Let's meet at Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground

Let's meet at Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground

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Don't make me play it again, man.

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based Rose

best theme here.

what's your favorite lost ground, bros?
for me it's sugar mansion sif berg

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>sugar mansion

I'm sure something was lost in translation there.

I was always partial to that one glowing tree area, as well as that other one where Alkaid gets ambushed.

i really need to get into .hack hacking
irc the jap infection release had important development files left in that help and basically every game was in infection with every future party member in beta format.
they even got the 8 phases to spawn as normal enemies

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The original .hack is a creepypasta

this game had so much soul
i kinda want a sequel but i have a feeling something like the Cold Steel series will happen

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too bad .hack threads never have more than 15 replies

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Is it worth it?

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Yes. I paid full price for it on steam even though I had already played it on the PS2; but have in mind that the game is EXTREMELY easy, more so than the original version.

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I played part 2 of infection back on ps2 and really enjoyed it. Only game with such an eerie and somewhat hollow atmosphere that felt alive and clicked some type of autism in my brain while exploring.

.hack Link and following OVAs were a shitshow IMO. Had fuckin environmentalist feminists behind sucking people in the internet. Not sucking people's minds like in the original and GU. Just full on isekai horseshit.

Also .hack link has you play tennis with every enemy.


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>Never into .Hack, even as a kid
>Never gave even half a look at the character designs
>Immediately apparent that it's Sadamoto's art
I'm at least a bit interested now

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link fucking sucks dick

maybe the .hacks series should stay dead desu
i don't know if i can handle watching it become another haremshit with a mute MC whose dick everybody sucks

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Got any Aura pics? She was my first waifu as a kid. and fap...somehow.

,Hack ought to make its reappearance after the isekai trend finally ends. It'd be drowned out otherwise

Nigga was such a brochad. Even Balmug didnt compare.

i didn't get to play the original versions of gu because lmao europe, but last recode was way way too easy. i breezed through the games doing a decent amount of side content and was never challenged in any encounter. i didn't even use any items aside from the occasional speed talisman for tiresome dungeon layouts

For a series called .hack, we sure have a lack of protagonists that is actually a hacker. Maybe next time, they can do something with that. Rather than being the special snowflake gifted with a unique ability, you see how far you can get with your own ability.

I'm honestly surprised they never attempted a gacha game, but I probably shouldn't jinx it.

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Playing with a developer who actually role plays completely within its world was something special. What a magical person they were.

Got any aromatic grass?

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Doesnt the boy on the left end up with some white haired girl?

Yeah, the only way you can get any challenge is by hoping in a dungeon 9 lvls above you.

They made two mobiles that never made it over. Guilty Dragon was fairly successful until they shut it down to start a soft reboot of the series call New World, which went down after a year or so. Not even Kirito-kun could save it.

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The originals were balanced around avoiding most side missions. You could do a few, but if you cleaned out everything everywhere you went then you'd skip ahead in levels when you went back to plot and wouldn't have to worry about tough encounters. It wasn't bad in the sense at least some content would always be a bit of a challenge, but nothing to avoid over leveling really became an issue if you were obsessive about doing everything.

Making the game easier trivializes everything to the point nothing is a bother. Plus the ability to use cheat codes? I don't understand modern design philosophy.

This is going to sound retarded but his color scheme always reminded me of a scopedog.

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So old that it can be counted as a childhood game for most people.

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IMOQ remaster when?

Not a feet man. But I just remember seeing her floating and wondering what she looked like under the dress. It made me feel things. Blackrose came shortly after when I realized she showed more skin.

Never. Bandai still has rights over it and they don't want.

the only game in my library that I bothered to 100%

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I can't see it ever happen. I wish it did personally.


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pretty much, and even those didn't really present much of a problem when i started doing them. if anything the game could use a mod to actually restore the original difficulty or increase it further, but i doubt anyone would bother.

yeah, i don't understand why you'd make something easy even easier, especially when typical jrpgs are supposed to last a good while when you factor in grinding and side content to get enough xp for the main plot. the cheat code stuff myths me even more after playing it, because there's not a single time i thought "i want to skip the gameplay" aside from getting tired of walking through the exact same dungeon layouts countless times from volume 1.

Just replay the originals. You still have them and a PS2, right?

>it's pretty hard to use data drain enough that you can get a game over or really any significantly bad effect except in the asshole bonus dungeon
>if you aren't constantly using data drain you're gated by the main quest and need to farm for hours to get virus cores
Wtf game

But thank you nonethless. I feel so sad now. The game was one of those games that presents an experience.

The .hack radio silence is driving me batty, bros.

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Let us not forget the Eva looking baddies

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>pube tuft



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I always got all the side characters in IMOQ. Least I assume they were. If you get toward the end of Quarantine without Natsume, Sanjuro, Gardenia etc. do they get dumped in your party by Helba or what? They were in ending FMVs and such so curious.

It gets a bit more dangerous once glitched enemies start spawning as regular mobs.

What the fuck was her problem?

These threads always make me happy since they remind me I wasn't the only one who played these games. It sure felt like it as a kid since nobody I knew had heard of or had interest in them. I never had anybody to talk to about them despite how much I loved them.

Jesus fuck.

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>never gave a shit about Atoli
>always loved Haseo and Ovan's interactions the most
>Last Recode happens
I feel like the most blessed .hackfag there is.

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Eat shit Butt-rice

It made me a little gay.

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Well shit. I might have to get into .Hack now

Man, they really peaked at Skeith in terms of Phase designs. At least G.U. made all the phases look neat, even if it was at the cost of making them all humanoids.

.hack IMOQ HD remaster with brand new content ala Spongebob BFBB gets announced/happens. Yea Forums's reaction?

Mac Anu, home...

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why would you need a ps2 when you have a PC?

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i never liked GU, everything in that game was terrible. well, i liked the non-segmented dungeons.

That's like super gay.

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This guy has one of the coolest battle themes ever. Always get into it whenever I hear it and later phases never quite peaked like his.

Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground, Hülle Granz Cathedral

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It's the only pairing that felt natural.

Because I played actual MMOs on my PS2 so it's more immersive to stick to the original hardware.

Plus he killed Aura, as far as we knew, at the time so my burning hatred really made younger me into the fight...even if I had to retry dozens of times because he is broken as shit. But it made me all the happier when I did win. Why cant more fights be like his?

>VR is real now
>the first VR MMO won't be .hack
feels bad man

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Fuck off, Elk. She is not real.

I like the concept of the phases looking alien but like shit after Magus just got more and more bring, then Gorre is just screaming derpy faces.

It's OHM RICE. Not butt rice!
Skeith has a god tier design.

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I wanna see that. Would be fun to roam a field and then get ambushed by Skeith.

Based .hackchad, how is the difficulty ? i heard they nerf the difficulty pretty hard compare to ps 2 version

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shino best gu girl, change my fucking mind

Whatever you say, Butt-rice.

>BlackRose & Ryoko literally get into a fight over Kite
>Natsume was also not-so-secretly in love with him
>She takes her obsession to absolutely ridiculous levels

It was always haremshit, yo. And I loved it.

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reading this here made me smile

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Hate to be a port begging fag but these are probably the #1 games I'd love to have on the Switch
Already went out of my way to play them on my hacked Vita through steam big picture mode streaming

After GU nothing matters, best to ignore all of it except maybe the Beyond The World, I think that is okay.

I figured later fights weren't as great because there were 8 phases and 4 games so each phase didn't end up being the final antagonist. The first game opened and ended with just the one so it felt extra dramatic. Most of the others felt like filler you had to deal with before the actual fight having found out about the poem, etc.

