Fails the same MM2 level thousands of times because he's looking at chat/not thinking about what he's doing wrong

>fails the same MM2 level thousands of times because he's looking at chat/not thinking about what he's doing wrong
>gets pissy
>gives the creator a passive-aggressive review saying he needs to change everything and it's not fun, boos the level, doesn't even say thanks for the money
>rinse and repeat

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol i thought u said "gets pussy"


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holy based

Thanks Jews for trips

>ay yo hol up imma finish this level but first I need to go on a 15 minute rant about this female streamer or racism on twitch or something else



Are you that faggot that made that awful "puzzle" level?

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>It's a Trihex babbles on about racism even though he is more of an Oreo than Woolie episode.

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*nasally voice* "um actually trihex you're supposed to read the chat only after you've completed the level even though it could take you half an hour to complete "

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Wow look a nigger!

He's literally, right now, live, at this very moment, has been stuck in the same level for over an hour and is extremely tilted. So yeah, half an hour would be better.

This dude is banging a snowflake. His girlfriend is the whitest girl I've ever seen.


you are just mad because hes a black man making money... white america smfh

he only fucks white girls


that shit actually gets annoying after a while

Trihex hasn't been good since the MHC days.

Just don't watch him then, his career literally floats on people giving him attention, so if you watch him despite being frustrated at what he does, he will do the same shit over and over again.

People are seriously giving this guy money to play their stages?
Jesus christ.

You are right, I bet if I stop watching he will miss that 1 viewer with adblock enabled who never donates and never comments in chat, which will probably lead him to have a mental breakdown.

Why do people watch streamers play and fail the same level over and over for hours on end? What's entertaining about that? I can get wanting to play it yourself, because it's training your reflexes to get better at a game, but why watch someone else do that?

>Tfw Trihex got too popular and no longer does endless hours of speedrunning with Werster on voice chat

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>nigger chimps out
what's new faggot

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It's fun to watch people struggle at something. It's like a gradual trainwreck that gets worse and worse. It's funny to watch people rage at games like Dark Souls games, I Wanna Be The Boshy, etc.

Only reason I could think of is schadenfreude as they get progressively angrier

Are you saying you don't enjoy "Let's Watch Politics" or mandatory ad breaks?

no one watches TriHex for the gameplay. He's a Trendy Black Friend Simulator for teenage suburbanites. He knows it too, which is why his streams are so off-topic and gossipy all the time.

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i miss yoshi's island 100%

I don't even tune in anymore, Mario maker just isn't fun to watch regardless of the streamer imo.

The irony is that he is too retarded to speak about politics.
He tried to debate right winger like Destiny but he was humiliated and just end up crying to destiny about "how he need his help".

The perfect 50 iq nigger who try to act smart.
And of course hes a far lefty like all retard ACAB,WORKERS REVOLUTION etc.

Anyone remember Trihex before he became a sell out normalfag? ironic weeb? I miss that guy.

I still watch simple flips play it because he's actually really good at the game and it's cool to see lots of levels, and I'm also too poor to spend the $60 on the game for myself right now
Why bother getting into that kind of thing? Who is the target audience for those debates? Playing video games and working on your hobbies is much more fun than arguing with some idiot over the internet that you'll never actually meet about trying to establish universal truths that don't mean anything in your everyday life

I lost respect for him when he tried to subtly defend Ariel's race change by asking if her race was integral to her character's origin. That is such a retarded argument that could be applied to anything. Going by that we could easily make Blade a white vampire slayer, but I bet he'd have a problem with that. When the character's appearance becomes iconic and recognizable then yes, it is integral.

>is shit at everything
>blames everyone but himself for it
you just described every nigger ever

Like another user said, he hasn't been good since he used to stream with the MHC. The days where he was getting roasted by Werster and Sylux and SJ trying to give him advice were just too good

Blade is a black superhero in a sea of white superheroes so him being black is intrinsic to his character even if he is not written to be so. While Ariel is the opposite one of many white Disney princesses so her race is not a defining characteristic.

>It is integral because I say so
>With this in mind, let me make up a reason


>mandatory ad breaks?
why aren't you using adblock retard
these twitch niggers aren't recieving a single penny when i watch their content. literally free entertainment the way it should be

You coons arent very bright are you?

