Today's the day that all those cheaters who illegitimately obtained unusuals get their hats removed and trade/market...

Today's the day that all those cheaters who illegitimately obtained unusuals get their hats removed and trade/market banned.

All the good and honest players and traders will be rewarded this day.

Attached: Cheaters Lament.png (250x311, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope the reward is the fucking Heavy update


gonna laugh when nothing happens
didn't even get an unusual but i wouldn't be surprised if they just left them unmarketable and called it a day

Don't rush Valve. We just had back to back updates last week.

It's more likely that today's the day that TF2 dies

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>tf2 is going to die because tradefags will have to get a real job

If Valve announced they were taking the entire game offline and made players unable to make community servers I bet you would agree that TF2 would be dying.


I'm surprised trade fags still exist
All this mobile verification trade holding bullshit made me stop trading

The best part about this whole debacle is that if Valve actually reverses whatever happened, then EGS unironically wins. I haven't been paying attention to anything except that TF2 fans are positively assblasted by some kind of hat thing that happened, but if the reversal happens, it means that Valve acknowledges that the only thing they actually have going for them is the furfags and spergs that play this game. Their store is a replaceable element that EGS will happily take.

lmao what the fuck are you even on about?
take your meds schizo.

I used to trade all my new weapons away to newbies in the server. Too much of a hassle now.

Oh? So you disagree? You're the schizo here.

>Valve killing one of their biggest cash cows because of a glitch that was fixed 10 minutes after it was noticed
don't be an idiot.

>10 minutes
There was an 8 hour window to abuse the glitch.

yeah and it was fixed and the unsual market restabilized after all the hats were marked

You still haven't even tried to explain wtf you're on about kid. Watch out for those "gangstalkers" y'hear?

So do you not agree that if Valve brought the entire game offline and made players unable to make community servers would result in TF2 dying?

This glitch literally helped valve.

>everyone adding money to their steam wallet to buy crates and keys and cheap unusuals
>more players jumping into TF2 reaching a peak of 90k players yesterday

The economy doesn't matter, for the items only have value determined by the players. So the hats are basically worth nothing.


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Removing the hats will just make the speds who spend money on them angry. There's no real good way to satisfy anyone here.

Everyone gets an unusual of their choice permanently locked to their account.

not with everyone and their mother wearing a fucking unusual
I'm not a tradecuck complaining about muh money by the way, it's that now every fucking server is going to look like a fucking laser show

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>if they shut down the game it would be dead
Are you retarded? No one is arguing against this, it's just that it's completely irrelevant to anything as they have shown no sign of ever doing that.

This. They'll probably go with making them untradable. This will still cause legal problems, since a sizeable part of the current owners bought them off the market instead of "exploiting" directly.

and actually fucking fun/useful weapons instead of meme trash that no-one uses

>velv just gonna delet de hats or mek dem untredeble lul!@!
You must be retarded. Cross game trading via DOTA and CS happens all the time. There's probably people that had no fucking idea about the fiasco that traded knives or some shit for those unusuals. People spent real money purchasing them of the market and third party sites. There is no conceivable fucking way they would get away with this.

Just thinking to spend a single Zimbabwe-Dollar on a vitual hat should get you the rope.

>Unusual cheaters lament

you aren't getting shit idiot, you should have gotten your free unusuals when you had the chance

okay, retard

That's why they're consulting their lawyer squad. The only things they fear are class action lawsuits or a massive media stink (beyond the game "journalists" that they pay off), because that would cost them tons of money.

Besides shutting down trading, has valve made an announcement on what they plan on doing?

Add the fact they dont want to refund all the money they got out of the keys and crates.
At this point is pretty safe to said things will be the same: you cant sell or trade the unusual you got but you keep it.

Ok i just thought of the perfect way for valve to fix this. Let everyone keep the hats, but give all the people who didnt unbox an unusual buttplug that has the "Floating Cocks" effect. Normal people happy because they have hats and tradetrannies happy because they have a specialized prostate massager just for them. Oh and also make it impossible to unequip it if you have a backpack value of 100$+ and didnt use the glitch.

Valve should just allow everyone with tf2 installed to get 1 unusual of their choice so no one feels they missed out

Nothing will happen
No one cares

This seems like a bigger deal to people than it ought to be.

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Keep coping steam tranny

>now every fucking server is going to look like a fucking laser show

everyone already shoots lasers at each other playing as the most popular class.....that just means enemies will be easier to see.

I don't even have one yet. Don't care.

What I do care about is unusual taunts doe

I don't like hats because they fuck with me a little bit when sniping

>trying for three days to get the hat I want on the Steam Market with my crate money
>people keep putting in higher offers than me by just a bit

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>tradefags who were retarded to invest in pixels are getting shat on hard
i dont see a problem

This is untrue from the 50+ games I had but I did make some people mad for having the hats in my inventory. You will have at least one or two guys but the entire server? Nope.

that's dumb because people unlock crates all the time, how was people supposed to know there was a glitch?

It's like getting mad at random crits, something everyone can get.

It basically is
The whole "incident" caused TF2 player base to bounce back up to nearly 100k concurrent
>random crits

Even if they invested meaningful money in this stuff surely the time to cash out was years ago.

>12 years
>people STILL bitch and moan about random crits

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>the asshurt of how theres more burning team captains

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even 100 years from now random crits will still be bad

There are few infinites in the universe

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Can you crit a sandman ball? How much damage it hits? Its been forever since I saw someone using the sandman and I just got one shot from a crit ball somehow

>valve says they'll give us an update after the weekend, nothing exact
>valve won't do or say anything just like with hl3 and will simply wait for people to forget everything

That's how it will go.

sandman got nerfed hard since the ball doesnt stun now

Modern Valve are one of the biggest cancers of gaming, honestly. I wonder if we'll ever see any of their "3" VR games, or if that too was just a joke.

Yes, the damage is tripled like any other crit. That makes it 45 damage I think, don't know if they nerfed the damage recently or not

ball doesn't stun anymore
you probably got tauntkilled

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I know but you can get a crit ball with no kritz?
Thanks. Does distance affects the damage?

I bet OG unusual hat players also "cheated"

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You ain't wrong. alot of the old unusual traders were scammers and hackers, so i'm not surprised

What do you mean "rewarded"? Did Valve announce something after traders moaned?

All the unusuals should turn back into a crate and key. Because that's what they're worth.

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Imagine caring about TF2 hats in 20fucking19.

no, just that they wont deal with this shit in the weekend

More like they wont deal with this shit again with the band aid they put over the whole thing

It's actually not enough that this scummy dickheads get their F2P unusuals deleted. They should be VAC banned from the game too. The loyal players of this game worked their asses off to get the unusuals they have, and it's honestly sickening that F2P shits who've been playing for 2 years got to use them at all. The only way valve can make this right to the true players is by banning the frauds entirely.

