Quake hampions

quake hampions

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Is it still worth playing?

Dead game. I say it's got less than 6 months left

Pro-league will be running the whole year so it won't die until it lasts.

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Where do we go next?

Cute pig

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based k1llsen

Diabotical is the only other AFPS I can think of that has a chance to be active, but it's not out yet

fart bitch

at least until Diabotical comes out it's either QC or QL

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I love you, OP


Why is quake champions free anyways while the other games weren't?

don't post this

>Sinking money into a e-meme league for tourney faggots instead of marketing for your game or new content or servers or decent matchmaking so new players don't get anally raped by pro players

>while the other games weren't
quake live used to be free too, then it became a purchase on steam after it was taken down briefly
but the answer is bethesda wants lootbox money

quake live was free until champions was announced. i'm sure you can figure out why

either diabotical comes out or id getoff their asses and make a good game instead of QC, with no network issues, with no long load times, with customisation and everything else currently missing from QC

>diabotical comes out
it's never going to, they just don't know the difference between a passion project and a shelved one

Nice one

James already confirmed 2019 release, it could get delayed but....

I'd like to tell you that everytime I see this thread, I crack a little smile.
So thanks, OP.

Diabotical looks like shit

I can't even imagine how much you must hate QC if you think the most promising arena shooter in 20 years looks shit

Absolutely based

How can they not have had an announcement for something for quake champions at QUAKEcon? How much do they hate the quake community playing their game.

I like QC, Diabotical looks like uninspired Overwatch.
And shitting out more arena shooters (just because) will only divide the playerbase even more (so even less players on each game)
Didn't really knew this game even existed until retarded shills started posting about it as if it was going to save arena shooters or some shit like that.
If QC is dying, this shit is dead on arrival (if it ever releases)

Quack Champions

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You know not what you do, human.

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Melem waifu

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No it's dead once Diabotical comes out. No one who isn't retarded would choose to play this trainwreck once there is some competition.

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Diabotical won't be much more popular than any other quake clone.

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>Implying shitty lawbreakers is going to kill QC
>Implying it will be any completion
>Implying it will ever release
If QC can't get a playerbase what makes you think this obscure shit will get one? (other than "muh superior fps")
Tell the dev team they should invest their money on a better game instead of paying random guys on the internet to shill their game

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>ITT 10 or so boomers that don't play AFPSs spam fuck their shitty forced Discord memes that ruined /arena/ in a vain attempt to socialize with each other in the same way IRL boomers do at their bar of choice to talk about sports, wives, and gosh darn Obama
>Right when the thread is about to hit page 10, usually around 7 or 8, they will bump the thread and continue this until it hits over 300+ replies
>They will never acknowledge the dead playerbase, awful netcode, no content, terrible champ balance, and so on on QC no matter how much you prove them wrong
>If you're lucky, you'll summon the anti-Valve-fag to talk about how awful CS is while he argues like a schizo
There, summarized this shitty thread in a nutshell. Fuck off, retards

Fuck you.

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Still better than another smash thread if you ask me.

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Except Smash threads actually discuss gameplay, discord tranny

I knew it was a smashfaggot. Go have a shower.

>If QC can't get a playerbase what makes you think this obscure shit will get one?
I don't really care about having a big or small playerbase, because I can find matches in QC so it's not a problem, plus Diabotical will have community servers which eliminates the longer waiting times that come with small playerbase matchmaking.

Except I'm not, you retarded tranny?

Speaking of showers, I think Slash is overdue for her monthly tonguebath.

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>Defending smash threads
Imagine being this much of a cuck

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Make up your mind, are we Boomers or Trannies?

as in you're playing already? then you can figure it out yourself
as in you haven't played it? it's literally free and controls just like whatever flavor of quake you prefer depending on the character
not sure how to unlock characters now as i got the characterpack forever ago

big problems:
>not that much maps and not that much modes
>toasterperformance/netcode issues
>probably won't be supported as much as it really needs to
>not a giant playerbase (but for arenashooter standards it really solid, don't pull a deadspace on this one you fucks)

wich is a shame, because i really enjoy playing and think different characters with different styles of movement is really fun (slash in particular because it's so different than i'm used to but feels so quake)
fuck eisen though

autism critiques:
>designs inconsistent, the game has both really fucking cool designs as kinda lame and ones too
slash, galena, bj and deathknight have pretty normal human faces apart from being purple, goth or dead and shit
but Ranger and eisen have these bizarre Asterix and Obelix cartoony chunky proportions that i absolutely fucking hate. Anarki's and keels faces are a bit wonky and annoying (althoughs anarki is the perfect ''older annoying punk druggie" type trying to be cool) but both have 10/10 alternate skins (bone daddy, and bright q3a robo skin)

