Y'know, there are still a good amount of interesting and worthy 1st party characters that you could add to Smash...

Y'know, there are still a good amount of interesting and worthy 1st party characters that you could add to Smash. Isn't anyone else tired of how much 3rd parties have overtaken Smash?

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Joker completely butchered the speculation process. It's like people have no taste of their own and are bandwagoning on choices.
Of course, I remain. There's no excuse for missing spirits.

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Yes, I believe from cloud onwards that third party were ruined, if there’s anything I didn’t like about everyone is here it was the fact it would result in so many third party characters bloating almost 1/4 of the roster!

>inb4 muh waluigifags muh ashleypedos muh pokeshills muh SPIRIT'D reddit reddit zoom cringe basedboy!!!!!
I may only speak for myself, but I feel that there is a good number of lesser known Nintendo characters who'd be fun to play as in Smash. Yes, not many people would know who these characters are, but that's the beauty of Smash; it gives people the opportunity to discover and enjoy new Nintendo franchises recent and old. I legitimately would enjoy it if Smash 6's newcomer cast focused on putting lesser-known Nintendo characters into the spotlight.

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There are a fair number of third parties I'd still like to see added since they're more or less honorary Nintendo characters
> Phoenix Wright
> Travis Touchdown
> Ryu Hayabusa
But plenty of first party characters I think would make for good additions too.
> Dixie
> Rex
> Isaac
> Waluigi
> Skull Kid
> Elma
> Ninten
> Porky
> Black Shadow

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>still bitching about third parties
There’s plenty of more niche characters I’d like to see get some love but none of them are the heavy hitters that third parties can provide

>almost 1/4
I don't think a 25% is considered enough to bloat the roster.

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There is absolutely no need to hit hard. Smash makes plenty of money from its own fans, but if anything now those fans are getting sidelined for broader demographics.
Expanding the limits was one of the worst things the franchise has done.

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>3rd parties have overtaken Smash

More like every first party worth adding is now in or needs to wait.

All the big legacy dudes like K Rool and Ridley are in. Popular newer characters like Isabelle and Chrom got in. Big Switch names like Spring Man or Rex have to wait for the next Smash cause they debuted too late to make the roster.

There's really nothing besides desperately scraping the bottom of the first party barrel now until Nintendo decides to shit out new characters.

>tap B
Paints Waddle Dee, Bronto Burt, or Bouncy to move about the stage, hurting other fighters on contact. Can only have three on stage at a time. Other fighters can destroy them with their attacks. WD waddles back and forth, BB flies in a wavy line back and forth, B bounces forward thrice, turns around, and repeats.
>hold B
Paints Ice Dragon, behaves as he does in DL3
>tap Side B
Paints Bomb+Needle Kirby that slowly drifts sideways. If anything comes into contact with it, including Adeleine's other paintings, it explodes into spikes that go a short ways in eight direction. Can be angled.
>hold Side B
Paints Mr. Stitch, behaves as he does in DL3
>tap Up B
Paints Loud under her that she lands on as a platform. Or she paints it above her if she's on the ground. It slowly floats in a circle and drops rain drops that do damage to other fighters. Causes damage when other fighters touch it from the sides or bottom. Other fighters can stand on it too. Can be destroyed with other fighters attacks.
>hold Up B
Paints Kracko, behaves as he does in DL
>Down B
Paints a black Kirby-style doorway. She can set up two on a stage. When Adeleine enters one, she comes out the other doorway, and the doorways disappear. If another fighter tries to enter one, it becomes a Nidoo from DL3 and inflicts damage
Weaker attacks that consist of brush whacks/slams/strikes/sweeps/jabs, palette smacks, kicks, stomps, slides, elbows, headbonks, basket throwing, flailing, stumbling, etc. Her brush has decent range, and high knockback when the sweetspot (tip) makes contact. She's a light character with good air maneuverability, but slightly below average ground speed and she racks up damage and gets launched relatively easily
Smashes involve her painting more enemies into thin air. Up is Tick, side is Cha Cha, down is Mahall
>dash attack
Desperation attack from DL3/K64/SA
Paints Gobblin to do them for her, like Toad does for Peach now
Paints Dark Matter

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This, and I would say that cloud who in unironically has a limit break, was when they expanded their limit too far.

>There's really nothing besides desperately scraping the bottom of the first party barrel now
That was always the secondary function of Smash Bros since the beginning. Putting lesser-known characters and series in the same game as Mario, Link, Samus, and Pikachu.

> Big Switch names like Spring Man or Rex have to wait for the next Smash cause they debuted too late to make the roster.

Always has and always will be absolute fucking lies, the team is just too lazy to add them into the game.

Mad Ad.

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>implying Rex or Spring Man are harder to add than any other character
>implying either Rex or Spring Man should be in Smash
>implying the roster wasn't finalized before either of these fuckers existed, making the original statement completely true
damn you're dumb

But I love bottom of the barrel first party shit. Even though I love Resident Evil and Persona and have put hundreds of hours into those games I can think of dozens of no-name first party characters I'd much rather have than Joker or someone like Jill or Chris.

>Skull Kid
>Captain Syrup
>Jimmy T
>Black Shadow
>Wonder Red
>Just about anything from Rhythm Heaven
>Mach Rider
>Chibi Robo

Any one of those names I just pulled out of my ass interests me more than almost any third party character except maybe bomberman.

