Your favorite game is remade using graphics made by your favorite Eastern artist. What is it?

Your favorite game is remade using graphics made by your favorite Eastern artist. What is it?

Attached: 1447062132825.jpg (800x1195, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:

These are my wives, and only I have made love to them, and fucked them, in the past, present, and future. And only I am I/me.


It already is

Attached: DnwM3D-UwAAA1gQ.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 695K)

>No More Heroes
>drawn by Himukai

I'm not sure, Kozaki's character design carries the game a lot.

Attached: 007_i_006.jpg (1448x2048, 1.33M)


Attached: A NEED.jpg (1080x1057, 287K)

grasshopper already does the art i like

Attached: TravisStrikesAGain.jpg (1884x964, 186K)

>liking Japanese shadman
kinda cringe

Attached: image.jpg (768x1365, 430K)

Actually they are made for monster cock.


epic thread

>warcraft 3 but designed by asanagi
jesus christ

>Metal Gear Solid
>by Shinkawa
I wonder.


>Katamari Damacy
>art by Himukai
Absolutely not. I love Himukai but othing in the world could replace Katamari's aesthetic.

Attached: 1440973832240.jpg (741x486, 42K)

Never understood where this meme came from. At least asanagi's art is good.


>What is it?
nothing, I can't name even one eastern artist

>anything jap I don't like is shadman

Just ignore them, they're newfags.

>Dark Souls 1

>All the monsters become thick monstergirls
>All the female characters become thick and plump
>All the male characters become short and muscled


Attached: methonium.jpg (1058x1500, 587K)

They heard that Asanagi does "edgy" stuff and in their infinite wisdom figured they must be equatable, even though, from content to style, to art, they're as different as can be.


>Neromashin art for Grandia 1

Oh shit.

Riley worst girl
Update so I can marry Minerva when?

Actually amazing.
Would buy 3 copies

Attached: 1560825093508.gif (500x331, 426K)

>Monster Hunter
>drawn by Rustle
just imagine the floors


Attached: chiyo.jpg (1080x1216, 139K)

>final fantasy crystal chronicles
>mda starou

Attached: file.png (240x240, 91K)

>dmc3 by araki
mite b cool

>Men or War
>Drawn by Raita

Valkyria Chronicles RTS when?


Attached: 1541955263563.png (415x501, 241K)

>Bioshock by Araki
That’d be a fun time.

Attached: DBZ_Cloud.png (500x616, 272K)

I get my gas cans ready and save myself from shame

Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, by no one because I don't have a favorite artist

He can't be Shadman when he understands basic anatomy.

i hate this

i would finally play final fantasy if this happened

i love this

i love this

Fake forced meme
Asanagi is actually a good artist who understands the fundamentals
You're just mad because they're popular for being good at art

i didn't know i wanted this so badly

>Drawn by Space Jin
Oh boy... The death animations are gonna be painful to watch...

>Team Fortress 2
>Drawn by Boichi

Attached: trigun.jpg (500x686, 122K)

It already is faggets B^)

Attached: 1563964824989.jpg (500x693, 52K)

>Vergil... the [TEMEN-NI-GRU] was made by our [FATHER], [SPARDA]. And the [SEAL] to the [TEMEN-NI-GRU], that our [FATHER][SPARDA][SEALED]... is our [AMULETS]...

No okami so here's dragon ball

Attached: (800x712, 557K)

>Thief: The Dark Project by Tetsu
what the FUCK, is viktoria cute and funny now?

Attached: Capture.jpg (415x233, 26K)

>literally sameface samebody sameplot for every single one of his works ever

he's fucking boring

who's that on the right I don't know that character

Attached: (raughter stops).png (406x411, 151K)

It's a boy isn't it

I hate this timeline.

If it is then that's one hell of a tuck job.

>Ratchet Deadlocked by Norio Shioyama
Would be cool with the mechancial artwork but too bad he's dead.
So I guess you got to drag kaneko out of the flower fields

read the filename

what is with this artist and making prime breeding stock with the same face "v"

>japanese shadman

Attached: 45382348.jpg (1440x891, 601K)

good taste, my friend

They look like they only sleep with white men

>A Mega Man game set in Ariga's version of the universe
Wow it's just what I always wanted

Attached: _fo4_Q8Le6_4k8lY1l6rO6gCmhAZIVtmwSkHvfpaFwk.jpg (1194x840, 293K)

What's the Yea Forumserdict ?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

Reddit: The Image

then how the hell you can't see her slit

>look, look, I posted it again!

why, that looks cool as fuck

What the fuck.
If the nipple isn't on the top, or the bottom, WHERE IS IT?

>yoji shinkawa

Attached: 03610E32-FD78-4E1B-BCBA-5C8F575E9C19.jpg (350x493, 54K)

>Muh forced meme

It'll never catch on.

