Why does everyone say this game is shit? I’ve been having a blast so far

Why does everyone say this game is shit? I’ve been having a blast so far.

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Yea Forums hates ps4 exclusives as a reflex
believe literally the opposite of what they say
it's wrong 90 of the time

love what you love! trust yourself!

The expansion is kino

I really had fun with it

Its good and the expansion makes it better

Explored the entire map, did most of the side stuff and got all the collectibles before entering the city of the sun or whatever. A decent but not amazing game.
Also bought special edition on release but didn't play it for 2 years

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This is Yea Forums what did you expect? Either way this game is pretty good and I'm almost close to getting the plat.

>32% platinum
Oh no no no no

It's a solid 6/10.
It is a amalgamation of every single Triple A game trope that appeared in the 2010s. While at the same time doesn't attempt to improve any of it.
People with a wide array of games under their belt play the game and feel they could be playing any other game for a better experience.
It's the epitome of "been there done that".

I just started it after finishing pretty much everything but the hunting grounds in the main area. The first fight gave me more of a run for my money than corrupted thunderjaws did. I’m excited
Yeah I can see how if you’ve played a lot of this “genre” it might seem mediocre, there’s not much it does that’s really new. IMO the top notch execution (except for cutscenes) makes up for it. Shame it got compared so much to BotW on release, they’re very different in their design philosophies


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the inventory system is retarded. you can only keep like 3 things but everything you kill drops all this loot. oh you want more space, trade me 3 goat bones and a stalker lens for one extra slot

>Yea Forums thinks this is ugly

It's fine. Within Yea Forums everything must either be 10/10 GOTYAY or -100/10 PURE SHIT.

Its yet another TPS with photo-realistic art direction and boring, half-automated gameplay

It's alright. I think the game needed a bit more variety in the encounters. Most fights feel the same. The outfits, and clothing design in general could have been more varied. I don't really like any of the armors. The most glaring thing is the weapon system. Why do bows fire different arrows? Or slings launch different bombs? That part needs to be ironed out, but in general it's pretty fun. I like the story for the most part, too.

Because you have shit tastes.
t. Someone who played it and thought it was alright.

>so far
That's why. It gets repetitive as fuck and you probably won't want to finish it.

The thing I found frustrating about the weapon system was that it wants you to devise an approach for each encounter and every weapon (except maybe the "machine gun" one) has its niche, BUT you can only equip four at once. Why not just let me switch between all of them or an arbitrary selection of ones I prefer in battle?

>Yea Forums hates ps4 exclusives as a reflex

that's some horseshit screencap, I got it two weeks before that and it was only ~7%

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because it lets you change any piece of equipment in any way you like while paused even in combat.

That’s what I’m saying. It feels so much worse to pause mid fight to change weapons when they could have put them all on the quick change somehow

My favorite part is when the Cat from Red Dwarf shows up.

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