Should I show her to my parents?

Should I show her to my parents?

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Only if you plan to get married.

Before you show her to your parents, cum on her face. You have to introduce her before the cum dries.

Yes. Maybe a therapist as well.

We're already married.

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Have they already given up on you?


Yes it'll go better than you expect, my mom said my waifu was pretty!


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Then go nuts.


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Wow. How fortunate.

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I thought your parents disowned you, Homura.

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Homura's dead.

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I will never understand how most Senran fans don't care about Asuka.

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I care about her very much.

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Why would they care about some side character when they could care about the main character?
Y'know? Yumi?

No, she's a slut

Put a bad on her head first and then draw yumi's face on the bag.

You mean tell your parents you have a waifu?
Because No.

This is from experience.

tell us the story

My mom told me Hikage is pretty fat for a Japanese girl.
I didn't know what to say.

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Why does "she" have webbed toes?

My mom told me Ikaruga had a nice body.

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Good taste

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Right? I guess she doesn't know the rules, but who says that about a mans waifu?
Based mom

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She'll come around I suppose.

Also your wife is cute.

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Her and her friends are the only reason I get out of bed

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have you ever thought about fucking your mom?

What do you think them then?

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Hikage is literal perfection
Homura is a good leader and source of motivation
Yomi has had great character growth I wish some people I knew would emulate
Mirai is cute and creative, but needs to just accept herself
Haruka could make a fortune somewhere if she could tone it down a bit

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I see. Thank you user.

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nice invisible pushup bra

They won’t understand your love

they never do

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Mikos are all whores

If you truly loved her, you wouldn't treat her like an object. You'd introduce her to your parents.

I love her so much, fellas.

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How nice.

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