It's a

Little bit of column A and B. Like the old fucks that think they pass as trannies at 40-50. Anyways, you and your 9 other "friends" enjoy circlejerking over the same shit for the millionth time this week, retard

It's going to fail.
The gameplay looks fine, even good, but nobody wants to play as balls. It looks cheap. Cheap-looking games don't do well.

778 hours you negative nancy

Based Tranny Boomer gang

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The style is very similar to Overwatch, and that was wildly successful

Also thanks for bumping the thread, it was getting boring

i know this is a bit haram, but speck is gonna host another unreal Yea Forumsidya event next week
but he complained about annoying zoomers of nu/v/ and that he might ditch whats in the name, check steam
i dont really care about JKA and ut99 but wednesday is ut2k4 night

Overwatch has you playing as cowboys and fat wastelanders and mechas.
Quake 3 has you playing as heroes from across time. Or the developers.
Unreal Tournament has you playing as "dude in armour", but people like playing as dudes in armour. I've brought up Diabotical to other shooter fans and their eyes immediately glaze over once they see the characters.

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I saw no stupid hooks though, how is it lawbreakers?

Is there a more powerful duo in gaming?

Are there model rips of the characters or weapons anywhere? If there's one thing QC didn't completely fuck up at, it was the redesigns of some of those.

As it looks like any other shitty cashgrab based on Overwatch

>STILL no Nyx SFM model

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diabotical is going to be dead on arrival because its not f2p

If you aren't hyped for Diabotical you aren't a true afps fan (and probably a bethesda shill)

this, I really can't wait for Diabotical to come out and (obviously) be much more popular than QC then see all the cope from plebs saying it would be DOA because they wasted money on QC skins kek

How good do guns feel in QC?

As good as you'd expect from a Quake game. It has the added benefit of having weapon skins from previous Quake games, like the god tier Q2 SSG or Q1 Thunderbolt.

t. James

>Replying to yourself

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>50 platinum has been deposited into your accounts

Didn't they specifically made it so you can't rip the models from the game?


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Hmm Quake is too difficult. What if we...
>slow the game down
>nerf movement
>make the game team based
>make the game round based
>remove all the pickups
>allow players to buy the weapons
>remove projectile weapons
>make TTK so short that anyone can frag if given enough luck

And then the cycle always continued from card games to battle royales. In an attempt of trying to invent a product that as many people as possible can consume.

Twenty years of the series that turned skill based FPS games into crouch+shoot hitscan weapons with le epic headshots. The fortnite of its time.

CSbabies still can't refute this.yuki.la/v/268082840#p268088596
Your game was always hated.

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Well, it was fun while it lasted. But I think I'm done with this game for now, atleast until they really start putting some serious development into the game and churning more content out and polishing the game. Thanks for the games guys and see you when diabotical comes out or these devs gets their act together.

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>see you when diabotical comes out
Nice try.


when was the last time they added a new map or champion? ded game, syncerror and sponge aren't real devs. neither is zero4, and nobody else is working on this game

imagine being this desperate for a boomer fps you play the shittiest knockoff with overwatch gimmicks

No one was talking about cs before you posted, so who are you ranting to?

Yeah, imagine not wanting to play Clan Arena for the 7000th time with 200 ping Russians.

>Imagine playing games
Ikr, disgusting

>didn't made
dumb spic



you've never played this game as evidenced by the dumb shit you posted about it
so you are free to fuck off and not come in threads about games you clearly never will play

fuck no

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have sex schizo.

whats the matter with you?


There are two possibilities.
5% chance: They rerelease QC as a "new game" on Idtech 6.
95% chance: They shut QC down in the next year and that is the last we hear of Quake until the announce a mobile game in a few years.