>you were born too early to experience a proper, playable version of The World
They'll look back on IMOQ in a couple hundred years and marvel at the primitives who laid the groundwork.

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Not him but Quantum was alright imo, it didn't overstay it's welcome and it felt like a welcome addition

I wouldn't be opposed to them on the Switch myself. Provided they avoided the shitty re-tuning difficulty crap GU went through. And they've gotta keep those anime OVAs.

At least until steampunk fucked everything up.

it's easier than the PS2 version, yes
trying to get the rng shops to appear so I could buy the rng items was the real challenge

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>the hikki loser who literally plays video games every second of every day unless the servers are offline or his body collapses is a literal supermodel
if you say so

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I was enjoying Quantum until Shamrock who is actually Pi mentioned Jyotaro Amagi by name and that pretty much flared up my autism. I can't stand hearing or seeing anything related to Link in any shape or form.

lol ok

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alright, question for the .hack// fans; is the .hack// Roots OVA now irrelevant/non canon after the end of last recode's bonus episode? does the last recode bonus episode change the overall canon of the series in any way since it was only ovan being saved on the last day of the world?

Corbenik's G.U design is so good, it's probably my second favorite after Skeith original design

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nothing since most people here weren't even born when the first .hack came out

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I like how Corbenik's first form is essentially a fucking bean in Quarantine and now he's this big boy with a big fuck you sized cannon glued to his shoulder.

Jyotaro Amagi was name dropped and talked since the special pre order discs in G.U. that explained LORE though. If anything I'm mad that Link butchered literally everything in the mythos including a background character.

What got people into .hack? For me it was reminiscient of PSO. I was really hoping this would be the future of MMOs in some concept at least in having more action oriented gameplay. Was hoping for a GU equivalent of Fragment, but GU did go in some directions I was iffy on I guess.


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>watch roots on CN
>it's a fucking awful slog which completely misses the point of what made sign good
>am invested in .hack, so watch anyway
>the timeslot keeps changing, and eventually ends up at some godforsake time like late friday night/early saturday morning
>they get to the last episode that was actually translated so far, so they go right fucking back to the beginning
>watch em all again
>show gets further than it did before
>adult swim changes so it airs every night, so now the timeslot is taken by the second airing of an inuyasha episode or some bullshit like that
>no, roots doesn't get moved to some other time, they just stop airing it before they even finished it once

I've never felt so conned in my life.
That said, anyone who watched that shit and didn't hate Shino with every fiber of their being was wrong.

I feel like it should be considered non-canon because it wouldn't make sense otherwise. At the end of Returner, we see Ovan standing next to a tree and Aina running toward him so basically he returned and everyone gets a happy ending right? No, for reasons unknown, Ovan is still stuck in a coma and trapped inside ice in Reconnection.

It was an excuse to put all the good .hack music in one game.

There's just something about these games that I can't put my finger on that makes them really enjoyable

SIGN also was a slog

Fucking hyped
I'll admit I'm only noticing .hack stuff when Quarantine is released, but that doesn't stop me to play and liking IMOQ
Maybe because it felt liek playing an actual single player MMO? Complete with its own forums and such?

I was really young and read all the manga at the library, and they had the Twilight Bracelet books which I read the shit out of. The whole idea of living in an MMO and all that was just alluring to me as a kid. Then I got into the rest of the franchise when I learned to emulate when I was a bit older.

Tabby was the worst part of Roots for me. I absolutely love G.U, but goddamn so much of Roots is complete and utter garbage because of Tabby going around doing absolutely nothing and wasting screentime, while the same shitty track plays on loop for Haseo's Terror of Death stuff.


The show. Toonami was pretty cool about advertising it.

The whole playing a fake MMO and with fake friends is what pulled me in.

Do you think they will ever just, you know, retcon Link and everything that came after G.U? It honestly seems like literally fucking nobody likes the environmental plot that made no sense.

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My dick would explode if that happened.

i fucking hate his Tai looking ass

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I found the cast in SIGN to be a little more relatable though. I wish Bear was my dad.

SIGN was a slog but it was weirdly enjoyable. Roots was mostly a story that only exists to tell you why Haseo hates being and forming connections with people as much as he does in G.U. and really could have been told in half the amount of episodes.

Given they made fun of it in parody scenes I am hoping. Never gonna see another .hack in our lifetimes though. It's all about Sword Art and Isekai starring bitchboy variants of Shinji from EVA forever.

The cover art when I saw it at the store when I was 12

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the best OST in vidya history

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bought infection on sale. the design of the game kept me interested, i liked the dungeon crawling with random keyword combinations and its setting. i still play fragment from time to time, i might just replay imoq for the hell of it.

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Wasn't Reconnection made so that everything bad that happened after GU, like Link never happened?

wait meant to quote

They said that Last Recode was basically their test to see if any future mainline games would be worth making right? How did it end up selling?

Die out of joy.

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Isn't CC2 releasing those reboot novels with girl Kite or something?

I guess that's one way to look at it. I just figured they hadn't said anything about it being an official retcon. If it is, then I'll be pretty happy desu

It's explicitly Chiricho's machine from when Vanilla paints the red shoulder on.

I'm so fucking mad a track like this is stuck in Link.

My friend. I love this song. Hearing this after enduring the Forest of Pain really made it all worth it and I felt content with seeing Haseo remain hopeful of the future. You ever play a game and then just feel satisfied with the whole thing?

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SIGN was also a slog, but I think I get what you mean.
SIGN had those long drawn out moments for taking in the atmosphere, which can be hit-or-miss with the viewer, while Roots just had these fuckawful staring contests, like "ooooooh, look how deep we are."

I remember watching the anime on CN and seeing a scene with a chick with large breasts the MC bumped into, uncensored and all. That's really all I remember.

SIGN may be pretentious but I think Tsukasa was a better character representative of a loner having an issue connecting with other people ironically online and I guess it spoke to me on a personal level. Their own story overcoming things, the surrounding characters and their own subplots I thought worked well as well. I remember Crim saying something along the lines of while he may not enjoy his job he prides himself as a professional, stuff like that really stuck with me to this day. As a story continuing into the games while it acts as a commercial it was a good air of mystery while playing the games and waiting for each volume. I like it a lot as a character anime but will be the first to admit what I think a lot of people may say: pretty pretentious. Still one of my favorites only overshadowed by stuff like LAIN.

>125 posts in a .hack
is this real life

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Are there still lobbies for Fragment? Last time I went looking I couldn't find any.

Anybody here play Fragment? I'm slowly gathering stuff so that I can softmod my PS2 and play backups and I want to try out Fragment.

Fragment players only play on Fridays I think so you can try on the weekends.

It was a weird RPG with a free anime disc that attracted me. I was a simple child. What kept me was the crazy bosses and the random dungeons I could explore seemingly endlessly with the pseudo-reality of the MMO and desktop interactions. The sense of carrying over data between games was a bonus before I realized it was one big game just split up to get 4 times the cash. By then I was totally into the games to care though.

Also Skeith is in the first game where you have lower stats and less powerful skills and equipment so it's even more tough. Elk/Mistral could barely keep up for me. Even Innis was piss easy and it was only about 5 hours of plot after you finished Skeith so you couldn't have been that much stronger.

It's not that infrequent

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The first quadrilogy was so fuckin comfy.

Never seen one with this many posts. They usually die before reaching 50 or something.


Better than Kuhn


Would you a Mia?

