>recent players don't show up in the recent players list
>can't invite friends from the friends list into a lobby, necessitating a second form of contact to match passwords
>actually third form (1:switch, 2:voice app, 3:whatever you use to share the password)
I don't hate MUA3 but this is a bit fucky
I understand the first point is a glitch, but not being able to invite friends is lame
it's not first party, but it's exclusive so you'd think there would be better integration with the switch's online featuers
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Omega? Taco? Are you out there?
anyone got the rare Nebula ass?
No, but have Elektra instead.
No playable Mystique and no Blade = no buy. Also 4 Spider-people? would have been fine if they were long standing fan favourites but fucking Gwen and Miles? fuck off.
no matter how much you hate women and black people the real world really loves gwen and miles
Gwen and Miles are right behind Peter in terms of popularity
who wore it better, elektra or mystique?
>no matter how much you hate women and black people
Wut? if I hated women I wouldn't want Mistique and if I hated blacks I wouldn't want Blade. Fuck off with your shitposting.
No they're not. People only like them for now because of the shitty Spider-Verse movie, time tested favourites should have got in way before them like Miguel, Mania, Agent Venom, Kaine, and Spider-Punk.
you have no idea what you're talking about. go outside into the real world. get off Yea Forums. people have loved miles and gwen for years before spider verse lol.
Literally the only time normalfags have ever not liked miles was the spider-man game, and even then it was mixed and most people only hated him because of the stealth sections, not miles himself.
All of the onea you listed are costume tier, if they were truly favorites they would all still be in all major media.
Blade is paid DLC
he is there, but paid DLC
make your own evaluations
>Gwen and Miles are right behind Peter in terms of popularity
Dude that isn't even close to true
>people have loved miles and gwen for years before spider verse
Despite what your hipster friends tell you Miles is strongly disliked with his appearance in the movie softening that for some but not for everyone and Gwen was popular for a New York Minute thanks to her costume but her terrible run killed that, Gwenpool is more popular than that failed experiment.
You know that's not how that works or else Batman Beyond would be fucking everywhere.
>people have loved miles and gwen for years before spider verse lol.
A small minority of people
Blades coming
I hate he’s DLC because I fucking love blade
Not hated but seems forced. Only normies really like her because she had good characterization in Spiderverse. Everyone else finds her irrelevant compared to other female heros or even Gwenpool
Hated because comic fans are unironically racist and had a knee jerk reaction to Spiderman being black in autistic rage. Despite the fact in Marvel canon these heros get replaced with other people all the time, but if its a white person it "makes sense". The movie made younger audience like him a ton. Any criticism for this character is /pol/ or equivalent neckbeard status.
and another thing
>not skipping cutscenes on superior difficulty
I’ve just noticed this
Why the fuck are they both called Gwen?
Gwendolyne Poole
>ignoring venom blast one shotting classic spider-man villains
>ignoring spider-woman yelling at miles that he shouldn't care about peter because he's better than peter
Hated the fuck out of her but then read her comic and now I wish she was in this game over spider gwen
Dumb thing where they were making a bunch of characters fuse with gwen stacy. Only ones that stuck were those two
>Hated because comic fans are unironically racist
People hate him because he's a copy of Peter without the interesting personality quirks, when introduced everyone in the Ultimate universe immediatly liked him, gave him everything he could desire, and was even given a position at SHIELD which shit on Peter's legacy as he had to work hard for everything and still never got offered a place on SHIELD. Then he was written as a Gary-Stu with a list of powers including Venom Blast which removes all tension from a fight as it's an instant "I win" button for him, and finally the biggest insult is they resurrected Ultimate Pete and did nothing but shit on him to promote Miles.
But no, it's because he's black. Muh pol and all that.
Miles came off entirely too Gary sue and non of the charm
>We need another black character!
>No not Nick fury, Luke Cage, Blade nor Hawkeye will do!
I hope Gwen shows up in the sequel. Either playable or NPC.
The best part is later on they made another black Spider-Man but they handled him perfectly, they built up the character, made him enjoyable, then revealed he's black and no one gave a fuck because he was great and they STILL push Miles due to how much money they've sunk into him already. Just give me Spider-Punk already, he does what Miles does just a thousand times better.
Does Spider-Punk have his own run? He looks cool.
Nah, he's got a couple of issues that tie into Spider events but that's it. A shame as he's a good character and his costume is sweet.
>Any criticism for this character is /pol/ or equivalent neckbeard status
And this is where you lost your argument. Shame too, it was good up until then, but when you start throwing out "racism" to shut down criticism, it means you don't really have an argument, and you just want to silence the opposition.
If you could replace Miles and Gwen with 2 other Spiders/Symbiotes who would they be?
Spider-man 2099 and The superior spider-man
Kaine and Mayday.
Kaine and Spider-Carnage.
kaine and carnage
ben's hoodie is an alt for normal spider-man
it's my favorite non-pete spider-man costume, but i'm giving full character slots based on specials and synergies
Agent Venom and Spider Woman
People seem to like Kaine. What's his deal?
He's edgy Spider-Man.
>he doesn't main big brains
You are not playing as a brainlet, are you?
I thought that was Venom?
Muh nig.
He was in a book that was actually good.
>good comics
>good costume
>good personality
>more supernatural than Spidey and could turn into a huge tarantula demon
>wants to be hardcore but life won't let him
Venom is edgy and sort of like Spider-Man. Kaine is literally Spider-Man, but edgy.
Does grey Hulk get any different lines?
>big brain
neat costume, no peter-tingle, stabby sticks, relatively unexplored area of operation, more similar to 'pissed off peter' and people seem to like that
So did he get bit by a spider too?
He's a clone of Peter.
Need some help. Anybody? I'm in Knowhere
what kind of level range are you looking for?
what's your name and do you have an open lobby?
>you were completely right until i got triggered
is this game good? i've never played any MUA game so i can't compare them. I know it's a beat em' up but is it creative? or does it feel repetitive as fuck?
I cant find any online players to join my rooms, and everyone else is far behind.
It feels weird that half the characters have MCU designs, and the other half comic book look. And some are some weird hybrids of both.
how far are you?
how do i beat the second strange fight? that fag fucking rapes my team in no time. I'm playing on mighty, what level should I be?
you cockteases
Didn't say you were right. Said you had a good point until you said "anyone who disagrees with me is a RACIST!" which means you're full of shit and your opinion can be safely disregarded. But sure, call me triggered or whatever, same cop out name calling tactic you used the first time, why would I be surprised?
Not him but I'm really thinking about buying the season pass. Depends on who else is announced even though I would love to play as my boy Blade.
I really want to play but I'm afraid of making the joy con drift even worse even though I know it's inevitable. I need to go ahead and send it in already,
tnx user for the help. Tomorrow i've come back.