>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
>Can't because of DRM
Why aren't pirates doing their job?
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
>Can't because of DRM
Why aren't pirates doing their job?
Other urls found in this thread:
You already made this thread.
Games have gotten worse. I used to pirate every single big release there is. I wouldn't pirate the new Wolfenstein even if it was available.
I dunno, why aren't you? Too stupid to learn how to break the DRM and require handouts from other pirates?
It's time to get a job anons
>doesn't crack shit games nobody wants
Based pirates
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
kill yourself
I still pirate even when I can pay for the games.
Who gives a fuck about that when we can finally play HANDBALL 17?
> Why aren't pirates doing their job?
Gabe and Sweeney paid to codex for their inaction.
Denuvo is too good. Pirates cant keep up with it.
literally what even are those trash games? who cares?
I only care about Octopath Traveler on that list. Hopefully CPY shows up again to crack some weebshit.
>wanting to play the newest wolfenstein
Why even bother wasting space for a shit game when you could pirate much better ones
>Anno 1800
yep it still hurts
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
but why?
>No Handball 17
What will we do now piratebros?
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
fucking who?
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
You lost me there
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
10/10 bait
The issue with wanting the new Wolfenstein is that some poor sucker would have to get a copy of it to crack it. Nobody wants that dogshit game, and nobody's going to put in effort to make it available.
In short, get better taste you fucking retarded faggot.
Who the fuck would want to play new Sjwstain?
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
theres not much of a demand for those games
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
someone has to buy it first for it to get cracked
What do pirates have to do with this, you dumb fucking retard.
the ones cracking games are pirates you genius
>>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
is this a marketing thread? nice new strats. Todd smiles on you this day.
>wanting to play anti-trump the game.
I just want to play the new forza horizon :(
What's wrong with it?
they are crackers you dumbass
no cracks or whatever
I love Anno 1800
Never heard of these shit games
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
They're hoping if they don't give you what you want you'll get better taste.
>Never heard of Wolfenstein
Granted it's still shit but you're still living in a cave
>>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
>implying I'm missing anything
>Wanting to miss a trash fire
Pfft, watching the "Fuck nazis, burn nazis shoot nazis" realize that the people who cheer for phrases like "Cold blooded murder bad, being mean to people bad" don't actually buy shitty video games because the devs agree that a group that's been stomped out since the 40's was bad
>their job
its a service
so it's:
>why arent they servicing my needs
no service for shit taste games unfortunately
[ - ]
>DRM now actually works
>But awful games still sell like shit most of the time
So, this whole incel thing is just the next best excuse now that they can't blame pirates any more?
Yeah the incel thing obviously came about because of DRM.
user, how much time do you spend on this website?
Is it Denuvo? Remember Rage 2, when Bethshit forgot to put it in the game? They quickly corrected this, put it was already too late.
How do you pirate fags even cope? I watch piratebays top 100 games once in a while and it's always the same sims, skyrim, football manager and old shit.
>list of Trash games
I wonder why nobody bothered yet
Pretty sure those guys are gone. Wasnt their last release a year ago?
That said, im sure codex will get to it sooner or later
How do you buyfags even cope? I watch steams top 100 games once in a while and it's always the same sims, skyrim, football manager and old shit.
>Want to play the new Wolfenstein
Pirate here. I saw a lot of threads against piracy lately.
There is no anti-piracy law in EU.
Anti-piracy laws are mostly financed by Hollywood and mainstream music corporations.
There is a lot disinformation and hate because there is a lot of idealism related to money and consumerism.
A attentive person would assume that natural languages are open to interpretation and there is nothing artistic that is valuable for the scientific community, research and progress.
Inspiration is being marketed for money, not to promote ethical choices.
People need to drink water, but you little or no inspiration for saving people compared to going to Mars and related baits.
A very few handful of pirates bothered with latest tech.
All that mattered was Gog, as far as entertainment goes, "new" is not something that relates very well with "pleasure"
This is true for new pop music, new pop video-games and new pop cinema.
Only because you like popular video-games, it does not make you devoid of the normie vibe.
It makes you a successful normie at the very best, in case you can get a girl or two into your hobbies.
there is little or no inspiration*
I can't be bothered
shit game + denuvo = uncracked
>tfw pirate because I'm legit poor
Only thing I do is pray that these devs deserve the success they deserve which I cannot contribute to.
Every game in that list is horrible, why would you pirate these soulless products?
I'd rather pirate that Handball game than the new Wolfenstein.
>I watch piratebays top 100 games once in a while
sure you do fellow buyfag. i too visit piratebay to look at what games are available to pirate haha. i even search for games im interested in so see if any of those filthy pirates are actually seeding. just to laugh at them of course
Also interested in Octopath Traveler. Thing is I'm not into jrpg that much and price is way too much "just to try it"
because no one buys discs...
I don't see any game worth playing, on the pic.
the ones cracking games buy them first you retard
>Anno 1800
not a fan of the series?
Wait is 1800 actually worth playing?
I assumed it would be absolute trash after being dumb enough to buy 2205.
Isn't the new wolfenstein pretty much universally regarded as bad lmao?
>Metacritic score of 76/100
>universally regarded as bad
Only by incels and Nazis.
>saying this isn't clever as a positive
>all good games already cracked
>shitty games nobody cares about uncracked
>that post in pic
Appears written by a disingenuous cuck who most likely haven't left his bubble since birth. It's not hard to discern between political tropes and very in your face biased references to current politics that affect your life.
>shit on strawman for having bad grammar
>has bad grammar in the same fake article shitting on a guy having bad grammar
Jesus, what the fuck.
>>those games are shit
every time
>can pirate octopath on switch
>can pirate sonic on ps4
>rolling onions
as always
arrest yourselves
Was Handball 17 finally cracked?
This image was funny when it was only handball 17, but you changing it to this just shows how hard you are seething because pirates get free shit.
Have sex incel