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Why did they remove any enjoyment from the gameplay by making it easier if they wanted to hook players for the future? Sure all the games and a new bonus on one disc is better than 3 discs, but that's not a great way to revitalize a player base.

post more cat muff

Still wish we got one for GU

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Who knows, the gameplay in .hack for me at least has always been kinda lackluster. I love IMOQ but I could never bring myself to enjoy the menu-based combat in that for example

I'd rather Tsukasa

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>Start the video up
>Helba's deformed tits are immediately right there in your face

>Helba casually walking around butt ass naked
>that ending with all of the girls in the hot springs and showing off their tits

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Yes, but I don't wanna cuck Elk more that he already is.

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Does anyone know a good deal about .hack//Zero? I know LINK covers it, just wonder if there's a translation out there. Was always curious why it never finished.

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I rather Alkaid and her fat ass titties.

We went 150 posts without going full-blown Alkaidposting.
It'd be a real shame if...

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Dub voice was shit.

Are the first games really that bad?

All the positive and nostalgia stuff I see is always over the first ones.

I bought the new ones on Steam but couldn't really get into it.

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For me SIGN was more interesting for the fact it fleshed the world out more with a completely separate cast of which you had minor interactions with during the games. It was an extra layer that added to things, rather than feeling a requirement or a proper extension.

Roots was part of the game plot ripped out as an excuse for an anime that fleshed out the actual game characters, rather than enhance the games as a whole. It fits in perfectly and explains a lot that could have been a natural progression of sorts.

It was dropped. It's basically about some hacker player and she mets AI Sora who's actually Skeith or some shit, AI Sora starts going nuts and start Skeithin' it up and Aura is involved and I think the hacker player ends up ina coma.

didn't get the appeal

If you want experimental equivalent of point and click gameplay with a controller while also repeatedly going into menus for skills and items and party commands go in with an open mind. What saves a lot is story, atmosphere and concept.

Is it brain dead easy or just slightly easier ?

IMOQ is king of atmosphere and immersion, try it out.

Why is her name Alkaid in the dub when her name is something completely different in Japanese.

the servers exist yea, but i think most either just forget to host or whatever else. i was in the process of leveling mine "legit" and managed to get it up to the 30s last i recall.

Stars are called something different in west or something? Same thing happened with Antares and Zelkova, but really no clue. I like typing Yowkow more even though it sounds more like YOKO.

Last Recode is so easy that I have purposely gimp myself by using shit gear so that I don't annihilate everything.

>cuck Elk
Oh shit tell me she doesnt cheat on him.

The gameplay is really clunky and slow compared to GU and the field/dungeon stuff is a lot more RNG based from what I recall. But the plot and extras feel more integrated and interesting, rather than coming across as just a game feature, if that makes sense. Fields are also just giant open areas and not like another floor of the dungeons so you can more easily get to your target, even if the dungeon layout can get even more squirrely.

IMOQ has segmented dungeon design, no fight transitions like in GU, lots of menu micromanagement, and more emphasis on world building. GU's cast is just fucking beyond garbage compared to IMOQ.

I honestly prefer Yoko for Alkaid and Keiaki for Zelkova. I don't remember what name Antares had in Japanese

cute cute CUTE

Reality itself already cucked him out of her.


The thing about new stuff like SAO and Log Horizon is that it doesn’t touch on the escapism aspect like .hack did. SIGN really resonated with me cause I always felt like I was trying to escape my shitty life like Tsukasa

Of course not

she gets raped

just kidding

She basically died when the servers for R:1 got destroyed. She's basically an avatar now and a sword too if you wanna count that as well.

alkaid is trash

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>there will never be a new .hack game

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Pisses me off that they removed the option to ride your Grunty in GU. It was basically a mount, which really helped build that simulated MMO feeling the first four games had. GU did a lot of things wrong in the gameplay department.

Who was the best protagonist and why? Not necessarily for accomplishments. Kite, Tsukasa, Haseo, Shugo, Mai or I guess Tokuoka, Albiero, Tabby (Roots more about her than Haseo second half).

As long as Elk gets his girl. Nigga earned her.

I feel like Kita and Haseo did the most shit. Although if it wasn't for Mai then Kite and everyone else that was fighting Corbenik and Morganna would have ended up in a coma if Mai hasn't stabilized the server they were fighting in.

MMOs are a dying breed so you can't really blame em

>tfw no .hack MMO with full VR support

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>VR ingame was set in 2010
>real life VR was in prototype in 2010
the fuck

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Can always do something else. The Guilty Dragon stuff from what I know uses .hack characters as like lore characters or something. I always toyed with the idea for example GU being altered storywise to get rid of the real world components and being more of a generic JRPG plot in steampunk (with too many tournaments), like as is it's already a tournament story with revenge and mystery, almost every data element in that can just be spirits and demons. More difficult to alter as much with the premises of the original series but can mess with I guess. But that just means losing .hack on a story concept level unfortunately. Given Sword Art and Log Horizon are the successors and they can't do anything better may be for the best though, will never get something like Sign or IMOQ again.

>his first girlfriend is a literal waifu

I can't wait to see the type of adult that Elk turn out to be.

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I liked her a lot because she actually managed to make Haseo remember that it's okay to stop, take a break and have fun for a bit. Then she got AIDA'd, and it hurt. At least that's what I remember from when I played in ps2. I played only volume 1 of last recode, got every wallpaper, and got bored because the game was too easy.

Kite. He was honestly pretty bland as a character but he felt really grounded; like exactly how you'd view a random teen who got caught up in everything he did would act. His relationship with Blackrose is really cute too.

Why are .hack threads always so fucking civil? This thread has exceeded maximum comfy levels and love it. I like you guys. You're the best.

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>His relationship with Blackrose is really cute too

Yes, it was.

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Why is Elk eating Mia's pussy out in public? Have they no shame?

Try to resist that tuft bruh.

dude the truth hurts so bad
they could do so many interesting things in a modern .hack

>that wallpaper
my man

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>bought Last Recode during steam sale
>played through vol 1 and 2 quickly
>5 hours into vol 3 can't find any motivation to play
should i do it boys? is it worth it?

Really like Haseo, if only because he's got one of the most developed character arcs in the whole series. I'm also addicted to the edgy mid 2000 aesthetic.

So is this bitch actually dead for real by GU?

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Haseo is my personal favorite, it felt like his development from edgy fucktard loner to actually pretty likeable guy was natural.

Vol. 3 is where shit gets crazy. Keep playing and don't forget to go through the 100 floor post game dungeon.

What happened to this franchise?
When it first hit the scene, it felt like it was everywhere. Then it just suddenly up and disappeared, despite it actually having a pretty solid mythos that had been established. Yet plenty of people had heard of it or watched the anime, though fewer have played the games.
What's crazier is how it's basically the grandfather of the isekai genre without capitalizing on that at all despite having name recognition.

So what happened?

the most unrealistic thing in these fucking games was the forums. Too many people acting civil or being quirky and no one calling each other a faggot or starting shit

Lost Grounds were kinda lame. I was hoping maybe you could find some kinda secret if you looked everywhere in them, but it's all just "what you see is what you get".

>mfw I related with Haseo way too much

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The internet was a different place back then.

only if you want to, if you have to force yourself to play a game, maybe it isn't for you

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>go through the 100 floor post game dungeon
idk senpai, the combat is exactly what's getting tedious to me

probably gonna push through just to see what's gonna happen

Alright so if these guys werent actually Kite, Balmung, and Orca, what happened to the real guys?
Also why didnt Piros and Endrance recognize them?

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That bitch dead as fuck son.

>Yata looks nothing like his character
Even Atoli and Kuhn have the same body shapes at least.

