*instantly kills you from across the map with a single hitscan shot*

*instantly kills you from across the map with a single hitscan shot*

Attached: file.png (250x266, 65K)

Just don't play Heavy

>twelve years LATER

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

The only time I played this game I saw the soldiers doing rocket jumps, picked the soldier and killed myself trying to do one.

>didn't even play enough to get a gibus

>that sniper who played 2fort but camped in the intel room on top of a turret and 1 shotted anyone who came in the room or close to me.

That was me, lmao git keked on.

Anger equipped
Hale's Own Sniper Rifle loaded
Razorback on
"NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" chat bind ready to go

Yep, it's sniping time :-)


Attached: 250px-Sir_Shootsalot.png (250x283, 80K)

Basic rocket jumping is pretty simple. You have to crouch jump (which is pretty helpful in general) -> shoot rocket below and behind you at a certain angle in one sequence

Attached: rocket jumps.webm (768x432, 2.89M)

if theres an enemy sniper on your screen and youre not dead its bc hes bad. class is ridiculous

*throws jarate on cart*

nothin personal

>Soldier takes no ski-

Attached: 1461088655946.webm (853x480, 2.15M)

>not using the over powered DLC

Attached: Themachina.png (1266x689, 303K)

>he doesn't taunt after every kill

Attached: 1.png (386x402, 297K)

Soldier is the class with the highest skill cap, but also pretty easy to play if you're noob

>switches to sniper and counter-sniper them
>watch them seeth

Attached: engie.webm.png (723x374, 287K)

Post them
Rate them

Attached: Soldier.png (604x838, 124K)


>switch to spy
>actually properly get in position
>shoot him point blank

Attached: 1552810036166.png (888x894, 520K)


But Heavy is more fun than Sniper.

Who are the chads of TF2 mains?

>Dies to any of the three sentries on the way

gunslinger engie

Solo Heavy is literally unplayable, and it's mostly because of Sniper.

Welp, tried this in the other thread, nobody gave a fuck.
Giving out a free summer key.
Post steam ID. First post ending in 0 gets it.

Attached: 1523052795481.png (1000x1000, 386K)

Heterosexual and intelligent.

>scope for 0.0001 seconds
>yeah, that's long enough to be able to do 150 damage in a shot, that's fair

I don't think you understand how hitscan works if you think this is something that only affects heavy.

>does everything spy does but better
>is a one man army who can deny an entire push by himself

Gimme some good sets for my exploitusuals

Attached: 677C5946-D176-4F9A-8229-8639783D2C9B.jpg (4032x3024, 2.6M)

did you just take a picture of your screen

F12 my man

Attached: 1561619541432.jpg (426x382, 16K)

>>is a one man army who can deny an entire push by himself

Why do people say this? His rifle is bolt-action. Even a spinbot who can't miss won't be able to stop an entire push by himself unless they're rushing in from 10 miles away. Sniper is terrible for area denial, his main functionality is taking out key targets.

I’m lazy

How else are you supposed to experience the grease on the screen?

When's the new video?

>aim at feets

>flanks around the map and tauntkills you
nothing personnel baby

As soon as you answer your question in a satisfactory way

>get destroyed by anybody with half a brain because a soldier who can't rocket jump is a sitting duck

Ironically heavy's hitscan is much worse


Shit sniper detected

*uncloaks behind you (but outside of melee range) and shoots you with the Enforcer or Ambassador*
Get pwned, nerd

the ones who dont main to begin with because its for fucking retards

*gets killed by the guy standing right beside me*

Sniper's tend to be pretty fatal, yeah. Never understood the criticism regarding the Sniper being OP. That's his whole fucking gimmick, isn't it? A good Sniper can fuck your whole path up, forcing players to re-plan on the go -- don't bitch because you're simply not fucking good, and can only run in a straight line.

Attached: 1563449464751.png (194x284, 104K)


so any updates to TF2 economy crash?

Wait until tomorrow.

Name and Describe my exploit trash.