Anyone not out to make things better for their own people and worse for others is a fool
They're certainly doing the same to you

Pretty sure he integrates them into the stream itself, as in streams them from his computer, but when he mentioned running them due to a contract with Tempo I immediately just closed out of the stream. Esports is fucking autistic

>Blade is a black superhero in a sea of white superheroes so him being black is intrinsic to his character

That... doesn't make sense.

But, I'll give you a D for trying.

The guy is retarded and crumbles embarrassingly in social situations

Trihard 7

Why would you pay for someone to play your stage live in front of a couple thousand people if you're afraid of them criticizing it? People talk shit about this guy but from what I can tell his criticisms are often sound. Him saying "Stop putting fucking blind jumps in your level without any visibility guides or directional markers" is not him being salty but pointing out obvious bad design.

that's cause even black guys know that brown sugar is disgusting

she's his first, and will probably be his last when she inevitable leaves him. what do you think he'll change his name to when he transitions?

>actually being mad about the race change for the live action disney movie

Does pol really not know how corporations use outrage to drum up marketing?

in the old days we just lynched uppity ones like this

I bet his girlfriends are all white, right?

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I thought he was a faggot. Is he bisexual?

>"hey werster someone in chat is asking if you have any white friends"
>"of course I do. trihex"
RIP MHC and the good old days

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I started watching him two weeks ago and now I got tired of him. He;s really up his own ass and so pissy. Nothing is "chill" about this guy

This is the kind of guy who wonders why there isn't a white entertainment television

How's your sister's pussy inbred

Actually, yes.

>Why bother getting into that kind of thing? Who is the target audience for those debates?
there is no target audience, he's just trying really fucking hard to be a destiny clone and failing miserably. he wants people to value and look to him for opinions on things, because thats what he does to destiny. when in actuality he's just going off on rants about the most meaningless shit while the chat waits for him to shut up and resume playing.

Shut up chimp

you really got him


That makes even less sense than the previous post.


imagine wishing misfortune on someone you don't know.

His problem is he tries too hard, pun not intended, on everything.

>when speed running swears by retarded shit like DDR warmups and other esports tier crap
>tries way too hard to show of that he is a weeb, to the point of total embassment. despite this, only has surface level knowledge of weab culture.
>when he got banned for saying faggot, instead of just letting it pass, decided to go all out and shot the world he was actually "woke". proceeds to become the obnoxious SJWs he used to mock

Also he visits this board, so say something nice to him.

Calm down slave boys, dont blowtorch a toddler or anything.

Your girlfriend is ugly, Trihex

is trihex allowed to say nigger? he looks like he doesnt belong anywhere

Did he ever release the Halo video?

nah, i love the guy, but he's got no confidence and is always putting on this bravado to hide it. it's his first relationship and you can tell he doesn't really know how to handle it. he's gonna fuck up irredeemably at some point and she'll leave him, and this lost in love fool is gonna fall into either killing himself depression or transition like all his speedrunning peers. i'd hate to see it happen to a guy like him. all you can do is joke about it and hope it doesn't happen.

Friendly reminder that this dude was at his peak when he was friends with Caleb Hart. Moment they cut each other off, he started to get fat, hang around losers, and became a "woke ass nigga" with no skill or tact to his name
Also, he looks better without the beard. Then again, he's such a fat cunt right now, he probably needs it.

He’ll make enough money to prevent her from leaving which is honestly probably worse off for him, he’ll never kick his insecurities

Yeah, hard to imagine that happening here, or anywhere else on the internet

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I fucking love when she comes on the stream to surprise him and his shtick INSTANTLY fades. Most normalfags will see that as "Oh he a street nigga but love his girl" but in reality he's a fucking weak motherfucker who obviously can't discipline his woman enough. Fucking faggot.

>he's gonna fuck up irredeemably at some point and she'll leave him
hes a rich black nigger my dude, any white trash he able to pick up is gonna be clinging to him for dear life.

he looks like he fucks white girls

he's a professional mario maker 2 level design critic with affordable prices and he retired as the number 1 yoshi's island speedrunner in the world to give other people a chance at getting world record, you are just jealous of his success and skill and looks

Spotted the shill.