Link happened

Kinda suprised we never had a proper .//hack MMO. could have the server combos reshuffle on maybe a quarterly basis.

reporting in

its worth it for the second cutest cat girl

As with most Japanese things of the era, localizations dried up and they stopped pushing it. Without anything new attention dies very quickly.

Incompetence is what happened.

THAT especially happened as well. Link pretty much killed .hack

They stopped releasing stuff to the west and basically tried too hard and overextended with the multimedia approach to where it got hard to keep up with all the story.

Not that it would have helped also never got released outside of Japan. Always got pissed when console series fall for the portable game meme. Also no real accompanying anime all that came after and had not much bearing at all.

silabus is literally the same person

There was a post about the new glasses where someone call out the OP for being a "shill"

They were A.I.s that Aura constructed in a hurry in order to protect The World in her absence. Their haggard appearance is due to them being a rushjob, though given Aura's usual behavior, it seems strange that she wouldn't treat at least Kite with more care.

The real Kite, Balmung and Orca are leading their own lives. Kite is studying anthropology in a foreign university.

Piros technically never saw Kite of the Azure Flame. Endrance didn't care, I guess.

The real guys moved on with their lives and stopped playing vidya.

This fucking bitch is the worse thing in the franchise
and she's the canon pick for Haseo too

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The real dudes are living their lives, not having time for videogames because after highschool you don't have free time anymore in japan.

As for why Piros, Elk and Yata didn't say anything about who they looked like, they probably didn't want to bring it up or figured it was just coincidence because MMOs have limited customization and I'm certain there were tons of people pretending to be them by that point.

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>Yet plenty of people had heard of it or watched the anime, though fewer have played the games
this has to do with how shit the marketing was, at least in the west. As a kid, I had NO IDEA what .hack// was besides an anime about an MMORPG that I desperately wanted to be less boring than it was. I didn't discover the games until a few years after .hack//sign stopped running and didn't have any clue how they were related.

Their retarded naming conventions don't help. All the games and most of the animes are just .hack//[random English word]. There's no way of understand how "sign" is related to "infection. When you read "infection" "mutation" "outbreak" or "quarantine" the order of these games is not understood intuitively. Quarantine could come before mutation, mutation could be at the very end, etc.

It made it pretty hard for a 13 year old standing in Gamestop to figure out if he wanted to use his Christmas money to buy the game.

There was in Japan. Fragment.

Is Mia's resurrection canon?

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The real Kite, Balmung and Orca don't play video games anymore. During GU, I think Kite is in college, can't game when you're studying your ass for exams and shit.

She's literally suicidal and has no self esteem so she tries to manipulate people by playing victim and feeling sorry for herself. Literally all the Epitaph users are damaged or deluded people so it fits.

Not just any college, but an overseas university. He's going places, man.

shut the fuck up "asscheek rice"

God I wanted to fuck Blackrose so bad.

Really hated her when I first played. Now, years later, I understand more why she's like that, but I still really dislike her.

Good for him, I hope he did well

I like to think so.
and then Mia dies again when the servers for R:1 get destroyed

It appears there is a bullshit percent chance that you think the little ohms symbol in my name looks like a butt. The fact is, my name means OHM RICE now fight me 1on1 irl not online and see what happens punk.

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Haseo is too good for her

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Settle for Mimiru?

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>mfw seeing Subaru's naked tits in a T-rated game

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>Literally all the Epitaph users are damaged or deluded people so it fits.
Yeah, but somehow every single one of them was far more likable than Atoli.

Don't pretend you and Kaki Leader aren't best friends, Butt Rice.

only 1000 of these exist and they were a preorder bonus in Japan for when Infection was released

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I actually like Mimiru more than Blackrose. Rose is too bitchy for my taste.

>Atoli's face
Holy shit that is one cucked bitch

Apparently, seeing Net Slum really did a number on him. A place where different cultures clash and meld. He became heavily interested in different cultures, so he became an anthropology major.

>Their retarded naming conventions don't help.
I thought it was really straightforward. Infection -> Mutation -> Outbreak -> Quarantine was very straight forward. The infection mutates, outbreaks, and is finally quarantined off.

Rebirth -> Reminisce -> Redemption is also very straight forward.

Let's forget how they have "Part 1, 2, 3, 4" and "volume 1, 2, 3" in the box art.
I like how Blackrose softened up toward Kite and became a bitch to everyone except him as the games went along.

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Those Helba titties tho

>lost hot furry titty waifu
>turn into disgusting vegetarian faggot NEET who yearns to be a homewrecking cocksleave for the first person who shows you kindness
What did CC2 mean by this

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>Net Slum
Was anyone else disappointed that we never got to go to the actual final server? They built it up over the game and then pulled the rug from under you right at the end. Always felt like it would be a really cool hub to me.

All of .hack had fantastic soundtracks. I still listen to them to this day and it heavily influenced the type of music I listened to throughout my life. Yuki Kajiura is an amazing artist and did such a good job setting the tone of the world


How is Atoli worse than Saku? I'll take the angsty suicide girl who won't admit she's playing the victim card to manipulate people over a fictional big sister that lusts over a neet and sets you and your friends up to be PKed multiple times.

I thought you could do that after beating the game?

Yeah but the Infection could be Quarantined, leading to a Mutation and then an Outbreak. A Mutation could result in an Infection that results in an Outbreak that must be Quarantined. It's too ambiguous.

Rebirth, Reminisce, Redemption is even worse. These are three very ambiguous words. One could get their Redemption, experience Rebirth, and then Reminisce about what happened. One could Reminisce about their old life, then get Redemption, and finally experience Rebirth.

I love how the way the last day of "The World R:1" was described is exactly what happened to FF14 when it shut down.

Might have run out of time. In fact, the bit of the Root Town you actually see is literally just a bmp image.

>this is what retard weebs think mmos are like

I ended up really liking her in the second volume, but she didn't have a lot to do in the third.

>.Hack is apparently played with a controller and a VR headset.
What emote do I need to input to cradle my lady friend's body as she's deleted by the game and put into a real life coma?

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Better than boring shit where you are now doing 100K damage on normal mods with a disaster of a HUD.

.hack has a habit of predicting future events.

Saku technically doesnt exist and Bo is a disgusting little bitch
Atoli is worse simply because she's a fucking annoying retarded bitch who sucks Sakaki off at any given moment and she gets more screentime

this is unironically what MMOs felt like in the late 90s/early 2000s. people took them a lot more seriously, there wasn't readily available encyclopedias of info or anything. People walked around and experienced the world, some took it seriously as a game and grinded to be the strongest, some took their social lives seriously, etc. This franchise's biggest strength is how well they captured that feeling.

Nope. The Net Slum is the final server as far as the games are concerned. They never "fix" things.

I doubt it was running out of time and just not a priority to spend resources on. Especially considering they had most of the games done and then slowly released them over a year with minor tweaks. If they really wanted to they could have reverted the server in the post game.

Maybe she give a really good blow job from all her past bully experience?

Press the O button.

Haseo, we won~

Honestly, it's one of the things I'd like to see in a remake, but it'll never fucking happen.

>How is Atoli worse than Saku?
Because Bo is a good boy.

>Sakaki is like, fucking 11.

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Yeah nice dream though.

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This dude waltzes up, PKs your girl and asks her for her member address. What do you do?

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If the character from the original games played R:2, what would their classes be?

>Bo is a boy who thinks he's his own sister and switches between his Bo and Saku personalities
My heart is saying no but my dick is saying something else entirely.

jump and press the O button, got it

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Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

The biggest mistake was not releasing an english version. That was pretty much the end of the series for us until GU Remaster

and Yata/Wiseman was 10 and had a Digimon fetish
bet if he found out the truth about Mia he'd shit himsel

Probably not, but if they ever did do a remake and they opened the final server up in the post game I'd probably be all over that game.