Attached: tradefags BTFO.png (858x607, 173K)

>and can only run in a straight line.
Do you not know how sniper's weapon works?
It doesn't matter how fast you're moving, it doesn't matter how far you are, and it doesn't matter how erratically you're moving. It's hitscan. If your head is in his crosshairs on the frame he pulls the trigger, you're dead.

theres no counter play to the enemy team have 2 or 3 really good snipers
it just turns into: you cannot go to this area of the map your will instantly get sniped

holy shit this hat is mediocre

Flash Gordon: King of the Impossible

How about: Cloak....or BONK and....or flank them.... or...go sniper against them.... let me guess....20 hours?

Dab'er of Traders

how do I stop getting backstabbed as heavy

>sniper has no counterplay
>no it does, just pick sniper!

Attached: file.png (621x702, 67K)

>you can no longer fly across the map on an 8 stickies load from the sticky jumper and ruin a sniper's day with the Ullapool Caber
It still hurts

Attached: 1508366809831.jpg (1130x1349, 383K)

That seems reasonable to me. And the completely reasonable options you've ignored are even better.


Thanks for wasting a slot for a worthless class
Thanks for wasting a slot for a worthless weapon
Thanks for just being fucking worthless

>it's been 930 days, over 2 years and 6 months since the last update of the "biannual" comic

Attached: 1509490681236.jpg (1191x670, 82K)

jump-rev-180 constantly when just walking out of a fight.

>here's a class that can consistently and reliably kill the enemy sniper! Cool, huh!?
>Here's an item on scout that allows you to not die from headshots while crossing the sniper's sightline! You can kill him quite easily once you close in!
As they say where you come from: YIKES!
I say: Kill yourself.

mentally ill sniperfag

You could've made your point without making me read all of that garbage

Attached: 1522024327602.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

>been playing TF2 for a decade
>still can't rocket jump rollouts, trickstab, or snipe consistently

Attached: 1369612986105.jpg (300x300, 50K)

Pretty nice.
Rate my exploit loadout.

Attached: loadout (3).png (1600x900, 548K)


Honestly, as long as you're in casual you virtually never need a jump that uses more than 2 rockets.

So how would you nerf him? Bullet falloff? Change charge dmg increase to focus that would lower the spread of rifle to pin point accuracy as long as you don't unscope or move around too much and by that you would force sniper into staying in one postion and prevent quick scoping? I'm willing to listen to any sugestion.

>here's a class that can consistently and reliably kill the enemy sniper!
Except he was given an item specifically designed to counter this class. He's also, by nature, standing next to half his team and quite possibly even within range of a sentry, so don't say "just shoot him".
>You can kill him quite easily once you close in!
See above. It doesn't matter that you can get in close on him when he is, by nature, protected by half his team at all times. Sniper is also perfectly capable of instakilling at close range, so even if he's completely alone it's still not a guarantee you'll kill him.

F for traders :pepehands:

No, i will most definitely still say just shoot him. Even if you're a bad spy you'll get the kill unless you uncloak right in front of 7 people. And if you're a good spy, you'll try to shoot him, i don't know...from COVER? It's not like the sniper is just going to have 4 people on guard duty on him, if you have even the slightest gamesense you will kill the sniper 9/10 times.
OH AND if you got killed at point blank range by a sniper as scout you don't deserve to get that kill anyway.

Solid, I hope all mercs get manly chest cosmetics like Medic and Demo. Scout can be pale and scrawny.

Everyone who defends Sniper treats the matchup in a vacuum and not a 12v12 clusterfuck.

Sniper is a lesson in how wonky hit detection is. I know lag compensation makes it appear like you've been shot from behind walls, but on more than one occasion I've headshot people whose model was no longer even visible.

Any team that isn't completely braindead is going to be watching for spies. Spy has one shot at shooting down the sniper before getting dogpiled and he needs to be both fast and lucky.