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Tradefag detected!
Hope you had a nice Weekend and your unusuals remain worthless!

Now you are Welcome to go back working at McDonalds and earn more money!

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ok yee

Man, why you gotta denigrate hard-working McDonald's employees like that

I hope that Valve doesn't fix shit and let the unusual's value plummet to the ground. Tradefags deserve it, they are by far the most insufferable community of the game.

>mfw watching the shitstorm on the steam forums

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Yes I think, but then again crits don't get damage falloff from a distance I don't think

Pretty good solution but what happens if the hat was traded away?

>fast food employees
>hard working

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You're right, Traders aren't even human, they survive off virtual economy! So basically they are just code with no emotions. They can't feel gratitude for my words!

they're going to do something.
i doubt that they want the economy for their game to go to shit.

>unironically investing hundreds of dollars on shitty particles effects

Are you mad that you're not special anymore?

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>Getting yelled at by retarded fat mutts all day
>Not hard working

True, but they're also so fucking incompetent that they let this shit happen in the first place.
How can you possibly fuck up this bad?

The damage is already here, the economy will take a long time to recover. So i highly doubt that Valve will be able to fix this entirely.

thats not working hard zoomie. thats called customer service.

>tfw never got the cheater's lament despite not even knowing about idling at the time
That hat was just a big 'fuck you' wasn't it?

I don't think the rollback fags understand how much work and legal fuckery that shit would actually take. Some people made quite a profit off of the crates, enough to buy a sizable amount of steam games. For them to effectively roll the whole market back they would also have to undo ANY purchases made by anyone who booted up TF2 during the time period of the glitch. Not to mention the fact that some people bought the VR headset, a physical fucking item that you know, can't just magically be shipped back.

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And it's hard work. If I yelled at you, you'd probably piss your pants, cry and kill yourself.

Hey guys I just so happened to open 10 crates and happened to get these two unusuals without ever hearing about the bug. What are the chances they wrongfully think I was abusing the bug when I was just opening some of my crates?

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are your unusuals trade locked?

they shouldn't be

Pretty sure all unusuals are trade locked for 7 days after unboxing, but I havent played in a while.

Do you remember the crate number?

Can I just mod unusual effects out of the game?

Definitely opened 1 or 2 of the bugged crates. Figured maybe the fact that I opened 8 others and I didnt buy or trade for any of them might disguise my abusing the bug.

>you cant sell or trade the unusual you got but you keep it.
This would also lead to people rioting because some people strictly bought them with the intention of trading or reselling them.
Also I don't think legally valve can sell you an item, and after you pay for it put restrictions on it that weren't there before

>people sold the unusuals they unboxed and got money, probably already spent it on games or more boxes
>people on the other end of the market bought these items as they were
That would be pretty shitty to take the hat someone bought off the market and turn it into a crate and key that most likely will end up being a shitty item

maybe they'll give the new unusuals a new quality?

Ahum, FUCK hat fags

all this projection. I work in construction and its nothing but yelling at one another zoom zoom

It might not be intense work, but fast food employees are working all day long either cooking in a hot kitchen, taking orders/getting yelled at by customers, or cleaning up after retards who can't throw their trash away or piss into the toilet.
It's actually sad how much their mistreated
>Get off work, stop by mcdonalds because I want an iced coffee
>Order a large iced coffee at the drive through, guy tells me that they only have a medium and ask if that's okay
>Tell him sure
>Get to the window and he gives me the coffee and a free cookie, telling me he really appreciates how cool I was with them being out of the large cups
It's sad that all I did was not yell at him and he was so relieved that he felt the need to reward me. They must get people screeching over not getting exactly what they want every day

Man I quit on 2011 because how awful the new items were.
Jesus christ I want my money back (what I paid for the game)

You must be mistaken, playing video games, fapping to lolis and eating hotpockets all day while disappointing your parents isn't construction.

If you weren't a parasitic neet, and actually a hard worker, you'd have respect for all forms of work.

I opened a crate but didn't get an unusual would I still get a halo?

I am going to be so happy when everybody who even DARED to BUY a bugged crate will have their inventory PERMANENTLY disabled, enjoy using default items for the rest of your exploity life, my unusualls WILL get their value back

The only people that have to work fast food are mouth breathing dumbfucks and niggers. Any white man of average intelligence could easily get any other job making above minimum wage, even fucking walmart pays better and isnt as soul crushingly shit.

So to recap; mcwagies are double retards because they both are actually stupid AND dont realize there are many more options.

lol, you mad user? your post is oddly specific. you sure you arent projecting?

>p-projecting haha..

It's like I'm listening to a parrot, but then again mash potato brain neets don't have much to talk about.

>shutting down hats == shutting down servers
Brainlet tradebabby

Contraband Quality

hey whatever helps you...COPE. you will never know the joys of prevailing wage contracts as a commercial electrician

wagie mad he can't live off of team fortress? i'll still make my money from trading unaffected hats/effects even if valve doesn't do anything.

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>the entire game consist of trading your shitty hats

Party Rock!
Let's go!
Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time (yeah)
And we gon' make you lose your mind (woo)
Everybody just have a good time (clap)
Party rock is in the house tonight (oh)
Everybody just have a good time (I can feel it baby)
And we gon' make you lose your mind (yeaH)
We just wanna see you
Shake that!
In the club, party rock
Looking for your girl? She on my jock
Non stop when we in the spot
Booty moving weight like she on the block
Where the drank? I gots to know
Tight jeans, tattoo, 'cause I'm rock and roll
Half-black, half-white, domino
Gainin' money, Oprah, dough
Yo!! I'm running through these hoes like Drano
I got that devilish flow rock and roll no halo, we party rock!
Yeah, that's the crew that I'm repping
On the rise to the top, no lead in our zeppelin, hey
Party rock is in the house tonight (woo)
Everybody just have a good time (yeah)
And we gon' make you lose your mind
Everybody just have a good time (let's go)
Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time (I can feel it baby)
And we gon' make you lose your mind
We just wanna see you
Shake that!
Every day I'm shufflin'


> idle 24/7 with the Drunkenf00l trick
>Get +30 items per day
>Still got Cheaters Lament

Reminder that the only reason people got banned for that is because Drunkennigger literally gave up his server logs

Well I mean he did get a job at Valve out of it

I've played about a couple dozen games, and in all of them I'm literally the only guy running around with an unusual or its just 2 or 3 guys at most. Tradefags are over fucking reacting.

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>Impact Font
>Made with a shitty meme app
>Calling others cringe

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you can use a console command to remove all hats and have everyone wear default skins


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>with that image

oh cool what is it

>Bought $200 with of hats for $5-$15 a pop to flip after this is over
>Some of them normally go for $80 on the market or over $100 on trade sites
Hope valve let's me make a killing

look it up knucklehead

They DEFINITELY won't be 80$. 20$ at most.