Although come to think of it, didn't they pull this same shit in GU? And the remaster of those games didn't open that final server up either.

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The G.U movie is one of the most unintentionally hilarious things I've watched

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take a drink every time Sakaki says

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I forget what book basically goes into it, but The World is life like that because of how closely linked the game is with your mind because Harold is a fucking wizard. It's why getting Data Drained is as lethal as it is on top of it fucking with your brain glands with flashing lights or whatever.

Kite would probably roll Adept Rogue.
Blackrose would roll with Edge Punisher like in her GU concept art.

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I put his girlfriend into a coma.

based thread, where are my marlo bros at

Kite: Easy answer is Twin Blade, but if you wanna mimic the R:1 version, then Adept Rogue would probably be the better route. Adept Rogue has balanced stats, so an Adept Rogue with Twin Blade as a subclass will do higher damage than a normal Twin Blade. If you choose Macabre Dancer as a second subclass, you'd basically have a balanced melee/magic fighter who can more or less do anything, just like Twin Blades were in R:1.

You could walk around in the Net Slum in GU, but it was just a hallway connecting all your facilities. Not very atmospheric, but at least it was more convenient, which was a welcome change of pace after 70 hours of using warp gates. Breg Epona had so much wasted space that it was a huge chore getting anywhere.

>Sakaki is 11
>Sakaki is also such a fucking manipulative cunt he browses suicide forums to tell people not to kill themselves and indoctrinate them into his cult of personality
I love how batshit insane .hack is at times.

Wish I could go back to that first time


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In-universe, Adept Rogues have a reputation of being a class that's only for tryhards and turbo-autists, so if the reason Kite doesn't play R:2 is because he doesn't have enough time for it, then that doesn't seem likely. I can actually see him going Harvest Cleric considering how often you had to be the dedicated healer for bosses in IMOQ.

Take a shot every time Haseo says, "Come on, come on, I'm right here! SKEEIIITHH!!"

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the desktop themes were so good in IMOQ and GU, always went with grassland noon and the default piano one


>Blackrose G.U concept art
Do you have it?

We Moonstone around 'ere


girl shinji


Moonstone browses /fit/

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Prototype stuff was cool.

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Diseases don't mutate without new hosts to continue producing new generations, user.

Adept Rogue Twin Blade without the fuckery of boosted stats from being Epitaph User actually has the exact same physical attack as normal Twin Blade if Matsus stats are suppose to be the baseline. Which really just cements the fact that Adept Rogue is a garbage class.

And that's why he's so cool. He's a /fit/ autist who's obsessed with getting stronk as fuck everyday.

You're implying Aura wouldn't immediately wake up the moment Kite logged in and give his PC another bracelet.

I fucking heard it.

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nigger what

>we didn't get the version of GU that looked exactly like IMOQ

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im gonna take a shower, dont let this thread die

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On it boss.

They'll release an IMOQ remaster.. right Yea Forums?

Bracelets don't give you jacked stats because Aura is bitch made and Morgana/phases are the real shit.

>.hack was my first exposure to the potential of an mmo and online culture in general, with all sorts of different personalities and systems to accommodate player tastes
>missed the golden age of mmos growing up because I didn't have my own PC
>still no World mmo to this day, and the market itself has become more than lackluster
>online and mmo culture in general seems like it has shifted for the worst, with most mmos being nothing more than a rush to end game with minimized socialization and interaction
It wasn't supposed to be this way. Are there any online games to fill the void?

Its pretty funny how they got Mona Marshall back just to do 4 different zombie moans
Im still fucking pissed its not the real Kite though

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That's not true. Bracelet gave Kite a boost to all elements. Every element levels up equally for him.

They'll release a IMOQ remake and it'll revitalize interest in the series and then we'll get a proper MMO with VR support.

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if there was a remaster how would the combat system change? something more similar to GU?

Kite's player quit the game after saving his buddy. He didn't even like video games, he just went back to playing Soccer.

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Helba made me feel funny as a kid.

really though if the furfag series is getting another entry, I dont see why Bamco wouldnt give the OK for another .hack

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I think it was fine, the older players who weren't mentally fucked moving on with their lives sounded alot more fitting for their characters

fuck I hope so.

I actually wished Azure Kite would talk or at least call out the names of his attacks, I mean come on now, Azure Orca and Azure Balmung actually yell out the names of their skill attacks when they're in your party.

Is it not the same for other twinblades? Didn't really follow stat progression. For GU feel like a lot of it was arbitrary BS for each character especially with shit like Endrance having unique sword animations. IMOQ I think was more uniform but not sure.

Both her English and Japanese voice actress' sound milfy.

>Tfw we could basically have .hack IRL now a day with current VR tech
>VR is shit and only one MMO exists and it's shit

I always found it weird how some .hack elements bled into Asura's wrath. Asura was basically Haseo, one other dude is basically evil Endrance and you have old man Yata and hyper buff villain Yata. Was hoping when CC2 was initially working on the FF7 remake would give them notoriety on the off change one day there would be a high budget .hack. I will always hate Link any every faggot that defended it on release.

Her name was Ouka. A wolf girl I believe.

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When the fuck is this even coming out? I heard it announced like 3 years ago

Infection was the first game I bought with my own money. Same day as Dark Cloud 2. I wanna go back.

Fuck man, that'd make me happy.

I'd be fine with it being the same desu. Otherwise something closer to GU would be fine too.

Rate the game intros

Infection > Rebirth >>>> Quarantine > Outbreak > Mutation > Redemption > Reminisce

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I wish this shit would be followed up on

*boing boing boing*
man I want to go breed some grunties now.

next year
and it wasnt 3 years, it was announced like a year and a half ago

ah yes the beginnings of me being a massive furfag. Fuck you Ouka

>Are there any online games to fill the void?
No. Anyone who says there are are lying or got in before the crash and are letting nostalgia and their circle of acquaintances on the game taint the experience. That era is long gone and with current development trends it's never coming back.

kemonomimi doesnt qualify as furfaggotry though

Hey now, you got card games and motorcycles, instead.

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Dont blame based catgirls for your furry shit taste

Wish I could actually PLAY Crimson Vs. in game. Anyone remember .hack ENEMY? Remember those cards being everywhere for a while.

wait where the fuck is the download link? I want to try that RO VR shit

I have yet to play IMOQ but I intend to in the near future. As for opening, I love Redemption's opening theme, the song is called Illusion of The Eight Phases.

There is none, the dude never followed up on it, shit's infuriating

I am 99% positive that balanced elemental growth is for all twin blades in the first four games given that their gimmick was basically being the every man class with "shit ton hit a bunch" skills as their one defining thing.

I don't know what it was about this anime, but I really liked it. The soundtrack was great throughout and it didn't feel like there was any fluff, everything added to the overall picture and wrapped up nicely.

What gameplay concepts were liked in IMOQ and GU? I like the idea of armors having different spells and a skills to keep relevance, for GU for console purposes thought skill triggers were cool and more action focus.

>tfw britfag
>fell in love with IMOQ and lost my shit when G.U. was announced
>never gets an EU release since the originals were niche as fuck, bitter for years
>pick up Recode at last but vaguely know the entire plot and see most twists coming after casually spoiling myself over the years
>still enjoy the ride and water my nostalgia, but it's just not the same

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Alkaid was canon love interest.
Fight me.

The only thing I like about GU was the skill trigger system. IMOQ + skill trigger would make gameplay a lot more bearable.

what a faggot, at least post the link to the current build for people to mess around with

I got into Enemy a lot early on, but my wallet couldn't keep up with the new stuff and it died fast too. Managed to get into a tournament and got beat so fast I didn't know what hit me. Did get a shiny promo card out of it though.