>played this game for years
>no matter how I try I cannot learn to do more than basic rocket jumps
good thing you don't need flashy shit to do well as soldier


Reduce starting damage.
Headshots deal 150 starting at 20% charge.
Leave max damage the same.

would be dead half way 6secs in. unless have gunboats but try that in a pub and see how far that gets u sonny.

yes, that's what a sniper does

imagine thinking spy is a good counter lmao

Yeah sure... Everyone's watching for spies....FOR THEMSELVES. I can assure you that in my years of playing this game i have never seen a whole dedicated team effort to protect the back of the friendly sniper. Really, truly i have never seen that. The entire flaw with this entire argument is that no matter what I, or (You) say there's no definitive answer that will satisfy anyone because of the simple fact that there are so many scenarios with all the different maps in this game that there's no definitive perfect answer. All i'm going to say is this, i have like 300 hours on spy and i have NEVER, and i truly do mean NEVER had any problems killing snipers as spy, shit or great.

>Everyone's watching for spies....FOR THEMSELVES
Ah, the true shitter has been revealed.

6 rockets doing a total of 270 damage or with gunboats 162 damage, now lets factor in that you laded a 3 times so about 15 damage per land dealing total of 45. so even with gunboats u would of died from a damage total of 208. nerd

Attached: the game.jpg (718x960, 93K)

how the fuck do you get meatshots from shotguns to register?
they always deal like 5-35 damage only when im in fucking melee range and yet some nigger can snipe me from 90 yards away with HIS shotgun and deal 112

Attached: 1526422428662.jpg (470x500, 117K)


>implying theres any medics in pubs

(You). I see you are a gentleman and a scholar. A guardian angel for your entire team's backs. LMAO who do you think you're fooling retard!? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Doesn't surprise me that a sniper main doesn't know about teamwork

>lets add a class where the only real counter is the same class
terrible idea

who plays medic in pub?

>1 tiny stray bullet froma heavy comes by
>The gentle graze of it makes it fucking imposible to continue

Literally every pub has at least one medic now because of how strong he is. Do you even play TF2 anymore?

lmao didn't read

When the team gets salty about losing and the local whore wants some brownie points.


A picture of your screen.
This is the type of people that defends the exploited unusuals should stay in the game.

They should, and they will :)

why is this weapon allowed?

Attached: file.png (250x189, 59K)

I love doing this.

Especially using Machina. Lmao the salt is fucking amazing, especially from "friendlies"

Attached: 1559268486683.jpg (682x600, 225K)

*why are flares allowed to build phlog meter
is a better question, its fine if you're not able to spam scorch shit across the map for free with no downsides

>he doesnt tauntkill the pyro the moment he taunts in the open like a retard

it makes them invincible now

Timing or Medic/Engie/Sniper tauntkills

Is there any better sign your team is hopeless than when they get rolled over by a single phlog pyro?

>Taunt key unbound
>Chat key disabled
>Proof of purchase on
>2007 service medal equipped
Out of my way, im about to rape this server.

Attached: 24747.png (180x210, 51K)

Traders BTFO

TF2 would be more fun without snipers and spies

Attached: 67483738_913192945684129_8890967136084688896_n.png (568x558, 366K)

Sniper takes skill to play, spies don't.
Snipers can't go invisible or cheat death either.

better yet give scout a sniper rifle and make it function like a rail gun from quake or something

>watched funke play heavy
>he made it seem fun
>get fucked by snipers seven days a week
>go sniper
>become the bane of fun
>use the classic and wear headphones so if a scout or spy tries to tickle my butthole I can do a quick 180 and bodyshot them
>they go sniper and target me exclusively and taunt when they finally get a kill
>this goes on for the rest of the match
It's so fun

Attached: 1468125302093.png (529x480, 128K)

You mean bimonthly

this is the set I was trying to make but fuck spending ten bucks on a cosmetic that's gonna drop to half that in a week

>makes an identical thread every day
I sure do love Yea Forums

>lol we're not doing that anymore but keep asking for it and we might do it eventually :) :)
fuck that artist


forgot to empty my poo bucket

that's what I fucking hate the most
them just dropping it without even having the decency to finish it

Gat trencher expander
You can dig my trech anyday ;3

lmaoing at u tradeniggers

>tradefag seething

hitscan takes skill

>switch to the worst class in the game to pick the class that does everything he does better
>get slowed to a crawl after you get shot to shit by pubbie spam and sentries and then get picked off because you’re a 125 health class without the speed that keeps you alive
>switch to the same class, and if the other guy has better aim you still lose anyway because he’ll outsnipe you every time
Sniper mains are truly mentally ill.