Not all of them.
t. person with an unusual hat I bought for 5 bucks I can sell for 100 now.

>Not knowing how to reply to others

>I spend 8 hours a day scalping kids to make less than minimum wage on keys.

Oh yeah I'm definitely expecting them to depreciate a lot in value if I get to keep them. But even if I end up selling each one for $20 I end up making my money back and a hundred or so

>people bought discount unusuals
that's cool and all, but I Just sold literal garbage for 8 euros a pop, i don't give a shit about tf2 anymore

get dabbed on tradefags, you are a cancer

>Phoneposter fag
>not watching weeb shit

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shut up you small dick sissy

>It's sad that all I did was not yell at him and he was so relieved that he felt the need to reward me. They must get people screeching over not getting exactly what they want every day
This is exactly the case. I really fucking wish America had the European version of customer support, where the customers bend over backwards and walk on egg shells instead of the company. Fuck "the customer is always right", you're just making them feel entitled to treat you like filth and like a personal slave. The only reason I'm still working fast food is because I get a 50% employee discount, and it's still better then retail or working in a depressing concrete warehouse all day.

>Be me
>am weeb
>see this
>Cringe beyond belief
>Normie trash cannot be erased after this

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Imagine being proud of making shit decisions and making less than 10% of what you could have made.

Between CS:GO and TF2 I make anywhere from $10 to $30 an hour consistently. It's monday wagie, you have a cage to be in.

>Can you crit a sandman ball
yes, not only that, but for some reason the crit % it uses for the ball is the one applied to melee weapons (15% + damage rampup) instead of the one associated with all other projectiles (2% + rampup)
in fact, crit balls iirc apply their stun effects for longer, but not that it matters anymore since the sandman is now possibly the absolute worst weapon in the game bar none

seems weird to me that you never saw a crit ball

>funny "be me" meme
>admits to being an actual degenerate
>calling others normie trash while posting a trash tier waifu from a babies first hentai visual novel

Attached: lool.gif (498x278, 1.69M)

>still posts normie shit
>"Very funny, i laughed"

Get fucked, weeb

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Get the fuck out of here, degenerate.
No one likes you and it will remain that way


Can you stop? I cringed so hard, i became blind

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>it's still better than retail
By how much really? And is that discount really worth it?

Did you sell your crates or did you grab some unusuals? I sold my crates off, only had like 3 of the newer ones, so I made like 8 bucks. I kinda wish I kept one for myself, even though the unusual would be untradable, it would have made a nice memento.

Don't worry user I gotcha covered

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How will it cause legal problems you retarded brainlet?

I hope you stay blind for life over that shit weakling

Thanks mate

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How do traderfags even make money? I don't see their stock increasing in value since there's always the chance another rare hat they own gets unboxed. Do they buy hats and try to jew a bit more when they sell them?
Doesn't that require trading and haggling for hours?

my dad's a cruise ship captain who gave me a based trust fund, i'll just buy a halloween unusual with a rare effect if my sunbeams modest pile actually does become worthless

i get off to people adding me on steam and offering to buy my expensive hats, only to laugh and call them lowballers regardless of the offer.

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Except they can. They can take your whole inventory if they wanted. Dumbass.

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>Can't even handle someone cringing over cringe

It most definetly won't

they inherit the untradeability period from the crate/key you used

That's not steam directly, that's the game shutting down in general

this thread is covered in niggers

>i'll just buy a halloween unusual
Don't even bother

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The didn’t buy an unusual for 2 reasons. 1. A cheaters lament and 2. Unusuals look fucking stupid

weebs ruin everything

No different to this at all. In fact, this is even more legitimate since you all exploited a bug.
C. Termination by Valve
Valve may cancel your Account or any particular Subscription(s) at any time in the event that (a) Valve ceases providing such Subscriptions to similarly situated Subscribers generally, or (b) you breach any terms of this Agreement (including any Subscription Terms or Rules of Use). In the event that your Account or a particular Subscription is terminated or cancelled by Valve for a violation of this Agreement or improper or illegal activity, no refund, including of any Subscription fees or of any unused funds in your Steam Wallet, will be granted.

aren't they untradable currently?


>Today's the day that all those cheaters who illegitimately obtained unusuals get their hats removed and trade/market banned.

>All the good and honest players and traders will be rewarded this day.
Your dreams

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they were the ones who made off with the most money by distributing those fucking crates to begin with

Is that why they’re crying so hard about their unusuals being worthless?

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Always funny watching bugfags acting like they won because Valve applied a bandaid fix for the weekend.

We did win. We got unboxed cheap unusuals.

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They only have options on how to keep this fuckup to a minimum. They fucked up real hard with this fiasco, and there is no way to make everyone happy with one side getting pissed off. Trade fags did this to themselves, this bug was a godsend, and I didn’t even do this bug because I wanted to save porn.

Remove nerfs

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>keep getting pocketed now that i have an unusual
>just want to be left alone to roam and DM

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>improper activity
This is the only ground they could have for doing that, and Valve would have to prove it's "improper activity" for someone to put a rightfully purchased digital key into a rightfully obtained digital box after Valve themselves fucked up the drop rates for half a day. This shit is legally no one's fault but their own and they can't start swindling their customers on behalf of assmad aftermarket traders.

You could also count how Traders then demand a reward for nothing

Lament was an unexpected item to be released to those who didn't exploit it. So basically those who didn't exploit the idle system were simply playing the game as intended without bothering about anything, so they get a free hat for just playing the game as intended, it was unexpected to get it
But now people just don't exploit it because they want to get a free hat, it's basically the same as idling for hats. You do nothing and expect to get something for nothing

If they revoke rightful purchases they’ll have made a grave error
Also this

They don't have to prove shit, retard. You do.

someone post the vocaroo

>and they can't start swindling their customers on behalf of assmad aftermarket traders.
Actually yes they can. You don't own anything on your steam account. I thought digital cucks knew this?

does nu-age tf2 feel lighter/worse than old tf2 Yea Forums?

obviously not everyone, but with how the market TOS works they could get away with keeping the value of the hats they already own and the profits from the crate sales

no u


>Crates say there’s a chance to unbox an unusual
>Unbox an unusual
There’s your proof

Fuck off retard.

They'd have to prove it in the event of a lawsuit, which is exactly what would happen if Valve suddenly ate everyone's items. Dumbass.

some items being nerfed while others being buffed changed the gameplay but it's not super over the top
however, all the hats and weapon effects and other shit is some of the most cancerous bloatware I've seen in a game

Make me.

too much bloatware, makes me wish there were more vanilla/classic servers.

Prove it, fuckboy.

Which is fair, because it was Valve’s fuckup and not the community

Nice argument, really made me think.

they can ban you for whatever you want for literally no reason at all and they don't even tell you why

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Now can you cite some sources?

stranges and killstreak kits were fine
the kind of bloatware that really irks me is the fucking chemistry sets, strangifier/unusualifier/festivizer shit, and the CSGO case as well as the weapon paints
not to mention all the halloween cosmetics and shitty unusual effects and unusual taunts that have since been added

>they can ban you for whatever you want for literally no reason at all and they don't even tell you why
Wonder why they banned him.