Still have all the cards on a shelf beside me if for some reason someone ever wanted to play.

And yeah, Crimson Vs. was bullshit. Big tease about a card game that ended up just being something that auto-played as you did other stuff and was easy to break. Got so excited when I saw that menu in the first game and it never lived up to expectations once it finally unlocked.

The only thing I'll defend Link for is that the few original songs they did introduce in the game are straight up aces. The Hero of Gear is a straight up powerful song.

Shino tho.

Some games are too pure for this world. The Splatoon threads are similar but with more cunny.

>not Ovan

its Endrance

>None of these relationships are canon.
>Especially Blackrose
Why does Japan do this?

Never played one of these games in my life.
Only exposure I've had is watching Hack Sign, and devouring the soundtrack of both that anime and the games
That, and the art is pretty A E S T H E T I C desu

pic related

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>not Bo

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If I could play .hack infection with better combat then it would be an instant day one buy for me.

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You know seriously need to finish playing IMOQ and sell my copies off. It's amazing they have not yet been remastered as of yet along with Shadow Hearts.

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I was pretty upset that all the chapters didnt have this style cover art. I regret selling all four. I regret everything.

>360 posts
Wonderful bastards.

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We hit a new record.

but they weren't?
Natsume was wood and Moonstone was water, which was retarded, since Twinblades had no water attacks.
And Natsume was stronger against physical debilitations while Moonstone was the opposite.

Seriously, Moonstone's stats were RETARDED. It's like they knew that one high-tier knife that was introduced in Mutation would have a water summon attached to it, and they built his stats around that and only that.

Sadamoto's art is another key ingredient that helps .hack, once they stopped using him for character art you could say the series died after his departure.

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Too real for me bro why did they do this ?

As stated they attempted it twice, both were shit though Guilty Dragon had more production value behind it.
What we really need is a PC/PS4 remake of IMOQ with an expanded Fragment that is playable in full VR and has a proper MMO overworld as opposed to needing to invite friends to a small instance

I honestly would do anything short of sell my soul for an indepth campaign editor. Or an alternate version of the campaign where you can pick Kite's class. Or canon Blackrose relationship.

>she made her avatar look exactly like her irl self

Literally the embodiment of confidence.

Attached: AlkaidPhone.png (756x992, 789K)

>Loved .hack as a kid
>loved Klonoa even as an adult
>Neither get any new content or games because Bandai doesn't do shit with them

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that third form for Haseo looked so fucking retarded ingame

Bandai is a bunch of evil money hating fuckers. Literally just hire the fans to make new additions to the series. Fanfiction would be better then most of the newest crap.

2nd form > 5th > 4th >1st >3rd
dont @ me

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Would players be susceptible to comas?
This is very important now, answer wisely.

>tfw no evil Alkaid

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Shit, I never realized he was a VOTOMS reference but now I can't unsee it.

This. The cover art was just so good that I had to get it. I didn't even know what it was about when I bought it, haha.

I've never played a .hack but I've heard good things and they sound pretty cool. Where do I start?

I'd switch 4th and 5th, but you're just about right.
God, having to change from 2nd to 3rd killed me on the inside.

I think 5th form would be the best if Haseo was wearing a shirt. Not a fan of the naked chest look, didn't look great on Dante in DMC3 either.
As it stands, 2nd form is definitely the coolest.

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What about an edgy Blackrose?

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.hack sign anime then IMOQ.

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Aromatic Grass is just subliminal terminology for Mia's pubes

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You think that dumb? Wait until you see this shit.

1st form with 2nd forms undershirt and 3rd forms hair > 2nd form > 3rd form > Xth form > Ultimate Steel

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No, that's pretty much the most supernatural element of the original quadrilogy because by all means the VR tech being used is inferior to what we have now, as it was just an HMD and a controller. The tech more than exists to recreate The World as a full fledged MMO but I'll take an expanded Fragment as a consolation prize because there's no way in hell CC2 would make it and even if they would, Bamco wouldn't let them without making it a microtransaction laden hell if it were an MMO.

I've never played any .hack game, the impression that I get from screenshots and music is that it's similar in tone to xenogears, I am correct?

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>schizophrenic little boy gets cured because he finally made some friends
>bring his mental illness back because you want to fuck his alter ego
>everyone thinks this is a good thing

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You mean people actually want to stick their pee pees into Saku?

MMOs are probably more popular in Japan than ever before. FFXIV has more jap subs than FFXI ever had.

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I always related more to Kite than Haseo. Only played a little bit of G.U. but Haseo comes off as incredibly edgy, and he takes griefers way too seriously.

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Alkaid's "death" is one of the few times I remember crying like an absolute bitch at a video game character dying. Looking at the scene now the dialogue/voice acting is pretty cringe, but that shit hit me hard for some reason as a kid.

The Tabby one is awkward as hell, they barely say anything to each other

I only know .hack from Project x Zone. What's a good starting point and should i try to avoid any of the games?

Multiple personality disorder isn't BAD per se.

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What are you on about now, retard.

I don't honestly remember that being a thing, but I haven't played the games since they first came out so I'm probably fucking wrong.

I love how there are really some women (in real life) who think this.

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Yeah, I'm glad you're given the option to tell her to fuck off.

Play IMOQ and GU, don't play Link.
Watch SIGN and Liminality.

He is incredibly edgy,but he has legitimate reasons for being an edgy autistic child. It's the other people who take the griefers too seriously that are more eyebrow raising.

>SIGN was a slog but it was weirdly enjoyable.
Just like an old school MMO. I'm sure that was intentional.

Dont forget that fighting game

It helped that her "dying" words were for Haseo to get Endrance's help, which seems like the last thing either of them would consider.
Then not only did it work, it ended up being the one thing that absolutely saved everybody.

Alkaid literally saved the world by having the sense to look past a personal grudge.

If you have the money, time and PS2.. start with the original games (or you could emulate on PC) and then move onto //G.U. the last re code

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>You mean people actually want to stick their pee pees into Saku?

Now Bo though...

.hack//Versus was surprisingly fun and more in-depth then those Naruto arena brawlers.

Yeah, I'm also glad you're given the option to marry her.

Well that's a given. Everyone wants to fuck Sweet little ol' Bo.

I never liked the idea that this guy and Haseo were the same person. Haseo may have been a dick but it's just hard to picture Sora experiencing the kind of growth into a good person that Haseo has. Plus the "lol he lost his memory of playing as Sora" or whatever thing they did felt dumb too.

I'm not sure if its intentional because .hack both understands and doesn't understand the internet and online games at the same time so it's kind of 50/50. That said the online and mmo trappings are more the background setting and the real theme is more cyberpunk/mystery with some real world slice of life/drama stuff thrown in.

B-but they said if recode did well enough they would know to work on something...

Um, it's kind of the worst. It's pretty much the brain's last resort when it comes to not being able to cope with shit.
The best case scenario is getting the other personality to go away through drugs, counciling, and doing something about the shit that brought it about in the first place.
Then, when by some miracle that actually worked, Haseo fucks that up, and the game literally punishes you for NOT doing that.

This song still pops into my head every now and then even to this day. The soundtrack for these games was ultra god-tier.

Haseo has literal brain problems because he got data drained by Skeith during SIGN. He basically never got to develop emotionally.

I'm sure they're working on something in secret user

>autistically hate PvP
>play a game focused on PvP
What was his problem?

>both understands and doesn't understand the internet and online games at the same time
like Nintendo

Are they though? I want to believe.

