Post games that are black sheeps of their series

Post games that are black sheeps of their series

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Far Cry 2 fucking sucks ass.

>dude malaria lmao
>dude respawing enemies as soon as you turn your back lmao
>dude weapon jam every second shot lmao
>dude bland as fuck setting lmao

Fuck Crowbcat for making normie retards like you think the game is any good because OLD GOOD NEW BAD.

Do you mean the best games of their series?

I really liked FC2. The dialogue was a bit off, and the ending was weird, but I enjoyed the gameplay overall, and I really liked the environments

5 is what I imagine 2 would be like if it was released today, it really isnt that bad. The games radically need something other than "find outpost, attack outpost, move on", something like leading NPCs in open world combat and the AI takes control aswell, the games just feel so fucking repetative its a damn waste of the settings they are set in.

the malaria wasn't that big of a deal, the jamming was pretty annoying though.
What was wrong with the setting?

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Far Cry 2 was fucking dogshit of a game

>Every weapon jamming after firing 2 shots
>Literary every camp on the road shooting you
>Shit tier shooting mechanics

The only thing that was ok in this game was driving and you couldn't even do it because you'd just get shot every 2 seconds

>A friend goes off one day about FC2 being amazing
>we were playing FC5 coop after it went on sale a long time back
>I ask him "I thought you've only played 3 before this"
>he links me Crowbcat's video
>he says it's great because of a video

FC2 is still the most boring one in the series to me and the poster child for brown and bloom. Half of the immersion elements added are like the immersive animations and realistic feel of RDR2. It just makes the game mildly annoying to play.

But they'll always be someone, some motherfucker standing on that hell called FC2. He's raging, and his blowing air until he's blue in the face. You'll hear him if you care

"Farcry 2 is the best game in the series and everything else is liquid shit and you should feel bad if you play them."

He's been doing it since FC3 came out in 2012 and he'll be doing it when FC12 comes out thirty years hence.

2 is the best, but if you've already played one don't worry about it, it's ubisoft after all

I can appreciate Far Cry 2 for trying to be more about systemic sandbox style gameplay, certainly more than the sequels with their linear missions and mind numbing additions like picking flowers and climbing towers, but stuff like STALKER, MGSV, and BotW do this so much better than Far Cry 2.

I said post black sheep games not argue about far cry 2

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Shouldn't have posted FC2 then.

start with a shitposty one like Fallout 3 or something else.

Far Cry Instincts: Predator is the real high point of the series fyi

you knew exactly what would happen when you made this thread

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All far cry games ecxept first are shit

The first game is literally a CryEngine tech demo.

Every video game is a tech demo. Kill yourself for thinking that means anything zoomer.

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FC1 is literally only good in the first 25% of the game, and only good in a Halo 1 Silent Cartographer sense.

There's been better games in the same genre since and the only reason you'd like it now is because of nostalgia.

t. a farcry fan that started with 1

Non sequitir, I was talking about the term, not FC


Far Cry 2 is absolute trash, one of the only games I regret buying and playing for 2 hours and 10 minutes so I can't refund. The game was a tech demo.

Games like STALKER do it so much better.

What a useless comment.

u mad

A L R I G H T Y?

