Did this video ruin DS2's reputation forever?

Did this video ruin DS2's reputation forever?

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back when it had active online and golfswing pvp, it was by far the best souls game

Probably. People love shitty youtube "celebrities" and eat up and regurgitate everything they say.

You can't destroy what never existed

no, he even says himself in the video that compared to other games releasing at the time he thought ds2 was good, but he also mentioned how he wants to focus on its glaring flaws, thus why it's called a critique and not a review.

Pvp wise it was the best, any build was fun, unfortunately the rest of the game didn't live up to that standard.

Imagine ranting about a video game... for almost 50 minutes.

>does a critique
>but never follows up on dlc and sotfs release
That's how you can strengthen your opinion, otherwise it's worthless.

Only with easily programmable brainlets.

DS2's reputation went down the gutter to the Rotten once they rolled out the downgraded bullshots.

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I'd have no problem with it if I was getting paid like matthew

the dlc didn't do much to change the points that he made during his criticism. at best you could say scholar, but that's technically an entirely different game.

>technically an entirely different game
I wish

Yes because people regurgitate his opinion ad nauseam without playing the game or coming up with original ideas. Even I'm guilty of letting the Yea Forums haters get to me as I avoided DS2 for the longest time.

I played the game for the first time pretty recently and I was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable it was. Sure some of Matthewmatosis's criticism is valid, but the game as a whole just comes across like they wanted to try something different and whether you liked that direction was a matter of taste. I did not have nearly as big a problem with the "lots of enemies" philosophy the game goes with, there was only a couple instances in my playthrough where I thought it was excessive or unfair, and I played the SotFS version which apparently ups the ante significantly. But even then, I had little difficulty getting through the areas.

The PVP was quite enjoyable from what I played. I messed around with the several of the covenants and several builds it was an overall enjoyable experience. It was a little dead at times depending on the time of day but when it worked it was pretty fun. I enjoyed it more than Dark Souls 3 which largely soured me on PVP in Souls.

I would agree that it has the weakest bosses in the series though, and that the game tries too hard to be difficult rather than creative in some spots, but the overall experience is still pretty fun. I did not have a problem with any hitboxes like Matthewmatosis did, perhaps they patched that in the time since his video. He complains about the lack of options in the beginning, but really if you know what you're doing then only Huntman's Copse is outright blocked off without clearing an area. You can still go the Tower of Heide, the Forest, The Grave, and the Shaded Woods without clearing an area boss. I don't know why they blocked off Huntman's Copse, but whatever, its not that big a deal.

I can't go through his other criticisms because of the text limit but DS2 was a really fun game and I'd play it again.

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>I don't know why they blocked off Huntman's Copse
My best guess: same why Shrine of Winter exists.
It was a finished asset that they could cram into the game, no matter if it made any sense or not.

It didn't help but the downgrade did a lot more harm, as did the fact that the controls are fucking GRIDS and feel absolutely terrible.

>without playing the game
stopped reading right there. he just made a list of most glaring issues most people disliked about the game. not coming up with original ideas on why the shit is flawed is not an argument as flaws are identifiable and they are often the same for everyone. personally i have a few extra gripes about this game but again, like he stated, which is most objectively true, it's not a bad game, i enjoy playing through it every once in a while, but that doesn't make those issues and less worse.

i tried to play this game twice.
the first time i didn't finish the dlcs, second time i didn't even finish the base game. i have sotfs version on ps4.

i played the other 2 dark souls, bloodborne, and sekiro multiple times and enjoyed them a lot.

ds2 ruined ds2's reputation.

No, Dark Souls 2 did that.

The only people who like DS2 only play DS2.

Actual people play Dark Souls 3, The Surge and Sekiro.


No, those did:

Fuck you, I was just about to link that

Not true. I played Demon's, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1-3. Demon's is easily the worst, BB is the best, and Scholar is 2nd best Souls game. Never played vanilla DS2.
>The Surge
Isn't that... Sci Fi?

Yea Forums was already shitting on DS2 at release. A lot of the video is regurgitating points that were already being made.

Tell me Yea Forums, are all the threads every day saying DS2 is the best souls game just people being contrarian?

I don't hate DS2, it's fun for a casual playthrough every now and then, but how can anyone actually believe it's the best one when bloodborne exists?

