F-Zero GX Thread

Will we ever get kino like this again?

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>AG racer renaissance is happening NOW
>Still no successor to F-zero

i hope so

I just want to play it on the switch fuck

At this point I’d kill for just a remake. GX is so god damn comfy. Look at that city. Beautiful

Attached: GX-Lightning-TR-WR.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

stop now
put away the monkey paws

>Look at that city. Beautiful
Looks like the inside of a 1990s computer.

Never ever. People don’t care about racing games. Ridge racer flop on DS spooked em, hope you like Mario kart cause that’s all we’re getn.

horizon series is doing pretty good right?

She's dead, Jim. Nintendo obviously doesn't want to make it, so what studio would? F Zero NX is the ultimate monkey paw wish.

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you mean Forza? that's normal, there's a whole market for licensed sports cars games
Doesn't really work with futuristic racers

Are there any modern games that give this feeling of absolute raw ass-blasting speed? All the ones I try have retarded motion blur that fucking ruins it.
>tfw F-Zero GX is just another corpse on the ever-increasing pile of fun but dead games that will never come back, and even if it did it'd almost definitely be soiled by modern practices

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although i think the arcadey openworldy focus mixed with a less tense atmosphere does help
like just driving around collecting was meant to be kinda chill over pure timetimetrail meta finaldestination

What if...
>New F-Zero finally releases
>but forces players to use gyro controls
Would you still get it?

Jesus, maybe the reason they're not releasing another F-Zero is because they're waiting for Miyamoto to fuck off so he doesn't ruin it.

it'd be excitetruck over again
like it's a superfun game to play and i had a lot of fun with it, but i can't shake the feeling that steering with an analog stick while keeping wagglan for aircontrol was the way to go. I think with current gyrotech there would be 0 complaints atleast for excitetruck.

F-zero? (granted i didn't like how GX handled aircontrol compared to X) you really need the precision.
Gyro controls for vr headtracking cockpitview?
hell fucking yes

>Super pilot
Take your pick, super pilot is the Fzero clone though

Fitting, the story is the city was designed entirely by AI

Redout and FastRMX fucking suck, balisticNG is pretty good, but it's not like F-Zero
Haven't played the other two, are they any good?

Pacer is fucking garbage
It's formula fusion with a new name

Amusement Vision became the Yakuza team so never.

>sacrifices his own life for the track record
I'm moved by such dedication.