No quake at quakecon hampions

porting QC to a different engine would take almost as much work as creating a new game from scratch

I know, but even so it is the absolute most they'll do. Sabertech QC is dead as a doornail.

arena shooters don't have deus ex machina gimmicks like health boost skills on cooldowns or projected shield skills
It's reflex aiming, prediction and map knowledge, not overwatch reskinned to look like your favorite quake characters
keep kidding yourself retard boomer

yea, i never see this ever happening.

the only way you can justify an arena shooter today is if its free

weird how back in the day games with a one time purchase of $20 were able to survive for years now suddenly billion dollar companies can't afford to host servers and need to shove 10 different rarities of premium lootboxes in my games to keep their game "alive"

So by that logic GTA V is a FPS instead of an open world game just because it has a first person mode
Like Doom but reskinned as modern america satire as you might say it

Welcome to games-as-a-service.

Their basic idea is "if it only makes uses millions instead of billions, it's not worth the trouble"

They will announce "Quake" in a few years, a reboot a la Doom (2016) with a well made campaign in the style of Quake 1 and the multiplayer will play more like classic Quake 3 relying on the strength of the single player to get players.

I hope.

>Quake reboot
>Based on Quake 2/4 shit

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But will it be woke?

where is the gamemode that turns off champion abilities? I must've missed it back when it had a bustling playerbase of 500 something people

I wonder, if they did make a nuQuake, would it use the dark fantasy Quake 1 style or the more sci fi style of every other quake? I would certainly prefer the former

It'll likely be made by MachineGames after they're done with Wolfenstein so what do you think?

why not both

quack hampions

>have a 3 day Quake convention
>Don't show ANY new content for your in development quake game
>Don't host a panel with fans, no q&a, no feedback
>Don't show updates, new content, new characters not even a single new map

It's fucking embarassing. The games not had an update in 8 months. It's fucking dead dead dead dead dead

Quake 1 already had some sci fi along with the dark fantasy, while the others only really had sci fi. So, Quake 1 would be the both option sorta

Don't fucking use it then, it's just an extra to the core gameplay, not like overwatch where abilities are the gameplay.
It's still about skill over anything else, abilities are useless if you don't git gud, just play the fucking game at least once retard

They'd make it about playing as a member of the melem, re-construed as a feminist order, and will face an eldritch threat which is an embodiment of the evil and horror of patriarchal power throughout the eons.

I paid $40 for this shit
I trusted them

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if it isn't dark fantasy I won't play it, we already have nudoom for scifi demon shit

>'brain' game cooller still finds a way to lose yet again

all I want to ask is, why did they make quake live not free anymore
like, what was the point
"oh, I know what'll make this game popular, I'll start charging money for it!"

did you know about lootboxes on arrival? you deserve nothing then retard


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you can't just not use them, not using the skills is like denying yourself an advantage

>fallout panel
>Elder Scrolls online panel
>At a quake convention
>No quake panel

How do you even justify this? Have they no shame?

To follow their pattern I'd say the first one would be good and well received, second one suddenly goes off the rails and decides that the Ranger shouldn't be the focus and instead a donut steel black woman who has also been trapped in between slipgates decides to lead him around.

>the problem is LOOTBOXES

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This is Bethesda. That word isn't in their vocabulary. Quick reminder that they, Bethesda, claim to have invented FPS, just because they bought id.

a company that shoves lootboxes in their unfinished early access game is not one to trust
didn't think I'd have to explain it to a smoothbrain retard

They sold one game 4 times.
They made a game so bad they implemented their own store so customers cant refund it.

They dont have shame.

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>Tried Quake Champions
>Ended up installing Overwatch and Titanfall 1 instead.

I just couldn't get into it. I was always an Unreal Tournament faggot. Sadly UT is dead as shit. Shame Xbox is the only place to still play the first Titanfall.

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>No Elder Scrolls Legends panel

They finally made it good in the past year.

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it's over. what was good about original Quake is now folded into the new nuDoom

I seriously want to know what the fuck they were thinking with those stupid eggbots.

>I was always an Unreal Tournament faggot
did you try robo-boy?

I was playing that acid spit dude. What's special about robo boy?

less resources into animating characters

>STILL no duel mode
it was fucking dead on arrival

>tfw no big ol mynx tiddies

Is the Battle Royale the new FPS trend?

tfw mynx and hunter will never double paizuri you while insulting your weapon choice

has unreal double-tap dodging

>UNIRONICALLY mispronouning the lusty argonian maid from skyrim
kys yourself

look in the custom games tab zoomer

based and filenamepilled

How does this look so good, but the game is a mess? What else do they have to do that isn't work on this game?