Will this fight ever be surpassed?

Will this fight ever be surpassed?

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>haha! the sword is my cock!

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It was surpassed over 10 years ago.

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you really need to stop thinking about old man dick

not even the top of his own category tho. what's to surpass?

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Surpass what?


Still here and is fucking challenging right now.

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Really robs the catharsis when you have to deal with Genichiro every re-match. I can kinda understand why you do from a gameplay balance perspective but it's almost tedious and doesn't really lend itself to the moment

play bloodborne

Was it really that good tho? Its 70% QTEs and cutting rocks. The spectacle was good but the fight is meh desu

My same problem with having to fight Emma every time. It kinda ruins the impact from the first time the fight happens.

If you don't cheese the game SSI shouldn't take more than 4-5 tries. It's just a school style final.

lmao so is isshin. all sekiro bosses are pseudo-qte's. it's not a bad thing but that's how they work.

If u aren’t obliterating genibitchiro every time by this point in the game, u gotta git gud user. The game thematically expects you to whoop his ass

Even if you cheese the game, he shouldn't take more than two tries.

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The music helped

Uh what? How? Are you really going to say that mikiri and parrying are QTE’s? Compare that to the shit u do in armstrong fight

the situation + narrative blows it out of the the water
for pure gameplay there's much better alternatives to both


Now that's artificial faggotry you're pulling here go neck yourself

Isshin fight is pure gameplay though and by the time u finish it, it feels so good to know that isshin respects the shit out of u for beating him in his prime in a fair fight. The whole armstrong mission is pure kino but it lacks gameplay quality imo

definitely. if your fingers dance how the game leads you, you'll make it through the bosses completely untouched with no variance. sure, you can cheese them or ignore strategy and bash your head against it until it's done, but they quite literally lay it out in front of you how to make a boss fight into an interactive cutscene.


>The whole armstrong mission is pure kino

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Thats literally impossible user

>hating MGR

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Isshin does a mikiri-able attack maybe 3-4 times tops in each phase. The rest is pure gameplay. Because if ur implying that parrying is QTE, then idk what to tell you cuz mgr:r is all parrying too if u played on revengeance

MGR is one of the most reddit games ever made, you can't be serious.

Back to plebbit you go faggot

You're obviously not from around here user.

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Its the quite opposite actually

>Because if ur implying that parrying is QTE, then idk what to tell you cuz mgr:r is all parrying too if u played on revengeance
The flow is the qte, the parry is just the prompt button. It is the same in MGR, which is why I posted armstrong in the first place. I never said it was bad though. In fact I said the opposite.

Step aside plebs it's Grigori from Dragon's Dogma.

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>first form is quick and easily loopable with mkiris
>second phase is challenging but you can just run away from all the threatening attacks and wait for him to do a jump
>third phase is just an easier second phase because of lightning cheese

The fight has lots of room for improvement, unfortunately that theoretical DLC will ever be made

I disagree with you but fair enough. Good day to ya user

It would be possible more From games about late Sengoku period?

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Who knows. But since they pretty much went straight to Eldin ring, it seems as if Sekiro was more of a stopgap game if anything


>another cheesable from boss
the only thing that separates this from the others is the multiple phases

I just started the game. It was possible to beat the first boss battle?


You lose anyway however. It's one of those fights

big facts. most fags judge a fight by difficulty alone but owl is far more thematically relevant, actually fun, and has a fucking SICK ost.

Git gud.

Attached: Genichiro Prologue.webm (852x480, 2.9M)

I know they're not orangutans, but I remembered this song immediately when the wife fell from the heights.


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Play any fighting game against someone much better than you.


Owl2 and Demon were better. Phase 1 fight against Genichiro wasn't a great idea. Should have just started on phase 2 after first attempt.

hello fellow patrician

>user says he just started the game
>user tells him to git gud while posting a ng+ webm where you have access to skills a new player wouldn't have
What did he mean by this

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>the sadness of Emma's fight along with her amazing theme
my personal favorite


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Sure, it wasn't that good.

Someday it will. It's the best boss fight I have seen in years.

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I am tempted to take the bad route in order to see Emma fighting skills.

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Owl has no hyper armor on most of his moves. He is just really big and threatening and his movements are cartoonishly heavy.

Boy how I wish it had some replay value and items aside from confetti were of any use

They need to fix this and add more content into a DLC or I am going full apeshit.

you have to experience that route at least once
the fights are pure kino

Between Prime Owl and Prime Isshin who would win? Isshin is said to have mastered his technique with air and lightning reinforcing his attacks but Owl fights unconventionally with a flame owl, firecrackers, and teleporting shit and a superior mikiri too boot. I think Prime Owl would win considering we saw him behead Genichiro and the most we saw Isshin do is kill a general in the beginning cinematic.

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>behead genichiro
genichiro was a low level bitch at that point while general tamura was a beast in his prime. Isshin would wreck Owl I thinkm but then again idk his shinobi tactics may defeat isshin. we can't really say

It never will OP.

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Probably my biggest gripe in the game was the items. You go out of your way, find a secret area and get rewarded with fucking sugar 90% of the time.

Honestly, the game feels easier than bloodborne or that was what I thought until I encountered a headless bastard.

