Did he deserve forgiveness?

Did he deserve forgiveness?

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We've been over this. Take it to .

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Kill yourself

Yes. He's not a bad person, just a person who has done bad things.
You clearly haven't played either.

friendly reminder this is what you're defending

TLOU is far more linear than SH2, the fuck are you going on about?

You can delete Eddie and Angela from the game and absolutely nothing would fundamentally change aside from the boss fights. Prove me wrong.

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>mercy killing is unforgivable
It's not good, but it can be forgiven.
Eddie and Angela have both killed people for different reasons just like James. They're useful to build the story up for how the town treats them differently.

he forgives himself in every ending, so yes.

That's not true.

Tine for you to die.

eddie was a stupid character

why not?

Eddie and Angela help illuminate what is happening to James by showing alternative narratives and conflicts that are happening parallel to his. You're taking writing at the most literal level of whether it advances the plot or not.

But then we wouldn't have the
>"This town is full of monsters! How can you sit there and eat pizza!?"

The noisy hill series really takes gold like that elevates it to another level.

Am I the only one who thinks it was a bad move to reveal the Maria jail scene in the first few seconds of the intro? It kind of lessens the impact since you know its coming when you actually get there.

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Not really because the tone is way different in the intro to when it happens in-game and there's this disturbing droning soundtrack. Narratives that don't depend on shock reveals are usually better anyway. You could know the core "twist" of this game and still be heavily engaged because you still wouldn't know things like how or why which are arguably more important than what James did.

Top notch cosplays here.

The video is 12 years old, the people are literally dead now, watch it.


Russian cosplayers are some of the most dedicated SH fans around.

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James literally did nothing wrong.

this is cg

Remember that stupid fucking book written by russians that was translated to english and paraded as SH bible?

sauce? never heard of this

Silent Hill plot analysis by silentpyramid
It was written somewhere around 2005 iirc

The background sure but it's legit. I thought it blender porn at first.

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One thing that could have been improved for the story of this game is if cutscenes changed depending on what ending you start leaning towards. So if in water for example James seems a lot more depressed and out of it during dialogue. If you lean towards Leave ending you get him being a lot more sensible. SH2 is great but far from perfect tbqh.

>shittalking SilentPyramid's analysis
Fuck off

Did Jacob from Jacob's ladder

>James seems a lot more depressed and out of it during dialogue
james doesn't kill himself out of despair

>SH2 is great but far from perfect tbqh.
best what we have

Persona is more of a movie game then either but Yea Forums doesn't care because waifus.

Mary reading the letter at the end was kino.
>forgives himself in every ending
>ending where he fucking drowns himself over what he did

Why defend TLOU even if ironically?

Reminder the town was making him stupid.

you are retard?
didn't think you fags still existed after the whole homecomming debacle

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Kys movie game loving tard


Does any of us ?

I can’t really see what’s going on. How’s he doing it? Someone ruined ending and plot of the game for me years ago so I don’t know all the details. I know she’s dying of something terminal but did she want to die? Did he feel guilty about it? Did he do it to end her pain or was it more for selfish reasons?

>Mary with little to no time left spends every waking moment putting husband through waking hell out of anger at her fate
>with no further reprieves now that she's living with him James eventually snaps and kills her before the illness does
>So traumatized by guilt he puts himself through Silent Hill and possibly kills himself

James Sunderland did nothing wrong

>did she want to die
> Did he feel guilty about it?
yes, but he get over that
>Did he do it to end her pain or was it more for selfish reasons?
both, point of the game is to find out.

I bet that “10% cutscenes” doesn’t factor in all the times where you are doing literally nothing but walking forward while characters talk which are basically cutscenes done lazily.

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A little of both, he felt weighed down by having a terminally ill wife that he couldn't even fuck anymore but at the same time just wanted her suffering (and his) to just finally end after having a mental breakdown.
>How'd he do it?
pic related

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>homecomming debacle
lol what? Stay deluded

havent played TLOU but i dont know how anyone could say that SH2 isnt linear

Is that not being able to fuck part legitimately in the story? I guess that would suck but I figure your wife dying would kill your drive to fuck.

Lying Figure, my boy, are you in this thread?
Just wanted to say I love your videos.

I do remember her distinctly saying it affected her looks, and he wasn't attracted to her anymore

anyone play sh2 on hard? wondering if anyone understands the pain i went through

James is a selfish asshole, but Mary also had her flaws towards the end. Still, she was the one actually dying and in excruciating pain. I personally find him irredeemable.

