The best elder scrolls game is an mmo

>the best elder scrolls game is an mmo
How did this happen?

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It didn't happen, ESO is shit.


The artstyle for the game should either be more cartoonish
or more realistic, I don't dig this middle ground.

That doesnt look like oblivion.

ESO is without a doubt the most soulless game I've ever played.

I see what you did there.

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Whats wrong with today gamers?
>ESO best TES!!!!11
>XIV Shadowbringers best FF!!!!11


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It's not cool to talk about this game on Yea Forums. The current meme wars are about FFXIV vs WoW vs Classic.

It's not people, it's games. They are just single-player games that are sold with the "MMO" label so that the devs can get all the sweet monthly sub and microtransaction cash.

Like every mmo with a bad endgame, it feels completely pointless.

Sad but true. I don't play MMOs to indulge in the story and art. I play to build the strongest character and get shit done with guildies. WoW is the only thing that fills this itch.

I rarely end up doing real endgame shit. Typically I'll just do casual endgame progression, but the possibility of doing the hardest content in the game makes it all FEEL like there's a point to it even if you never do that content.

the gameplay is absolutely horrid

I bought 3 months of ESO PLUS AND A NEW SSD FOR IT

>/virgin/ showing off his shit taste

Just like all Elder Scrolls.

she cute

Attached: The Elder Scrolls Online F.jpg (902x367, 83K)

>Plays way better than Skyrim
>Better melee combat
>Better magic
>Way more skills and build variety
>Full blown necromancer class
>All the otherworldly foreign biomes including kitty cat khajiits
>"It's worse!"

>it's better than Skyrim therefore it's good

It's better than Oblivion too.

It would be a toptier game if they de-MMOfied it, it has that whimsical exploration feel not many games get right.

This. There's more variety in areas and skills than all other Elder Scrolls combined, along with more lore books. The combat has more weight than Skyrim does too and whilst the quests (with every line, of which there are hundreds of thousands, being voiced by decent VAs) from the base game aren't as good as the well written dlc, they're still better than Skyrim and on par with Oblivion. Morrowind will always win when it comes to world building, but ESO feels like the most expansive Scrolls game with the most in depth combat.

You can play the majority of it single player tho, with only other players needed for end game stuff and dungeons.


ESO is *garbage*. Honestly the vast majority of it should not be canon. It's expanded universe bullshit.

>>Plays way better than Skyrim
no it doesn't
>Better melee combat
>Better magic
no it doesn't

I advise you go play Skyrim again and then TESO. For starters, the latter has an actual parry system with timed blocks. It has a proper necromancer class, damage and healing are more varied, and so are assassin skills.

I have no idea how you acquired such shitty taste.

>everyone strafes like a retard
>rotation is just keeping 5 20 second long buffs and spamming 1 nuke button
>all content other than high difficulty trials is braindead so you spend 30-40 hours doing mind numbing quest grinding
>the “you can be literally anything you want e.g caster in full plate, warrior with a staff” meme esofags like to spew to shill the game is pure marketing horseshit because the game railroads you into caster or melee gear
>all abilities are boring as fuck spammable shit
literally a console MMO. Even if it wasnt released on them at first it’s absolutely clear it was designed around controllers