much

nazis absolutely SIZZLING


The best I can say is that it's nowhere near as bad as people make it appear. The gunplay is solid and after the last couple of story-heavy games, this one feels like a fresh breeze. Still, even with upgrades enemies are too spongy and the mission structure isn't benefitial for the game.


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Sounds like a shit game. Gonna stick with dos.

>Looter shooter

Worst genre of game around.

OP here. This. It's a 6/10.

Kinda like said

I bought it for my switch and it's pretty fun, the girls are less SJW and more gender bent guys with edgy humor. The girls are kinda cute in my opinion, but that's just because I like short hair.


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Your first fps, hm tranny?

wow they are so fucking ugly

who thought this was ok?


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I'm glad you're having fun user, keep doing that

I'm still not buying this garbage though


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I'd rather play Fallout 76™, the best game Bethesda Game Studios has put out so far. Remember that there's still time to get the QuakeCon Atom Bundle for best savings, my internet buddies!


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>can't even type nazi-killing simulator properly
That's how I know you are of inferior genetic stock.

>looter shooter
everyone that says this is gay.


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What's bad about this game exactly without pointing out the Trump gag or Nazi killing=bad?

That's fucking hilarious
Even better that the /pol/ snowflakes are getting triggered over this

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ugly people exist, they deserve representation too

try harder you worthless brain damaged retard

They deserve only ridicule and humiliation.

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Ridiculing someone for being fat is OK but not something they have no control over like facial ugliness, no one can help that

Are you guys on PC or Switch?

Developers who wanted you to play with your hands, not your dick

Sure they can, they can always kill themselves. For there to be beautiful people, there also needs to be ugly people. Sucks to be them, sure, but life isn't fair.

If you say life isn't fair then are you saying you're also unfair? Because why else point out the obvious?


>are you saying you're also unfair
Everyone is - if you see someone who is ugly, you are instantly repulsed by them on so many levels. Same with someone who is beautiful; you are instantly drawn to them, see them as more trustworthy, good etc.
It is innate and inescapable behavior to humans and you cannot consciously avoid it, not completely.

Ugly people will always be worse off than beautiful/handsome people.

No shit. Machinegames are fucking saints. NuWolf is the best fps series out there right now and TNC is the crown.

which is weird, since it's not a looter shooter.

You're just vocally unfair, a poor troll or someone with severe verbal superiority (i.e. sociopathy)

Good luck with dat

Woo, some enthusiasm for my favorite game developers on this board, finally

It has bullet-sponge enemies and you have to loot endlessly in order to get gun upgrades and level ups... what am I missing here m80

When people talk about politics in video games they go about it all wrong. The question is not "are games political?" because that's a stupid fucking question - the world is political, and games have always been political in a sense.

The question is "how do you choose to interact with said politics?" I don't give a fuck about what Mario thinks about Nazis, I'm playing the game for JUMP BING BING WAHOO man. When people complain about politics in games, they are complaining about virtue-signaling garbage where people constantly screech at each other to try and "win" arguments in a never ending war of one-upsmanship when, in a perfect world, that retardation would not actually account for the game's quality and whether or not it's fucking fun.

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Are they implying that th democratically elected president of the land of the free, is a nazi?

god you are retarded
it's a retard who thinks just because it doesn't have one mechanic it's not a looter shooter

And that is exactly why people have assigned an egregiously low 3.7 to the game, because they find it highly distasteful to their neo-Nazi ideals

I'd be the first person to say you shouldn't blindly trust bullshit psych studies, but that ugly/beautiful bad/good dichotomy has been pretty extensively studied, it can be a fascinating read even if you normally aren't into that stuff.

I suppose nowadays the uggos can take comfort in the fact that if they are of at least relatively decent means, at least plastic surgery is an option. Just look at south koreans, very ugly people in general who then embraced surgery because of it.