Yes, it's the reason why SH2, at least for the original games, have sexy nurses, and why Pyramid Head, a stand in for James, rapes.

It's as "linear" as a resident evil game.

Do the Silent Hill 2 Enhanced Edition people plan on adding back this little bit into the game? It really shouldn't have been cut, Mary's voice actor is amazing.

Dude, go play the game or watch a let's play. It's worth it!

>hey babe sorry you got cancer I’m gonna kill you

If he doesn't deserve forgiveness, then neither do I for my bad deeds. That's what scares me the most about this game.

Dumb nigger

>he doesn't know
absolute state of SHPA faggots. How does it feel to be such moron?

You would stay with a dying withering ugly soon to be dead hag instead of goin out and slamming pusy?
Lol fag.

>If he doesn't deserve forgiveness,
doesn't mean he can't forgive himself.

Does seem worth it in spite of me knowing the ending.

Leave is canon and there's nothing you can do about it

What would it be worth forgiving oneself if nobody else has forgiven you? Nobody can live alone, you need absolution by your family and friends, by society's standards. You need absolution by what you consider to be the truth, which is a higher power outside of you. You can only forgive yourself once the universal truth allows for forgiveness, otherwise the hypocrisy will continue to give you feelings of guilt.

The PC version is coming along quite well, check out the enhanced edition mod.

>What would it be worth forgiving oneself if nobody else has forgiven you?
Who do you want to forgive him? Mary? Bitch is dead.

James need to forgive himself to move on, unlike Angela or Eddie. He does that in every ending.


heh, i thought the same thing

Yeah, no. I'm going with Guy Cihi on this and the fact that James is confirmed as missing in SH4 by Frank.

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is it worth playing with the riddle diffculty set to hard or am I gonna get shat on with stupid shit like the shakespeare puzzle in 3?

The irony is James could had done that without killing her. Though, I'm sure the guilt of abandoning her would lead him to Silent Hill anyway.

Duo PH fight with keyboard and mouse made me want to kill myself.

reminder: walter is best boy. all he wanted was to stay in his room and be loved but had to take extreme measures to make that happen

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>it describes is something many westerners will find difficult to comprehend

t. mama's boy (walter)

none of the 2 puzzles are really all that difficult so go for it

It doesn't really feel fitting to me that James commits suicide after Angela supposedly doing it first. Eddie and Angela were supposed to be different from James, with Eddie being like James if he had no regret, and Angela being like James if he couldn't get over it. So to make him follow one of their paths misses the point of the characters.

I like to think of it as the true ending, the in water ending is good too but what was the point of going through the game if James was going to drown himself anyway?

>what was the point of going through the game if James
to find out why James did the thing he did?

Especially after that speech to Pyramid Head


SH4 is the battle between an autist and a hikikomori

Yeah man thanks. I should be finishing uploading the rest of my playthrough of Lost In Vivo soon.

>Yea Forums simulator

Can't be, there's a woman involved.
Unless the subtext is that eileen is a trap.
And the monkey-monsters are furries.

I liked pretty much every character design except for Eddie, his outfit and personality are over the top compared to the subtlety of the rest of the cast. It's like someone thought adding in chris-chan to an atmospheric horror game was a good idea.

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>an autist and a hikikomori
who is who?

Eddie didn't kill anyone he just shot a dog and some dude but the dude survived

eddie was ready for murder spree, good thing he was such useless waste of skin what first real person he met killed him.

Henry is the autist
Walter the hiki

Are you trying to say that adding Chris Chan to a psychological horror game would be a BAD idea?

I can't be the only one who thought Shattered Memories was a fantastic entry. The OST also has some of Akira and Mcglynn's best work.

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Hell Frozen Rain is up there with my favorite Silent Hill songs.

Mary, James's longtime wife and the woman he straight up asphyxiates with a pillow, forgives him in every ending you're able to get. Of course, forgiveness isn't just to alleviate the pain and guilt from the person that hurt you. Mary forgiving James was likely what allowed her to move on into a peaceful afterlife, not nullifying the pain he caused her by accident when the illness came, but not continuing with giving her soul grief over the events that transpired.
What James did to Mary would've been awful if she were healthy and willing to keep on living. Mary wanted to die, and she wasn't going to be living comfortably for the last few days, weeks, months, or even years she had of her life. In the final few moments before you read Mary's full letter, she sounded like she wanted James to move past the things he'd done, and everything they had gone through together. Judging by what Ito and Cihi have said, he doesn't move on. Makes it all the more tragic.