The DS2's reputation went down the shitter once everyone has learned about the downgrade.
It went down even harder after everyone has learned about the soul memory.
And after a few runs everyone were bashing this abomination for an ass load of thing it did wrong or needlessly changed for no reason whatsoever. Some of those things were patched out (reminder that NG and NG+ pvp were separated for no reason and you could drink estus on arena making already awful place even worse)
People defending DS2 are the actual newfags who probably didn't even browse this board until 2016.

DS2 ruined DS2 reputation

Actually no, H.Bomber's awful attempt at rebuttal was the final nail in the coffin

Fuck this degenerate
Now a Bunch of dumbfucks parroting him saying that dmc 1 and DeS is the best in their series

>The problem with dark souls two is it lacks any kind of bite
>Not once did I ever hear anyone call a hollow a nigger

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Crowbshits then

>pile of rubble

The downgrade was obvious in the beta already you fucking newfaggot

Whats it going to be on lads?

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I recently completed my first playthrough on the PS3 version, and I felt like I either broke the game, or that it's completely unbalanced in favour of the player.

I invested all of my souls into strength, and spent all my titanite shards on this one greatsword I discovered. By the halfway point my character was absurdly powerful and could easily kill any enemy within one or two hits. From that point onward I no longer felt challenged, and often beat bosses on my first or second attempt. A lot of the tension and sense of accomplishment was robbed from me as a result.

I agree with most of Matthew's criticisms besides the story, which is the one part of the game I actually enjoyed, in addition to some of the environmental designs, which were really beautiful. I loved the Gutter for the oppressive and uncomfortable atmosphere it produces, with the sound of a beating heart in the distance.

Downgrades are still a problem even if useful idiots on Yea Forums say it's okay because "everyone does it." It's bad business.

>Scholar is 2nd best Souls game

Fucking retard, kill yourself.

>game's reputation

You need to go back

Yeah, look at the sudden hatred for GTAV on this board for example.

Crowbshit spotted. Go on and bitch like far cry 2 is better than fc5

Take pills

Especially when the graphical downgrade was used on levels specifically designed for the game's original lighting system, rendering the torch mechanic utterly useless.

only during the first months. plenty of people love the game by now.

>game built around a single health restoration mechanic (practically) and the respawn system around it
>"lol just add more healing"
This was clearly a problem from day 1, everyone saw it. The videos may have convinced casuals who don't contemplate game design whatsoever and just play through as prompted like NPCs, but everyone who matters didn't need them and they were old news when they came out.

those of you that hate DaS2, can you tell me why? i want to know your reasons

t. Demon's Souls faggotboy

Animations are dogshit, textures are ugly, gameplay is "haha gotcha!!!" Prepare to die xXDDDD every 5 feet. No, putting 5 dickschlongs around one corner so you get ambushed is not good game design, no putting one unbelievably powerful enemy in the way without a way around it is not good game design, neither is ADP.

Forgot to even mention the laughably terrible bosses and world design.

I felt like the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring completely ruined the healing system for me. After every boss battle, and after thoroughly exploring an area, even after leveling up and refilling any bolts, arrows or bombs I had used, I was always left with a large remainder of souls, and as a melee character I had nothing better to spend them on than healing gems. Before long I had max them out and from then on the game was absurdly easy.

Even with everything i agree most with the fact that compared to other games ds2 is still a great game. I still replay the whole series almost yearly and this one too. The only souls game i did pvp in. I think i must have rerolled my character like a thousand times trying so many stuff. That butterfly wings outfit with poison whips was pretty unique.

Its funny, everytime i play this game, i get frustrated at many points, but when i think back after having not played it for a while, i have positive thoughts.

All of the player animations are ugly and unsatisfying and lack the kind of tells that showed you when hitboxes/i-frames are in action.
The mechanics themselves are very strange and clunky. There's a couple videos on youtube that compare them to other souls and show you the issues.
The enemies restrict your defensive options to i-frames and spacing, because they rotate at the speed of sound and all of their attacks lock on. Pretty bad for 1 v 1, but awful for dealing with mobs (which is constantly the case).
All the bosses are boring and janky as fuck.
The map is stupid and makes no sense.

It doesn't help that the scaling system is non-existent and builds are made literally retard-proof even if they don't invest into agility since how non-threatening everything is.