Maybe he got tired of PKing girls for their member addresses?

I started the series with legend of the twilight bracelet anime. No one ever mentions it

He didn't hate PvP until his girlfriend literally went into a coma because of a PvPer.

We just need to be honest. There is slim to no chance of getting another .hack// game (that is on PS4 or something like that). Cyberconnect 2 isn't interested for some reason.

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I remember reading or hearing something VR related. Could be .hack related because VR or it could be bullshit.

I still haven't found a game with as good of world-building and lore as .hack. The fake forums, imageboards, TV clips, news articles, emails, etc. was kino as fuck. They did a great job making it feel alive.

He's not that mentally fucked, but he is literally missing a year of maturity on top of living alone in an apartment with the only friends he's bothered meeting in real life being Atoli and Shino.

Hey remember that time I won the arena, twice?

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Only 68 posts needed to hit the bump! Cmon lets do this shit!

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Been mentioned a few times already here. Definitely one of the more interesting smaller projects of the franchise.

Its too pure for this world. The manga is 10 times better however.

They'd rather have the Naruto money and keep turning those shit games out.

Wrong again, butt-rice. He still didn't hate PVP then either, he only killed PKers because he felt his best chance of getting information on Tri-Edge was through them rather than forums.

Well, Pi absolutely WAS harassing him with that character with bullshit unbeatable stats.



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My first waifu.

Also how the fuck has this or SIGN not been released on Blu-Ray?

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Don't watch the anime, it's not canon. Read the manga.

Pi shouldn't be playing games at her age anyway

I read it too. I remember a page of them in a hot spring. Sexual awakening.


who the fuck are you?

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Did that Jap-only .hack mobile game they made a while back manage to do any good? I don't really know anything about it, but I know another series I like similarly got an unexpected phone game (Star Ocean) to help keep it alive while no new real games have been coming out.

I thought CC2 were interested in working on .hack again but they can't, at least now because they're working on three games right now. It's Bandai that's being a huge bitch about .hack, they would rather shit out another SAO game.

I already have them on DVD. I doubt it would benefit for an HD transfer really to be honest

My nigga. But Aura from the games was my very first fap in that case. You never forget your first. But the world forgets its franchise.

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If Cyber Connect 2 were to make a new game what should the plot even be about? How can they go about advertising it to a younger fanbase while keeping the older crowd engaged?

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Liminality makes sense because it is so intertwined with the games as your view to the actual serious issues going on in the real world and those games haven't been touched. SIGN I assume is in a limbo as it was tied strongly to the original games and, again, they've been left in PS2-era. Why spend the money on a re-release for a niche franchise?

In HackGu there is a character who are a brother and sister playing the same character
Later it's revealed it's one boy with multiple personality disorder. His female alter ego tells you that now his brother gas real friends he doesn't need her anymore. You can do a few sidequests to convince her to stay (otherwise she permanently disappears) and you can also marry her ingame

>Cyberconnect 2 isn't interested for some reason.
It's weird, since while that does seem true overall, if you check their social media they seem to mention .hack far more than anything else they're actually working on.

Go back to coma

It’s before the table of contents!

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Probably more of a passion project than anything. Even if they want to make more .hack stuff, it's just not seen as profitable compared to an unlimited number of Naruto arena fighters

>played last recode
>actually bothered with the side content on the “real life” end
Forgot how well .hack did liore and world building. And made it seem natural to the way things worked in the series.


it should be about Mia cucking Haseo and making Endrance straight again

Well for starters, no feminist ecoterrorism plot. Fuck that.

Maybe they could do a story line about video game economy, and how real world people can invest and make a lot of money from playing video games and how it can affect their real life economy? Thinking about games in which this is true.

Sadly, I think you're right. It's so easy to milk

I am honestly not sure. A few people here said it was okay but I have never touched any of the mobile stuff. Felt like a silly cash in

>I thought CC2 were interested in working on .hack again but they can't

Somehow I doubt this. I honestly believe they don't thin it would bring in enough money to be " worth their time ". How many years has it been after GU? Two video game gens have past. The only thing we got was a fighting game, that came with a blu ray, for Japan only. We didn't get Fragment as well.

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It's like Final Fantasy 12 except at the beginning of the PS2's life cycle. Now replace the license board with equipment that has skills attached to them. That's dot hack.

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It's true m8

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I used to stay up till like 2am to watch that shit on the Cartoon Network late night anime block (not sure if it was Adult Swim yet then). 2am Ouka titty is forever a cherished memory.


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Watching .hack//SIGN on the midnight run or toonami, can't remember which. Heard a game was coming out so naturally I wanted to play it. The liminality tie-in was just a nice bonus.

Gardenia was my favorite party member.

Will we ever see a "real" VR like .Hack in our life time? Something that doesn't use the shitty VR we have today. A true VR where the input/output is controlled within the brain and not your hand or eyes.

>beat up girl
>she falls in love with you

i had the hots for gardenia and natsume when i was younger

Talking about doing it is one thing, but again... when was the last time a real .hack// game came out? 2006? I am not counting the last little add on that with with Last Record of course


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She was the best party member.

I kinda want the original dot hack quadrilogy to get put in a compilation like G.U. but it's gonna need a remake-tier overhaul because while the dated graphics still have a lot of soul to it, the gameplay has aged very poorly

I liked Kite more as the protag than Haseo.
>He and Blackrose did their own investigation and found leads on their own initially
>Managed to gain Balmung's trust and fostered an alliance between Lios and Helba to help with the escalating situation
>Gathered his own very normal partymembers and led the charge against the phases with just the bracelet
>Was bold enough to give up his only advantage in their war and still faced the final phase
>Fuckin Corbinik's Drain Heart

Meanwhile Haseo:
>Special from the start via prior events
>Is immediately approached by System Admin
and gains access to all sorts of resources
>Is constantly getting pointed in the right direction by others and hardly figures things out on his own
>All these other special people come to him, even people he'd antagonized

Also, is it just me, or does Haseo have the most awful outfit design? He looks like he's trying to exploit the character creator to allow as much crotch exposure as he possibly can.

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>that pic

The hot springs in .hack gift was my first exposure to actual naked anime titty as a kid. .Hack basically got me interested in searching out hentai and porn in general thanks to that.

yeah, the main problem with the 3rd form is the spikes

It started out in some weird saturday noonish toonami timeslot which I don't remember lasting long. Certainly not as long as the MORNING SUN timeslot.
Then it got moved to that saturday night slot and I can't remember if it was actually toonami at the time. They ran Knights of the Zodiac back-to-back with it, so that was pretty awesome.

If you can believe it. I took that picture off the DVD myself many years ago

Saved. As thanks take this holdover from my Yea Forums days. The sole request I ever got done by a drawfag.

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It was a good run, guys.

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ωRICE? More like BUTT RICE!

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Ah, yes. Silabus the psychopath. Do you guys remember that post on the forum?

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Yeah, i seem to remember watching during the daytime when I first discovered it. Why the fuck it got replaced by a 1-hour inuyasha block I'll never understand.

Extremely rare /ss/*

Fuck, when you put it like that. Haseo looks like a clueless kid compared to Kite. I actually do like how everyone in Kite's group were just normal players. Haseo has a group filled with people who can summon giant eldritch abominations and they can all spam data drain without getting infected.

what post

"Follow me to page 10, Haseo!"

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I don't remember how I saw it, but I bumped into a promotional site for the original games with a trailer as a kid and was absolutely enthralled. I ended up begging my parents for a PS2 (I only had a Gamecube at the time) so I could get .Hack, Star Ocean 3 and Star Wars Battlefront. I think all the original .Hack games were already out then too and kind of rare to find, so I ended up with the original 4 all used from Gamestop.