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He's a nigger, all niggers' success is fleeting because of their inherent time preference
Read the OP
nappy-headed looking light-skin ass having motherfucker unga bunga OOH OOH

Hi Trihex!

>black man is destructive and blames others for the problems he causes
user, are you honestly surprised AT ALL?

i've seen women leaving security the moment they even think a better opportunity is around the corner. if it's money that's keeping her around, you can bet she's shopping around for the next big thing. then again, maybe she's not like that, honestly i don't know that much about her, but i do know beware the bitches that cling onto you because you have some kind of "fame".

>I fucking love when she comes on the stream to surprise him and his shtick INSTANTLY fades.
what do you mean by this?

Like she'll bring him food while he's doing one of his autistic shit-flinging WOKE WOKE WOKE rants and he puts on a high pitched faggot voice and gives her a wee lil kiss awh aren't they cute what a fucking ugly mudshark and faggot gay nigger

video games

>the number 1 yoshi's island speedrunner
But he has never held the WR in it though. Despite all his dedication to it.

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Just watch his YouTube stuff, it's all the good parts without the pointless filler.

shit thread, post streamers worth watching

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>he retired as the number 1 yoshi's island speedrunner in the world
he was far from number 1 when 2stop annihilated him so badly he ran to romhacks and never went back to normal yoshi

I like this guy.

Where can I go to learn more information about this?

Is he on the spectrum?

I like watching the youtube recaps, nice short clips as a way to find good levels since so many are trash. I cant begin to imagine wanting to sit for hours watching them struggle, really weird ecosystem on Twitch, especially because alot of these streamers dont have very interesting personalities

>successful black man exists
>whiteoid manlets immediately screeching and seething


simpleflips is acceptable to watch because he's a fat neckbeard and plays n64 romhacks and shit

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who exactly do you think you're fooling?

is he the next?

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We can only hope.

the race should be on youtube, it was during the 2014 /srg/ marathon

It all makes sense now.

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He does

this is just one more twitch streamer
come talk about his success once he gets pewdiepie numbers

>trihex still has RIP Etika as his twitter name

>Want to become a Twitch streamer
>Born with a shitty speaking voice
Why's life so hard bros

the only good mario maker players I know are, in no particular order
ZetaSSJ (talks taco)


he's rich off of playing video games
you aren't

the end

the one and only /ourgoodboy/

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lol op is a faggot

>he's rich
Not him, but again, who do you think you're fooling?

Reminder he got scammed out of nearly a grand by some 16 year old e-thot and when he got called out by his friends he clammed up and basically cut them out of his life

Plenty of successful Twitch streamers have shitty voices. Yea Forums loves Clint despite the fact that he sounds and looks like a 14 year old.

thabeast721 he never skips a level

I'm 21 years old

if he were rich he wouldn't have to be doing that, if you think his lifestyle is any close at all to the lifestyle of a rich person you need to re evaluate your life and watch first world country videos on youtube, besides
>making assumptions about anonymous posters
I can guarantee you there are people on this board making more money than him streaming games without needing to repeat levels for hours

I watch anyone that'll stream a monster hunter 3U or earlier
Really enjoying Freedom 1 streams when I can find em, regardless of whose playing or if I can even understand what they're saying

I'm still so surprised at how successfully Charls was able to pivot into an accomplished twitch streamer after Sam Hyde crashed and burned MDE

Impressed at the lack of racist comments in this thread about a nigger.


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jews, always profiting everything they can, not even gets are safe now

He isn't and has gotten banned for calling his friend "nigga"

that's what every black male spends his money on, besides bling and drugs of course

he's exclusively dated (attractive) white women

Goddamn I love being black.

Nah I've seen his bitch.