It doesn't have the mechanic of "loot"

I said good day

I remember how recently faggots like 9volt went HEH GAMERS at a headline from PC Gamer saying that according to the devs Outer Worlds 'wouldn't be political' and they started shitting on Obsidian for saying that, when it WASN'T EVEN WHAT ANYONE SAID, what they ACTUALLY said was 'of course the world is political, we just don't want to lecture people. We want players to make up to their own minds.' This is part of why NV was so good despite the fact that Sawyer is a socialist. These people can not handle the idea that they don't get lecturing neolib garbage shoved down their throat.

Yeah you don’t sound like a caricature.


>enemies drop bags with upgrade coins
>"it's not looting"


Dunno guys, I think the brunette is sorta cute.

while it has 10 other mechanics that define generic looter shooters
you still loot special weapons and money for upgrades

there you go projecting mein brutter

>That final boss
That was some bullshit right there

It's a shooter with RPG mechanics, and FPS RPG. There's no loot except regular pickups. You can dind wepoan upgrades in doom, is that a looter shooter? System Shock 2 is that a looter shooter? Fucking nonces.

these types of games are called looter shooters faggot, only retards take everything literally

>Doen't have the mechanics of a looter-shooter
>somehow is one
How does it feel to have your brain scooped up and replaced by some eceleb opinion?

you are a brain damaged retard, see you brain damaged autistic piece of shit

>He doesn't know that's called a "looter shooter"

THE NONCERY. Your examples are FPS AA games. Good going.

>game has incredibly unclever, cringeworthy writing and mediocre at best gameplay

You can't explain a greater than 3 point discrepancy between reviewers and audience very easily otherwise

try harder you worthless brain damaged retard

There's more loot and upgredes shit to find in System Shock, Prey, Bioshock, are they LOOTER SHOOTERS? no they are not, games like bordrlands, warframe etc are

I can explain that you are a pathetic worthless brain damaged retard

>brain damaged
>brain damaged
Interesting to see the same poster defending one of my posts and attacking another

Normally people say about shit games they are fun with friends.
This is a coop game that doesn't even look like it's fun with friends.

Go ahead and explain that, and while you're at it explain the discrepancy too.

waiting for crack

you are a fucking brain damaged retard
not going to argue with some brain dead NPC

and this is why they call them DRUMPF supporters

>game journos have consistently been more willing to forgive bad writing. See shit like Dragon Age Inquisition or Dad of Boy
>game journos have consistently been more willing to forgive bad gameplay. See DmC: Devil May Cry or Dad of Boy again
If you are actually retarded enough to think that game journos are in the right ever then go back to resetera where you belong.

Your shilling is getting desperate.
Look at these numbers and despair.

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Woah woah woah. Hold on. It’s selfish to NOT have children? When the world is at risk of overheating? When we have more people on anti-depressants than ever before? When student loan debt is at an all-time high? When we don’t have affordable healthcare? When suicide is 3 times as high as other generations? When home ownership is at an all-time low? When American education is among the worst in the world? When the price of childcare is wildly out of control? When women’s rights to their bodies is being taken away? When online bullying is an epidemic? When children are being shot in their schools? When overpopulation is making resources scarce? It’s not selfish to make sure you can give kids a good life before having them.

Destiny 2 has a 4 point discrepancy on Metacritic, so I guess the Nazis must really hate that game to for its “deep” political messaging.
Fucking retard.

What's with online? Why no one joining me? I opened public game.


But Destiny 2 is the same as the first one, people just hated it because it was no different. Seems reasonable the critics would give the same credit where it's due.

meanwhile a obscure indie game kingdom come had 100k peak

you didn't understand his point, dumbfuck. he doesn't talk about nazis seething specifically, but about gaymurs outraging and overreacting.

Okay you shouldn't have kids.

>marketing for TNC was: you are a nazi if you don't like this game
looks like it works, now every brain damaged retarded NPC is spamming it

Wow people play less on Monday morning, who could thought?

I bought this game because I thought Jess (the brown hair one) was cute and she is so fuck off

Dumbass. Read again.
>because they find it highly distasteful to their neo-Nazi ideals
Sounds to me like he thinks the only reason people don’t like things is because NAZIS

but I didn't follow marketing, user, I must be a brain damaged retarded NPC just naturally!

