Thoughts on Wakka?
Thoughts on Wakka?
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He's definitely a homosexual, and a cuck too.
He's gonna be the father of Lulu's child, and he knows damn well they never had sex.
>Boom! Like happy festival fire works, ya?
Based. Fuck the Al Bhed.
The Jecht shot QTE came out of fucking nowhere, so I missed getting his legendary weapon on my first playthrough. I hated Wakka forever after, but I coveted that smile I suppose.
Based and /ourguy/.
Very good character. Captures that likeable religious friend that overlooks flaws in his religion.
His arc is great when he slowly learns Yevon was all bullshit, although most religious people would stay brainwashed and never go through his character arc even if they had to fight ghost Jesus Christ on their adventure.
I really like him. His faithfulness to Yevon really helps flesh out the story and make it feel a lot more impactful.
Better dead than Al-Bhed
He's a mothafukka
Is there any, ANY way I can make Khimari useful? Also, is it true I should teach him Steal cause there's something early that only he can Steal?
He’s awesome
Final Fantasy X is a great game
Having another thief is useful. He gets a solo fight where you can steal Lvl 3 key spheres and also learn blue magic you have missed
This but unironically.
What is the benefit of blue magic?
It seems like any blue spell that you waste the time and effort to learn is done better by either a black mage or a summon
Betta dead than al bhed, ya?
I don't know. Mighty Guard is OK.
He looks both ugly and funny as fuck, especially in battle
It just feels like in almost every FF game, blue magic is extremely situational, because you gotta know where to get it AND where to use it, unless you want to spend dozens of hours doing trial and error.
Even the developers know he's useless, since they scale the fight at Mt. Gagazet to his level rather than have it be fixed.
The battle system and sphere grid? Yes, absolutely
The actual story and characters? Well, I can't replay the game because of them, the only thing that amazes me is that they did something worse with X-2.5
>The final Summoning is a false tradition that should be discarded
>got best girl
Better than Tidus and should've been the protagonist.
daddy issues are boring
2 options;
>Use the Advanced Grid - run him down Auron's path ASAP for a 2nd tank/piercer.
>Make him your pre-Riku theif.
You can miss legendary weapons?
Then what did user mean
10 had some good beats in it.
While it ultimately firmly came down against it, it did explore the positive aspects of the Yevon faith and did make it a bittersweat choice for the heros to ultimately reject the system and seek out the uncertain future.
The world design was really great, some of the outfits were quite good (most were fucking retarded, you don't need to post the image, I know). I liked the South-East asian flavour, it was the last time Final Fantasy really commited to a local flavour and vision that hard.
The characters were pretty good I thought. It has the same issue as 12, where the retarded 'plucky hero' is so fucking annoying he ruins huge chunks of the game. Auron speaks for himself,Riku was fun and Yuna's arc worked pretty well for me with her world gradually crumbling around her and still finding a 3rd way out.
Wakka was fucking retarded in design and personality and Kimari joins Freya as 'we forgot what to do with the Dragoon' club. I'll grant you those two.
You could get the jecht shot after when you get the airship, you just had to find the blitzball on the ship again and do the qte event again
>sphere grid
>it was the last time Final Fantasy really commited to a local flavour and vision that hard
FF15 kinda sucked but they had a few instances of this.
Lestallum looked like the slums of Rio
Altissia looked like Venice, down to the gondola rides
It was still an eclectic hodge podge though. That isn't always a bad thing sometimes as it can make world feel bigger, but 10 was quite an intimate story and that did give it a special quality (it was a road trip with a few friends across what was likely only quite a small world that was lazer focused on addressing a handful of themes in depth, rather than a huge range of things in breath)