>Makes 50k a month playing levels people donated 20 for him to play
>think your opinion matters at all, as if you're in a higher part of the social ladder than he is when you don't make 50k per year

Watch moonmoon_ow, since he's actually based. But dint give him money because he makes like 200k a month

Plenty retarded people in here, but that amount of stupidity is not that common.

he was dating a korean and a latina too. basically any woman who isn't black.

absolutely based

She's hot. You can't do better.

post image of said bitch

What every straight male that isn't a neet*

>plenty retarded people in here
And the phone posting nigger calls other people retarded, lmao

do people actually watch this jiggaboo?

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>gets 50k/yr for basically being a NEET
Wagecucks and STEMcuck students fucking seething

>teenagers white knighting for this coon

50k a month, not a year

Really? I recall him getting banned for "fag" not "nigga".

and the whiteoid manlet, low test cuck has the gall to respond to a stallion without permission. unbelievable.

>watching literal niggers

This literal nigger makes 50k a month. His opinions are more valuable than those of the entirety of Yea Forums.

Jesus Christ I didn't think zoomer voice was a real thing.

That’s because he’s white

He can make all the money he wants, he will always be a monkey faced nigger.

>50k a month
No he doesn't he has 6k subs and its falling fast. He makes about 12k a month but it will be less than half of that next month.

>nigger is a greedy degenerate
wow consider me shocked, you deserve getting shit on when you gave him your money.

Woolie is actually white.
I'm convinced he just paints his skin brown every morning, hence why he says he doesn't have time for new games.

i'm sure a smelly NEET thinking he's a subhuman really gets to him while he's piping white women and ABGs left and right with his wealth

Ariel is based on real folklore.

6k subs is 18k per month and he gets donations literally every other second because that's how he responds to chat. Moon has a networth of almost 4 million now

What every straight male that isn't handsome**
sorry you have to compensate your horrible looks with money, but blame your parents, not me

Donations. He makes much more than 12k.

Hey Trihex, don't you have some identity politics to rant about on stream you fucking nerd?

Have sex and project more
my pint is that all high test men want is bling, drugs, status, and pussy. All you're saying is you're low test

Did Yoshi's Island break him?

>Moon has a networth of almost 4 million now
Moon is also a successful streamer TriHex isn't he is just riding the hype of MM2 and will go back to barely having 1k viewers in a couple months and all his gifted and prime subs will be gone.

>every straight male has to pay for sex
>lol no
off, hit right in the nerve

if he has 6k subs he's getting 15k a month from that assuming he still has a 50/50 split with twitch but given the size of his channel he's probably got at least 60/40, that doesn't even factor in tips, bits, ad revenue, or his salary from his sponsor

No one is saying you pay for sex you retard, cope

trihex is a thing still?
i thought he got banned from everything for being a FUCK

>buying bling, shoes and shit like that
Niggers are like women. No wonder they're dumb as shit.

I don’t even know who I am any more.

All you assholes making fun of trihex and calling him the nword are getting reported and banned


FUCK /pol/
FUCK WHITEOIDS (except for slavs and meds)

seems like I broke you into amnesia, I'm sorry
reading a few posts above might be hard so feel free to change history in your mind and cope thinking about wakanda

He literally does not ever get pissy.


Yea Forums belongs to /pol/ and always has belonged to /pol/
now kill yourself you worthless tranny

Serious question, why is black people so aggressive and why do they always blame others for their actions? I'm legitimately curious

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nah, it was the pressure of being under scrutiny by strangers. he's not the type that can deal with being in the spotlight, but there he is.

They're monkies

Here's a hint, they as a race are by and large stupid savages, and it takes serious denial of reality to think the opposite.

>FUCK WHITEOIDS (except for slavs and meds)
Gee i wonder who could be behind this post.

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Culture of lacking responsibility.

have sex
the weak should fear the strong. thanks to our higher than average test levels, we actively attack and prey on weaklings (especially when they're alone, such as in dark alleyways) simply because we can. white men are so fucking cucked that they let us get away with it and even applaud us for doing so. no amount of coping can change the fact that white men have doomed themselves. latinos are pathetic manlets, but at least they put up a fight. asians are irrelevant codemonkey bugmen and are incapacitated with a single left hook.

Again, autist missing the point, if you're saying high test men don't spend their money in drugs, status, bling, and women you're an idiot and low test. No one is saying pay for sex but you literally pay for pussy by the definition of it, whether with time or whatever.