Camera angle + tiny vagina

zoom zoom

stop throwing that word around where it doesn't apply. fucking devalues when people call out actual reddit behavior.

You got saggy, normal and perked tits.

I must have this sauce

Don't really have a favorite game but anything redone by Agata would be a little weird.

Obviously this is an deliberate stylistic choice, but that looks nothing like Cloud at all

Attached: 9384b39002c97f756eaab951cfde9ee0.jpg (800x1200, 104K)


>Asanagi is actually a good artist who understands the fundamentals

>is edgy as fuck, just like >shadman
>is an attention whore, just like >shadman
>jumps from the last Flavour of the Month meme to another non-stop, JUST LIKE >shadman
seething, patreon/enty whores. keep paying your hack for .png

Made by Kojima and Capcom

Attached: Screenshot_20190718-233138_Gallery.jpg (1440x957, 696K)

Dark Souls 2 drawn by Miura

The armor and enemy designs would probably get a bit better, and the game would be even more atmospheric

I actually really want this now

Attached: 5l6EiZy.jpg (1920x1080, 316K)

reported to the netherlands

Reddit: The Post

I don't care if you're being retarded on purpose my heart still hurts

Pic unrelated?


Attached: __schiff_blame_drawn_by_nihei_tsutomu__451418d068975f61f33f0e1b1e5a6bd3.jpg (1351x1962, 621K)

>Cave Story by Nagabe
I'd love that.

Attached: Cc30T8fUYAI6trD.jpg large.jpg (820x719, 107K)

Actually Reddit: The Post

>Graphics by BLADE
I actually played a game with his art direction. It was called Popup Story, and was a gacha where you watched your students fight monsters. Had some fucking awesome music, and despite being an auto battler, it was enjoyable to watch. I never felt bad about losing in it, either. If I could play another game with BLADE's art, I'd do it without a doubt. I'm still sad this game ended though.

Pic related was best boy and best tank. Dude just never fucking dropped except in pvp. Yes, it's a boy.

Attached: 0375_17.jpg (500x820, 206K)

Asanagi has sameface but goddamn if he doesn't cater to all of my fetishes.
>femdom reversed into femsub
>girls being humiliated
>girls projectile squirting from the lightest provokation
>traps humiliated for having small dicks
>train molestation
Just when I think I'm out he pulls me back in.

Rustle went blind, he can't make graphics anymore


>any of this
>actually mattering

He's no Contingency.

>Tales of Vesperia but it's drawn by Butcha-U

I'm gonna have to fucking stop playing every 5 minutes just to jerk off to how he drew the girls.

Attached: 1414623152067.jpg (419x419, 152K)

>noun:the adjective
As an autist this pisses me off.

Don't worry, Toriyama forgot about her as well.

Metal Owl
Rocket League
Not sure how that would work

nigga are you retarded

all the games I already play?

>Labyrinth of Refrain
>Redrawn by Po-ju
Pretty fucking based


>Drawn by Rustle
SMT: drowning in C*nny

Attached: 80F4912F-D7FB-456D-BD42-69713544B6E4.png (1242x900, 1.23M)

Chosen Undead vs Asylum Demon.

Attached: Burakku Gakkou ni Tsutomete Shimatta Sensei - Raw chap 6 4, Read Burakku Gakkou ni Tsutomete Shimatt (1308x936, 1.37M)

>Typehatena Pro Skater 3
I need pictures of lolis skateboarding stat

>Another Rustle bro
And you like Monster hunter?
Truly a man of superior tastes

Attached: 9C3111A4-9C68-40FB-862B-3F5FD29BAF85.jpg (647x711, 44K)

I want Dragon Quest III by Tamagoro

>hehe I posted it again! XD

>Final Fantasy VI with art by Akihiko Yoshida
Literally perfect. Wish they did this instead of that horrid looking VII remake.

>tfw no gyaru gf

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.png (1300x956, 1.05M)

Attached: D58AA09F-7C86-40A9-8047-C6A063222DD6.png (333x333, 12K)

You'll never be as good as him, Shadshit.

I don't care what game it is, just give me more characters in Oda Non's style.

Attached: 382cf7d61e754697cf9f9a9fc437e76c.jpg (1000x1476, 492K)

>The only persona fags I can stand

Attached: F188A081-8FDF-415E-B7BE-F7F983946995.gif (366x325, 3.42M)

Fuck off, Shadman.

Attached: Asanagi beyond hentai.jpg (2024x2024, 2.75M)

Would have 10000% less belts and zippers

Why is there so little good nipple play out there bros

Attached: 1527475546164.png (221x286, 107K)

>Fallout New Vegas
>art by Yoji Shinkawa

I'm fucking diamonds rn

Attached: mgs_art01.gif (948x1181, 378K)

I hate how he’s pussy gripping his sword

with those hips?

