I am forgotten...

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Other urls found in this thread:


>life locked at 30



I hated the guy not because of any political garbage but because his videos were a FUCKING HOUR LONG AND ALL HE DID WAS RAMBLE THE WHOLE TIME LIKE FUCK OFF DUDE DON'T WASTE MY TIME WITH THIS POOR QUALITY UNEDITED SHIT.

>tfw he lives on as a twitch emote
Is this worse than being forgotten?

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It's how it goes when you die. People who didn't know you personally move on with their lives.

>People who didn't know you personally move on with their lives
People who did do as well

How could I forget that dude you have to kill from Hitman.

more well known and liked than anyone on this shithole will ever be, but admittedly that also applies to any given grade school student

Imagine being so mad about your game getting criticised that you go on a twitter rant when the critic dies. youtu.be/eDA37BmvNwM

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Just takes longer.

>the last game he ever reviewed was some App Store-lookin' octopus game

What a way to go out.

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>you weren’t remembered as the serious game journo youtuber you always wantsd to be
>instead you are remembered as a meme

Jesus, what a piece of shit, wonder what walking simulator he made

he did manage to say a lot of interesting stuff over his long videos though without nitpicking or going off topic. if you want to complain about unnecessary video length just look at all these 'analysis' videos that are 3+ hours long

>plays shitty game
>gets cancer


There was a live episode of WTF is... Fortnite, but only his wife got to witness it.

I miss the britbong raids

nvm saw the video

>AVGN will die in your lifetime
>His daughter will lose her virginity before you
>Gun Jesus will die before you do
>MRE Steve will definitely die
>Mad Season's probably going to die of blood clots

The fate of wholesome youtubers.

I think he doesn't care with his wealth and room full of rotting candy. Fuck him

>serious game journo youtuber you always wantsd to be
That sounds really sad

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>MRE Steve

no...anybody but him

>Jim Sterling will die in your 75 year old grandmother's lifetime

Just the fact that he waited until he died to say all that shit makes him a beta pussy. The psycho leftist political rambling doesn't help his case.

>His wife begun selling his possessions in like two days after he died

His menu relate drivels actually made PC gaming better.
Since his death I see distinct forgetfulness in adding FOV sliders to games.
I wish there was some other youtuber nailing devs to the cross for this.

for some reason all the twitter cucks who came out like within the hour he died to piss on him really made me mad. i didnt like the guy that much. like how much of a seething pussy could you possibly be, so fucking pathetic.

>wait until the very hour a nigger is dead to start talking shit about him.

What a cuck man

good one user

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I cannot imagine an existence more pointless than his was.

yea but you he is remembered every fucking 3 seconds by some twitch autists

She also lost weight and started posting pics of herself online right before he died

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people don't talk about him since le funny black eceleb died

Well he was english

Based and vacuum cleaner-pilled
Did the widow remarry already?


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the deal was till death do you part you fucking shakepearian faggotron

30 fps really shouldn't be acceptable though. unless it's a clear compromise for something actually cutting edge and not a bunch of bullshit effects. meme him all you want but it's true


He's already dead user, i can't say when but according to the latest confirmed intel from a source familiar with MRE's way of thinking, he has been replaced by an intelligent botulism based human mimicking organism. So far it seems like it's only trying to acquire additional varieties of the toxin by ordering ancient and inedible canned goods but we shall see what will happen.

Always felt like he was the far opposite of modern journalism and not in the good way. I don't enjoy listening to a serious cynical British Man aggressively rambling for an hour and it would take him like 10 minutes just to make a point. I always preferred game reviews to be like Ross's Game Dungeon, MandaloreGaming, SsethtZeentach, or Matthewmatosis where they have lengthy videos but manage to them entertaining and more interesting things to say instead of pointing out the obvious.

Honestly, that sounds better than being remembered as a journalist.



Memes are the lifeblood of the internet.

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ANYTHING would be better than being remembered as a journalist.

Better for someone like us but probably not what that faggot totalshitstick wanted
pic related


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I still listen to this every now and then.


good point

I race changed my undead mage to a troll since I followed him back in his WoW days

>he did manage to say a lot of interesting stuff
His opinions on videogames and videogame development were surface-level, this doesn't really invalidate him as a critic, as the vast majority of critics have a pedestrian understanding of the medium they critique, however the idea that he had anything genuinely insightful to say about videogames is pretty laughable.
I always viewed him as an entertainer first, because that's what he was consistently good at.

>Every time he tried to go into technical details when "critiquing" a game's settings menu.

That was always painful to watch.



>user tries to be funny
>but he is too shy to do more than mumblerap

oh good

this made me kek so fucking hard

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Jesus Christ

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Oh but all the random guys here making fun of his death are totally fine? Is there a difference when someone with their name attached to it does it?

Chris chan
I know people think of him as a god but hes just a schizoid who says funny things

you race changed the wrong way, you should be undead now.


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But we still get threads about Blood Money...

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He lived to be almost 34 though

>I'm in NC if you need a friend
That sounds like some cringe nerd attempt at a pickup line. What kind of faggot pale ass cracker thirsty nerd white boy controls that twitter account trying to get some pussy after her husband died

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Yes, only a handfull of games has FOV sliders and even less people care.
G fucking G.

I suppose the difference is here it's most likely just to be edgy considering a lot of users here are starved for attention so try to get validation from strangers (who wouldn't even know they exist if they didn't post anything) in any way they can, whereas to sit there and seethe because someone feels like they were wronged by TB and THEN going nuclear and ranting about it after he dies does just look cowardly af

pic unrelated

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i wish i was dead instead of him

was the community manager hitting on her? what the fuck?

I wish I could find that thread. Funniest shit ever. I hope that he would have seen the humour in it