I defeated the overwhelming majority of bosses in the game by simply circle strafing around them.

These videos are so comfy background noise.

Controls are clunky and unresponsive as shit compared to the rest of the series and attacks lack wind up/aiming frames.
This even affects enemies so often what seems like the AI crapping out is simply them having the same issues as you.
Even fucking Lords of the Fallen doesn't have this issue.

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Pretty much all the maps show some ridiculously poor craftmanship and it's just mindboggling that all of that shit wasn't fixed in SotFS - the "definitive" version.

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Deadzone is FUCKED. You need an external utility for character to actually move precisely instead of doing sharp 90 degree turns.
Everything about the combat is clunky, slow and braindead. Animations are awful and unsatisfying, animation speeds are so low it feels like everything happens underwater, hit feedback is severely worse than in any other souls game. For every good idea they've introduced into the combat system they made at least 2 mistakes that negate it. Having full access to left handed moveset is good. But actual powerstance movesets are complete trash and were actually nerfed. Making estus chugging slower is good, but it continues to heal you after you take damage, possibly negating any consequences of your action and lifegems break the healing system entirely.
Enemy AI is retarded and easily baited into punishable attack cycles, enemies are generall slow and not threatening, lacking any dangerous rape your face tier attacks, the only good job they did was with NPC invaders but they've ruined them by giving them unrealistic stats, unbreakable poise and ability to cancel out their own animations at will.
Bosses are TRASH. I simply cannot stress how bad they were. Even DeS which was full of gimmick bosses at least worked hard to give those bosses fantastic designs and atmosphere. DS1 bosses were a mix of occassional clunkiness, good designs and actually good action bosses. DS2 bosses are extremely samey (being humanoids is not a problem, look at DS3 where two humanoid fights have nothing in common mechanically, the problem of DS2 bosses is that they are SAMEY humanoids), mechanically primitive, aesthetically ugly and create no atmosphere.
I don't even want to touch the world and level design. Tseldora is where most of my recent runs has ended because this place makes me want to puke, and everything post-Drangleic castle becomes progressively even worse.

this is every souls game

why should i give a fuck what some retard on the internet rants about, you play a game and you either like it or not

The REAL reason I dropped the game even though I didn't have many issues with DS1 or 3 is because the gameplay is dogshit. The controls feel shitty. That and the level design is laughably bad and made for the sole purpose of pissing you off.

It's significantly harder to do in other souls games since bosses actually have tools to get you off their backs. In DS2 "circle around the boss" is a universal tactic that works even against the fucking Fume.

There's an interesting part of the podcast he did with mechagamezilla where he talks a little more about the DS2 video and about how people use youtube videos to argue with each other rather than using their own opinions and the pros and cons of this phenomenon

inb4 the one turtle enemy

Funny thing, you can just bait him into the shell slam and pound his ass, making your job even easier.

It feels like Demon's Souls but made by people who didn't understand it.

The Emerald Herald is like the Maiden in Black but worse.

The animations and feel are reminiscent of Demon's Souls, you even hold your sword the same way in some of them, but even Demon's Souls had some weight to the animations even though they were floatier than DS1. It feels even floatier in Dark Souls 2 but at the same time manages to be stiff.

The healing is a straight rip from Demon's Souls, flaws and all. But instead of grass, we have life gems, and now it heals slowly, which makes poison obsolete. But even in Demon's Souls, the grass didn't make you invinsible and was still a challenge. In Dark Souls 2, I facerolled half the bosses through sheer attrition because life gems are OP. They even have a cling ring in DS2 in case you didn't realize that this game is copying Demon's Souls, but badly.

The world design is very similar to the philosophy in Demon's Souls, where it doesn't try to have an interconnected space that all spans together but just localizes every area into its own little closed space. What Dark Souls 2 failed to do however is go all the way with this concept as Dark Souls 2 tries to have every area be distinct from the next with little interconnection, but still try to have them be interconnected somehow. Demon's Souls solved this with the archstones, which meant that every area was clearly disconnected from the next and did not have to have some consistency between them. Dark Souls 2 did the same thing, but then for some reason have the areas come right after another like in Dark Souls 1. It would be like in Demon's Souls if you went down the tunnel in Boletaria, then ended up the in the Valley of Defilement. It doesn't make any sense.