Already there m8

Attached: hellion.sprite.afflicted.png (2311x1131, 1.04M)

>Rustle went blind
Welp time to kill myself

>Uno Makoto

Attached: 1459137429838.png (1398x625, 556K)


Attached: 4.jpg (1280x1812, 598K)

>tfw asanagi will NEVER make a trap doujin where two cute traps fuck each other, or get dommed by onee-sans
>always some ugly fat bastard involved in the mix, every single time

Attached: 1563495308212.jpg (960x904, 109K)

>Donkey Kong Country 2 with art by Kinu Nishimura
I don't really get how it would work
Also, everyone who has a porn artist as their favorite artist needs to stop being so fucking horny for a second

Attached: 1555163088866.jpg (914x1249, 266K)

this image is over 10 years old

None of this is stellar, maybe for the standards of hentai artists but there are basic rookie mangaka who can draw both genders much better and more varied than that. Asanagi purely got popular for pandering and jumping from FotM to the next. This is the reason he's compared to Shadman incidentally, not because their artwork is similar, that's just the kneejerk reaction Asanagi's internet defense force jump to when he's compared to Shadman on the basis of being the lowest common denominator who's hyped up by retards who don't care enough about lewd art to seek anything beyond the most basic shit.

>FF7RE in the DBFZ engine
Could be neat

Chosen Undead vs Stray Demon

Attached: 1559482429048.png (824x1195, 374K)

>ss13 with every sprite replaced with Sakamoto
I mean it could work

Attached: Kokou no Hito.jpg (1200x8800, 2.25M)

they are in the same engine tho :^)

>God Hand by Hidari
Nah, that wouldn't fly

Attached: AtelierAyeshaPlus-3.jpg (1280x720, 881K)

finally, DQ x FF

user, pls.

>Mirror's Edge by Q Hayashida
How in the goddamn...?

Either Q's grime goes, or Mirror's Edge becomes a lot less stylized.

Attached: dorohedoro.jpg (1368x940, 245K)

I kill for a remake


Attached: 807E06FA-52AE-47EC-94BA-F86CE786C1CA.jpg (736x671, 110K)

maledom is fucking gay

Huh, oh wow. I didn't realize they were both on UE.

Attached: 1476650885136.jpg (432x444, 196K)

>there are basic rookie mangaka who can draw both gender much better and more varied
pretty much outing yourself as someone who never reads manga.

>yfw you don't need your favorite game being remastered

Attached: 1564278560140.jpg (720x960, 92K)

clean on the outside, filthy on the inside

Attached: think.png (916x749, 362K)

>VtMB or Deus Ex by Shinkawa

Sick as fuck dude

Attached: DiamondDogs.jpg (727x1007, 110K)


>Doom 2

The monsters are about to get a whole lot more scary

It's called Crono Trigger

sauce now pls

Attached: 1551309370493.jpg (640x1024, 60K)

But user, what if he's confessing that he is the monster cock?

I'd like to see Shinkawa draw Adam.

Dude e hentai sucks, what am I gonna do without sadpanda

the best way of never getting what you ask for is being a retarded faggot posting gay shit memes

that's what mirrors edge is already

Attached: 1461638346308.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

Basically every doujin I like where the girl has smaller than C cup breasts or the male was on the shorter side isn't on e-hentai. Rules for determining what is loli and shota are fucking retarded.

Attached: sauce.png (845x1200, 244K)

Depends on if you mean pornographic or not.
A bunch of masked anime George Clooneys fight off an alien invasion.
Every single character is a thick MILF and 50% of them have cocks. They fuck each other during Unite Morphs.

Both are acceptable.

Attached: 1542198740817.jpg (1073x967, 245K)


Melty Blood with art done by Shiki. Guess I'll main both Len and White Len now.

Attached: 72189920_p1.png (976x1650, 1.34M)

why'd you have to remind me
now I'm fucking sad again

Here you go

Monster Hunter with Asanagi, the OP pic seems to fit it well already

>Crono Nigger

A Sexy Married Woman & A Female Boss

Attached: 1450750682421.jpg (784x776, 206K)

>Skyrim with Nakamura Regura's art style
Oh Lawd

Attached: heavymetal.jpg (1060x1200, 111K)

based, shikis art is something else entirely

>drawn by Asanagi

I will be masturbating my way through another playthrough I guess.
Kinda wonder how he draws mecha tho.

>nishiide kengorou/garakuta
>Binding of Isaac
I can't imagine this'll work at all

Attached: 1540136036971.jpg (1240x1754, 1.99M)

seen this a million times and it never gets old, shadman could never even fathom a tier of art even at 0.000000000000000000001% the level of Asanagi's

mega milk?

