When does it get bad? I started playing about a week ago, so far so good, it's hard, but that's what makes it fun, all I've heard on Yea Forums is negative things. Surely a board that prides itself on being as non-casual as possible would like a skillfull game that not only promotes mechanical skill, but also strategy.
When does it get bad? I started playing about a week ago, so far so good, it's hard, but that's what makes it fun...
when you notice riot's approach to balancing is cyclical in nature in order to push RP sales for champion and (newly released) skins
In assfaggots being good is not enough, you have to deal with retarded teammates and their mood swings
This board also wanks off Nintendo who has the most casual diaper baby games ever made. But to answer your question, about 3 years in.
Streamer culture glorying “tilting” and “inting”. Now every other game when someone on your team dies they get “tilted” and proceed to give 30 more kills before 10 min
It gets bad about 2000 hours in when you realize you're playing to validate your sunk cost and you only have fun when you win.
The game is boring, repetitive garbage. In fact all MOBAS suck.
There is nothing attractive about MOBAS. The only thing less attractive than the games themselves are the people who play them. The moment that someone says their favorite game is LoL or DOTA, I lose all urge to attempt to befriend them.
Talking about MOBAs also dry out vaginas faster than just about anything.
>Talking about MOBAs also dry out vaginas faster than just about anything.
That goes for every game tho
I mean, with most genres there are females who can relate or are familiar with the mechanics.
When it comes to MOBAs, its straight autism.
Just enjoy yourself while it lasts. League's shittiness is an emergent mechanic you'll have to learn for yourself.
I know a couple asian girls that play some dota
Filthy flips aren't asian.
I know it's not the most perfect game but damn, I love this game? It's just really fun. sure, I have my shitty moments but overall I've made some friends here and there. I have no regrets.
>only a week
As someone who's been playing for 4 years at this point: You will become jaded. It can be fun, but the low points are real low.
Some of my favorite high points in gaming was playing fives with my buds even though we were worse than most pubs most of the time.
Still, everyone including myself has long since moved on. I play Dota from time to time and my old friends have completely left ASSFAGGOTS behind.
It just seems like everyone who hates this game now are people who played it a long time ago and ditched it when they disagreed with a change in the gameplay. I myself started 2 seasons ago and haven't had a moment where I hated it.
I never hated it when I was playing it (I wouldn't say I hate it even now), but after years being on the outside looking in, I don't really know what I saw in it other than it was my first MOBA and I had no standard to compare it by.
>When does it get bad?
Once you get to the point where everyone's playing in the same forced 1/1/2/jungle team comp meta every single game and you realize there's absolutely no variety
>It's hard
LoL is the dumbed down version of the genre made to be accessible to normalfags and horny preteens
>"Oh yeah, I still play League of Legends."
>Leagues one of the most normie games out there though.
>Yeah, in 2013.
The only game rn I would consider normie is XIV.
Who are you quoting?
When you play ranked and everyone on your team is a retard
When you realize there is no bigger waste of time than being stuck in a losing moba match. More power to you if you enjoy it, but fuck man when league gets bad it gets really god damn bad.
I just play aram now, playing summoner’s rift is a chore