What went wrong

what went wrong

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Incels got mad.

Swedes injected modern-day politics just to boost this game's relevance that's what went wrong.
And it's less fun than TNO.


Hitler did nothing wrong.

Team TNO was shifted a little for TOB, and you can already start to see a couple cracks during the last couple hours of TOB as it is. And then things were skullfucked entirely around TNC, and it didn't help their senior gameplay designer left MG to do pic related

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Too much modern-day memes.
Breastfeeding, bodyshaming, black power, racemix, there even "someday oval cabinet will be claimed by complete idiot" article.

Too many cutscenes, never noticed how short the actual game is until my second playthrough when I skipped them all. Also no final boss just some enemy waves. Old Blood is still best.

Wolfenstein TNO deconstructed Nazis as enemies by ditching the cheesy and occult-like portrayal seen in previous games (without ripping it apart and even later paying homage, see TOB) and replacing it with a look at a total Third Reich victory by showing them both as they were and how they saw themselves to be. You can see this in Frau Engel, being as obsessed with moral/genetic purity as she is contradicted by her cruelty and later physical disfigurement representing the irony of Nazi propaganda v. reality. Deathshead, then, represents how focused and driven Germany was on science and technology, pushing humanity farther, faster, and higher then ever before at the cost of total war and enslavement. The brilliant script shines with his character, as taken out of context most of his quotes could easily be attributed to any leading scientist of today, i.e. "In the end, we will be judged not by what we destroy," (in this case, genocide and enslavement) "but by what we create." such as a moon base or advanced gene splicing. This coupled with razor tight shooting mechanics, a risk-reward upgrade system, a silky smooth engine, and amazing art design led to the best shooter of the early 2010s and one of my personal favorites.

Wolfenstein II through all that out the window for "Punch A Nazi to Own Drumpf!" Then they forgot to actually include punching Nazis.

this. I don't care if it's a female protagonist or not.

fucking based

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Well put

I just didn't like (((their))) fucking attitude about it. TNO and OB were fucking cool though.

>a silky smooth engine
Here's where I don't agree.
The engine was a total clusterfuck, the muh megatextures thing was ugly as hell with low res textures everywhere, it was terribly optimized, there were textures loading everywhere and had low FPS on all platforms.

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I thought the game was fine but they need to add more weapons.

Biggest ripoff DLC I have seen in sometime. Glad I didn't buy it.

60fps is the best consoles can do and it did it. What are you on about

Compare J (basically Jimi Hendrix) from the Wyatt timeline in TNO to Grace in TNC. Both bring up the conversation of segregation and discrimination in America being somewhat comparable to Naziism.
However, J is fucking cool, and Grace is an absolute cunt. J gets BJ on Acid and plays guitar with him, Grace flops out her tit to breastfeed her baby while BJ is eating and then BJ yells COME AND GET ME YOU WHITE-ASS FASCIST NAZI PIGS for no reason other than to say "UwU im an ally :3".

This mission was kino. The KKK trying to pretend the learned German was funny.

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>anything with the balding ufo fuck
No. That guy was the definition of unfunny. From his literal toilet jokes to regurgitating ancient memes

MachineGames forgot that TNO was good because it was a fast-paced shooter with solid level design and not an excuse for Swedecucks to push their facetious commentary on contemporary politics.

>"Dankey shoon?"
Yeah, that was good.

>t. Kissless Virgin

ok. I was talking about the diner and the atmosphere of walking the town.

The level design was pretty awful. Forced unskippable cutscenes made attempting the Mein Leben difficulty runs just not worthwhile. The only part I liked was the "hub" of the submarine, other than that, the majority of the game was complete ass, especially the """"new orleans""" segments.

The only levels I enjoyed were the area 51 arc.

Oh, and that mechanic of the returning to previous levels through those codes or whatever was very poorly implemented and felt rushed, a pathetic way to pad out the length of an otherwise short ass game.

I don't get why xbox game pass on PC has the second game but not the first

I don't remember much about that mission, but wasn't it all completely scripted storytelling garbage? Are your standards really that low?

J's death is one of the greatest moments of TNO that half the players flat-out missed. J has his justified criticisms of America, as we all do, but at the end of the day when the wolf is at the door his last sacrifice is dedicated to his nation and his people. It's a powerful moment to show that yes, we aren't perfect, and yes, America has done some horrible things, but the culture we were founded on still holds, and the purity of intent in our shared values provides the framework of progress. Maybe I was influenced by watching Glory a short time before I played the game, but I found it remarkably similar, thematically speaking, to the sacrifice the 54th Massachusetts Infantrymen made at Fort Wagner.

Grace's character is "Fuck America and Fuck White People." She honors nothing except her skin color and believes in nothing except violence. I would hate her, but honestly she isn't even a real character.


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have sex incel

White fragility and incels.

What's wrong with a mission dedicated to telling story?

I've always enjoyed storytelling in games. More performance over standards. I don't care for how Wolfenstein handles letting you know how much damage you take though.

Oh boy and MS Paint comic you sure showed him, incel.


So this is Wolfenstein's new audience. Awful.

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>/thread-ing your own post
I mean you’re right but come on

Story felt mostly like set up for Wolf 3 instead of being a complete standalone title like TNO. The final encounter was underwhelming compared to TNO, and while the cutscenes are well acted and well made the story itself wasn't as interesting, environments were kind of underwhelming as well. Still was alright as a Game Pass title.

Well, what was wrong with it? It was basically a short strip showing a tiny slice of 60's America run by the Nazi forces before you went to Area 51.

You can tell a good story without sacrificing the actual gameplay for an entire level. New Colossus's story wasn't even that great, so I dunno why you're praising it. Game ended up being disappointing on both fronts.

t. degenerate soi drinking betas

They think "walk to x and hear dialogue" is all you need for good level design. Bioshock Infinite did this all the way back in 2013, and did it well, like the calm beginning of a horror film before chaos breaks loose as you explore Columbia just as lost and confused as Booker is, trying to figure out just what is going on. The Last of Us also did the same, poorly, as you watch Ellie and Joel talk while you push left trigger forward. Sometimes they even artificially drag out your time with a ladder or (God forbid) waiting for Ellie to do something. Critics lapped both up, of course, and ever since hack developers have used it to push their narrative because they don't have any original ideas or understanding on how to use the First Person Perspective (or video games at all) to tell a story.

TNO understood it, as you swim with BJ in the sewers under Berlin (a not-quite-literal heart of darkness) while he recounts memories from his childhood in comparison to the Nazi threat above and Anya talks about how her own relatives waged a partisan war against overwhelming odds. It's atmospheric, moving, and most importantly active.

TNC does not, of course, and rehashes industry staples with an artistic vision for America easily outdone by an Amazon Prime show, dialogue taken straight from Twitter, and nothing, absolutely nothing, being done to advance the story or the themes within. Not that there are any, of course, which makes the sequence even more boring.




they put their virtue signaling in my shooty game, im not playing wolfenstein to have swedes proselytize to me