Post a worse mechanic than weapon durability or level scaling

you cant

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Other urls found in this thread:

there are no genera independent bad mechanics

Quest markers

>show game off in 2018
>try to be hip and rebrand to Gears 5
>dont mention the game until 2019
>show OP and some multiplayer cg
>show some men trapped under a stage
>where's the campaign
>show a trailer for Gears pop
>woke no smoking
>horrible cover and promotional art
>broken beta at launch
>where's the campaign
What were they thinking?

Time gated progress

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Do mandatory stealth sections count? How about escort quests? Event triggers that only incredibly slow AI can trigger? why not all three at once?

These, yet for some unknown reason boomers will defend them.

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You just succinctly described the worst parts of spider-man ps4

How weapon durability should work
>gear has a chance to break or be worn down so bring a spare or two, alternatively just scavenge off fallen foes
How durability works in every fucking game
>Durability 999/1000
>exists solely to screw you over if you forget to insta-repair your gear at the vendor after four hours of continuous play

weapon durability worked pretty well in diablo (first game), fit the feeling of it.
level scaling if done well is pretty good, only grindscrubs hate it cause they cant curbstomp the game.
Rather, the true crime with level and scaling is the reserve, like seen in borderlands, a game where its semi-open world, but you cant really go much farther than the current section cause if an enemy is 5 levels above you, all damage to it becomes 1 and you dont even get exp if you decide to spend half an hour killing them, its pretty much on-rails leveling and if the game isnt though enough for you at what their casual estabilished setting is, well though shit. only thing in that game worse than claptraps, aka the reddit humour robots, that's another one, annoying NPCS

escort missions overall are cancer plagued by terrible AI and poorly designed sections punishing the player, not his mistakes. Every experienced players feels the dread overcoming them when they get to such sections, it makes you feel like dropping the game, unbelievably unfun

>level scaling if done well is pretty good, only grindscrubs hate it cause they cant curbstomp the game.

Level scaling sucks because it means the developer can't be arsed to make a bestiary with more than 10 things in it, so you're still fighting the same bandits you were fighting 20 hours ago, now they've got diamond plate armor and soul-stealing katanas rather than leather gherkins and knives.

Player level is pointless if everything in the game scales with you for sure

poorly designed open worlds, cause I enjoy traveling for several minutes just to start the next piece of meaningful content because exploration is pointless and there's not much else to do other than admire the landscape and think how boring this is.

you know you can have a large bestiary and still have level scaling, right?

Weapon durability/condition can work if it's done right. For example, Metro Exodus did a pretty good job with it:
>If you crawl in mud or get caught in a sand storm your rifle will get dirty
>Likewise, continually using the rifle without maintenance at a work station will fowl it up
>This results in weapon malfunctions that can seriously screw you in the heat of battle
>If you neglect your weapons long enough they'll fail to operate entirely
>As a result you quickly learn the importance of cleaning your weapons
>Take care of your gear and your gear will take care of you

Unfortunately you cannot clean your weapons in the field, so that's unrealistic. Still a way better system than, say, Far Cry 2.

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Based retard.

im sorry I insulted your pickle rick game

>bullet sponges
>color coding
>cover systems
>loot and grind oriented gameplay in general

And finally, slow-mo you have no control over. One of the reasons it's still hard for me to get into games like Killing Floor is because ZED time is just so fucking stupid. F.E.A.R had done the slow-mo thing 4 years before and actually gave the player control over it, they had no excuse.

>no control over zed time

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You know that developers love cutting corners, right? The point is that you cannot have a small bestiary and no level scaling. Not unless you want it to stick out like a sore thumb.


Active reaload

probably this mechanic

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Procedural generation that is just stitching together premade rooms
Permadeath with permanent progression.

I don’t mind degradation/durability so long as there are ample materials to use for repair. I liked gathering rifles in FO3 to use as resources for repairing this one unique rifle I had picked up.

Scaling can fuck off

>Weapon durability
Depends on how it's handled. It's fine if weapons are treated as disposable resources and the game's designed around that. Stupid if it just exists to add a repair chore like dark souls or pre-skyrim TES.

>Level scaling
Inexcusable. May as well just remove all leveling mechanics altogether if you're doing this.

constant battery dependant
insane high fall damage

weapon durability can work just fine if you're given the appropriate tools to maintain your weapons and properly judge their condition. Level scaling on the other hand I can't think of any way to make it work

I felt bad that no one took your bait so here's a free (you)


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Scaling durability

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hit points

>Level scaling

The only game where level scaling actually worked was Pokemon Gen 5 with level scaled exp, it was the only proper way where you can't railroad the game piss easy

leveled enemies on fucking open world games

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>walking is slower than NPCs
>running is faster than them

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I think it’s because my childhood consisted of many jrpgs that let you have 99 of every item but I feel the need to hoard everything


You follow this slow-moving npc while they open all the doors, deliver shitty exposition, and block you from moving forward.

Metro Exodus is filled with this shit. As well as most Modern warfare games.

based roguelike purist

Minimap that has enough information so that you don't need to look at the gameworld.

Always online for the sake of "socializing" and matchmaking.
Not only is it blatantly obvious that it is for DRM sake but the fact that the companies are lying in our faces and none bats an eye. it is the long term death of gaming as a whole with a community that actively supports and defends the practice.
It has ruined gaming sand will keep on trucking. Great mechanic for the publisher though.


>npc moves at walking speed
escort takes forever
>npc moves at running speed
if you get held up by literally anything you can never catch up to them

>hold x to go the same speed

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Depends on what context weapon durability is in, because if you mean singleplayer exclusive games then for the most part I agree. But in the context of MMOs weapon durability is important to help keep the economy stable by having something you need to consistently use gold or whatever currency it is to dump into "nothing" because it is an infinite resource.

OR they could just wait for you/move at the same speed you are that other games do

>post a worse mechanic than weapon durability or level scaling
bullshit vision: seeing through walls bullshit, seeing auras bullshit, xray bullshit, detective bullshit, witcher bullshit, more and more bullshit.


Weapon degrading was probably the worst thing in Dying Light and Dead Island. They had the durability of a plastic fork.

Find me something as terrible as looter-shooters. Which not only can encompass level scaling but also ruins all gunplay effective immediately because when you add levels and stats to guns you aren't picking guns you live, or creating a loadout based on what you might encounter, or switching between your weapons frequently, you're just picking whatever color coded weapon gives you the highest dps against increasingly spongelike enemies

>Crafting isn't enjoyable or rewarding
>Grenades and other throwables are useless

Universal contact damage in a game without I-frames

Server-side hitboxes and hit detection. Yes this fucking exists

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random drops when 90% of the items are basically the same thing

The cleaning having a resource cost ruined it for me honestly.


RPG elements in action games

>Action game adds RPG elements in sequels
>They do nothing but add grind as any enemy higher level then you will mash you into paste no matter what
>If you match their level/exceed it, it just plays like the older games.


Having to eat in a game

Based AF

Easy, escort missions. I will never understand why they put that retarded bullshit on everything nowadays.

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I think REmake 2’s adaptive difficulty is pretty fucking abhorrent

Generally worthless stats that have one important quality that makes them mandatory to level unless you want to gimp yourself such as ADP from Dark Souls 2 as one example