Do women talk about video games when men arent around?
Do women talk about video games when men arent around?
Yeah, they talk about how much they want to be rawed by Garrus.
They talk about their vidya husbandos.
Imagine the smell...
Nah girls only follow vidya to get attention from gamer guys.
no, they have lesbian orgies
>homely looking women with glasses and beefy thighs
this makes my pee pee tingle
Like low tide at the wharf.
they mostly talk about how much they want to get fucked by big black cocks
Unironically bitch about men who play video games. I was at the bar and I overheard a girl talking about how annoyed she was that she called her bf and he was playing Fortnite.
PS: I'm a serious gamer as well! I play Overwatch, WOW and fortnite!
Women only seethe when they are talking to each other
Redpilled taste.
>blonde with brunette eyebrows
muh dickkkkk
imagine the smell
Didn't take too long for Amerimutts to find the thread.
based and seamanpilled
Conceptualize the smell, lads.
God there's so many of those jokes they wouldn't be able to make today without 48 hours of some faggy trending hashtag and a Congressional Panel condemning them as hate speech.
Only reset era girls discuss games.
resetera """girls""""
Resetera girls like this.
No, but they do talk about the guys they're playing.
6 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 7 > 4 >>>>>>> 3 > 8 > 9
i see this and sense nothing but disgust. i think it's time for me, i ascended. it's 2D only from here on out
I don't believe women talk at all when men aren't around.
since none of them is pretty its not a real test
One at work likes to talk about video games with me. She's big into Harry Potter and she has a gamecube she uses to play through the games.
>anglos are all on the top.
Really makes you think.
There is always at least one or two asians in a pool full of samey white girls.
No, they gossip.
is she 40 years old?
why isn't japan on this list? most of their hentai is cuckold shit
Oh look, the race obsessed Amerimutt has arrived.
Yes user, everywhere is a multicultural shithole like your decaying nation.
They talk about Chad and dick size and all the guys they have lined up/fucking.
No, they mostly talk about themselves and the people they're close to.
I bet if a woman was close (emotionally) to a videogame she'd talk about it.
You actually expect the biggest concentration of autists, social rejects, cuckolds and trap fuckers on the internet to know anything about women?
Maybe the ones you're watching cuccboi
>being close emotionally to a game
What the fuck are you smoking.
Having a woman is nothing special in 2019 gramps
Unless you're fat ofcourse then it's your fault
I have no idea what made you fly off your rocker.
If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one to hear it does it make a sound?
Don't even attempt to convince me that Yea Forums is somehow full of "chads".
The purpose of Yea Forums will always be being a zoo for the bottom of the barrel of society, like Twitter.
learn to fucking read retarded american
he said if
Man I watched an NTR anime by mistake once and was absolutely repulsed, but also very amused by the convoluted situations they created for the cuck shit. Like the MC's GF being fucked by another guy on a broken down ferris wheel while he's on another car and can see. Who the fuck comes up with that shit
yes and getting women is not at all hard, even for the bottom of the barrel
you arent actually a virgin, i hope?
No, i'm asking what the fuck does it mean to be close to a videogame emotionally.
It's a videogame, not a person.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with women?
>Tipps fedora in your direction
>is not at all hard, even for the bottom of the barrel
lol good one
Imagine the smell
Most women don't talk about anything, they just complain to each other how hard their life is 24/7.
I don't doubt you are tipping it, nu4chan is fedoraland.
All the stereotypes people used to make fun of 8 years ago are now the average user here.
All men are obsessed with women
Post OP's picture on any other board and you'd get the same result.
Not to the point of talking about them all the time.
youre just bad at it or havent tried
dont project your flaws on everyone here
you have to practice
I've never seen anyone rate Final Fantasy games like that but I suppose it's not the worst taste I've seen
No, I lost it at 13.
But don't imply people here find it easy when whining about chads and being virgins is a topic on all boards.
why do you lie?
you're anonymous
this board mentions women about as much as any male community
no, one person talking about women one time is not constantly doing it buddy
me with the glasses
Well every coffee break topic is the lates hotest chick you have at your workspace so I dont know what are you on about
surprisingly there are boards where women do the exact same thing
would you say its hard for women to get laid
I'm 29 and still got my NES to play Goal 3 on, are you retarded?
Fags don't.
It still amazes me that me, a fat retard who played video games for most of his life actually had 2 gfs and lost virginity. If I can do it, so can you.
Any one that isn't some feminist shithole full of shaved fatasses?
Imagine being trapped in a small room with women like this. An absolute nightmare.
As a woman, I never talk about video games with my female friends
Sounds fucking boring.
dunno, but its irrelevant
Dunno, where I work we mostly talk about football (not handegg) or anything other non-work related that interests us. Books, tv shows, something like that. The topic of women rarely gets in, unless some fine bitch walks in/past us, then we just comment on her and move on with the conversation
Imagine not being able to talk about anything other than women
Get a wife and a job.
i literally cannot imagine a situation where it would make sense for me to be in there with them
Since when are slavs white?
One prevents the other for me, so no can do.
Didn't take long for /int/ to be obsessed.
>to get money from
This place is entirely failed normies LARPing as regular normies at this point.
Let me tell you that normie women talk about the most banal asinine subjects when men aren't around.
twitter is full of normalfag chads