I don't understand why they didn't just implement a system like the archstones to begin with. I mean the game has warping from the start and instead of only half copying Demon's Souls, they should have just gone all way.

b-but it disp-proves your point of circling!

>Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is the first in a series of one-thousand-and-tirty-eight reviews on how Irish immigrants were literally treated worse than even the lowest, most worthless nigger slave, despite being objectively biologically superior to them by every metric.
>Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go fuck my imouto

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Most retarded post I've read today, congratulations.

>t. Kamiya/Miyazaki cocksucker

*blocks your opinion*

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Maybe Odyssey? It'd be nice if he got it out of the way, it's probably the last of the reviews people expect him to do if we exclude the ones he already said he's not going to make (like Bloodborne/Sekiro and MGS5) and possibly Exapunks.

>e-cuck being an e-cuck
DS2 confirmed flawless masterpiece.

This is the only from's game I havent beaten, I've tried 2 times and its just too hard, and by hard I mean shitty hard
I don't get adp shit, I could never understand roll mechanic, its just random, sometimes you get hit and sometimes with same tactic you don't
Shitty annoying areas, bonfires are too far away from bosses
It is almost as shitty as ds1, but ds1 was easy af, everything was so primitive
Ds2 is like 50% harder but with same shitty mechanics +adp random rolls makes it imposible

>literal who youtuber


>10-fucking-hour responce to some other literal who's Dark Soul 2 video out
I'd probably even agree with him because I'm not the biggest DS2 fan but holy fuck dude get an editor.

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The one thing that always stuck out to me is how cheap DS2 looked. The textures and lighting effects are terrible. It shouldn't look worse than Demons Souls.

>*cherrypicks, takes things out of context, is reductive and outright strawmans*
Pshh, nothing personnel kid

I agree with him that, if From Software had abandoned any attempts at constructing a coherent, organically interconnected world in favour of a universe falling apart at the seams, this could have made for an interesting change from previous games in the serious. If they leaned into the surrealist nature of a larva cathedral atop a tower of poisonous gas, if they consciously designed the entire game around this notion and theme, it might have worked.

The problem is that there are still signs of attempts to reproduce the logical consistency of previous games, they just fuck it up in the most unusual ways, and this leads to a game that doesn't know what the fuck it is doing and utterly fails at any interesting world design.

*gets savagely mauled*

GTAV story mode is great but the online is cancer same goes with RDR2 and because of GTA online model we will never get a singleplayer dlc from them again because the online model is just easy money for them.

GTA 4 and RDR had the best online. Those were the days.

They really need to do more episodes together. I keep wondering what review Matt had in mind for a Mecha cameo

dark souls 2 is the comfiest game
1 is so small and short compared to the others it's over by the time you get into it on a replay
3 is a straight line and gets really sluggish from the poison swamp until you hit the
2 has loads of content and you can go wherever you want and has lots of weapons and magic

>literally who

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Dark Souls 2 will never stop triggering haters.
For that alone, it really is the most important - and probably the best - game in the series.

Being a shit game is what ruined its reputation, don't give ecelebs so much credit.

I think you have a funny way of evaluating what makes a good game

An editor can't fix a shitty script.

>Dark souls as a series is a doom clone with no guns
Honestly think about it
it even follows Carmacks "the story isn't important its just expected to be there" motto.

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how many right wing vloggers on youtube do you watch each day

Maybe. But, as a fan of a said game, I am definitely not obsessed with it. Haters, on the other hand, can't stop talking about it.
Why is that? You don't like it? You think it's shit? That is perfectly fine. Move on with your life. But no.


I hate this fag
I like DS2 and he defends it for all the wrong reasons and makes anyone who likes DS2 look bad

This. Who gives a rat's ass about the """story""" or the shitty singleplayer, 2 had the best PvP which would have been perfect if not for Soul Memory and a few overpowered weapons. Most fun I've ever had with a Souls game.