Also, if I can give a word of advice, change your diction a little bit so it's not completely obvious who you are

stop posting you worthless retarded piece of shit
>about gaymurs outraging and overreacting.
>because they find it highly distasteful to their neo-Nazi ideals
sure you brain damaged retard

it barely had around 4k during the weekend and still didn't manage to break the 6k peak launch


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>all time peak of 6k

Impervious to rape by big bad nahtzees

Ode to Extinction: the copypasta

Jess is love, Jess is life.

This is he. While I do believe this particular board has a high concentration of people who are actual racists, I was exaggerating and mostly it's got to be bandwagoning with popular opinions, like how the Captain Marvel RottenTomatoes boycott took off. This game's being memed on right now unfortunately.

This. RTCW and enemy territory were great.

lol you fucking liar

i refunded it in 50 minutes

>Seems reasonable the critics would give the same credit where it's due.
you aren't even subtle you pathetic retard

>While I do believe this particular board has a high concentration of people who are actual racists
why don't you fuck off to reddit you fucking retard?

Have you considered it’s being memed on because other people think it’s a bad game with significantly worse gameplay and writing than the beloved TNO/TOB, just like TNC?

>"in this game you can KILL NAZIS"
>pauses and looks directly at guy in red baseball cap
>audience applauds

>Google Nier Automata's ending E
>"How Nier Automata celebrates life and unity in the Trump era"
Goddamn it I just wanted to see if I could get the true ending without online and ended up getting political bs shoved at my face

Don't worry, Jamal, Abdul and Mbongo will have children instead of you.

just like every other wolfenstein and ww2 inspired shooter?! no way!

fuck off bethesdajew

they don't have marketing that if you don't buy the game you are a nazi and imply trump supporters are nazis

I think you missed the point, maybe too subtole for you sahit for branes

I did consider that, but since it's solidly running on the same engine (albeit a different FPS genre than TNO/TNC) I can't say it's the gameplay for me which clears that up for me. Not to such a dramatic extent. And the writing is great, I have no idea what you mean, it's a spirited and interesting spinoff from the events of TNC. I'm pretty positive it's the difference in how I see the writing from how the redpilled crowd do that really explains this...

do you actually think he's wrong or are you mad because you've been conditioned by Joe Rogan 'N' Friends to cry "ES JAY DUBBA YOO" whenever someone brings up racism in an online forum

i downloaded w2 yesterday with game pass, and I gotta say, that shit was boring as fuck.

i think i understand that in wolfenstein games you can kill nazis. yes.

Not him but I don't want my kids to go to school with Jamal, Abdul and Mbongo. I'll save them by not having them and offing myself.

The New Order had some actual nuance.

>They're ugly
>Have sex
Why the fuck can't you guys actually discuss the game instead? I wanna know what's good and bad about it to save me watching some YT videos.

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>looks directly in guy in red hat again

I barfed the moment I saw that the enemies have health bars and levels. Imagine actually paying for this shit.

i played TNO a while ago now so forgive me. that was a standard wolfenstein gun-n-run game though? i do remember you had an ex-nazi ally in that library safehouse though

Okay, what you favorite gun in game?
I like double gangsta Uzi's.

I think a retard who complains about racism shouldn't be on Yea Forums you fucking retard

There's nothing wrong with RPG shooter persay, borderlands is very popular etc, it's just not what wolfenstein should be

I'll bite. Imagine a fairly repetitive but fun FPS which lacks some of the visceral bite of TNO/TNC (where you could dispatch enemies without them having a health bar.) It takes some getting used to but the main characters do ease you in with their story arc as they become accustomed to killing. The writing is just as funny and interesting as TNO/TNC. Anyone who says otherwise I'd take with a grain of salt, though, because a lot of people view this game as being chock-full of feminism and anti-racism...which are, of course, glaring flaws huehuehue. I'm several hours in and really enjoying my time. I'd give it a 6/10 at this time but it's probably gonna go up a half point or so by the end, I wager. Definitely not a waste of $40 and the microtransactions can be completely ignored and you can use ingame rewards to unlock everything.