"Hale speaking, who's this?"

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They wouldn’t be bloatware if Valve fucking updating their game modes regularly and kept them relevant

nearly I said I hated is tied to cosmetic items

And they only get away with that one person at a time. If enough people who were unrightfully banned got together, took Valve to court, and pressed the issue they could easily win. Now imagine what would happen if a few thousand TF2 nerds got their brand new unusuals revoked without refund, all at once.

It's Mr. Bidwell, Sir!
It appears our hat stocks have gone down by 78%, but out key sales have gone up by 89%

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Every digital platform would see blood in the water

>If enough people who were unrightfully banned got together, took Valve to court, and pressed the issue they could easily win
this has literally never happened because they make it clear DRMcucks don't own their vidya.

if this were the case how come MMO gold farmers haven't been able to successfully file a class action lawsuit against blizzard or jagex for their banned accounts and "stolen" items?

>Pay for items
>Money stolen
I feel like I’ve seen this before

>this has literally never happened because they make it clear DRMcucks don't own their vidya.
You keep saying this but you haven't backed it up with legal terms at all.
>if this were the case how come MMO gold farmers haven't been able to successfully file a class action lawsuit against blizzard or jagex for their banned accounts and "stolen" items?
I'd have to look at their TOS but it probably says something about forbidding alternate accounts.

oh no, not the n word

>You keep saying this but you haven't backed it up with legal terms at all.
Want to provide some examples then where the GAMERS have won?

I've already explained how easy it would be for such a case to be won even without precedent. Now cite some sources or stop memeing.

Insofar, the unusuals that were bought during the exploit are still in everyone’s inventories

Who /formershark/ here?
Stopped playing this garbage when most server scanners shat the bed and ingame trades died.

Because in most cases it's very obvious that people were actually cheating. This exploit was 100% valves fault, and there's no way to actually go about punishing people for it because there's no way to prove that the players were even aware of it.
What are the deciding factors on who was knowingly exploiting or not? Is someone who just opened a couple crates on a whim before going to sleep, not knowing about the exploit and thought they were lucky at fault?
Are the literal thousands of people with buy orders on unusuals at a certain price at fault? They could have been sound asleep and unaware of the exploit but still had purchases auto fill.

Also gold farmer exploits don't involve real money trading hands retard

>IdS Balbes fAult!!!!!1
Doesn't mean they can't do it. You agreed to let them retard.

>I-it's easy
>No I can't tell you why the millions of people banned from video games for gold selling or saying mean words have never won a class action lawsuit! I-it's the TOS obviously! Those hold up in court!
>B-bug abusers would totally win, especially on a digital DRM platform that says they own your account and anything on it! THE TOS DOESN'T MATTER HERE! THEY NEVER HOLD UP IN COURT!!

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>What are the deciding factors on who was knowingly exploiting or not?
I’m gonna play devils advocate here and say the deciding factors are:
>People spending copious amounts of money for keys
>Buying crates with the bugged unusuals
>And selling the crates with the bugged unusuals

Valve applied a bandaid fix because they don't make their employees work during the weekends, even for "emergencies" like this.

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he got a job due to the gold wrench thing, being big brain enough to figure out the whole system they used for it.

Doesn’t that imply that someone was working over the weekend to bandaid it?

So then some random guy who had several crates and keys on hand is innocent and gets to keep his unusuals?
The simple fact here is that it's going to be all or nothing. Valve isn't going to take away some hats but knowingly let others keep them

Would be funny if legit unusuals unboxed during this period got caught in this

I think at the most people at valve were just shooting emails back and forth discussing how this should be handled. I'd be willing to bet that if today they say that all purchases are going to be rolled back and refunded it would still take a few days to actually happen

>So then some random guy who had several crates and keys on hand is innocent and gets to keep his unusuals?
Ah, see here’s were the timeline can diverge.
it's going to be all or nothing.
If Valve is just, yes. But we’ll have to see later today

Yes xdddd

Fucker, YOU don't even know why those gold farmers get banned. You can't even back up your own claims, and some weebshit reaction isn't going to make you look any less clueless than you already do.

Prove what you say they can do or recuse yourself.

Should've known it was too good to be true. I can get arrested for buying stolen goods irl despite not having no idea they were stolen. Deal with it retard.

Imagine investing money in virtual hats

There's simply no way for them to tell. If they go just by people who bought keys, that's excluding some autists who for trading reasons had a shitload of keys and crates in their inventory and unboxed a hundred or so when they found out.
But we'll see later like you said

>I'd be willing to bet that if today they say that all purchases are going to be rolled back and refunded it would still take a few days to actually happen
Valve time really isn’t a meme
Haha gotem

back in the day i used the idling program and they still gave me that shitty hat
lmao get fucked valve

>YOU don't even know why those gold farmers get banned
>We own your account and digital items and we can ban you for whatever we want
>Gold farming is against the rules
There you go.

>I can get arrested for buying stolen goods irl despite not having no idea they were stolen. Deal with it retard.
Except that's not how shit works retard. You can simply prove you did not know it was stolen and you're cleared of all charges and can get a refund, provided you didn't buy it from some crack dealer in an alley

They get banned for running third party programs to farm for them retard. You don't get banned for just farming gold by playing the game

did this also
fuck valve

TF3 soon

Cite sources, you fucking primitive. What you -think- it says isn't evidence.

>They get banned for running third party programs to farm for them retard.
Yeah I forgot people who make tens of thousands of dollars staking in RuneScape do so with third party programs.

>Wagecuck gold farmers don't exist

Imagine actually being this delusional.

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>403K unusuals unboxed during this glitch
Post yfw

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>The most fun you can have online!

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Prove it faggot

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>game is densely-packed with blatant, bragging cheaters who ruin pub games
>the competitive matchmaking sham they hyped endlessly is dead in the water
>unfinished shit lying everywhere for years (tutorial anyone)
>no new content for increasingly long stretches, and when they do add content its just hats you have to pay for
Radio silence

>someone finds a bug that undermines the hat economy

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I know you're baiting, because you can't honestly believe that you'd go to jail over unknowingly buying something that was stolen. There are literally articles written about people buying cars that were reported stolen, and they get no jail time

I spend 1K that I got for my Birthday a week before all this on keys and only unboxed 2 unusuals
I cannot post an image that shows my real anger

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go post on gaiaonline if you want to be an avatarfag so fucking bad or at least bite the bullet and start tripfagging so you can be filtered and we can opt out of seeing the dogshit that is your posts

nobody even gives a single fuck about whoever that redhair weebshit is so stop bumping the image count with that shit and maybe somebody else will post something of quality before we hit the limit

>buy key and crate to try and win a special prize
>win a special prize
>win a special prize 10 times
>entire fault lies on Valve for bumping up the special prize's chances to 100%
>this special prize, for years, has been tradable+marketable
>Valve finally notices
>"Nooooo you are winning too much, those items you paid for are worthless now for the arbitrary reason you won too many of them"

I'm sure it will go great in court. Should I ask for 50 million or 100 million?

if true that would be the funniest shit ever

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How long before Valve responds now?
It's 7am on the west coast

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2 hours

furfag btfo

You likely purchased an authentic unusual someone panic sold. So you know, that guy got fucked.

