a secret room with sakurako pictures
water level
A map that uses an excessive amount of choke points and corridors.
Rocket jumping map.
anime tomboy room
Convincingly modeled vulva using map brushes
a tasteful picture of a field of flowers
Badly done barebones room using the default Hammer textures filled with tposing mercs
include fat.
First one to get it and its already a doozy that i need to put on an image sharing site.
Make vagina into forest floor, add bushes as pubes
The team bases are on the sides of the vulva.
gay nigger penetration
giant middle finger hand flipping off the entire map
a ceiling cock shooting flames from the tip
On the edges of the vulva are two cocks touching tips.
Add a brain scorcher
put in cock and balls
cult room
a room that plays CBT wiki reading on full blast
The entire map is underwater.
a monitor that plays nothing but tranny porn
The entirity of Hotel Mario
A series of tunnels under the ground connecting both bases that surface behind the bases.
Secret shitbull room
designated shitting street
Secret buttons everywhere that play popular and classic micspam songs and other sound clips over the entire map for a few minutes
a giant sign saying the creators a faggot
Its a payload map
blue team spawns from an apache and must drop down onto red's defenses
ur mom lol
Secret shota porn room.
A map with an above ground section that's really bland, but the underground area is a giant maze that changes every few seconds (the certain walls move to create new paths or close off others)
have a button that plays nightmare time with finn and jake through the whole map and hide it well
remake a classic Unreal Tournament 1999 map, like Facing Worlds, Lava Giant, Deck16][ or Tempest.
Dustbowl but remove all invisible walls in the sky
But there aren't any apaches in TF2
An empty room with dickbutt on the wall that is only accessible with noclip.
skybox lined with visual illusion images that are hard to look at so whenever you're in an outside area you feel ill
when you're all done, mark everything and tilt it slightly on the x axis.
monster ads in spawn area
Here's your Apache
a cock and balls somewhere subtle
bee noises that come from the center of the map, and gets quiter the further out from the center you go. also a cartoonish sprite of a bee where the noises come from.
A shrine in red spawn dedicated to Rando
loud moaning on round start in each spawn
a tunnel that leads to her fartbox where there is a room you can lock people in and gas them with a button.
we draw the skybox
starting with this
random gachmuchi screams when starting and ending rounds
bombs that drop every 30 seconds and kill random players
add a surf ramp
A map inspired in Plok, a game for the SNES
map will teleport you to an infinite death pit if you pick sniper or spy
Shit map
Shit thread
here's the skybox, all sides
Red spawn is completely open and can be seen from blue spawn
blue spawn is heavily defended by walls but it has gay porn and gore all over its walls floor ceiling and light fixtures
blue spawn has this bee
Nothing but pepe pictures and shitty Yea Forums greentexts
Rerolling for this
waterfall in the center, if you jump through it you die and a "fuck you" sound effect plays
Giant swastika spinning in the center of the map
There is no way this map will ever actually be made.
if 3 this map is made
floor of the map is made entirely of some type of func brush which pushes the player up, making players jump. tiled, like a chessboard.
the map has a bunch of sawblades along the payload track for maximum pain
OP has abandoned us.
OP is a faggot, check my 3
if 3 all posts with 0 count
Merasmus comes out of the vulva randomly
sneed is in the map
Player models are ponies
A well optimized 5cp that gurantees performance even in the most rough conditions
Someone post a koth_launch link
sneedsfeednseed is already a map
Facingworlds was already remade
Alright guys, I'm working on a vertically-oriented map taking layout inspiration from pic related. Any suggestions for features?
An intriguing concept. What gamemode should I go for? CTF? Attack/Defend? Payload delivering corpses to the furnace?
Picture of f2p's with Unusuals anal voring tradefages
a map item that moves around the map like johnny on dr_playstation while he is using the axe
make it a kleer
Last idea sounds real crispy.
I like all of these ideas(actually more but system thinks too many responses is spam) and will attempt to implement some of them into my next project, . Open to hearing any and all ideas, no promises tho.
morrakiu songs throughout the map?
A graveyard of unusual tradefags with effects over their tombstones
Obligatory disco room.
What about a row of tombstones with Burning Flames Team Captains sitting on the top of each?
Hmm. Auschwitz may have to wait in favor of a more traditional "bloodbath until rtv" meme map.