*Dodging Corbinik's Drain Heart

Because, sadly, Inuyasha was more weeb friendly and thus attracted more attention.

from what i remember hearing fragment died really quick in japan so they probably thought it wasn't a good idea to bring it over

>the 500th post exactly
This was Kek stating his approval of .hack yea.

In Link, Silabus despises Tokio or at least talks shit to his face in one special attack.

We actually reached five hundred.
Good Job, Yea Forums

That's a shame, since i was so exited about Fragment when I heard the announcement. I religiously checked dothackers.net

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>hit bump limit
You did well fellow .hackers.

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Same here. I remember thinking the the graphics were going to look as good as some of the ad work. I also disappointed my dad for the first time by not waiting a few more months to buy the reduced price PS2 once the slim was released. He was just trying to teach a retard not to waste money.

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I saw the guide book for Infection at a local book store and it looked cool as fuck so I looked it up online and eventually got it. Thank god for that bookstore, since I discovered stuff like Xenogears the same way. (I was pretty disconnected and wasn't good at finding out about new releases and shit online as a kid)

I always liked Haseo for both his circumstances and the way he changed throughout the games. He kind of had it ingrained in him to be an anti-social brat and had to unlearn that over time.

It is now safe to post the rarest Alkaid.

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there was this post on the forums about a guy saying that silabus scared him despite acting friendly all the time. said that his eyes showed his true persona. I think there was another post like this one.

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But now comes the aftermath. Now we must ensure that .hack's memory never dies. Or we siege the Bandai studios and hold the devs/producers at gunpoint to make them make more games.

Would that be difficult to do? Im just curious and in no way advocating a Shadowrun on the Bandai headquarters.

One day there will be no more .hack threads

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do you got a video of that happening? i'm interested

Not if we can help it.

We did it boys, see you guys when the planets align again.

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Don't say that. These are my favorite Yea Forums threads. It helps make up for all the years of having nobody to gush about this series with.

I'm sure an angry mob of .hack fanboys can take on weak little chinamen in suits.


i wanna fuck natsume

Then what theoretically is stopping us?

I want to fuck Mia

Thread theme

go to be elk

Nah, even before Last Recode was announced, people observed the phenomena of Alkaid fanart: It never ever stops getting made.
Sure, she's nowhere near the level of Lise from Seiken Densetsu 3, but she's got this weird dedicated fanbase of autists churning out art of her, all the time, forever, and I love it.

I mean, christ, this pic exists.

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Yeah best talk I had in a while on this series, hard to find anyone into.
That site still doin anything, know they rebranded but the forums are still up.

Because she cute

I wanna hold hands with Gardenia!

I just had an amazing idea for a .hack game.


Basically, with brain implants becoming a thing people who login and are attacked by viruses become lose grip between reality and the virtual world due to to infection. THe MC would be somebody who lost an arm and has a cybernetic replacement with a brain implant to help operate easily. But the arm could also become a symbol of the threat of having the virus taking over and losing your own body as the MC has nightmares of being completely taken over by technology.

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this stupid thread actually got me sentimental

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Someone call Gookmoot. We need his connections.

not before i do faggot

>That site still doin anything

Nope. It was the hub of .hack and after a few years of no .hack news coming out, they just gave up. I honestly don't blame them.

That one guy constantly getting hyper futa alkaid images concerns me.
I'm cool with futa but hyper is where I draw the fuckin line man.

My idea was .hack game but you played as an A.I out the gate. You and the other A.I fuck around and try to find the legendary "Source" which turns out to be Aura.

>Posting pepe in a .hack thread
This is like shitting on the pope's face why would you do this?

This is what Yea Forums is all about fren. Realizing that you are not alone amongst the normalfags and shitters.

1v1 me fgt, I'll data drain you.

>hyper futa Alkaid

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I honestly just want to go through Mac Anu in VR one day. Even if it's low-poly or whatever, just seeing that in VR would be worth it.

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hol up bitch,calling up the gardenia fan club right now

If this thread reaches 600 posts that dont all say "Bump" then we will get new not shit .hack next year.

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has nobody tried making it in vr chat?

Not to my knowledge. .hack isn't particularly big

Can it be done?

If I could draw well I'd make art of her too. All these years and she still holds a very special place in my heart.

sleep tight, bros

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best thread on Yea Forums for a while along with custom robo comfy threads

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Nah you can fuck right off.

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Mia has nice tits

I like pepe despite all the hate it gets.

I guess. You guys are alright.

Which are full of fur

All things through Kek.

Jesus is the safer bet though...Jesus is the real one.

At this end of it all, was Tsukasa justified in their angst, or a whiny tranny lesbo?

And skin. She has firm supple skin under the fur.

Daddy didnt rape her enough

>Philo isn't top

Shit list

600 posts lets go!

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>Haseo top

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>those names

I have so many questions

Always thought that Tsukasa's dad raped her, which turn her into a shut-in neet.

Who do you think was best couple in all of .hack?
Pic sort of related, since it made me think of this question.

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Id say justified. I just felt bad as a kid because I thought her crying was because she and Blackrose rip off couldnt be together anymore because Lesbians are against God's word. Ending fucked me up man. I normally dislike faggots even in the media but that one was a gut punch.

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Page 10 is getting closer, friends.

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Kite and Gardenia.

May be implied but its sort of reaching, best I got out of it was generic abuse/beatings. But very possible.

>Not a single Gabi post
We failed, bros.


Nigga we need 600 posts! Quick! What was Yea Forums's favorite moment in the entire series!?

Why is there so few votes? It makes me depressed more than anything

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Oh uh. Skeith Boss fight.

I wish this got translated quicker.

Haseo retrieving Skeith

Seeing Azure Kite destroy Haseo the first time.

Shino telling Haseo to go after Atoli was kino.

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Oh...forgot most of G.U. What happened?

>fucked up the global economy for his loli
A true man

This fight was frantic as fuck. I have never opened and closed menus like that in any other part of this series let alone any RPG ever again.

So close yet so far

>tfw no password system for making random-generated areas in other games

Maybe it wouldn't actually be a good system, but I always loved the idea anyway.

Also Ovan nuking the internet to save his little sister.

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Shino is a manipulate thot who has sex with her university proff Ovan.
Ofcouse she will tell Haseo to go after Atoli, so she can continue to guilty trip Haseo for her binding.

>page 10
The end is near my friends

Well yeah he kept 2 shotting party members. You either constantly healed or died. And you never could tell when he was gonna use Judgement and wipe the entire party. Im not even sure Ice Resistance worked on that attack. Beat him with Gardenia and Blackrose the first time.

It's when Haseo remembers who he was and his connection to Skeith, basically taking the reins for the first time.


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>Thanks for the memories...


Proof about her fucking Ovan or any of this?

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bye bye lads

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See you around, Yea Forums.

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Kite outrunning Drain Heart and stabbing Aura

She at least likes the guy. In the GU+ Manga she tells Haseo to fuck off and not see her again, made me hate the character forever. Glad GU+ lets Haseo and Ovan cuck her.

We did it?

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Oh, okay.
Have an Alkaid in a wedding dress.

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The series is truly saved.

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I mixed up some parts.
Ovan is a proff in novel.
>Met up with a net friend IRL
>Constant met up for reasons
>Ovan even know where she lives and sort

Yeah it is not like they have sex, I mean, Shino is a university student, girls at that ages doesn't have sex, right?

Mayako (1/2) a cute

too late, bitch

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Glad I got to be a part of this. See you in the next one.