Tl;Dr - don't ever talk to me or my son again until you have sex

what is this post

A look into the degenerate negro mindset.

>world strongman competitions are exclusively white, mostly norther European
cope seethe dilate go outside and have sex

If he played my levels, he would kill himself. He cannot handle the darkness of the abyss of nothingness.

Democrats and the media encourage and reward that behavior.

imagine being so ugly you have to pay for sex
I'd be mad too if I had such a sad life, here take my condolences F

northern euros pump iron
we pump their women

The truth. Rise up and stop it or jeep letti g it fat aorse

does trihex reference posts on Yea Forums? whats with all the racebait, are these trihex kids trying to create content for him? shame to see him fall like this.


Why are you so focused on paying for sex rather than the other three things which are also being combated, low test autist? Is it because you've never had sex? Do you hate drugs? Status?

Your life sounds boring.

you dont do anything but fap to your cuck fantasies you pathetic faggot

we pay for their ghetto leftovers*

So how much money do you think he rakes in each week?

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Imagine having to pay for status and needing drugs to hide from your miserable reality for some minutes
Ok your'e genuinely making me pity you, send me your info so I can at least get you some extra food stamps

>still no pictures of his gf, let alone his side bitches
you guys are boring as fuck. 194 posts and only 24 images? wtf

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He drops a lot of hip hop references to remind us he isn't

not enough to pay for a haircut

>trolling Yea Forums and u ironically living his no status, no sex, no fun having life.
keep acting better than people you coping pathetic mess
no matter what you type, the second you back away from your cheetoh littered keyboard and take an introspective look at your life, you'll realize you've failed.

That only makes it more obvious that he's white.

Yes it was fag, black people get away with nigga on twitch


based clunko stove poster

Did anyone see Mia Malkova is now a twitch streamer and was on that stupid dating thing and got shut down by some based Euro?

>watching trihex when you could be watching MOONMOON the superior SMM2 streamer

as someone who knows hex personally, that is a heavy assumption. He only recently learned that you could negotiate that price. I think he said that he did negotiate it but I wouldn't give him too much credit.

Everytime I tuned in recently it's never gameplay and only this. Just found other streams at this point

>acting like you're on some secret loser club
>on one of the fastest boards in Yea Forums
>in 2019
not only you revealed your newfag nature but also accepted you're a failure and project it on the whole site, once your rage stops take a moment to reconsider your life, do you seriously want to be raging here when you could be doing something to get out of your situation?

>shutting down based mia
mean. source? also there's several pornstars that stream content on twitch now

If you're talking about Moonmoon why'd you post Trihex?

It's weird because I've never seen this much racebaiting in threads where hex is mentioned.

Not him. Have sex, for the rest of our sake's

there are plenty of fun MM2 streamers. even though I really don't care for the four you mentioned. Mario has an amazing community.

sorry for the collateral damage
try not reading so many posts if you're easily triggered

lol, is that what he goes by now? trying to distance himself from his past self? i wonder what the mhc think of him now, can't imagine they're happy that he's fallen for the "woke" meme. fucking hell, i miss the real nigga hours.

lets see he has 5000 subs minimum because of MM2 at the moment. assuming his cut is 50% thats 12500 a month and divided by 4 he's making 3125k before taxes a week. add donations, bits and sponsors he probably makes anywhere from 5-10k a week if i had to guess. expect it to be a lot less once MM2 popularity dies down.

If you took 3 seconds to look something up instead of making autistic assumptions you'd see all his accounts are still named trihex

This is the only Mario Maker streamer that matters

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It's just a shortening of Trihex user, chill out.

he's hot, does he have any nudes

why dont you post them then fag?

woah, did i touch a softspot? i've never heard his name shortened as hex, it's always been tri or trihex

i don't follow twitch nerds, you zoomer. is this her?

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He literally commentated the Dem debate as if he wasn't a stupid nigga and his opinions mattered.

>as someone who knows hex personally
Lmao yeah right post proof dingus

Remember when he was so bad at speed running he gave up and just became a mario maker streamer for the past 4 years?



Have a picture of old times
bonus points if you guess who it's from, it should be easy

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