>sad panda

>Link becomes "bara" twink
>Zelda becomes a tiddy monster that wants to see Link gets fucked by moblins

I don't know if I'm ok with it

Attached: DIP0Aw_UwAIYJvg.jpg (813x902, 56K)

too bad asanagi has terrible taste

imagine not liking to draw male characters so they look significantly worse, aka: every fucking lewd artist on the planet

>is an attention whore

my fucking ass, his twitter is the most obscure thing possible so nobody can find it, and he posts full images only on fantia and shit so perople won't find him for drawing loli's kinda the opposite

what, huge tits and thick thighs? i'm not seeing a problem

>femdom reversed into femsub
Absolute pleb.

>Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition
>Tokimachi Eisei
Well... Lady's definitely packing heat?

>System Shock 2
>Tetsuo Hara
how the fuck would it work out?

Attached: 1528570515286.gif (400x412, 859K)

This is the worst feel. I'm just coming off the high of a convention and now all the loneliness and depression from before is hitting me like a sack of bricks.

his extreme homosexuality maledom fetish thats in every single one of his works
its terrible

>Rome: Total War

How would this even work?

If Toriyama was in charge, Barrett would be even more of a racist caricature than he already is.

better than the remake tee bee aytch

This is good shit,better than shadman.

>Planescape: Torment except everybody is anime

Attached: aj-annah.jpg (583x839, 231K)

FFXV by PoJu

>he doesn't like extreme maledom
Unironic faggot.

thanks mate. /h/ is a fucking shithole. no goddamn faggot knows the essential artists and works, keep spamming "sauce" and "why are being elitist about porn?" on the same phrase. the more you know, the more you see, them more you will care. japanese shadman is in for money and retweets and he has no integrity at all. any day he will do 100% vanilla, betraying his older fanbase, because he achieved Pop status and normalfags pay more. just like Type-Moon

I'd play it

Reddit: The Reply


>Silent Hill 3 done by Junji Ito
I hope god is listening

I like the way you think

He used “Reddit” which is a noun, as an adjective. It has nothing to do with the picture. It’s like saying “this game is do lamp post” or “this is such a coffee bean character.” It’s not how language works.

anything by Araki

Attached: 1546202286808.jpg (214x400, 43K)


Attached: 32f.jpg (251x242, 10K)

>Animal Crossing


>MechWarrior by Tsutomi Nihei

Attached: FEB6224A-EC96-479D-A111-F838CB07B9A2.jpg (680x671, 68K)


Attached: 1559149445914.jpg (1968x2806, 1014K)

Isn it about time you neanderthals switch to nhentai or luscious

Attached: 1546942610413.jpg (250x245, 17K)

Based and based again

>SMT Nocturne by Nezumi
I don't think I'm prepared for whatever that might entail
Unless he personally makes no eyes edits then your opinion is shit

Attached: 1562649282643.jpg (540x360, 46K)

He doesn't know.

Attached: 20190728_145728.png (952x1344, 276K)

Borderlands 2 with Paul Robertson art.
I have no idea how it would work but I'd love to see it

Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 16K)

my ningen

LMAO I knew you'd be triggered by the maledom

go back to your /ss/ chamber you beta cuck

>oda non


based cumbrain poster

Attached: e81814b4b0ebeca6f968b24439242ee1.jpg (400x485, 125K)

I just ctrl+f'd "cumbrain" and nothing showed up. Thanks for fixing it!

>Darkest Dungeon
Hamfisted NTR straight into 200 stress

Attached: 668f2c463227a530359b22ab4dc05ed1.jpg (1200x1760, 1.05M)

>Terraria by Kentaro Miura
This feels like it would work waaaay too well.

>Eastern artist.
no thanks. They all draw fucking anime trash and none of them can animate smoothly.
they can only do 3D.

anytime king


Just like Shadman!

cute tummy

Attached: 0B090D9A-99D4-4FE1-BB89-569F4B4799EA.jpg (429x273, 18K)

>Silent Hill
Yes, YES!

Attached: 1540989332229.png (622x641, 379K)

Digimon Word by muk


Attached: 72097426_p1.jpg (1440x1080, 853K)


>Legend of Dragoon

This... This is good.

