Miku finally coming to switch, with extra content, improved visuals and now 100% uncensored. Looks like japan is pretty much done with sony at this point.

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What did they win?

>with extra content
Which is also coming to the PS4 version.
>improved visuals
>Hard disagree. I like the artstyle on the Switch version, but the PS4 version still looks the best by FAR
>and now 100% uncensored
Wait, how was Future Tone censored?

This generation.

>with extra content
Will be added to PS4 later via DLC
>improved visuals
>and now 100% uncensored
Is something censored on the others platforms? I don't think so.

>That one song that won't make it into the new version

What's her name, Yea Forums?

Keep seething.

>Is something censored on the others platforms? I don't think so.
It's not. Unless you can somehow move the camera for panty shots in the Switch version, it won't be censored. And it's been like that for a while now, even before San Francisco ruined Sony.

And you can still do it, but it's just harder.

Why would I be seething? I barely play my PS4 anymore. In fact, I mainly play my PC and Switch these days.

Hell, if we don't get an English release date soon after Japan, I'll probably buy the Switch version instead of waiting for the DLC to hit English speaking shores.

Where can I get a arcade controller for this?

Online, but they're $500 dollars.


$500? Like really good fight sticks are like 200.

Neckbeard money. Good for them.

>when it's also coming to PS4

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>when it's also coming to PS4
Sorry hun, Switch exclusive.

It's out of print I think. I wouldn't do it, user.


Weird, I would think it wouldn't be out of print. Recently played with a arcade controller and really liked it so I wanted to get one of my own but I guess not now.

Project diva is fun, but the switch has too much input lag to play rhythm games seriously. Taiko is a real bad experience on it.

New songs will come as DLC to Future Tone and DX

Well, I assume it is at least. Otherwise it's just expensive on Amazon/eBay. Shop around, user!

>whole new game released
>"it's coming to ps4!"
>factually wrong
>"I-I didn't mean it anyways"
Great talking to you. It's not coming to PS4. The game is Switch EXCLUSIVE.

You do know what this game is right? You're paying full price for less content

Trying to get a handle on this. This is a virtual character that is presented like a real musical artist right? And I assume the games are a part of the merch that sell super great?

>You do know what this game is right?
Yeah. It's a brand new game. And it's exclusive to the nintendo switch. I don't know why that fact is so hard for you to understand.

>oh no, i can't look at panties in some shitty mode!
oh nooooo. even though all the new songs in the switch version are coming to PS4 i am sooooo mad. ugh. i'm even more angry that the PS4 version has SO much more songs as well. like, couldn't they downgrade it like the switch version? sheesh.

>defending censorship
And we're done here.

yep. miku is not made to be looked at like that. if you want to jerk your micropenis with your fat hands to miku panties then google


>ppd is full of charts that are extreme only and always above 9 stars
meme port

I was just glad to have a portable Miku again but of course retarded console warriors that never played even looked at the series found some more ammunition in the announcement. Fuck off

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>What did they win?
Whatever Sony was winning before

>the X button is blue
I sure love getting confused when playing rhythm games in multiple consoles.

Is the input lag high even in portable mode?

>Content coming to the PS4 version
>Arcade version hasn't been updated since december 2017 with Sand planet
c'mon man

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I played Muse Dash, Trumper, and Drum n Fun with no problem

Holy fuck just get a Lite and stop being faggots

which game is this again?

it's like 100ms in smash. there is lag compensation; but it will never feel quite right. If you do decide to get this, make sure to use audio out instead of sending it over HDMI.

All the new songs are DLC on ps4.

Nice now i can emulate it with Yuzu !!

Guys we did it she's in!

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Except they've been always doing this way before Sony went full SJW retarded. Sega, whoever owns her, won't let you lewd the Miku.

This. I'm against Sony California but how does Sega/CFM censoring something years ago possibly imply that Mega39s will be uncensored just because it's on a Nintendo console? Fix your bait OP.

This is still a new game.

I know OP's just baiting but I appreciate that he makes a miku thread once in a while

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you think hori will make an arcade controller for this switch version?

Those Xs are gonna fuck me up

I hope so. I would like to be available to preorder one for once.

>Less content now means it's an exclusive version to nincel
Holy shit you can't make this up

Fuck Miku

There is no other version of this game you brainlet.

They teased that there was a new customization feature and have since started up a t-shirt contest. Do you guys think we'll be able to swap around the tops and bottoms of modules? It feels like they're hinting at something with it being strictly a shirt design instead of an entire module. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it.

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>The game is Switch EXCLUSIVE.
And why does it matter? How does it affect you if PS4 also gets the extra songs as DLC or a Deluxe version along Switch?

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with pleasure

You're technically correct but you're being a faggot about it. Yes it's a new game, but all the miku games are the same fucking thing. Just different songs.

It's sure hard for us gamers with all of the different button layouts...

The contest is specifically for shirts, yeah. Probably means less work for them, compared to the module collabs in the past, but I could see some sort of interchangeability system going on with shirts. Maybe they could be shared between characters. If they're making bottoms customizable too I'd have to wonder why they didn't do a collab for it though.

Love the new visuals. How many songs and when is its release date?

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What will be uncensored specifically? Will there be panty-shots?

>If they're making bottoms customizable too I'd have to wonder why they didn't do a collab for it though.
Maybe to keep it a surprise? They reveal the winners by showing you can slap it onto the top half of any module that it'd make sense on and by extension mix and match any modules that have an easily separable top and bottom. I'm probably just reading too much into it. I'm just hopeful for the possibility of being able to do things like bikini bottoms with school uniform tops.

There's already panty shots in certain songs. The only thing I can think of that's "censored" is the high kick facing the camera in Snowman. I realized it was the perfect panty shot opportunity but they actually change the camera angle on it if a female character's selected.

I'm literally buying a switch just for this game and animal crossing

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A bit too early for Miku Monday, user.

If you have a PS4 you'd get more by just buying future tone.

If we're getting Future Tone, does that mean no more Project Mirai? I liked the chibi figures in Project Mirai.

imagine an entire game where every module is mikudayo

every. fucking. module.

Honestly my thought as well. It might be heresy but I enjoy playing Project Diva on a keyboard.

>fucking emulating the worse version when the arcade board has been dumped already
I wish I was mentally handicapped.

Whatever it is, I hope it includes the Extra characters. It's not fair that they only get three or so modules.

Imagine being so shit at Edit Mode you can't manage to get an uncensored panty shot

I don't really trust TeknoParrot.

>Sand planet
I still refused to look up what the lyrics to that song are because I know it will be depressing just based on the video.

Question, I know Yea Forums sings was a project, but has there been an attempt by Yea Forums to do Vocaloid songs?

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The chibis in Project Mirai are pretty different from mikudayo