I don’t see why everyone hopes and complains about if Byleth got in smash. Anyone whose playing the game would know that they aren’t anything like the other sword fighters.
>Plus a whip/fist character would be kinda badass
I don’t see why everyone hopes and complains about if Byleth got in smash...
The only bad thing is if they use the female as the default. I'm not buying it if that's the case. I don't want that face on my roster screen.
We know why you made this thread.
t. raging homosexual
I don't know why nobody ever posts byleths in a byleth thread. She's the only worthwhile girl to have come out of 3H.
>When other series characters aren't a clone
>"who cares"
>When a FE character isn't a clone
I really don't get people, Byleth as a design looks objectively way better than Corrin and I'm saying this as someone who really likes FemCorrin. The male and female are good shit.
I should also mention that the sword doesn't look too overdesigned.
trade them out for two other FE shitters and it might be alright
I wouldn't complain but I'd honestly take either Dimitri or Edelgard over him/her.
And I like Byleth's design well enough but I don't understand those stupid not-sleeves his outfit has. What is that?