>i gambled and lost

No, dumdum. You have to prove they did something wrong. That's why you're the plaintiff. I know niggers like you are usually on the other side though, so I understand how difficult it must be for you to comprehend.

Valve is like my dad, always promising shit and then disappearing

Spamming the shitty waifu that gets spammed by other retards =/= Avatarfagging, newfag

already eyeing a few unusual crone's domes. cauldron bubbles or flaming lantern?

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>I really fucking wish America had the European version of customer support, where the customers bend over backwards and walk on egg shells instead of the company. Fuck "the customer is always right", you're just making them feel entitled to treat you like filth and like a personal slave

Is this the power of being a Eurocuck?

So you're trying to blend in with the rest of le Yea Forums by spamming that normieshit

I like to play TF2
my favorite map is 2fort
I always have fun every time I play and the community is still good, I do miss the community servers like the party van but they still exist in some aspect so that's ok

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neither of those are halloween specific or retired, you fucking nitwit

>tfw got TF2 back in 2008 but didn't get that halo hat
Feels bad man

>neither of those are halloween specific or retired, you fucking nitwit

I predicted unusuals would drop hard. Either from the market deciding they aren’t worth anymore or Valve fucking up. Investing in video game pixel shit is fine, but invest in TF2 and you deserve to lose money

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>I predicted the sun will rise

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have you tried unequipping your unusual

Okay, I'll just point them to the enormous digital footprint that valve's fuckup caused, then claim I was ignorant of it at the time I was unboxing. Sure was hard.


Sneed Fortress 2


Even a D20 possesses the chance to promote fury.

why do faggots think they'd get a cheater's lament out of this anyway

When are they gonna let us trade our unusuals again?

Never, the current fix is the fix

That's what I've been saying
The only losses here are jewfags, everyone else is a winner

This, the scandal reminded me that TF2 exists and I had fun playing it and getting all my Pyro update weapons yesterday

>Remember when cheater's lament was the gibbus
>Wonder why everyone is so excited about the potential of getting one
>Last dropped
>9 years ago

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sad you missed pre-nerfed dragon's breath

I fucking hated playing Pyro pre-update but that jetpack is a ton of fun. Was on 2fort just flying across the map and cucking all of the snipers

Pyro was definitely more fun to play with jungle inferno.

Still sad that shitters whined enough and got the dragon's breath neutered though.
>oh no people who are actually good at the game can show if off on pyro now!

At least it's still more fun to play than brain dead airblast timings and ebin flareshots

What did it used to be like pre patch? More range?

Investments dont mean shit until you sell them.

Cuz dey gud bois no cheat

In your opinion

Any sniper with a brain would never let you get on bats , you can't strafe when jetpacking.

>The size/radius of the fireball has been reduced by 25%.
>Bonus damage against a burning target now requires the fireball's center to make contact with the target's hitbox.
Also it worked underwater lol, that was bullshit not going to lie

And his opinion is objectively correct.

It was like a direct hit with fire that you didnt have to reload.
2 shot most classes.
It finally let pyro do consistent damage are rewaded youfor aiming.
But people cry if it isnt soldier 2 shotting them so it got nerfed.
I with the flamethrowers rewarded you more for tracking like the minigun but with particles thats hard to do.

In your opinion

>But people cry if it isnt soldier 2 shotting them so it got nerfed.

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It was like a direct hit with fire that you didnt have to reload.
2 shot most classes.
It finally let pyro do consistent damage are rewaded youfor aiming.
But people cry if it isnt soldier 2 shotting them so it got nerfed.
I with the flamethrowers rewarded you more for tracking like the minigun but with particles thats hard to do.
Its center isn't even clearly indicated either.

>snipers with a brain
choose one

*Dabs on you*

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he's right
Pyro could finally do damage, and it was too much for some people.
I don't even like "pyro mains", but you could finally have fun with pyro

the fireball hitbox nerfs made it near unusable

The exact wording was
>sometime after the weekend
See you in 6 months or so.

No he’s indeed right. But what kind of battered woman syndrome is that to be perfectly okay with being 2 shot by soldier and not pyro?

Also, retard, damage and shot speed increased with every consecutive hit too, you could kill fully overhealed heavies before they could react. In fact jungle inferno pyro could jump heavies without worrying too much because flamethrower damage would always outdamage any minigun. That's how bullshit pyro was during that time.

tried out tf2 yesterday after a long time and the gameplay is fucking garbage now
they ruined almost all of the weapons
competetive fags really ruined the game

NOOOOOOO it was fun to me so if valve rightfully nerfed it it means the compfags are at fault
compfags ruined tf2


You can have fun with any class if you bother to learn how to play it. Jungle inferno pyro was made fun for brainlets.

Pyro is in such a horrid state, they gave him some play-style variety before taking it all away in later patches so now his only effective strategy is just running forward with flames and occasionally shotgunning.
I fucking hate comp-fags for killing all the play-styles and different strategy some weapons gave you while also ignoring weapons that were shit on release and shit up until this day like the Cowmangler or Shortstop

>release clearly broken weapon
>they fix it later
>it must be the compfags
You faggots are really pathetic.

You can still use stock you know.

>I’ll conveniently forget the sticky nerf that was reverted due to the massive outcry

You need to be 18 or older to post here.
Pyro still has multiple tools and playstyles if you know how to play the game and dont keep running directly into enemy fire like a retard.
You're like a friend of mine who gave up on tf2 because he started playing Paladins and when he returned to tf2 he couldnt deal with not having passive healing and not being able to run face first into damage.

>weapon works well as it currently is
>change it
>now the weapon doesn't work at all
That's the opposite of fixing something user. I bet your one of those smooth brain retards who thought Righteous Bison being able to hit a person multiple times if they were back up was a bug.

>only compfags complained about the retarded nerf that made it impossible to clear 1 (one (uno)) sentry even with an uber
That the caber and the sticky jumper was the only nerf that should not have happened. And stickies ended up nerfed afterwards anyways, they didn't return them to their original state.

explain to me why the axetinguisher crit was removed? a mini crit isn't fucking enough, and actually extinguishing the enemy for a joke is just fucking awful.
Why shouldn't pyro do alot of damage up close when soldier and demo can 2 shot in mid range?

brainlets were the ones calling for the nerf dude

No, the bison change was retarded and I'll never understand why they did it.


i never used stock
its fucking boring

>And stickies ended up nerfed afterwards anyways
Lol is that why demo still takes skill?

