Just bought a Yea Forumsita, redpill me on some games to play
Just bought a Yea Forumsita, redpill me on some games to play
Soul Sacrifice Delta is an absolute must.
It's also got the definitive versions of Muramasa and Odin Sphere.
Yomawari, tales of hearts r, ys, freedom wars. Then hack it and play any ps1 game.
freedom wars is solid game to play. Playing monster hunter freedom unite plays a lot better with the added analog stick
Gravity Rush, Persona 4 Golden
on top of hacking it for ps1 games, hack it as well to run GBA, PS2, SNES games as well.
don't forget to hack it
get p4 golden, killzone, tearaway is fun, p3p too. Lot's of good indies on it too
> (OP)
ps2?? explain
>Ridge Racer (with res hack)
>Digimon Cyber Sleuth
>Miracle Girls Festival
>Farming Simulator 16
>hack vita
>put every game I'd want to play on it
>haven't touched it since
I fucking love the idea of handhelds but I never end up playing them.
have you hacked it yet? if your not on 3.60 enso, stop fucking around and downgrade to it
btw you can play deltarune on it
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Ys Celceta
Ys 8
Muramasa Rebirth + dlcs
Odin Sphere
Dragon's Crown
Persona 4 Golden
Freedom Wars
Danganronpa 1, 2, v3
Plus whatever ps1 and psp stuff
Is it easy to homebrew the Vita by yourself? I'm pretty retarded when it comes to these things
Takes a while, but it’s not hard. Just follow the instructions one step at a time.
I bought one at 3.68 firmware, is that good enough? I read up on it, a lot of people say that's the maximum (with 3.69)
this is the only correct answer, everything else has better ports elsewhere
Literally same here, I spend too much time phoneposting instead of playing with it.
Downgrade to 3.60. Google ‘Vita Hack’ and follow the instruction. Don’t be a brainlet. I love you, user.
Not him, but I love you, Vita user
Thanks Vita bros, I love you all too
>is that good enough?
NO! stop fucking around i said!