>gameplay is "haha gotcha!!!" Prepare to die xXDDDD every 5 feet.
Isn't it the easiest souls game though? I remember on release day playing for 9 hours before dying for the first time

>if there's something I like, the developers agree with me and what they were trying to do is good
>if there's something I don't like, the developers were just trying to appeal to the stupid fanboys

>whenever DaS is linear and DaS 2 is non-linear, linearity is bad and non-linearity is good
>whenever DaS is non-linear and DaS2 is linear, linearity is the best and non-linearity is terrible

>these two enemies not respawning in DaS proves that the developers knew they fucked up
>all enemies not respawning after a while in DaS2 doesn't mean anything and I won't even bring it up

>1 vs 1 fights against single humanoid enemies are what the game's mechanics are vessel for
>you can't criticize the game for being choke-full of gangs of enemies though

>multi enemy encounters are great
>what I wanted out of the most notorious multi enemy boss fight from DaS was a 1-on-1 fight

>the fact that this old woman that tells you your future looks like a fortune-teller from this movie tells you that she's a fortune teller, and that's very smart and "visual story-telling"

>over 7 goddamn hours refuting an hour and nineteen minute video defending DS2

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it had the best dlc

you can't tell me getting 4 knightbros and jumping into a giant pit of lava fighting off waves of chaos dudes until big bad comes out of sauron gate isn't sick as fuck

also it was the only one with decent pvp

literally every point hbimboguy says is either factually incorrect or contradictory to what he himself says later in the video, of course a response video would take forever to go through every shit sentence he spouted.

Now that the dust is settled on Dark Souls 2 being the worst game in the series, which one is the best? I say Sekiro

>defending a Souls game where every single encounter is designed to fuck you up

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That's still some weapon's grade autism. I mean, I wouldn't spend over and hour - let alone 7 hours - explaining why someone was wrong for liking something I hate, even if they were being factually wrong about it the entire goddamn time.


>I say Sekiro
>forgotten within a month

>forgotten in a month
there are still daily sekiro threads here

And the best one of all:

>The Dark Souls community is awful because everyone keeps telling other people to "get good" when you dare point flaws
>You're not playing Dark Souls 2 correctly

Dark Souls 2 didn’t let you cheat by using invincibility frames and it made ‘hardcore’ players rage.

Thé map isn’t as good as Dark Souls 1

Thats It

Also, if you think life gems are cheating (don’t use them)

this desu

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Ever considered the possibility that people quote this video because it says what people want to say, you retard?

So make your own DS2 defense video that makes DS2 fans look really cool

>*blocks your opinion*

Blocks his own masculinity.

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Ok dude have your Youtuber crush just relax

no interest in defending hbomb but it is funny to me that anyone would make an issue of someone's "masculinity" on Yea Forums

a videogame shitposting board where people cry about women all day while posting anime girls isn't "alpha" but some poor deluded faggots are determined to convince themselves that it is

>I did not have nearly as big a problem with the "lots of enemies" philosophy the game goes with, there was only a couple instances in my playthrough where I thought it was excessive or unfair, and I played the SotFS version which apparently ups the ante significantly. But even then, I had little difficulty getting through the areas.
That's just your dumb anime poster projection, no one ever called DaS2 hard, just shit, nobody had a hard time backpedaling and abusing AI boundaries as very few weapons can handle multiple targets and offensive rolling leaves you open. In fact, all sides agree DaS2 is by far the easiest game and all its issues come off as both damage control to how poorly designed it originally was, with its poverty movesets and designs, and subhuman duelfag pandering with zero regard to the real game.

>You can still go the Tower of Heide, the Forest, The Grave, and the Shaded Woods without clearing an area boss. I don't know why they blocked off Huntman's Copse, but whatever, its not that big a deal.
These areas have fuck all besides Turok Woods (which is just mage equipment, the worthless DaS2 version of RTSR and the +1 version of the stamina ring which can be acquired at Forest), and even then you need to grind to buy the branch without killing a boss. It's a complete 180º from the open endedness of DaS' early game.

No need to time iframes when you can just sprint in and out of blind swings and pokes while turning on a dime at full speed. It's hilarious how broken the game is.
>Also, if you think life gems are cheating (don’t use them)
What kind of non-argument is this, just cripple yourself because the game is designed like shit?

Cringing hard rn, Matt


No, Dark Souls 2 never had a good reputation even before that video. All of his criticisms were wide spread here before he made the video. I wouldn't be surprised if he stole them from here.

