Eating garlic gives you HP

>eating garlic gives you HP

Attached: garlic-625_625x350_71437817264.jpg (625x350, 26K)

Name three (3) games where this happens.

Un sólo juego

Someone shot up a garlic festival today. Which one of you was it?

probably someone from /ck/


fuck garling

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its exactly what it sounds like. dracula had enough

>15+ HP
>-2 Charisma

>not wanting to sniff that pure garlic breath and use it as a bonus

this just confirms that /pol/ is filled with vampires.

More or less, every cooked meal requires spices which is most likely garlic/onion/ginger as the most basic combo.
All games with cooked meals do this.

i love garling but holy shit the smell of won't wash off my hands after 4 days

Probably kingdom glitches deliverance


garlic and onions are fucking vile foods

I keep eating it but I don't feel any healthier.

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>a garlic festival

didn't realize people took their garlic that seriously.

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stick to your sushi you low testosterone beta bitch nigger

>t. retard

Every other damn fruit has it's own festival. Why not garlic?

It's offensive to vampires, bud.

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unironically low test

what the fuck do you eat then
they're in everything

it's not a fruit you stupid american

Fuck vampires, they have no rights.

You ever eaten garlic straight-up? That stuff burns

they're not in potatoes

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're either a rich spoiled brat addicted to sugar and the generally horrible American diet, or a fucking pleb who doesnt know shit about spices and condiments.

>Americans will think this is an ISOLATED incident

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>garlic festival
whats wrong with white people smdh

I mean people take dogs seriously but you don't see any dog festivals around

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it is

Wario World



*shoots up your festival*

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Dog shows?

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explain this picture

was there actually a garlic festival and a garlic festival fucking shooting or am i being memed on right now?

You've never been to a dog festival?

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What is going on?

Does anyone else just genuinely like the smell of garlic and doesn't mind people smelling of it? I'm 99% convinced this garlic = smells thing is just a meme that people subconsciously started taking seriously.

>you don't see any dog festivals around
you do actually

Cats were promised pizza if they behaved good at the vet.

It's America. Statistically, there is a garlic festival that some shoot up.

kitties =)

Elder Scrolls Online
Oblivion (actually fortify strength and resist disease but what ever)

>Not dipping fries in garlic sauce

Warioland: Super Mario Land 3
Wario World
Warioland (Virtual Boy)