What went wrong

what went wrong

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Incels got mad.

Swedes injected modern-day politics just to boost this game's relevance that's what went wrong.
And it's less fun than TNO.


Hitler did nothing wrong.

Team TNO was shifted a little for TOB, and you can already start to see a couple cracks during the last couple hours of TOB as it is. And then things were skullfucked entirely around TNC, and it didn't help their senior gameplay designer left MG to do pic related

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Too much modern-day memes.
Breastfeeding, bodyshaming, black power, racemix, there even "someday oval cabinet will be claimed by complete idiot" article.

Too many cutscenes, never noticed how short the actual game is until my second playthrough when I skipped them all. Also no final boss just some enemy waves. Old Blood is still best.

Wolfenstein TNO deconstructed Nazis as enemies by ditching the cheesy and occult-like portrayal seen in previous games (without ripping it apart and even later paying homage, see TOB) and replacing it with a look at a total Third Reich victory by showing them both as they were and how they saw themselves to be. You can see this in Frau Engel, being as obsessed with moral/genetic purity as she is contradicted by her cruelty and later physical disfigurement representing the irony of Nazi propaganda v. reality. Deathshead, then, represents how focused and driven Germany was on science and technology, pushing humanity farther, faster, and higher then ever before at the cost of total war and enslavement. The brilliant script shines with his character, as taken out of context most of his quotes could easily be attributed to any leading scientist of today, i.e. "In the end, we will be judged not by what we destroy," (in this case, genocide and enslavement) "but by what we create." such as a moon base or advanced gene splicing. This coupled with razor tight shooting mechanics, a risk-reward upgrade system, a silky smooth engine, and amazing art design led to the best shooter of the early 2010s and one of my personal favorites.

Wolfenstein II through all that out the window for "Punch A Nazi to Own Drumpf!" Then they forgot to actually include punching Nazis.

this. I don't care if it's a female protagonist or not.

fucking based

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