Name my Band

Attached: 1see68u4sh431.jpg (1124x1401, 164K)

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Who the fuck photoshopped Todd to be so short?

Attached: 2018_12_30_00_06_IMG_1796.jpg (400x400, 36K)

to be fair Musk is 6,5"

Is Keighley the Nick Fury of vidya?

>Elon Musk and the fuckingn hacks

That would put Todd at around 5'8 then?

Musk and the manlets

what midget Todd truly is. Elon is like 6'1 and absolutely towering over him.

Holy shit he's only 6'1 lmao never mind, Todd really is a dwarf

He's like 6'2, like any normal white man from South Africa.

Fuck marry kill?

>my friend is like 5'4"
>shes taller than todd
oh it was great

Elon and the Toddlers

Pants on Fire

Is that Death Grips

The Shills

Nice shop OP

Attached: 1446850531566.jpg (960x960, 175K)

Dorito Pope and the lying visionaries

Attached: 1560316475889.jpg (537x810, 44K)

Harry Hack and the Frauds

>masters of Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /sci/

Attached: 15468653349856143801526293681271.png (2000x1331, 2.23M)

The Sweet Little Lies

Fuck Todd
Marry Elon
Kill myself


Pre-order Now!

By Our Powers Combined We Are Conan O Brien

The WHO.

Betesla Games


Attached: qDWgSQ3.jpg (1102x1024, 327K)

How tall is the guy on the left really?

Attached: 1407843146548.jpg (640x480, 57K)

Pretty much, he's been a game journalist for awhile now and seems to have good intentions with the gaming community.

Normie Delight.

top kek.

>Elon, Hack n' Pope

fuck off toddler