That video ruined all discussion about Dark Souls 2 because people who liked Dark Souls 2 could accuse you of having watched that video and start ignoring valid criticisms of the game. Meanwhile, people who didn't like Dark Souls 2 but aren't able to properly articulate why could rely on posting the video. So neither side is really willing to talk about the game.

podcast was cosy as fuck

>I did not have a problem with any hitboxes
Ask me how I know you're full of shit. Every Souls game has some wonky hitboxes but 2 absolutely shit the bed on this. It was a consistent issue.

When someone says something I agree with, I always get mad and accuse them of stealing my opinion

>>but never follows up on dlc and sotfs release

maybe because the game was so bad he decided against it

Yeah the developers of Demon's Souls don't understand it. You on the other hand? A random faggot? You've got it all figured out

this, literally every single aspect of this game is fucked
how did they manage to achieve this is beyond me


He would probably agree with you. The options were either maximum autism or cut it down to a manageable size like nearly every other youtuber and then get accused of strawmanning or cherry picking or not fully addressing the argument or whatever the fuck. This way the only criticism is just "its too long".

The game was scrapped halfway through, the original director got the boot and they called a hack to glue the unfinished assets together in a hurry and release it while From's best talent was busy with BB. People credited the bad parts to its troubled development, but then the DLC happened and it turned out to be mostly the same mistakes on steroids, only with a bit more polish and better presentation.

You know you got a believable, dark and opressive fantasy world at hand when a little goblin-dog thing drops black knight weaponry, large axes, shotels and deadly spells and a spider zweihänder, great scythes and rapiers.

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Because the DLC was more or less cobbled together out of semi-finished assets and concepts, too and was once supposed to be part of the game.

B team

DS2 ruined DS2's reputation forever.

Dark Souls 2 didn't have a reputation to begin with, it's the worst case of "Bro, can I copy your homework?" "Yeah sure but make it look different."
The entire design philosophy is just "Dark Souls but more" and out of the 40 or so bosses the only enjoyable ones are the generic human sized bosses in the DLCs.
DS1 turned to shit after Biggie and Smalls but at teast it had that fight, Quelaag, Priscilla, Gaping Dragon, Sof, Iron Golem and Taurus.
Without DLCs DS2 has Pursuer and Looking Glass Knight and uh, some other big dude with large swings. The only well designed area in DS2 is Bastille.
"B-B-B-But the PvP!"

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>The only well designed area in DS2 is Bastille.
You mean Forest and Wharf.

>The only well designed area in DS2 is Bastille.
And even that one has its idiotic parts like the elevator at the docks, the dead end drop after the gargoyles so you HAVE to warp back, the silly little pile of rubble that blocks you off from the area that the crow drops you off, Straid's room and the Sinner's Rise archers in the vanilla version and the piss poor skybox with its cardboard cutout coastline.

>Literal who makes a video
Yeah I'm sure that's what did it


I was one of the most fervent DS2 haters on this board and I hold my hands up, the reason is that I had invested so much into Dark Souls 1 that I was scared. I was scared that the second one might be better, or different, or that I'd need to change, so I hopped on the bandwagon. After playing it with a good friend, we both realized that even with its very worst flaws Dark Souls 2 is fantastic. It's easy to spout shit you heard online about things you're too scared to invest in, but the truth always comes out sooner or later.

Sure there are some really dumb things; the bosses aren't that great, the red/blue covenant farming is impossible after the post-release rush, movement and hitboxes aren't perfect. But the other games all have flaws in the exact same capacity in different areas, chiefly Demon's Souls which gets so much cred for being "da furst" even though its versions of those flaws (EVERY boss is easy to cheese; limited crystal lizards, World Tendency affected by server) are absolutely unforgivable.

>49 minutes

No, this video did.

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The pvp was(is) trash ruined by soul memory and awful movement.

>12+ hours
>says "objectively" 700+ times
Nah dude its shit

Its pvp was garbage the day it came out and continued to be garbage ever since. No full red eye orb was a cancer. Infinite healing when you invade somebody was cancer. Zero incentives to actually invade was cancer. Hit stun with weapons like the fists was cancer. Everything was awful in that game from top to bottom, from the PvE and areas to the PvP arenas.

DS2 is responsible for the "2 hits and roll away for free" that plagued DS3, because they fucked poise and everything became a stunlockfest even after they slowed down every weapon to foamsword levels.