I don’t see why everyone hopes and complains about if Byleth got in smash...

I don’t see why everyone hopes and complains about if Byleth got in smash. Anyone whose playing the game would know that they aren’t anything like the other sword fighters.
>Plus a whip/fist character would be kinda badass

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The only bad thing is if they use the female as the default. I'm not buying it if that's the case. I don't want that face on my roster screen.

We know why you made this thread.

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t. raging homosexual

I don't know why nobody ever posts byleths in a byleth thread. She's the only worthwhile girl to have come out of 3H.

>When other series characters aren't a clone
>"who cares"
>When a FE character isn't a clone

I really don't get people, Byleth as a design looks objectively way better than Corrin and I'm saying this as someone who really likes FemCorrin. The male and female are good shit.

I should also mention that the sword doesn't look too overdesigned.

trade them out for two other FE shitters and it might be alright

I wouldn't complain but I'd honestly take either Dimitri or Edelgard over him/her.
And I like Byleth's design well enough but I don't understand those stupid not-sleeves his outfit has. What is that?

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