Any father gamers around here?

Any father gamers around here?

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I was about to say he was based

>girl on the left's face when she wants to play the fucking game but her dad's always hogging the computer and taking pictuers of himself

>step daddy

He was so close to being based

Pick the C word of your choosing

It's okay if he raising white children.

He's playing DotA so it's already impossible for him to be based.


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>reposting from reddit
Fuck this board

Well, I guess they could be black. Now that'd be true hell.

>triggering dotards by playing with a bunch of kids near you talking on the mic and ruining your plays
sounds pretty based to me

There is something about that pic and his post that makes him seem like a pedo


at least the kids are white

Fuck off tourist, laughing at cucks is this board's duty.

They're white so he's doing good

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To be fair you'd need to be a literal cuck to enjoy DOTA.

DoTards confirmed cucks
rise, League master race


>Children of the Master Race
What did reddit mean by this?

I know what it is, he looks happy.

Men aren't allowed to have fun around small girls.


>he looks happy
lol no he doesn't

didn't we just have this thread about 5 hours ago?

it's based to have a daughter if you let some other man raise her. She's not gonna keep either man's last name but she will further one man's genetics :)

Found the american

Well they're his step children so he could be the one to ravage them. If you think about it logically, that's the least cucked thing you could do.

Raising other man's children is like continuing from other man's save point.
Basically, it's something 68% of Yea Forums would do.

Wife's pregnant with her bf's kid but they're letting me raise it
I'mma be a daddy, bros!

Guy is doing his duty even if his taste in games is garbage

He's grooming them.



Inhave 2 kids. I play video games when they're in bed. Not too bad

I don't think so, their hair looks dirty

What is so good about sex that people will have put up with children for them?

Small girls that aren't his own children*

Its the other way around

actually, in a rational way, you're absolutely right this time around

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After the first year kids are based, up until 13.

Your jealousy probably

He's gonna have a harem. The ultimate Chad.

If I had kids, I wouldn't want some weird creep like him around them.

Tough luck pal, the woman is the one who owns the kids


Me. I did my best to rise my kid. I spent thousand of hours sacrificing my sleep and training him so that his first word was "nigger".

He looks like a normal human being.

>mmm i like to be cucked with BIG WHITE COCK MMM yeah fuck my wife big european blonde male im such a fucking cuck faggot
uhh,user are u ok ???

it's only ok if the mother was a widow. otherwise it's just pathetic.

I dont like 3DPD so

based, it's-not-cucking-if-the-bull-is-white poster BTFO

>Try three girls who make your dick hard despite being your three toddler children

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Yes, burgers are unironic cucks for European seed.

Yeah. I have two daughters. 3 and 4. We play together at times. Bought Paw Patrol for Switch to them. We also play Mario Kart.
When I played WoW my oldest used to like the horse mounts and mess around with the Transmog system.


I can't believe reddit said this bros

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>2 girls already
>a third girl is on her way

I would kill for a male heir. My wife is undecided on if she wants more kids. What do?

He's saying it's his fault for having kids in jest, not that he should fuck his kids you goddamn deranged cunnyggers

The alternative is not having a father figure and that doesn't turn out well for whites any more than blacks

Get out of here, you unvirgin.

3 white snow bunnies that will take lots of black and brown cock as they get older

>I would kill for a male heir
>I would kill
Kill your daughters, punch your wife in the stomach as hard as you can three times and try again.

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Biggest self defeat in a while. No doubt he'll end up being accused of sexually assaulting them down the line as well.

Fuck off Henry VIII.

Fucking destroyed.

I'm a father of a little girl myself. What are some good phone games for kids? She is 3


At least they're all white

Have fun trying to find a virgin girl to marry.


That's some serious bad luck, I would hope you'd get a boy with another 3 tries but some guys are girlmakers

How do you resist the urge to fuck ur own kid

>takes up the role of father while the real one doesn't

Yeah that's pretty based.

youre a low test cuck, you will never have a son. enjoy your slut offspring

My girls like the Bimi Boo games. There are all kinds of em. You can pay for more mini games but I find the 3-4 free ones is enough for them.

No, idiot, he said loud and clear that he wants to fuck his three children, can't you read?

But only if the kids are white

>taking care of some other sack of shit's kids
lol single women

>phone games
setting her up for failure

Stop watching porn you freak. For a normal person its a non-issue.

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I wouldn't give my daughters access to any phone games, especially at that age.

>Not raising your future concubines.

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reminder 80% of millenial "mothers" are single moms

>t. childless stranger on the internet

But you a breeding and fucking someone elses daughter so it all even out.

So the only logical thing to do i guess is to fuck your own daughter.

Never have children, retard.

I'm not addicted to porn, so my life does not revolve around porn and weird fetishes.

Thanks, I will check it out

It is just a pastime while I can't give her attention when I'm showering or taking a shit

>being a cuck

Dilate please

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Isn’t there a way you can artificially impregnate your wife by going to the doctor, cumming in a cup, and have the doctors separate the Y-chromosome sperm? I thought I read or heard somewhere that was a possibility.

I was gonna talk shit because he's playing shitty videogames (DotA2) when he should be spending that time with his daughters, but now I'm just gonna talk shit because he has a fucking tattoo on his arm. Fucking degenerate.