So many unique movesets that could replace the third party characters! ;)

>fuck third parties!
yeah im quite hyped for more Mario/Zelda/FE bloat and another stupid shill mon Sakurai hindsighted on to get in

you think anyone is going to take you seriously if you suggesting Black Shadow, Sylux, or a bunch of background characters is better than the guest we have now and Dante or KOS-MOS.

also Castlevania > Bombershit.

Byleth is your next rep
keep seething first party puristnigger



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>absolutely nothing for Advance Wars, Battalion Wars, the entire Wars series

I fucking hate this.

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>not lesser-known at that point

You literally would not care about Wonder Red if he wasn't 1st party.

It's weird they didn't bring infantry and tanks back

>3rd parties have overtaken Smash?
There's nothing wrong with the DLC being 3rd parties. After all, didn't Sakurai state that the last two won't be? Plus, most of the top-tier characters aren't even 3rd party. So, I don't understand the whining.

I still hold out hope, even if the Nips literally don't remember his name.

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considering the only non-spirited first party reps of note were
>a one-time character that's been hinted at multiple times in later games but still has yet to make his debut as a main antagonist
>Yoshi's dog
>a girl that attacks by painting
>Porky (admittedly pretty good but still)
I'd much rather get more franchise diversity through third parties

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It hurts so much.

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>he thinks Pokey is the standout of that list
Motherdrones really are something


We know that Travis is basically confirmed at this point
Whose the last dlc gonna be

says the retard rallying for a garbage samus doppelganger

I just really want Dillon and Lip.
Both of their franchises are dead in the water, though, so I guess it's hopeless.

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DJ Octavio is in


Porkyfag detected.

how does another unique vehicle fighter+ unrepped villain not stand out to yet another dog and mr. samus wanna(dont)be?

cope Syluxnigger

Don't talk shit about Adeleine, she'd make for a great summoner.

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You'd think Smash would be a good way to advertise lesser known IPs, but 3rd parties rake in more dosh

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I am in this boat, but feel we need a female to join

Also we have Bayonetta already tard

But shit like DK Jr or Dixie or even Toad are such obvious choices that are both recognized and easy to implement. They're all such glaring omissions. I would argue Elma too, at least for this Smash game. And even if ARMS and XB2 didn't exist they could have saved a DLC spot for them. It just seems like such weird priorities. Smash is a fantastic series but they really have made some bizarre as fuck roster choices over the years and clearly marketing has taken over as the number one reason anything gets included. I wish Smash rosters were chosen more like the Capcom Vs games where it isn't always the protagonist or even most famous characters who get in the game.

I love adventure games but for some reason I can't for the life of me beat a Zelda game. I get halfway through and drop it.

Dq11 launched on the 3ds too, user.

Fine, Enjoy all your dicks you gay sexist.

another villain rep that doubles as a mech fighter is better than those options, yes


that's why after Isaac got deconfirmed I just stopped caring who get's in & who doesn't just lost my passion for smash

but with the switch light being a thing maybe I'll get back into it,maybe even try a local tourney to boot?

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There are zero first-party characters who aren't in Smash that are more relevant than any, even one, third-party character who is in Smash, end of story.

>Captain Syrup
Maybe one day.

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I'll be laughing at poser syluxfags for stealing our thunder if he isn't in Smash or the new Prime 4

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Are you really still talking about relevancy in a post banjo world?

>I main Ice Climbers and Palutena btw.

Banjo is more relevant than any non-Smash first-party Nintendo characters

the fact that Rundas didn't get a spirit, despite being the most popular hunter in Prime 3, besides Samus herself, is kind of a bummer.

And there's a good few dozen third party characters that are more relevant than Banjo and he got in over them. What's your point?


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That's not deflecting at all, it was my original point. Relevancy means nothing.

Banjo is more relevant than your original point

Rosterfags are annoying in general especially now that the roster has already reached its peak. Gameplay should be the top of discussion now but i don't think most rosterfags even have the game to begin with

Relevancy does matters
its just recency that doesn't matter
see Dixie vs K.Rool and a freaking goomba

Pious Augustus is my dream pick but I'm fine with the Alex spirit

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They're literally just going to put whoever the fuck they want in the game and none of it is going to have any real meaning.
Sometimes they'll pick a character to shill something that is literally only going to be remembered for being in Smash like Joker or Corrin, sometimes they'll give the fans something that they actually want like Banjo or K.Rool, and other times they'll just make up some dumb bullshit for a character nobody actually wants and leave everyone wondering what the fuck happened. Stop guessing.

> "Stop guessing."
that what Nintendo literally said at the TGAs
>tfw nobody expected Erdrick, multiple DQ heroes, and Banjo

Dangerously based. He'll literally never return in any form of media

At least Dillon is an AT and Lip has a mii costume. Try being a Wonderful 101fag. Mii's in particular would be perfect for Wonder Red, Blue and Green costumes.

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Would you be fine with one more Fire Emblem if it was pic related?

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They should add Ravio, because a lot of the weapons in ALBW are underutilized in the Smash setting and would be very fun to use, the possibility of an item switching mechanic could add some depth and give him an interesting gimmick, and lmao 4 link


Having a non clone moveset doesn't make FE characters a good choice.

Nobody would bat this moveset an eye if it was a character from any other series.

Hector isn't important outside of the FE bubble, even in that he isn't even important.

FE is already extremely over represented, you fucked at the absolute least 3-4 franchises out of smash representation.

"muh axe" doesn't change shit. Fuck off.

Yes actually
Edelgard or Camilla can be the echo too if possible