>bison nerf
still salty about this

Does your playstyle revolve around gimmicks that much?

Because spy is supposed to be the 1 hit kill class at close range

sorry i like to have fun with my games
unlike competetive niggers

While I agree that nerfing every loadout under the sun besides the meta was horrible, stock TF2 is, and was never, boring. The core gameplay of TF2 is why it's still going strong 12 years later.

>flair combo is now impossible to be consistent due to air-blast now launching people like a rocket
>reserve shooter now specifically doesn't work with air-blast, only faggot rockets
>puff and sting has been dead for years
>Scorch Shot is miraculously the only not shit secondary
>all the others are so bad they aren't even worth bringing into detail or using over just default flame thrower bum rushing

Now it’s just demoknight

why can't we have both
pyro kills you looking right at your face, spy one shots you from behind

Very few people have a C.A.P.P.E.R.

Imagine being such an autist you cant have fun in a game unless you're using shit weapons just for gimmicks and then complain that the gimmick weapons are too gimmicky

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Degreaser + Flare Gun + Axtinguisher was the best pyro there was. He's supposed to be a close range class.
Reserve Shooter should not have worked with airblast as it was stated in the description of the weapon though, that was stupid.

Not to mention pyro was designed(at least at first) to be an ambusher. The axtingusher made sense

Stock shotgun is quite effective against players who have a brain.

You're right, but I'm not sure if it was comp players.

maybe HL players, but 6s just banned/still ban whatever they want.
and HL is just glorified pubstar retards and literal hackers

I just went on a godlike killstreak the other day with the Phlog, one of the most underpowered weapons in the game.

to stop picks when you used the jetpack

You're fucking dead, kid. You'd better give them to me and I'll dispose of them and we'lll pretend like this never happened

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anyone who complains about "competitive niggers" are just spy mains upset about the ambassador
are you seriously going to argue that the darwin danger shield was fun for sniper 1v1 in pubs?
>oh hey I landed a quickscope headshot before he hit me, im dead anyway
>gee I really like to use the base jumper to float around like a living target while I do nothing, OH WOW ADVANCED STRAFING IS NERFED FUCK YOU VALVE
none of you faggots even play medic, don't act like you care about the vita saw shit either. Just shut the fuck up

No but theirs literally nothing stock does that other weapons also cant do with a little more effort as well as providing alternative methods to different situations.
Stock is just fucking bland, plane and simple. I dont know why TF2autist cant get this through their thick skulls.

>made the ambassador a csgo weapon
The Ambassador was fine and should not have been touched.
And yes I agree with you the people complaining about muh compfags are retarded.

They didn't say when or what day after the weekend.
>post yfw we go three years with the bugged unusuals

Cause at the end of the day, stock always wins

What would be the easiest way to cash out my steam balance?

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crusader cross bow and the ubersaw say hi
because you know, they are objectively better than stock. Same can be said about the heavy with the sandvich

Because compfags ruined the game and activley had a hand in the Jungle Inferno update where it happend. It would of synergized well with the jet-pack allowing THE AMBUSH CLASS MORE OPPORTUNITY TO AMBUSH but allowing a class other than soldier to divebomb medics was too much and so they just ruined the weapon full-stop.

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I bought the Dishonored bundle when it was on sale, not sure if it still is or not though.


God Dammit! I was counting on them 20 hats I farmed to feed my kids.

>they are objectively better than stock.
In your opinion
>Same can be said about the heavy with the sandvich
Nobody expects a heavy with a shotgun anymore, totally destroys them. Also banana is superior

Why win if the method of winning isn't fun? Its fucking TF2 for pete sake, no one is going to hold tournaments that don't ban every weapon in the game so why even bother?

Yup. Thanks for agreeing with him

Oh frick okay they're tradable on August 2nd

No, it's not in his opinion.
Objectively, in a (vast) majority of situations the crossbow and ubersaw are either on par or better than stock

I mean, it quite literally was the compfags that brought about these changes. He's totally in the right about that.

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i wish I unboxed sunbeams

>Why win if the method of winning isn't fun?
That’s a really retarded thing to say when non stock items are just stock items that do less damage or have one less rocket or pipe

Valve at TF2 team:
>"Guys, what happened a couple days ago made us realize that the game that you continue developing up to this date deserves more care and attention, and we wanna apologize for the lack of importance that we've been giving to all of your valuable work for this wonderful title that is loved by our community, all around the world."
>"Thank you to all of you, that always put effort into making it a better game, working hard to prepare the updates despite the small team you have, working for hours and hours."
>"So from now on, things are gonna be different. Better."

>Valve hires more people that understand what makes the game special and we get big updates 3 to 4 times a year.
>Game gets constantly optimized so people don't get their TF2 stutter-y and users with slow PCs can actually fucking play decently enough
>New hats that fit the original game artstyle. (Cosmetic descriptions are back!).
>Balance of classes and weapons are more satisfying and feels like they actually used their brains to make the changes.
>Mannconomy is good.
>New maps (made by Valve), new features (replay system is fixed and working great), NEW FUCKING WEAPONS (that are actually fun to use and they don't feel retarded to use)
>TF2 publicity here and there. The game gains more popularity.
>Overwatch is completely dead and irrelevant by now. (Yes, even more than already is)
>More SFM animations.
(what else?)
Men can always dream.

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I too watched ArraySeven

>just straight up bum rushing as pyro
Again you prove my point about how shit you are at the game.
Also the flare combo is still possible if you know how to aim your airblasts.
Puff and sting was a brainless playstyle anyway.

Because if you turn around like a good boy, spy wont get you. Pyro will keep going with his plan, has 175 health to take the damage til it reaches you and can catch up to you easily.
Pyro is definitely designed for ambushes, but ambushing doesnt mean being able to instantly kill enemies on ambush (again, unless you're a spy)

You're like a retarded baby crying that the other weapons arent just straight up upgrades over stock. You are definitely the stupidest person Ive ever met in one of these threads.
Cant wait to pubstomp your ass with full stock and no hats.
Play more than 10 hours before you complain about the game.

oh no

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guys give me a tl;dr of whats happening is the TF2 market being closed or something?

Fuck U

>valve being retarded as usual means it was the compfag's fault
The compfag boogeyman in these threads is the worst thing about talking about TF2 here.

>In your opinion
no, the crusader cross bow does more damage straight up, factually speaking the syringe gun can only kill at close range while the crossbow does more damage at mid to long range while med already has the highest base melee damage for close range
AND lets you burst heal or heal across a sniper sight line. you just have more options. You can participate further away and you are better at healing. that shits objective, sry pal.