So is it good or not? I don’t give a fuck about how they look or about nazis or any pseudo political or sjw bullshit. I just want to shoot shit doom style niggers. Can I do that in this game?

it's just that it's very poorly executed in this game

>it's just not what wolfenstein should be

This is a spinoff, not the main saga. If you can't stomach it, just overlook it, and it won't take away from your enjoyment of the trilogy.

You dumb twat taking this like a joke. Dude wants to know from people what the fuck is wrong with the game.
But in all honesty it looks like a huge load of bore. They had it with the first remake in the bag but then just fucking destroyed the series just like it happened before.

Just because the game runs on the same engine doesn’t mean the gameplay is good. TNC was hated in part because it’s level design was really awful and it’s stealth mechanics were broken mechanically unlike TNO/TOB. Youngblood’s level design isn’t much better and people really didn’t want RPG-lite mechanics in what was initially a game that merged old-school FPS design with modernism. Now it’s just a bland nothing gameplay-wise with no real unique identity.
>the writing is good
I’m sorry but you have shit taste and you’re a retard if you think that anyone who disagrees with you is because they’re a Nazi.

That’s all I wanted to know. Thanks user.

It's not as arcadey as Doom, but it still has that essential nuWolf feel that a lot of people love and seemingly just as many hate

>The writing is just as funny and interesting as TNO/TNC
lol, you mean just as bad
it's very generic and repetitive with mostly walking

If i join to other people games will i retain my lvl and guns/upgrades?

My mate wants to co-op some games but I don't want to unironically touch this. Guess I'll play Left4Dead and UT2k4 like I've been doing for 10 years.

Explain? Everything I've heard about the game has been bad, even ignoring politics.

Are you poor or something? Go buy Monster Hunter World.

Thank you, user. All threads should have a post like this before all the shitposting starts.

That's my long and short of my experience so far. I should probably explain too that looter shooter is usually my least favorite type of game to play.

I'm bad at vidya, especially MH ;_;

Honestly whose genius idea was it to add the retarded RPG mechanics? No one likes fighting bullet sponge enemies and needing to level up in a fucking run'n'gun like Wolfenstein

I like it but AI as always bad, bulletsponge enemys.

You can still run and gun, the core mechanics still encourage sprinting around and double jumping like a madman to change up your advantage... it's just a bit more strategic and less visceral now, for better or worse

chad genetics, look at Bruce Willis's daughters, all huge fucking chins.

TNO and TOB did rightfully show Nazis being the evil as fuck supervillains that the were in reality, but also simultaneously humanized them in a way no other game has ever done, with things like a simple postcard written by a young soldier to his mother, or the literal grammar Nazi. In my opinion, this only enhanced how twisted they are; that there are these little reminders that yes, the people doing these horrible things are real people.
And then you get to TNC and now they are Saturday morning cartoon villain-tier and act like caricatures of themselves.

MHW is noob friendly. Only end game stuff like Arch Tempered monster are hard.

OP is a troll post

I've already played through it. I'm not autistic enough to kill the same monsters for 1000 hours though.

>You can still run and gun
>run into area with nazis a few levels higher than you
Wow so much strategy

>I suck at games but act like it's the game's fault, the post

Wew lad. Been playing it like I always have and I'm on Challenging with Nadel loadouts.

I'm on your side. The most fun FPS I've played in a good while on PC. Yea Forums is just a bunch of thick-skulled malcontents, I'm convinced who are so into pretending they're nazis that they'll get "offended" over something as ridiculous as this game's comically bad story.

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I've heard, guess I'll try. I got my ass handed to me playing unite on the PSP, classic collect popo tongues.

>The most fun FPS I've played in a good while on PC
No shit faggot when there are hardly any fps or they are baby tier AAA walking simulators.