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Always gets a laugh out of me.

Mary forgave him so yes. Also this track is fucking kino.

Kaufmann was the real nutjob of that game. Worst psychologist I've ever seen in media.

It was definitely the most interesting nu-SH, and the only one to do the western SH2-obsession "dude psychology" plot well

I don't think it's possible to move on from something like that. There was a girl I was madly in love with and we went out for a few months, long story short she broke my heart and it took me literal years to get over. Amplifying that to the intensity of the relationship in SH2 is almost incomprehensible.

Was James retarded?

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He was suicidal

Same guy that shoved his hand down a toilet filled with shit, vomit and god knows what else.

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Yep. Hard to brush aside killing your wife, even if she does forgive you for doing it to her.
As much as I wish Leave was canon, the idea of James accepting everything he did to Mary right then and there, along with seemingly forgetting everything that happened alongside that makes me doubt him walking out to follow Laura with Mary's blessing like everything's okay. It's the best possible outcome, but James going through all of that mental stress and trauma from:
>pyramid head
>Maria dying in front of him three times, four if you get most of the endings and fight her disguised as Mary
>meeting Angela and absorbing everything that happened to her throughout her life
>watching her kill herself by walking up a burning staircase
>finding Eddie vomiting in a toilet and watching him spiral into paranoid mania
>having to kill Eddie in self defense
Makes it really unlikely he'd see the positive in living at that point, even if Mary was encouraging him to keep going.

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I think Leave can still be canon even if he didn't get over it. He could be desperately trying to better himself, with Laura acting as some act of attempted redemption. I think he'll still be self loathing and miserable, but it's possible to continue living with those burdens.

Yeah I beat it on hard and it definitely was broken on that long hallway part.

Unpopular opinion, I wanted Rebirth to be the canon ending. It helps tie the game to the others and could have been a cool setup for the cult's resurgence in 3 if James had ended up reviving Samael by following the ritual

>silent hill threads no longer hit the post limit
Pretty sad.

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I think the occult shit would've been completely out of left field in Silent Hill 2. The game is pretty self-contained and just doesn't have much to do with it.

So was she in the trunk the whole time?

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Maybe, what else does that one prerendered scene in the opening with James in the dark hallway mean?

nigga he could have just left sh at any point he clearly didnt give a shit anymore

Leon S fucking Kennedy

>SH4 is the battle between an autist and a hikikomori


What disease was she suffering from? I some anons said it was an eldritch STD

skin cancer

Everything comes to an end.

What you say is truth. I don't get how these people can continue to say in water is canon when it doesn't make sense after what mentioned.

It seriously angers me that we haven't gotten a good game in this franchise since SH4. It also seriously angers me they decided to hand this franchise off to shitty western devs and there are now more shitty western SH games than good Japanese ones.

All this talk and where are the download links and pastebin?

What the fuck was his problem?

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Seriously, where is that silent hill pastebin that gets passed around all the time?



SH2 torrent:

>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.

Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.

-Play in the release order
-Never play below Normal difficulty
-Replaying them all is recommended
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help

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You're a genuinely good man.

It was a public bathroom and it was beside where he parked the car at the scenic overlook at toluca lake. Doesn't mean anything. Now the buried in water ending means that she was in the car all along.

I mean the part in the opening FMV with him carrying Mary down a dark hallway in silhouette.

didn't mary tell him she wanted to die at some point?

To be fair they don't need to try too hard. They already live under similar circumstances.

Can he forgive himself?

He can't

James didn't mercy kill her though

Do you at least get to make plot relevant decisions like in SMT?

What are these renders from?
Also James looks too much like a twink here.

It's something you either survive or you don't. When you lose someone you care about, it's like losing a limb you've taken for granted for as long as you've had it. If you lose a big chunk of yourself when your partner or relative dies, you are wounded as well.

>we went out for a few months
Wow, your puppy love bailed out on you. How absolutely devastating.

She didn't have cancer, whatever she had was ten times worst and didn't kill her outright. Cancer will kill you in months if there's no treatment for it, and one of the few things we know about Mary's disease is that there wasn't a treatment.

James never smothered her to death with the pillow. It's part of the imagery that taunts him into blaming himself alongside the monsters etc throughout the game.

In the good ending Mary literally tells James that he will not receive the letter until she is dead, meaning that she was on the clock when she wrote it. James suffocating her when she's already about to die and then getting her letter explaining everything makes no sense to me.