Overwatch is fucking dea-

>Overwatch is fucking dea-....

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did the new hero just drop in public test


That's awesome.
Blizzard is back, baby.
We did it.


Isn't it time for you to play to Allah?

Why do they allow non gaming things to take place on twitch?
Is it because of the whores?

Yes. And twitch staff are cucks.

d. Fortnite dwarfs this pixar capeshit cringefest so much, it's not even funny. So many blizzdrones jerking themselves over "muh esports" when literally only koreans and soys still care about it.
I think Fortnite is pretty autistic but even I admit it's pretty much what Overwatch wishes it could be.

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All this time they been concentrating on waifu's, when Torb's sexy ass was right there the whole time

Don't people only watch Overwatch tournaments because they get free skins in game for doing so?

that and battle.net auto tunes into it.

whenever the overwatch esports thing is on they get JUUUUUUUUUUST enough viewers to hit top on twitch.


You get free league token thingies for league skins, yeah. AFAIK you don't get anything from watching Fortnite esports.

>WoW above LoL and DOTA 2

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Shroud is currently playing overwatch, that's why it's so high.

I'm surprised WoW is still alive

Overwatch is in such a great state right now. Anyone who stopped playing should really give it a try now.

It also had higher viewers than OWL right now, no idea why Blizzard keeps trying to force this awful "esport" when WoW is still lucrative.

8.2 was a pretty good update. Didnt turn BfA into a good expansion, but overall there's more hope for improvement in the next expansion.
that and Classic.

theyre doing damage control to at least break even on their shit investment


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Hey little guy, you cant be posting and visiting this website until you're 18. Come back when you get a little older. In the meantime you should start getting ready for, school tomorrow is Monday.

>biggest streamer is playing
>Overwatch is fucking dea-....

>OW is such a shit game that people would rather watch others play it than actually touch that trainwreck themselves

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I'm only watching it now because of Shroud
Not even he can salvage how boring it is, haven't played it two years and I'm already sick of it

>4 years and Overwatch still makes Yea Forums assmad

>makes Yea Forums assmad
Like that's any hard.

>makes Yea Forums assmad
everything makes v assmad

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I'd also rather watch people play soccer than play it myself.

To be fair that's also a shit game though.

>having its big esports league and fucking shroud playing is the only way it can scratch past Fortnite, Counter-Strike and the MOBAs/autochessers

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based jonesyposter

Why cant I delete my thread wtf can a mod take this down please

it's the only way to improve their woman numbers

the same reason Yea Forums allows non-vidya threads

You all remember twitch was just the vidya-focused offshot of justintv which was just streaming a bunch of random shit that sometimes included gaming?
Then twitch got more popular, they got bought by Amazon, justin shut down, and everything got reorganized under the twitch banner?

Then shortform social media started to get really popular again, leading to a resurgence in interest in livestreaming shit that wasn't vidya? It's an almost strange roundabout journey.

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>using Twitch

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Blizzcucks on suicide watch using bots for their league.

Fortnite is the definition of pixar capeshit cringefest.
Also it's dying.

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Amazon needs to make their money back somehow