>Deus Ex
>by Tsutomo Nihei

>Persona 3
>Art by Sayori
Would be alright

Attached: mukawa2.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

Dumb secondary.

budokai tenkaichi 3 made with fighterz graphics

>Oda Non

Attached: 1528588817339.jpg (161x314, 7K)

>Koyanagi Royal
>Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town

Attached: 1541897881168.png (437x431, 209K)


>FFXIV with Yasuda artstyle
I don't think my dick could handle it

Attached: __shiramine_nokia_digimon_story_cyber_sleuth_and_etc_drawn_by_yasuda_suzuhito__c12ac240bc7a8346a5fa0 (1500x3095, 1.56M)

Literally something along the lines of "I teach at a black gyaru school"

Attached: 15c.jpg (1122x1062, 145K)

>Pokemon Gold/Silver

Attached: 1562594110626.png (800x500, 5K)


salty faggots
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time drawn by Togashi would be sick tho

Attached: 1538286915048.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

I like it

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. by Tkmiz
Fucking yes please

Attached: 1564223656359.jpg (800x600, 70K)

why does some other dude have pictures of your wives?

Not /lgbt/, just sick of pedos and their sick fetish.

>Deus Ex featuring POCO
I don't know.

Attached: 62783946_p0.jpg (1500x1324, 277K)

Just admit he offends you user

Retard: The user.

>House of the dead with graphics by synecdoche.

Attached: 1555618418639.png (1490x1268, 2.19M)

>Battle Network game
>featuring backgrouncds by Hiroshi Yoshida
>and character designs from Tatsuki Fujimoto
uh, i'm down for that...

Attached: file.png (738x1100, 1.39M)

I just realized that as much as I love anime I'm not sure if I would like most of the games I like with anime artstyle. Now I'm unsure if it's just because I don't like the idea of changing the original experience I had or if I'm biased against anime artstyle in this particular case because most of the games with it aren't that good and I've become somewhat prejudiced towards it. I guess at least Dark Souls wouldn't suffer from it since it's basically anime already.

Attached: 1345323.jpg (78x135, 7K)

>Dead Rising by Jairo
Frankie West has covered being a war-zone comfort girl (boy) you know.


>Fallout New Vegas
>Takasugi Kou
My dick won't survive

Attached: 1433744996726-0[1].png (1725x2500, 1.03M)

Where’s the pubes

Attached: BD2D2823-BA31-4B3E-B972-F7964D7E7902.jpg (480x480, 19K)


urge to colonize rising...

Attached: 1360045923999.png (492x526, 196K)

Neck yourself pedoweeb.

>Kentaro Miura

another great thing that will never exist

>mizuryu kei
>katou jun
>bear hand
>naga ichi
>sugi G
>juan gotoh
>john k peta
>logan cure
>kenkou cross
Why does Yea Forums have such bad taste in porn?

Attached: 1553465388381.png (446x435, 74K)

Megaman Battle Network 3
With Pochi



Attached: 1340169887527.jpg (471x470, 52K)

>BO4's battle royale mode

> pedos and their fetish
> Not part of the lgbt
Sure user, sure...

(You) just listed every artist you could think of to get a response
Here's (You)r dopamine rush, I'm sure some other retards will give (You) one too, just don't spend it all at once

>proceeds to never post his favorite artists
you the same kind of faggot who posts "that" image in 3x3 threads but never posts his own

Nouns aren’t adjectives and shouldn’t be used that way. It sounds retarded.

That's actually from this thread

>Jet Set Radio
I don't know how it'll work, but fuck it.

Attached: 1561674164493.jpg (814x575, 102K)

Attached: odxupuw1dju21.png (1921x1346, 3.77M)

Retard: The user: The Sequel

Attached: Coverart.png (256x321, 152K)

based, if a doujinka is popular enough to get mentioned on Yea Forums they're usually trash

>Mount and Blade Warband
>art by Andou Hiroyuki
Male characters are all fairly average but with monster dongs, and the females are all either breeding MILFs or oppai lolis. I didn't know how much I wanted this.

Attached: image.jpg (240x180, 38K)

>that fat bastard that draws Made in Abyss
desu there needs to be a botw engine Abyss delving game. would be kino

>JAP shadman

Attached: Mad bull 34.jpg (480x360, 26K)

On that topic, just found out twitter media downloader won't work with the new layout. Fuck. Now I can't download my nezumis, muh idlecums, muh asanagis, muh doppels, and muh likes. Anyone know of an alternative?

Also favorite game atm would be Spider-Man if we're going by how much time lately I've spent playing. HZD if it's total time, and Dying Light if it's just general fun.

>Dying Light but with Asanagi

>Turok 2
Already has big tidies in the original game
Based Indian will fuck the Alien girl

Attached: turok2.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>Jet Force Gemini by classic Bengus

Why the hell not.

Also pubes are hot. Stop being low test.

Attached: tumblr_m365wmDnOx1qas1mko1_1280.jpg (1280x1075, 628K)

>reddit reply

>It's a "good artist wastes their talent drawing deliberately ugly and unappealing shit" episode

Attached: Quattro with gun.png (424x320, 151K)

no one fucking cares


Attached: A Char.gif (500x375, 493K)

You failed In all capacities

you are white knighting for imaginary whores

Oh thank you so much man. Really. If I drew porn I'd draw you as porn.