>More SFM animations.
>The deal with Adult Swim is reintroduced and a TF TV show finally gets made

>that shits objective, sry pal.
In your opinion

Much as I love it, here's what would actually happen
>hey guys, so uhhh the unusuals are untradable and unmarketable
>Fixed a bug where players could pick Heavy and Pyro
>Updated the localization files

>they actually fuck up again so crates from EOTL and past Christmas events now also give 100% unusuals

I was definitely gonna add Adult Swim there but I didn't know if it was just a rumour or an actual thing, either way it sounds fucking based

>Fixed a bug where players could pick Heavy and Pyro

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>guys, I once got a kill with the blutsauger, its so much better than crossbow!!1

Lad, just stop trying

>even implying that alt-weapons should do something interesting to warrant their existence, even something as small as a side-grade that trades one opportunity for another, makes me bad at the game
You take tf2 too seriously dude, I bet your a trade-fag and regularly participate in Highlander tournaments.

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Even though I disagree a lot with compfags, I agree, just because the type of people that seem to hate them always have the shittiest arguments like "THEY HATE FUN" and "stop taking TF2 seriously, I just want to be a cancerous 2fort friendly!".
Valve is just absolute shit as balancing their own game because no one on the team even plays TF2. There's been so many horrible patches over the years that it's hard to pick just one. Remember when they called the Bison penetration a bug, not a feature?

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Anyway, Blutsager is great if you ever get separated from your team

I hate friendlies more than I hate comp fags so I guess I can’t really win

Post your ill-gotten booty, lads.

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Worse than old TF2 but not by much. the worst time for the game was directly after meet your match when any new updates were the dumbass end of the line duck shit and "pass time" gametypes noone cared about. Ironically despite the lack of updates the game is better than it was in 2014-15

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So your problem is that the crossbow is objectively better and you just dont want to accept it?

Hahahah stay mad, dumb frogposter

Pro tip: if you ever want to win an argument, never go “so...” because you’ll never win that way


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I really want to play the game but all my friends quit

So blow it out your ass lol

Agreed. With that said, though, and I've talked about this before at length in other threads, but I'm in strong opposition to the banning/nerfing of most weapons, especially the ones that compfags tend to whine about. TF2's charm is utilizing the nearly infinite number of loadouts that are available to you to counter the enemy and win the match. By nerfing shit like the sandman/guillotine combo, it just takes away another option for a combat class to counter another combat class (Scout>Heavy). I'm well aware most people actually agree with that nerf, but I'm on the extreme end that says you should just get good. Even the most broken weapon in the game, the Vaccinator, shouldn't be nerfed at this point. Everything has a counter. Bring back the caber to one-shot medics, too. Stop nerfing everything that isn't stock or meta.

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>both of mine are disgustingly low tier

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completely unneeded, fun removing nerfs:

>black box
>reserve shooter
>dragon's fury
and most stupidly of all, literally any melee weapon that was nerfed

probably forgetting some as well

I really regret not splurging and buying an unusual for every class, I just didn't expect Valve to lock it down within the day
>Only have one for the Scout
I was a fool

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Add the Sandman to it.
come at me Yea Forums

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sandvich used to be busted as hell

I disagree with your example, I'd be fine if the sandman was changed and still be amazing in another way but stuns are a retarded mechanic that I honestly believe doesn't belong in the game.

>zatoichi crit nerf
i swear to god it swung a crit every goddamn other time
you could've destroyed an entire team from behind in seconds

What if the Sandman was like it is now, but the Guillotine still crit the enemy if they were slowed?

>one weapon for one class is better than stock so that means all the others for every other class can be garbage
now post the solom vow, third degree, vita saw and ubersawn so I can put you down as basic bitch comptard

>got a kil-o-wat brotherhood (the all class hoodie)
>think it looks ugly
Really hope we can trade them. I don't want profit, I just want to swap it for a hat I actually like. I think it's a popular hat, so somebody would probably want it. I'd like to 1:1 it with a cloud 9 crones dome (one of my favorite hats and effects)

Attached: 250px-Brotherhood_of_Arms.png (250x210, 47K)

that's covered by "any melee weapon"

after years of introducing melee weapons that were almost always complete upgrades, or fun sidegrades, valve decided nope out of nowhere

Sure, I have nothing against the sandman/guillotine combo and I thought it was fun to try to get those guillotine crits but I think stuns are absolutely abhorrent in a game where movement is so important.

that's why it was fun

I got a hale's own before the nerf

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The Bison was a straight upgrade in every situation, it had to get nerfed. Reserve Shooter was too close as well. Black Box is a retard cannon and I don't remember them nerfing it so I guess it happened recently or something, anyway, only scrubs and pubs used it so who gives a fuck.


and tide turner and loch-n-load, hell demoknight in general really

oh, and not the just the crit-nerf

they just straight up reworked the weapon, not sure when you played last

didn't they reduce the eyelander-like range as well?
also, the heavy melee changes were absolute garbage

how did one guy in the webm actually fall to his death lmao

Stay mad, retarded frogposter.
Keep blaming your lack of skill at comp, people do good with gimmick weapons if they know how to play and you dont hear them whine about stock weapons.
Just admit you're a shit lmao

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like I said, any change to a melee weapon, ever, has been completely uneeded

What's the deal with the bonk nerf? When it came out it was universally bitched about for having slow-down so they removed it. Why bring it back?
>haha yes, but now you only get slow down if you use it for its intended purpose of getting past damage walls

bro they are just hats bro cmon

honestly no clue, bonk was the legitimate example of a perfect "sidegrade"

I've never seen anyone bitch about bonk, ever.
compfag, pub shitter, doesn't matter, no one

You forgot the best of all
W+M1 god mode was the best feeling in the game, 0 skill, 200% reward

hurry up volvel

Attached: scout.png (428x694, 180K)

this is your threadly reminder to enjoy abusing the natasha before its nerfed

Attached: natasha.png (321x160, 42K)

You can still do it, now. Pick scorch shot, fire it into chokes, spy check, and only w+m1 attack under 2 conditions:

1) when you're with teammates who are also attacking
2) when you just popped your crits

Meatshot to the first scout fucked his momentum, you can see he's floating stationary during his second jump

I still use the flare gun because that's the only projectile weapon I'm good at. You don't have to airblast combo with it, you can use it to finish people who ran away from you range. It still 1 shots light classes providing you burned them a little.

I mostly use it to fuck over demoknights foolish enough not to use grenades

>guaranteed unusual roll for only $2.50 tops
>thought it'd last more than a day

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Just give every unboxed unusual that was unboxed using the glitch the same unusual effect. Bam, problem solved.