Attached: 49B18A6F-F314-469F-87BD-ABB28ADFB7D8.jpg (960x585, 90K)

Valve are the masters of just dropping projects

>too lazy to press one button
>I'll take out a phone camera and use that instead despite this being more work
u fucking wot

Aim better

i bought this hat
desc: this hat is awesome!

>It's a soldiernigger/demofag complaining about their counters episode

have good ping over ethernet
otherwise fuck you

>be stupid tranny
>be bad at the game
>cry about sniper being OP
>get told about perfectly reasonable solutions to counter snipers
>wtf no i watched a youtube video and it said that sniper is a better class than spy so spy is not gonna work to kill the sniper bro
>bro i know the bonk is going to let you go right next to the sniper if you're not retarded but in my dream scenario im an actual retard and i run into spam instead of using it to run past the sniper's sightline and flank him from a blindspot bro so that cant work!!
>bro....dont even try to tell me to get better at aiming im a damn tranny!

The issue is that the level of effort each player puts into the interaction is unbalanced.
>phlog pyro taunts
>if you can instantly kill the pyro as soon as his invincibility ends you win the interaction
>if you don’t all he has to do is W+M1

Attached: lol.png (1522x1052, 176K)

>having counters

>be (You)
>have trannies living in your head rent free
>project insecurities onto others
>unaware that everyone in the thread can tell you’re a knuckle dragging retard who will die a lonely death

im not gonna start a thread just to say this
>be bored of tf2
>play other classes that are not my main
>be not bored anymore

Have you ever heard of bullet spread?

>be stupid tranny
>forget about the argument being about sniper being completely balanced entirely and just go on a tangent about how people who call you out for being mentally ill are big poopoohead meanies who dont HAVE SEX
I was actually kind of joking with the tranny comment but since you took it so seriously i guess you actually were one....I'm ....Sorry.


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shouldn't be a major factor when im in someone's face with my crosshair on their torso
im not using a shotgun from fucking doom 3 either

ok virgin lol

>Literally every pub has at least one medic
Biggest lie I ever heard
I probably see at least one person playing medic 1/3 casual matches, people don't care about what's more likely to net a win, they care about who's got the most fun way to murder

literally this
i play heavy most of the time because I'm a brainlet but sometimes i switch to loose cannon demo and end up having fun until i remember that im bad at any class that isnt heavy
what are some brainlet-friendly classes/loadouts bros

the entirety of pyro
ESPECIALLY the phlog
>equip scorch shot or any other flare gun
>fire into a crowd
>pop phlog
>murder everyone
>walk to their spawn while they're respawning (you most likely have a medic at this point)
>spawncamp until the game's over

Rather be a virgin than a freak with a mutilated dick LMAO

airblast lmao

Put dispenser here.

A scout that can fucking aim well

Entire team, is Pootis- *schadenfreude*

neat but really who does cap on 2fort

classic sniper

>playing 2fort
you deserve to get shit on retard

There is a limit to how much you can do. I once tabulated melee hit reg and came out with 70% of "squelchy" hits registering, hit reg is in general unreliable.

mantreads soldier


Attached: disgust.jpg (517x573, 51K)

just coming thru to say scout is the high iq main

>Administrator defeats mercs and achieves ethernal life
>Engie redeems himself, launches her into space and saves the gang
>All the mercs pose for a photo
>Cut to grey-haired Saxton Hale holding a photo album
>"...and truly, they were Team Fortress 2"
>closes the album and looks at 9 people in front of him (we can see only the shadowy silhouettes)
>"Alright, story time's over, ladies, now get to work!"
Notice how Hale says "ladies" so it's vague whether he's just mocking the newbies or if it's an all-female team

Attached: iht9vy1ojwnz.jpg (2560x1440, 261K)

crusader's crossbow should be nerfed

D.hit solider, stock scout, non piss sniper.
everyone else is ez tier

lmfao i love it when people dont know how to take screenshots in 2019 and act like they arent retarded

Nice try, retard.