Can't get over that stupid catsuit design, it has fucking toenails

You know how when the division launched everyone complained that they added health bars, levels and bullet sponges to the already quite boring cover based shooter mechanic?

Well they did that to Wolfenstein, except the gunplay isn't already terrible so it doesn't completely ruin it. But to completely ruin it, they made it forced CO-OP with a shitty bot and no ability to actually pause the fucking game even when you play singleplayer.

Did you play an FPS recently and think that having to waste your fucking time grinding so that enemies weren't a higher level than you, because if they are your bullets magically become completely ineffective, would make the game better? And that micro transactions would be cool? And that Life is Strange-tier 'punk' teenagers would make the game better?

Guess what the suggestion is on whether you should play this title.

So is this game actually worth the money?

Sometimes I feel like Sun Tzu himself with the mad strategies I can pull off in this game

I think Soph is cuter.

that is really stupid. But they can be used to drop down on enemies from a good enough height and cause them to instagib.

No, Sun U

sure bud, keep pretending anyone in this thread is railing on the game because its anti nazi and not because it's a half baked piece of shit with zero depth and cringe from beginning to end

>I'd give it a 6/10
>Definitely not a waste of $40

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Things about design i do not get is were they putting all their weapon and ammo? Don't you need backpack for that? I like it slick but come on.

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Calling empowered nazi killers fat lmao

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You don't spend 66% average game MSRP on a product which is better than average? Can't say I get the react

It's $40 but after you get to the metro, there seems to be a lot of backtracking over the same areas. It's fun and all, especially with a good partner, but if there's really just these 5 small zones, that's not a lot of content. I'm hoping more opens up soon.

The classic floating weapons, trademarked by Bioware

Maybe Da'at Yichud tech hides the weapon on your body like a huge fucking sling of holsters

imagine being employed by bethesda and your job involves lazily advertising their shit games by astroturfing

you should be fired, a monkey would do a better job

this looks extremely ugly

>i do not get is were they putting all their weapon and ammo? Don't you need backpack for that?
when did you start playing fps you underage faggot?

>155 posts
>57 unique posters
>Page 1

I'm a chimpanzee, mothafucka

In 1998.

>the microtransactions can be completely ignored
i didn't know it had microtransactions at all.

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the transparency dithering looks horrible

They're entirely cosmetic, even though that's not actually a defense haha. I understand if that makes a game unbuyable, I choose not to buy a lot of games based just on that, but I can't fault this game for having a really good gameplay engine, much like Destiny. In that way it's hard for me to have the same cynicism towards it I do towards something like The Division or some such garbage.

>the suits don't show ass
that's the biggest heresy

along with its comically bad story, it also has comically bad gameplay. RPG stat scaling is garbage & even worse in a shooter.

>this game for having a really good gameplay engine, much like Destiny.

why put cosmetics in a 2 player game? it didn't make sense for portal 2 either.

Me too! It's so much fun, I bought my friend a copy after I beat it by myself so we can both play together. I can't wait for the sequel, it's gonna be super crazy with all the...well I won't spoil for people in case they want get it as well.

>RPG stat scaling is garbage & even worse in a shooter

Yeah, imagine if Fallout was like that

if you want to shill you have to attempt to post like someone that uses this site. right now you're doing worse than the h*roforge shills.


Haha and so do Trumpets

>Swipe left if you're a Trump supporter


it's obviously sarcasm autismos

obligatory angry boomer

>How to ruin a franchise!
what does this game have that would piss people off who tolerated TNC?

God why are they so fucking ugly
With BJ's genes you'd think they'd be aryan godesses but no, they look like the fat butch from gender studies

Fallout 3 through 4 aren't shooters you retard. At least 3 and NV aren't. They're rpgs first and foremost, their focus is on character building, quests, story, exploration, lore, characters, and having a variety of things to do. No one fucking picked up any of the three first person Fallouts with the intention of how much fun the gunplay was going to be, because the gunplay both sucks and isn't the focus.
Keep coping with your boring shit game that will be forgotten in a week

that's why it's shit. same with Borderlands.

