Do you game on Linux?

Do you game on Linux?

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No, nobody does because nobody can.

Yes, about half my steam library works on my linux craptop. Might actually try out the full shift on my next desktop build.

i only game on secure operating systems such as gnu/openbsd

I hate paying for Windows, so I wish. I'd even use Ubuntu or whatever you faggots scoff at. But gaming on Linux doesn't work well.

I installed couton on my Chromebook, so I sometimes use it to play some low requirement games like slay the spire when I'm away from home.

i only support linux gaming now.


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I am using windows for 20 years now and never paid for it. Wow must mean i am a wizard

Warframe just now

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Do cracked games work on linux?

yeah. I haven't encountered anything yet that I can't play out of the box with proton
you can run windows cracks through wine

Yes. I have a VM set up with GPU passthrough as well but I hardly ever use it since almost everything I play works fine in wine.

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Yes, Xubuntu.

t. Braincel

Try Proton.


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Hey, fellow vn user here, i've got a problem with DEAD DAYS trial using both proton and wine.
After starting the game, once the music and voices start playing i get crackling sound (both voices and music)......
I've tried changing the pulse latency to 60 with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60.
Do you have any suggestion?
BTW, I only get this problem with DEAD DAYS....

My 50 year old dad does.

based boomer, what does he play? Doom?

>Paying for Windows

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I had the same problem with Tsukihime... but I can't remember what I did to solve it... I think I might been switching from a PulseAudio distro to an ALSA only one, but I won't recommend you that. IIRC PulseAudio it's just a layer over ALSA, can't you just use ALSA with WINE?

I played that one game where you slide down the snow mountain as tux collecting fish as a kid but outside of that no

Choose one, you're not getting both.

Your dad sounds cool. Mine just sits on the couch and watches football while yelling at my mom.

i would if it was actually worth it

>paying for windows

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linux is the future of gaming. is still just a couple decades away tho. Basically Streaming services like Stadia (which Linux "Vulcan") is one way it will take over. Cloud computing (ie getting processing power from teh interwebs) would require some sort of open source os

>streaming services
really hope that won't catch on

Yeah before I scrapped my old computer. A surprising amount of modern games work really well through Proton. Sekiro runs flawlessly and I put almost 400 hours in kenshi on linux

wait, I just realized this isn't /g/.

Hopefully the user who was having problems with Yume 4kki would be here. Try to install these dependencies mpg123 and lib32-mpg123, this solved my random crashes in Yume Nikki, hopefully they would work with Yume 4kki too.

Attached: scrot_2019-07-26-22:17:25_1366x768.png (1366x768, 363K)

how come only half of her body is rendered

Devs messed up the transparency of that specific tile.

Attached: scrot_2019-07-26-21:40:37_1366x768.png (1366x768, 358K)

Only gaming on Linux desktop and Switch right now and iirc Switch is technically Linux.
Most stuff works easily although occasional games don't work like Thief Gold.

gaming on manjaro steam and using proton
just now testing out what games work

I've tried switching to ALSA, but it didn't work out.... I'll try again

>Valve claims Proton works with nonSteam games
>can never get it to work
Are they really going to make me install wine?

Have you tried the in-game options? Sometimes switching from stereo to mono solves it.

I didn't know that, i'll try it.

Yes, my phone on android.

>muh linux gaming platform
>opens wine

In the in-game option it's not possible to change mono and stereo, so.....
I'll try playing around with alsa and dll.....

> a different operating system that's only used to emulate a better one

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Slay the spire ran on my thinkpad so I played that on linux. But I mostly play on consoles nowadays.
If you bought a computer with it preinstalled you paid for it idiot.
yes, but it will be harder to set up than a game you bought.

Nope, tried alsa, got the same problem......
If anybody can give it a try, this is the page for downloading the trial:

1. Wine isn't emulation
2. Windows is shittier by every objective measurement. there is no advantage to using windows other than some programs you like are exclusive to it, which has nothing to do with the OS itself.
3. Linux is rarely used to run Windows programs. It is normally used to run linux programs like apache web server, cloud shit, etc.

This. All the best games are on linux