They are easy as shit as well, you just gotta get used to their slow attacks and stock on confetti

>third phase is just an easier second phase

god I thought I was the only one. I died like 20 times trying to get past the first phase, another 20 at the second phase, and then beat the third phase as soon as I got to it.

Hopefully in the DLC.

Not sure who the final boss in the DLC would be, probably someone not directly mentioned in the base game. Tomoe would be Lady Maria but with lightning.

>still haven't beaten him
im a literal shitter

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>Miyazaki just makes Gael weeaboo version
>user eats it up and thinks it's the best fight
Fuck's sake he can't keep getting away with it

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>Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt.
It's not even the best FromSoft fight. Bloodborne easily beats it with Gehrman and the Ludwig fights.

not even really close to the same fight and while gael was a lot more fun isshin was harder although neither is particularly difficult.

couldn't genichiro have just let you and kuro leave then kill himself to res isshin and have isshin kill all the interior ministry people
genichiro did more harm than good by involving you

I need to finish this game but I lost all interest after True Monk.

I kinda agree, Gael's fight is way longer, fitting for one of the final bosses of the series. However the entire Isshin fight, at least for me, ressembles it a fucking lot, and given From's background it may be too much.
Also why do you think Gael is easier? I think they are pretty much the same considering you have more tools as Sekiro but it balances out.

Prime Owl vs Prime Isshin vs Prime Sculptor.


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This fuck is harder than Isshin and Owl combined, his second phase is a complete shitshow

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Is it my idea or the opinions of the veteran Souls and Bloodborne players give the impression that From has changed its design parameters in order to cover a wider audience and yet the general public complains about Sekiro's high difficulty?

I rewatched the cinematic and reevaluated my opinion, yeah Isshin seemed to have a lot of moves to have finished off the general. I don't think that that Isshin was even Prime yet since he had to take the spear from him and then learn how to use it. Prime Isshin seems like he could win with that in mind. Maybe if Owl teamed up with madam butterfly, he could win.

I got a bit lucky on that fight, beat him 2nd try.

isshin uses too many thrusts so owl will just mikiri him to death

Oh. I haven't tried a second time. I will look up for that confetti then.
Then, is there any boss fight harder than pic related?

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Prime Sculptor's arm was chopped off by Isshin to prevent him going Asura. I don't think sculptor would last long in a fight between all three.

Just fought him again yesterday, hard kms rules with no items. Felt good.

Best final boss in any game.

Depends on how you play the game.
I'd say yes, but don't take my word for it

on NG5+ trying to finish that stupid all skills achievement
hirata owl is too predictable and I only used 2 gourds
meanwhile I've been stuck on isshin for a couple hours because any mistake either fills most of my posture bar or takes most of my health

It's not just about difficulty, Isshin pushes the core mechanics better than any other fight. Better and more complex deflect rhythms, less predictable sweep/mikiri, and multiple weapon types punctuated by the lightning mechanic. More fun imo

How the fuck did you not learn every move by this point?

By that logic, every mechanic in any game is qte

DMC3 Vergil always wins, baby

I found this in-game joke kind of unsettling. Imagine you are praying in total peace and then somebody fucking stab you.

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traded a few for attack power so I still need about 20 something points
also sped through a couple of the playthroughs to see how fast I could go and skipped a lot of enemies

I've meant every move of Isshin, but fucking attack power? Why would you do that?

not even a top 3 boss fight in its own game

the option was there, didn't know the xp would go up so much
and for isshin I know the moves and reacting to them too fast compared to the first 3 times where I was just cautious enough to not rush that much

>S Tier
Isshin, the Sword Saint
Owl 2
>A Tier
Corrupted Monk 2
Owl 1
>B Tier
Isshin Ashina
Guardian Ape
Divine Dragon
Corrupted Monk 1
>C Tier
Folding Screen Monkeys (would be a great fight, if it actually worked as intended)
2 Ape
Lady Butterfly
Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa
>D Tier
Demon of Hatred

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I think I died to genchiro one time and it's 100% my fault for being complacent about killing him. Every other time I was perfect parrying every attack and ending him in like 2 minutes or less.

Same thing happened on my new game too. I was all "aww ye I know you're tricks nerd" and he blasted me apart in one combo I somehow let myself get hit by.

>tfw you go straight to new game+ and beat jobichirou in the first fight on the first try

I have become a true shinobi

This happens to me so often in From games

It was surpassed by Dante vs Vergil 14 years ago


Delete this


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fuck orphan man
took me nearly 50 tries

"jus borrowed dis"

I don't know if the term is correct, but is it my idea or the opinions of the veteran Souls and Bloodborne players give the impression that From has changed its design parameters in order to cover a wider audience and yet the general public complains about Sekiro's high difficulty? That description in the image fits with my theory.

Orphan is the proof that From's development team knows the characteristics of the engine to the hilt and they counter-engineered its characteristics in order to create this legendary boss, of which I don't know any that can be compared through the opinions of those who have played all the company's games.

Something tells me that the key to understanding this change in the design philosophy difficulty can be traced into a market need. From is working with Activision now, clearly pointing to a new market and another kind of consumer. That would explain why also are working with R.R. Martin, they need to reach the biggest audience possible, sacrificing the core values even.

>Sekiro's high difficulty

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Even when one or two journos manufactured that angle, the idea of an easy mode for a From title resonated strongly.