Exactly. It's just fresh so they're pretending like they didn't already hate it before.

it's even worse than TNC?

Wow, it's really sad to think incels own successful Youtube channels

epic bait you brain damaged retard

Lmao imagine dating someone that focused on politics in the first place.
People that can't shut up about politics and judge everyone through a political lense inevitably be the most annoying people to hang with. Legit why I stopped hanging with one of my conservative friends even though I agreed with him on most stuff, and also why I just ignore my mom when I visit her whenever she rambles on politics.

Just to clarify, the MTX shit isn't for exclusive shit, but a paid shortcut to get these items instead of using regular in-game currency.

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Were they modelled after Bruce Willis' daughters?

Yeah but imagine having to tell a bitch you didn't vote and don't care about politics because people treat you like a pathetic subhuman if you tell the truth lmfao

>Those jew thots
Dios mio.

Hahahaha you think I tell them I didn't vote?
I admit I voted for Trump. They ask why, I tell them the real reason, for SCOTUS seats. I'm 3 for 3 on having relationships with girls that don't like Trump and are liberal but end up not caring that I voted for him. The first two relationships of that matter ended, both out of me ending, but none of the reasons were politically motivated and were all about personal factors. The second you get to know someone, as long as neither of you obsess over politics as your entire purpose in life, you learn to not really give too much of a shot what your partner believes


>Enjoying a wolfenstein past Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Peak zoomer

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>watching AngryJoeShow review
that guy (Derich) is even more retarded than DSP who has no problems playing the game

yeah I'm not 27 and enjoy both

Kill yourself shill

this petty left-right mongering thing in america is quite honestly a pathetic thing and a caricature of animal farm.

Okay zoomer. When you reach the age of 30 you start to be able to tell what games are shit, and this game is in fact shit

Cringe have sex

They're not his daughters. He got cucked obviously. And now a proud cuck father.


You know boomer is a meme, right, it doesn't mean "old enough to be dead?"

>civilization ruled by Jews is petty
Woah what a shock

my hands are on my dick and I'm playing with it.

what now faggot?

why would anyone want to stare at unattractive characters while playing a game? thats a great way to turn off a potential customer

No, there's a reason the word ugly exist in the first place. It's to describe the feeling of revulsion one feels at seeing a person who by natures account shouldn't have been able to pass their genes on.

Just go the Jewish route and have sex with your family

A more succinct definition is "It's to describe the feeling one has when looking in the mirror"

No one deserves representation.
With that said, yea, there's no problem having a couple of people with ugly faces in your game or media, but unless their ugliness is a key focus of the project, then they shouldn't be the lead. It's like the rule about why fat people should be reserves as jokes given its their own fault they're fat

Cope. Attractive people will always seek out aesthetically pleasing partners in the name of fitness. Pigs and sows only exist in defiance or natural order.

Why do people in this site think like this? I. Dont. Fucking. Get. It. How are the people functional outside of the internet?

>Oy vey have 350 lbs trans women as the main characters, play with botha hads weirdo
Is it truly bad to have something aesthetically pleasing or titillating to look at?

>Attractive people
You are one to talk you pathetic autistic abomination.

can't wait for the r34 3d render animation of them getting raped together

In fact maybe I'll commission it myself. Maybe I can get pestilence to come back and do it

They surround themselves in bubbles of groupthink.
It's like /pol/ but many are enabled to do it in the real world via lib arts classes in college campuses. You can find similar stuff at any employment where groupthink makes its way in eventually and creates certain biases.

If the main characters were hot it would make a lot of people question the storytelling in a way the devs didn't intend. It's not an exploitation game.

My dicks getting as hard as you're projecting uggo.