At least they're white


Wait a second, that's completely legal isn't it, you can even marry them. This could be the answer

Why not? Not the poster. But what is the issue of giving them a game to play for a few minutes under supervision. Providing that you looked into the game yourself first.

Bet he lets her play only shitty pony and horse games.


Put a bullet through your own head.




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Letting your kid play some game on a phone for a few minutes is alright, but it should still be a rare and special occasion imo. It's a bad idea if you ditch your kid, give her a phone or an Ipad to just stare at all day; I don't think I have to explain why.

>implying thats a good thing

My melanin-enriched friends seem to be upset

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Tell her that you will keep going until you get a boy, if she says no then you'll find someone else to give you a boy.

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____ ___ ____

>It is just a pastime while I can't give her attention when I'm showering or taking a shit
She should have plenty of toys for that, not fucking phones/tablets and other electronic garbage.


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Why haven't you had a white family yet Yea Forums?

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The Union forever! Down with you traitors! Up with the stars!


I'm not white

b-because of t-the jews, y-yeah, it's all because of them

cuz im not white

White girls need dads, it helps the race and you get a family.

>have 3 daughters
>break up with gf or wife and all kids go to her
>some fag who is her new bf/husband has my kids on his lap
I'd be pretty fucking mad. I hope I never get into a position where some other guy is taking care of my kids too.


yeah, been playing Rust with my son recently

because im gonna make babies with a back girl

Such a life is not available to a gamer. The guy in the OP is playing with fire.

Why not?

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I'm not white

And? what's the problem, exactly?


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Chinese bugman meme

I agree that it shouldnt be done just to pacify the kid for hours on end.
But there are degrees here. It can be a useful and fun past time and learning tool if you handle it well as a parent.

Well, unlike solman07 (more like soyman) i'm not a cuck willing to raise another man's child.

I don’t like children

It is not that easy, kids get bored of his toys eventually and I can't afford to buy new toys every day, so I must use this kind of stuff once in a while. It is not harmful if you limit the usage time.

You have my sympathies

Youre semen is what determines the gender. If youve had that kinda luck then thats all your gonna have unless she screws chad behind your back, you have her artifically inseminated, or you adopt.

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They're not exactly helping... but it's no excuse for being a pussy too afraid to interact with the real world.

>hairy arms

If youre set on letting them have that sort of thing just get them an Amazon tablet for kids, theyre cheap and highly durable, and made so that children can figure them out and use them on their own.

Blessed image

Because most white women are a fucking nightmare with a gorillion neurosis

This man could be doing some of the most ingenious 36D chess and could be a fucking chad, her me out, this man is actually raising his 3 future wives and he is going to breed all 3 when they become 18

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You are replying to people with no experience with children.
I hear you. You seem like a good dad.

Because I don't want children and am not financially stable enough for them now go get eaten by the woodland creatures Varg.


imagine the pathetic autist who took this picture

Nothing you'd be able to do about but accept they're not only your daughters anymore.

See that look in his eyes, buddy? He's grooming them.

He's playing the long game. In the end he will be the one cucking their biological father threefold.

Imagine being their biological daddy, showing up at their doorstep one day and this slimy lad is standing behind your little girls with that grin. And you know, you just know.

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>Ask girl out
>Turns out she is a single mom of 2
>2 different baby daddies
>Facebook bio is "Perfectly imperfect ;)"
Single moms are living memes 9 times out of 10.


no one thinks like this you fucking retard, peple marry because they love each other not because of your schizo bullshit about 'race'.

God, if you read my post, your project has failed. I beg of you, wipe out every last trace of humanity in a flood because it's all worthless.

Waiting for the right woman. I live in Montana, pretty much all the women here are white and pretty much all of them are for the birds. Single moms, really ugly, or just sluts that get passed around by wannabe country boys who live in the city but pretend they identify with farmers.

Normal people dont think that way especially towards their own children. Youre hard wired to protect them from any kind of threat.

I can understand going to less desirable women in times of need but you dont wife them up wtf

here, two girls
one is 11y-o, other is 14 months
11y-o loves roblox and j-pop, we play minecraft on ocasion. Tried to get her into RTS and pokemon, ignored both. She also plays animal crossing a lot.


Just keep them away from people like us

Based and logicpilled

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>willing to raise another man's orgasm
Holy fuck how desperate can you be? I'd rather die a virgin than go through this humiliation.

what does the last one say?

6 year old daughter here. She likes Roblox, tag with Ryan, Mario kart, Mario odyssey, Toca Life games...

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Something vaguely along the lines of
>the pleasure of cumming inside a demon lord being my daughter HACHI

Because I don't want kids yet, maybe next year

If it's for my daughter, I'd even marry and impregnate her

NBR but yeah.

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Also check this out
>He's holding her in the same position as an adult like he used to when she was a child

Female authors don't fuck around.

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This is my dad but with things he likes. If I ever say no he ramps the guilt trip up to 11 and starts talking in a fake sad voice about how disappointed he is.

well he may fuck them in the future ...women always look to a father figure ...and he is handsome now .. if he stay fit ...wait 15 years more


>foursome with your stepkids

>phone games.
i hope you daughter fuck with niggers when she gets older