You don't understand what my complaint is or what white knighting means

y-you too

i know what both are and i dont care about either
leave my thread.

Eat your own fucking shriveled dick you obsessed tunnelvision faggot.

Yeah but they sucked me off last night.

>Morrowind with Shake-O
>playable cyclops race
>endless titty mods
>get to defeat titty Dagoth Ur


Attached: the elder scrolls hitomi.png (1200x1711, 2.22M)

>Dowman Sayman
Sounds good. Just having one consistent artstyle for the characters would already be a big step up.

I fucked you're mom

>SSX 3
>Maron Maron

Attached: 1538279574660.jpg (118x115, 8K)

Yes it could, Yasuda has a curse where porn isn't allowed to be made of his characters

[chair clattering]

What about all those doujins were Io gets raped and impregnated by demons?

Attached: __nitta_io_megami_ibunroku_devil_survivor_and_etc_drawn_by_mami_apsaras__5ba80377485a35f430bb2aee1bd (600x600, 135K)

Rad as fuck, holy shit.

By the way, did the word "Eastern" recently change its meaning to mean "porn" or something? I wasn't clued in on this.

Attached: Red.Riding.Hood.full.77327.jpg (2625x3883, 2.05M)

Those two places got thier stuff from sad panda and they don't allow outsiders to post anything new.

Got a panda link?

Someones been browsing /e/ huh OP?


>rune factory 3

>Ace Combat Zero



neither does the abomination in your image

If an eastern artist redrew my favorite game, how would I be able to tell the characters apart?

Hair color, number of belts and boob size.

What about the face?

Eye color, which of the three eye angles the artist can draw to denote personality, and boob size.

>patapon 2
This actually works out pretty well
I like the way he draws eyes

Attached: 157980-Patapon_2_(USA)-1505040921.png (952x539, 192K)

>Mount and Blade by Nihei

what the fuck

Attached: Abara_v01p032-033.png (2004x1400, 797K)

>plasmas just become stands

>Range Murata

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I don't think you get the joke

He didn't realize it became the Byori links now.

I think Amano would do incredible work on Planescape Torment.

Attached: Screenshot_20190728-222207__01.jpg (1065x1252, 490K)

Holy fuck I just realized I can emulate this shit RIGHT NOW even on my potato
I never got to beat it because my house got robbed when I was a kid
Im so fucking happy holy shit I gotta okay this right the fuck now fucking hell Im so happy this made my whole week better

>Dwarf Fortress with art by Junji Ito

Fuck boys I dont know if I can handle that horror.

Attached: Ito_Main.jpg (556x314, 163K)

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 remade by CLAMP.... no thanks.

Just a heads up mate, you'll probably have some input lag that you'll have to compensate for. Could be a bit frustrating.

Soichi BTFO

well I mean he does win in the end.
his entire family is under his control by the time he is an adult or something IIRC but he is also married to that ugly ass demon monster girl so... yeah he loses?

gotta feel bad for the family though.
being stuck with a jackass of a son/brother.

Don't lie to me. If OP had bush it'd be 10/10

>Rune Factory 4
>Made using Homunculus art

Hell yeah.

This is somehow more erotic than full frontal nudity.

hello piers anthony


Use tsumino.

>Resident Evil 3

Attached: Hard.jpg (370x380, 111K)

>Persona 5 by Takeda Hiromitsu

Attached: 4BAC4996-CB2A-440C-9AC6-8DABABAF5D12.jpg (600x453, 48K)

Wonderful 101 with the art of daisuke ishiwatari

Why do people hate asanagi? The way he draws bodies are great.

Attached: 6E3B51F4-1C03-416D-903F-0E1A5C5BE9C1.jpg (1000x1193, 633K)

meme hate

A handful of fags forcing the meme
>Japanese Shadman

Anything that is sci-fi, depressive and environmental focused really.
Nihei metroid, zero Dawn, Doom or even Warhammer Dow.

>Asanagi drawing Vanilla/Femdom

Attached: 016C70CB-DD65-4E1C-BA59-413A8AC91B7C.jpg (660x1024, 128K)

Most people hating are the same ones that keeps shilling Shadman and other shitty western artists around here.

So the game is now about a bossy loli killing all lolicon NEETs by dragging them out of their rooms and exposing them to sunlight?

Attached: 70385821_p1.jpg (650x1181, 453K)

The only good traps are the sub ones with small feminine dicks, and those will never do the fucking.

>The World Ends With You
>drawn by Tite Kubo
goodbye beautiful Shibuya backgrounds I guess

Megaman drawn by Araki... it migth work

I don't like him because he always draws the exact same doujin only changing characters and setting, but comparing him to a talentless hack like shadman is beyond retatded.