>TF2 hasn't had an update in over 2 years
I thought they forgot it existed

>play and enjoy game for 10 years
>cosmetic items that dont effect gameplay released
>wtf man i want my money back

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>regret not splurging on video game cosmetics, i.e. something only impulse-buy niggers fall for
what the fuck

i only bought 2 as well. wish i had got an all class unusual
also i didnt know what effects looked nice so i just bought the 2 cheapest ones i saw
still happy with the ones i have tho

>cloud 9 is one of my favorite effects
>if valve removes the restrictions the hats with it will become dirty cheap

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Even if they DON'T remove the restrictions, I feel like they are still gonna become cheaper

why would legit unusuals be affected by ones that can't be traded?
honestly I feel like the problem was already fixed, the market should be returning to normal

This desu. My favourite community servers that were slowly dying are now rejuvenated. The last few days are the most fun I've had with the game in years. Being able to play with based bros instead of the brainless shitters that inhabit Casual is awesome.

>flair combo is now impossible to be consistent
It's very possible, you're just bad at it. Practice more.

People losing trust to the economy, mass-cashing out. People losing interest in their hats when they become common. Meme economies can be affected by shit like that.

You don't understand the mentality a lot of traders have. The "poor" people have something, so that means it's worth less now. Even if they get stuck untradeable.
They'll be seen as "lesser" hats and effects just because more people have them.
Plus since more people have unusuals, they'll be less likely to buy them, which will eat into the going price of them.
It's an autistic domino effect.

I would have a Max Head if someone put one on the market for a reasonable price and people stopped putting in a higher price than me

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I finally have unusual hats, but they're both for classes I don't play very much. The monkey's paw is real

Attached: unusualsget.png (1077x708, 273K)

On the bright side, if valve lets chaos rein and makes them tradeable, they'll tank enough you can probably find people to 1:1 trade them for hats you want.

Yeah that's the hope. I'm probably going to try for an all-class or if that isn't possible something for engineer

I havent touched the baby face blaster since the nerf
When will I be able to proudly use it again?

Tell me about a game as fun and timeless like tf2 that its on the EGS and ill gladly give it a try overlooking the shitty store and the fact that they might be peeking on my porn and shitposting folders.

BFB is fine right now if you just wanna go fast. Soda Popper and Scattergun are objectively better but you don't need to use best-in-slot to dick around on a pub.

>why would legit unusuals be affected by ones that can't be traded?
Because the people that jumped on the opportunity don’t want unusuals anymore now that they have them, thus devaluing them somewhat as the demand has waned

Also what this guy said, traders are autistic morons

Supply isn't changed, but demand is. The more people there are that have unusuals, the less exclusive it is.

>The loyal players of this game worked their asses off to get the unusuals they have
Yes yes sharking idiot kids and lowballing people on trade servers really was alot of work.

i couldn't give 2 fucks about the crate depression since all I really want is a golden pan
nothing can be more satisfying than demo knighting and turning people into solid gold, or building sentries with a pan

>the crate depression

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Keys are 2 bucks, the crates were 8$ minimum.

If you owned a lot of the old crates you only spent 2.49 for a key.
My hoarding paid off in the end and I’m glad that I finally have the ultimate prize

I got stranges back in the day alongside other items that make my bp worth 130$ and i wanted to abuse the glitch but i didnt know shit until i was on my way to the work, havent traded in years and only had an unusual once.


this is more satisfying though

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Bidwell, come on! We lost 78% of our hats that do nothing but waste space in our crates. But with that we sold 89% more keys that bring us profit, right?
One number is clearly bigger than the other?
Figure out if its good or bad and dont interrupt my Yeti wrangling contest!
This message was spoken by me, HAAAAAAAAAALE

>caring and screeching about polygonal 3d hats

You losers deserve this. Get a life and have sex

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>trade/market banned
you're retarded.
the hats are staying trade/market locked.
MAYBE a unique 'COUNTERFEIT' grade.
MAYBE a unique crafting recipe which turns 'COUNTERFEIT' grade miscs back into keys.

mark my words on this. this was not that big of a deal that they're going to do much to fix it.

>implying they’re going to remove the unusuals

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If it’s not that big a deal, why do anything more than make them untradeable and unmarketable?

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if I had a pan, I wouldnt feel selfish about dying while holding it
Id feel happy that someone else gets to test drive a rare item. I would probably go around and just give people pans for fun

Tortelloni, or just pasta

Is that you bike cuck?


Cute name for a pug


>filet mignon

>have sex

rate my pyro

Attached: Test TF2 loadouts.png (717x860, 273K)

Nigga, you EAT water?

Sausage Roll

You don't?

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Yeah because the equaliser was really balanced pre split

Today, day day day day day day day day day
Right na na na na na na na na na na na
I don’t believe that anybody feels feels feels
About you now

Shut up fat Jew Gaben. When the fuck is Half Life 3 coming out? Piggy.



>tfw illegal hats

What’s really funny is after all this shit happened I played for like 5 minutes and got an engineer hat drop that looks way better than any of the unusuals I got

It's up

Kill yourself tyler, go pay your drug debt.

Maybe because they're still bad?

hol up, cheater's lament is worth something now?
shit I should sell my account

Hey, I have an all class unusual that I unboxed and it isn't marked. I also have 2 others that weren't marked.

no, it's just that its unavailable to the large influx of new players similar to other old promotionals

>opening crates

it still hurts. I don't even understand why this nerf was even a thing


Here's what's going to happen.
They're going to make any unusual unboxed during the glitch unmarketable and untradable.
That way the Jews are happy and along with everyone else who got unusual.
The only real losers are fagets who think unusuals are 'status symbols'.

Also if you use pepe or wojack, you're part of the cancer that killed Yea Forums.

He shouldn't.

Sniper is an objectively better version of Spy, right?

>I spend 1K that I got for my Birthday
that money could have went directly into BUYING those items instead of using these boxes
What a retard..

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Pretty much. Spy is only useful when there's an engi nest that sniper can't take care of.

he should if he's better than the other player

and even then a demoman is infinitely better at taking that shit down

As much as I loved the ambassador, the enforcer is a good option for dealing with flanking enemies.


in all honesty probably crying Engineer mains who couldn't simply put in a little effort to adapt

Add the rescue ranger

Scout does Spy's job better than it

>Want a certain type of unusual
>It never existed for a while
>This happens
>There's now one recorded in existence

Attached: MegaBeef.png (468x468, 157K)

RR needed it.
Free heals were fucking stupid.

Chest Dump

get fucked idiot

What unusual

If you're smart user you won't reply to this post:

Make it so that it heals less per bolt but fires faster, so then its a matter of giving up ammo and face to face combat ability instead of the downgrade it currently is.

Yeah I didn't ask either because it would be stupid to mention but I'm happy for him.
Hope you can get it user.

I know. Pic related.

Attached: if i tell you what happens it wont happen.png (1193x810, 573K)

>Having to hit a sniper/scunt twice with the Loch

>3 nades
>only 2 pipes

Being able to heal your buildings from cover and teleport them away if they're in danger of being overrun isn't a downgrade, you're just shit.

hot pocket

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It is against the rules to reveal you janitor status, faggot.