Is it kino?

Is it kino?

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needs to be remade with cheeto hitler

I remember all the terrorist shooters that came out after 9/11.

It's essential Yea Forumsino and a game I will definitely hand down to my children. My favourite thing to do is to shoot the driver and hope that he rams the car into a wall at full speed.

Yes, the ballistics are really advanced, and if you actually nail the JFK shot Kennedy's head explodes and his brain flies out just like in the Zapruder film. I used to like to snipe the driver and then fuckin' execute as many of the people in the car as possible, as well as the little faggot cocksucking cops and secret service agents escorting the package. And I used to fuckin' play it every night.

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Favourite thing was to try to get the physics engine to break in amusing ways. It's not like I was a good enough shot to recreate the exact shooting scenario.

Why did CIA killed him bros? He is my favorite president

are you aware he is a modern day republican

Because the Jews said it needed to be done. Know your place and shut the fuck up you filthy goy or you're next.

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Was this legal? Such a strange game

Balls deep in mafia pussy started the very long laundry list of why he needed to be removed.

I had a friend in highschool who played this game all day for a few weeks and it honestly got pretty morbid and I thought he was a fuckin weirdo, and if you play this game for more than a day I think its a pretty good indication that you have deep seated mental problems and should seek assistance before the final people that actually care about you in life stop doing so.
I wonder where that guy is today, probably in his moms house still.

Yep and the mafia is predominantly Jewish and everybody knows it. Murder Inc. Period.

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JFK horse is kino co-op vidya.

Why would it not be legal?

LBJ called it.

It was legal, but rumor goes that if you managed to recreate the incident perfectly, CIA agents would come to your door and drag you away.

*r*sh cathol*c had to be removed

plus he hated big butts

>white male game developer is allowed to make a president murdering simulator without any backlash or investigation

>female comic suffers for the rest of her life because she held a obviously fake dummy head of the president

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game was made well after jfk died, if he was still around and kicking it'd have been very different.
Also the dev did get dogpiled for it by the usual "video games are murder simulator" crowds.

recruited for stage 2? i can't wait for those assets to get activated.

I don't believe in the mafiapill. The mafia while strong would never risk an all out investigation of MURDERING a president. It had to have been the CIA. Or at least, the CIA guiding the mafia.

there's not really any conspiracy over jfk getting killed right

I said it was the Jews you fuckin' faggot. Now shut the fuck up retard you're too stupid to think about this shit, go back to fuckin' Marvel comics bitch. Fuck you.

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>The mafia while strong would never risk an all out investigation of MURDERING a president.
The mafia didn't do it, the CIA did it because JFK was in the mafias pocket and they needed a way to remove the problem quickly while also sending a very clear message to anyone who might try to air JFKs dirty laundry.

Shut up bitch that isn't what happened.

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they keep pushing back and preventing the release of info on JFK.

there's plenty of shady shit surrounding the Kennedys that there's more to it than some rogue guy with a gun.

face it, JFK was an irish whoremonger that had his brains given an aerial tour of dallas by actual patriots.

Which other celebrities had relatives killed by mafia? I know Michael Jordan's dad was killed because of gambling debts

They were Jews you fucking kike loving bootlicker. Now fuck off back to discord before I fuck you up for life. Now.

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the driver of the limo is the one who shot JFK. There is an unedited video of the scene where the driver literally swiftly puts his arm over his shoulder and then pop goes JFK's head.

>the jew boogeyman
lel, they heebs are a bunch of retards, if they wanted JFK dead they'd have blown up the white house and then blamed it on palestine.

Shut the fuck up incel nobody likes you. In fact, we all fuckin' hate you. Bitch. You're fuckin' nothing motherfucker.

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it was the security guard that took the rear guard mount. dude was armed with a rifle that day, oswald started shooting, missing because he wasn't that great a shot, security dove onto the back of the car to grab the handrail they installed so guards can ride the back of the car in emergencies, but accidentally discharged the rifle into the presidents head. it was such a fucking shitshow that everyone involved just said "blame it on oswald", he already thinks he's the one who landed the fatal shot.

He made the game to prove oswald didn't do it

I remember his interview with Martin sergeant on unscrewed

Martin was still a dick to him tho

>called JFK reloaded
>you don't have to reload after killing him

The game was made to prove that Oswald could have taken the shot and that no magic bullet was needed. One shooter from the book depository, no need for second shooters or other setups.
"We genuinely believe that, if we get enough people participating, we'll be able to disprove, once and for all, any notion that someone else was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy," [Kirk Ewing] said.