I don't know any chink artists by name.

>Dragon's Dogma
Every monster has a giant fat gaping wrinkly prolapsed orifice and a huge futa cock

>Hitman: Blood Money by Kloah
Shota Assassin assassinating Hags

Could very well be this, but Twilight Princess for me. Imagine the Telma.

Nihei 40k firewarrior 2, listen, I just wanna pilot a riptide and punch hole into that tank that is behind that baneblade,... Several Terminators,... and a meter of steel reinforced concrete.
Let me dream goddammit.

Dumb shadman hate spilling on to a ton of other artists for some reason, also post more Asanagi.

>Rune Factory
>Art either by n.g. or Kantoku.

>Western hentai """"""artists"""""


>Art by NaPaTa

literally any game by kunaboto

>Bloodborne with art by Junji Ito

>Max Payne with art by Shiwasu no Okina
Nah man, it wouldn't work.

Attached: it's payne!.jpg (1024x768, 80K)


>Actual anime Crusader Kings 2
Useless no matter the artist

>Fallout: New Vegas
>characters drawn by Sindoll

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>Oracle of Seasons/Ages
I mean, I want to see how Din and Nayru turn out, but I don't think it's the best fit for his style.
>Rune Factory 4
This should do well, but I think we can do better.

Attached: 92818.jpg (800x600, 153K)

i don't like innocent women getting turned into brain damaged quadruple amputees then eaten in my porn

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This but Myst.

Not really a lot to go with - the brothers and Atrus.

Shadman memes mostly. But that aside, I like most of his work, even alot of his mind break, ntr stuff, except when he go full quadruple amputee, fleshlights. That, for me is just unsettling.

suit yourself queer

A lot his stuff recently has been more vanilla though, see his Kashima and Ajax doujins.

>Kenshi with Homare doing the character models
Yes please and thank you

Attached: easy wish.jpg (1280x1883, 569K)

>Terranigma by Tkmiz

Attached: tkmiz-926329735839334400-20171102_230634-img1.jpg (1920x1080, 341K)

>He didn't mention PIERO
Feels good man.

You know those 2 places ripped from panda right?

It would be somewhat depressing but i still want to see it.

Attached: tkmiz-585419107295559680-20150407_052926-img1.jpg (2471x3499, 616K)

Not everyone likes amputation and heavy torture.

That one doujin with the purple haired girl was almost vanilla.

Muh dick.

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My favorite game already had it's art done by my favorite Japanese artist, so I guess it's exactly the same.

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God that manga is awful. Same shit every panel.

SaGa Frontier
drawn by LEE

okay, this is epic

>Ryoko Kui or Q Hayashida
Nothing changes.

Jet Set Radio Future
Remade by Oh Great!

Asanagi is unironically the greatest adult artist of our time. Holy shit his designs are top notch kino.


>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Miwa Shirow
would be cool

Attached: shirow-miwa-design-archive-gadgetry-art-book-44.jpg (600x813, 74K)

Well fuck, that was mine as well. Have you seen Angel's Egg? It's a movie directed by Oshii with Amano responsible for the art direction. Has a bit of A Torment/Book of the New Sun vibe.

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>Mega Man X
>Hiroyuki Imaishi

Attached: bfb22c56c4285f612cdb22f8c1d0fecb.jpg (428x600, 79K)

>final fantasy 9
>akihito tsukushi
my fucking dick

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>Fujimoto Hideaki
FInally some quality boywife material

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I hate picking favorites, but between some of my favorite games and artists the best combination would probably be Akihiko Yoshida and Dragon Quest V. It's hard to say if DQ would really be DQ without Toriyama, but at the very least Yoshida is a man who excels at anything fantasy.

Attached: 022.jpg (4828x7016, 3.83M)

I like this guy's art too, I'd play such a game myself.

My favorite video game is Smash Bros, but a uniform artstyle there would ultimately hurt it, so...

Legend of Zelda by Yusuke Murata, please.

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>Ken Ishikawa is dead

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>Trails in the Sky 3rd
My dick says yes

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Found and artist for you

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How is Rainworld?

I liked that game too but it's not my favorite one by any measure. Maybe my favorite one on PSP though.

Why did the Extra universe have to turn into Musou?

Attached: Fate Extra concept art.jpg (4761x2917, 1.8M)

>mass effect
>itou eight

>Either Metal Gear Solid 2 or The World Ends With You with art by Shirahama Kamome

Well it'd certainly be interesting.

Attached: Dragon.png (2261x1600, 757K)

Imagine any game remade into Shadman's artstyle.

So do they die in that doujin?

if i recall they get mind broken by a mind flayer and amputated in the end.