Lol in what fucking way?
I expect to play as a hot character just as I expect to watch my action star in a movie be hot. You think anyone looks at Tom Cruise and says 'gee I wish he'd gain another 60 lbs for the next die hard'?

they are retards, NPCs, whatever you want to call it
you are a fucking retard

it's a retarded troll

Meant mission impossible, but point applies to Bruce Willis who aged like fine wine over the years

If the two main characters were bombshells it wouldn't send the right message in this day and age. Rue it all you want, that's just the way it is. It isn't Lollipop Chainsaw so the only protagonists "allowed" to be hot are men. Not that it bothers me... my compatriot is in a power suit and I don't have time to be masturbating to her when I have Pornhub perfectly up and running

The story tellers don't want good looking people to have agency because it causes them so much personal angst. That much is obvious.

post pic, real uggo

Okay yeah you're a shitposter

Just letting you guys know Return To Castle Wolfenstein: Coop mod exists. I played it through with a friend a few versions ago and it was great.

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and you're a brainlet who don't use words too much, >duh durr I'll just ad hom and retreat

oh you pussy.

Why would I do that when you can just continue to seethe over losing the genetic lottery. Let me just dox myself because some twat is self conscious. Fuck off.

Stop talking about God’s Chosen that way. Know your place goyim.

try harder you worthless brain damaged retard
you can say it without sounding like a total retard

Literal baitposting sperg


It's a looter shooter? Fucking what?

on the off chance you're being serious, they don't need to be bombshells, they should just be pretty

Why are black incels so pathetic? Lmao, even desperate over ugly chicks

>Hey developers, publishers? It's cool to have an opinion!
as long as that opinion lines up with yours, right, you fucking manchild?

Sure i'm brain damaged while you continue to throw a fit because someone said ugly people shouldn't be represented due to causing revulsion. Just remember you're never going to pass and please kill yourself before you eat up too many tax dollars.

repeat the same levels 5 times
grind levels and money
higher level enemies will one shot you
bullet sponges

>youngdykes comes out
>remember RTCW & ET
>install both games
>check the serverlists
>vast majority of the servers are filled with bots instead of actual players
>the few active servers on ET have shit like double jump or poison gas in them

Holy fuck what a painful feeling

Not unless you like having to babysit a bot.

you don't need to give a fuck about her

Why do the kids of BJ need the cripple suit to kill nazis?

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>buying games

It's a power suit. It just so happens it can give the crippled the power to walk again, but it's useful for anyone. The game heavily implies you could never do what you do without it.

those poor girls and their tired faces.

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Holy yikes tryhard alert

>looter shooter
Instant drop.

If you unsoughtly turn your game series into a current day politics driven piece of bias then chances are it will repulse the core audience. There is a big difference between involving generic political tropes compared to references to current invividuals and tendencies that directly affect political situation around you. It's the latter that people call "political" in games and if you want to involve your bias in your "art" then go do that on twitter where it will be exactly as valuable as it deserves. Don't ride on big franchise's coattails to deliver your shitty message, it's yet another reason why normal people hate this — you force it down our throats while shitting on things we like just because you can and proceed to call it art, fuck off.

lol imagine thinking you’re a political batman

pic related

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Black incels? Posts like that are obviously from white guys with some inferiority issue towards blacks. Why else would they bitch about the fact that a woman took one random black dick rather than the fact that they took random dick in the first place?

Unless you need to be revived and she can't go up the stairs.

I love old vidya. I regularly play shit from the 80's and 90's (not really into pre 80's though).

RTCW is mediocre and always was. 3d was shit and immediately outdone by Doom the next year. both games came out when better stuff existed or immediately before something better.

Doesn't mean Wolf YB is anything to me. Just that RTCW is pathetic for the time it launched.

>conman conning way into presidency
I don't understand their logic.

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Imagine getting cucked by life itself so much you get 2 daughters. I'd kill myself.

RTCW is ridiculously easy even on the hardest difficulty and the level design sucks dick.

>have pro-Nazi opinions
>wonder why people hate you

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>game about killing nazis
>people who play it are somehow pro-nazi because they don't have insane leftie political standing irl
Can I have a food analogy with that strawman?