So far(in terms of ideas) we got:
>disco room
>tradefags dab
>giant spinning swastika
>middle finger above map(skybox?)
more to come
Oh that reminds me, post some ebin dancing gifs and I'll see if I can't get them into the map(animated VTFs are not my forte). Obviously the obligatory DMC5 one will be there
Put it in somewhere on the map I guese
a classic
a goatse made of hats
put some bumper cars into the map (use the add_tf_condition trigger volume to do this)
When the 2nd to last point is capped, robots spawn to fight for both sides.
One giant heavy, one giant demo, one giant solly, and 20 scunts.
the plane in dark knight rise then uses the zip lines to climb on the other plane or Dracula castle.
Kill niggers.
Thanks doc
secret room with furry porn
put in tiny desk engineers that actually explode, to do this get a prop_dynamic, set to the engineer model, set the default animation to taunt_Russian, adjust the size of the model and give the model a name so you can add triggers to it later.
a "heavy is 20" reference
dicks everywhere
the Word nigger scribbled on walls with shit
Have this as a poster in one of red's spawns.
OK, OP, you gotta include a staircase in the corner of the map that goes no where and instakills you
Have the cart be the train from frontier.
Picture of Ryan Gosling screaming
now with crusty jpgs
If you want a better version here's one
A replica of Sneed's Feed and Seed being one of the points you have to cap
A statue of Hitler t-posing above the red's base.
Oh I almost forgot. Make this loop around it the entire time
I can't be bothered re-doing it.
I got it
Add yoshi somewhere ha ha
A recreation of greg's house from diary of a wimpy kid.
Not really a dance but it could work
Someone put a giant homer in the background.
Make it play sea shanty 2
Add a shrine dedicated to Reisen
Don’t put a shrine but somewhere hidden in the map, if you look close enough, there should be a shittly-drawn solitary user hugging a png of Reisen
put in that one runescape song that sounds like leek spin.
A break room
ty for the bumps. Alright, gotta make sure I perform the daily "avoid becoming a Melee player" ritual, then the fun begins.
Speaking of smash, put this image in there.
bumping again
ice/slippery surfaces all around at higher elevations. Some lead to a survivable drop, some exist only to drop you a little, some do the halloween bottemless pit thing and some are one way drops to the very bottom
just asking but the map does already have a name?
an obscure swastika, some that's not obvious unless you're looking for it
Please throw this in somewhere as an easter egg
The map will have a shitty meme name like "dm_shitpost"
I like this a lot, but it's gonna take some figuring out
problem is TF2 does have an ice material, but it barely affects movement at all(the loss in traction is *very* slight). I'm gonna look into this a bit more but i dunno
Disco room in the center of the map, or off to the side?
>disco room is the mid point on 5 points
Sounds like its gonna be a good map
something something thousand miles
something something single step
oh it's not 5cp, 5cp would actually have a point to it
this is good ol mario kart cyberpunk harbl hotel hell
above was more brainstorming than anything
a hotel mario zone
a room to dab on tradefags
Can you do
for me? I can't shoop for shit.
A reference to a game that only you and or a very small community of people would get
Make it play flute salad from runescape
Just copy and paste de_dust 2
so turns out making a texture into a skybox is gonna be a little difficult, so idk if i can make that the skybox
that being said i can promise you it will be in the map in *some* form
Good job user. I have to sleep now but I want to keep up with this map to see how it goes. Will you keep making threads for ideas in the meantime?
for at least the next 2-3 hours, ye
and I just forgot, one final idea. Hide the following somewhere
make it transparent and put it somewhere on a window, a random part of the floor, somewhere hard to see. Someone will find it, type it up expecting some arg or some shit and fall for the oldest trick in the book
responding for easy access later
no one spotted this overwatch joke?
what do you expect? hes a frogposter
no, that's just dustbowl
Galactic brain idea: make the room a koth point and set the timer to something absurdly high, BUT set up the buttons so selectable music changes with team in control y/n
will do
good thing I'm not OP
At the moment, the map's concept is more or less finalized. A mario_kart style combat space, with a dj room to the side(but still in equal distance of both team's spawns). A few songs available at start, with more unlocked based on triggers across the rest of the map. One obvious door, and maybe one or two not-so-obvious ways in. If I see any specific ideas I like I'll consider them.
Put these bunners somewhere