But how does this affect porn artists?

in what doujin?

where does this shit originates from?

right wing tumblr

>Dark Souls by Akihiko yoshida.
>Every girls have big butts and either yoga pants or dresse
Still, knowing what he did on Ogre that doesn't sounds bad
At least way better than DaS by Don Rosa

>Your favorite game is remade using graphics made by your favorite Eastern artist. What is it?
Keisuke Itagaki's Warhammer Online.

I... I dunno, man.


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>Fujimoto Hideaki

Attached: 65778731_p5_master1200.jpg (600x800, 551K)

Because it's actually painful and annoying for women to get their nipples pinched too hard over prolongued periods of time

see That's the joke. Toriyama made shit he doesn't even remember because the story and the characters were made on a whim. Toriyama forgot half of the reasons why he made the characters as they are.
Man just wanted to write some Dr. Slump

i have no idea what freelancer and real 23 would look like

>sex isn't natural!
Fuck off Mohammed

Attached: duckab.jpg (1000x589, 224K)

>can't post any nns images because guro is universally banned despite this entire board being about killing people
Oh well, Fable by nns would be pretty neat.

>men having sex with women is homosexuality

Attached: 15406928_p1 - nnSからのメッセージをお読みください.jpg (600x800, 146K)

>Oath in Felghana featuring Urushihara

Fucking fund it.

Attached: DlwehZtUYAAASL7_thumb.jpg (554x779, 209K)

>dragon's dogma
Fuuuck that'll be so T H I C C

Net Souls

Can you please fuck off? How many times do you retards need the exact same game?

bayonetta made by based raita

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>theme hospital by abubu.


Im actually fine with this.

Attached: BestGame.png (835x571, 1.13M)

Blame is ideal for a souls formula game.
You're a hater nigger and probably liked sekiro

rip sad panda


I checked all those articles before and none of them prove that porn rots your brain
sensation-seekers are firstly outgoing and interesting and it's a pre-existing condition, prolactin spikes after cumming which is part of why you feel tired but it's not chronically elevated (it lowers your libido), 3 is just the "you do stupid shit when you're horny" effect not something permanent, 4 is a question of the chicken or the egg effect, the drug effect just means that your lust for drugs can be vanquished and your libido recovered (not that meth is less addictive than porn jesus christ)

Are you twelve? Sekiro sucked too, removing complexity from the already overly simplistic Souls formula and tacking on a useless stealth mode were stupid decisions.

Attached: kgproject2-1133957942665814016-20190530_074656-img1.jpg (1000x1389, 250K)

It'll be so fucking good

That would be amazing.

>Crash Bandicoot 2
Would look adorable
One that would actually be amazing
>Devil May Cry 5
>Nanameda Kei
The reason why is Kei's attention to detail when creating monsters. If we apply that to DMC5's demons you'd get some really nice demon designs. Also if he gets to do level related art then there'd be a lot more variety in environments and there'd be a lot more color while still keeping the hellish/creepy environments.
I love DMC5 but there's some issue with demons looking a little one note at times and the environments while not bad feel a little lacking. Let Kei go wild and you'll get some great designs. Also he draws a number of older guys so Dante and co won't be downgraded to moebait or anything.

Attached: MONSTERS2.jpg (1280x1024, 344K)

>Dragon Quest Monsters, in Toru Nakayama's artstyle
Yeah, I'd buy that remake
I'd buy the shit out of it

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So dragon quest with a worse battle system?

>ow the edge shinji
>sameface rei and asuka
This art is really cool but I don't like it

>persona 5 by goban

Attached: 1496672508251.png (720x712, 676K)

He would do the giant hairy tick rotgotten beast I got once justice

Pls, what do you call this "plump and thick" aesthetics? There need to be more works like theirs.
Would def play game set in W40k universe with those bodies.

great tastes, thx kind user

Attached: diablo 2 amazon by chinbotsu.jpg (535x1200, 226K)


> ghost trick
> xration
honestly not sure if want

Attached: 73037779_p0.jpg (1600x1200, 560K)

>last translations were months ago and aren't up to date
>raws haven't been updated in months either no matter where I check

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>Mega Man
>Drawn by Bubuka
I'd like to see what he does with Roll.

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I'd buy it.

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>japanese shadman

Asanagi is better than Shadman though.

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how many cumulative kilometers of dick has this girl racked up already?


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Me on the left, the rogue

Roughly the distance between Oregon and San Francisco.

>Metal Fatigue
>art by Itoh Sei
It would be really well looking.

i remember this desu, its about a kids ntr the babysitter from her husband

>Dragon Ball Fusions by Araki
>Heritage for the Future by Toriyama

That'd be a trip...

Attached: Jojo Ball Z.jpg (720x1056, 621K)

>retarded animeshit
back the fuck off???!!!


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