How many buckets of brouzouf do you think she has?

How many buckets of brouzouf do you think she has?

Attached: BinahFull.png (476x1199, 220K)

Other urls found in this thread:!ldc0BaqD!2Pl5Pb4_z1H74OceqOMvcqsZaIongShaaR9SRATTnrs Corporation/스토리?from=로보토미 코퍼레이션/스토리#s-7

Depends on what brouzouf means.

Attached: 956E4D99-50CB-4E77-B732-6033BE514DFE.jpg (677x560, 58K)

I'd cum buckets in her if you know what I mean.

depends on how many waves she makes. the more waves, the less brouzouf.

Attached: 1563885484732.jpg (480x357, 49K)
Enjoy your three ALEPHs in central

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French slang for money I think.

so do we do this one cause it's 20 mins earlier

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On a side note how could you possibly fail the Tip missions? Unless your facility is just a mixture of zayins and teths there's no reason you should ever get to that level of Qliphoth meltdown.

Gonna speed this

>Game runs way too slow because my computer is garbage for the last 5 days to even be fun or worth doing.
>Experiencing the story scenes aren't going to be as satisfying if I don't experience them in game.

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How long until suppressions are available

How's the run going?

Wait did I miss a thread between this one and

sounds like it, wish they'd put lobotomy for an easy ctrl f

No. Day 23 was posted in the thread you linked

When are we going to get a Lobotomy Corporation Repainted?

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Went to eat lunch, ill get it done in 15 mins

Remember that we have the Justitia weapon now and Yumyum has the gift.

Anyone have an 100% abnormality save file? My game is glitched.

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For me, it's the Big Bird.

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Just cleared Tipereth's suppression. Took hours because of one failed attempt and the sheer amount of time it takes to deal with Amber Midnight safely. An observation: If you kill one of the giant worms in a room, the room is effectively safe. The other giant worm monster won't enter that room.
Should I deal with Cheesy or Gebby next?

Attached: delicious green slime.jpg (500x480, 248K)

>not just rushing the last few counters before having to deal with the midnight proper

My urge to kill things is too strong, user. There is little more satisfying than seeing a hallway piled up to my agents' knees with corpses.

>Qliphoth counter decreases
>can't increase it in any way
Defend this.

Attached: CFD7461C-2AE0-40EE-B033-57CAAF908F62.jpg (966x1649, 309K)
Ok guys it's time
Hod first?

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It'd fuck with a lot of the things out there and trivialize most abnos with a counter of 1.

Who's the new guy, and who panicked?
Hod first.

Ever had that one moment in your facility where someone you were absolutely sure was gonna die doesn't? I had that, and holy shit. There's no HP in the bar.

Attached: 20190728185822_1.jpg (1920x1080, 298K)

Door-kun almost died due to blue star
Dload the game to find out who the new guy is

That was my entire experience with Judgement Bird before I got his armor. Pale Damage is no fucking joke.

just in the filename to be safe
>lob corp on subject = dead

Join central command team
We got Cute and fUNNY abnos!

Attached: TipherethApipe.png (444x520, 129K)

Oh shit, I thought this was gonna be an EYE thread. Sorry, I'll be on my way now.

Attached: DONT TRY TO UNDERSTAND.jpg (600x580, 270K)

You are welcome to join the cycles of guilt here.

we got cycles and waves

Attached: Отдел_Извлечения..png (598x401, 100K)

>hokma suppression
>thought i was done
>i wasn't
>just watched my favorite employee wearing black smile get fucked to death by tentacles after having a bad session with CENSORED
>otherwise, a perfect clear
i don't know how to feel, i don't ever want to do that again

EYE/Lob Corp is fine. You'd be surprised with how many people play these kinds of games and overlap into EYE. Hell, when we had SCP: Secret Lab threads, some of us would play EYE on the side when waiting for updates or not enough people on the servers

Let their sacrifice not be in vain. At least they died doing what they loved. Getting fucked by tentacles

Just finished the same thing. Christ, I'm bad at this game. Just the Dusk Ordeal of the giant worms was enough to send my facility into chaos thanks to Mountain and Big Bird escaping and going on killing sprees. This was a sucky result but it took me way too many attempts to try again.
Now I'm just wondering how the fuck to deal with Gebura's mission of clearing a midnight ordeal. I honestly don't think I'll be able to.

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It's true that I killed Carmen... and yet I am not her murderer.

>Door-kun is still alive
You make me proud, anons.
Good luck with the suppression my dude.

It sucks that the game has literally no optimization
You need a cpu with good single core performance to run it at above 30fps on the later days and core suppressions.
The game doesn't seem to actually use multiple cores or the gpu at all.

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>It's true that I fucked Angela...
>Yet I am not her lover

De-Clerk your entire facility with execution bullets. Cram everyone into elevators that lead to main rooms. Pray for Amber Midnight. Be extremely patient and deal with the giant worms first then clean up the rest of the shit.
I'm not great at the game either but I'm extremely patient and persistent and that's frequently all I need. I believe in you user
That's a sad fact of all janky weird indie games.
Any tips for getting into EYE? I've desperately wanted to have fun with it but I feel like I'm missing a major aspect.

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>deal with meltdowns
>friends on voice chat with me start sperging out
>get distracted
>look away from burrowing heaven
>the bongbong of my facility gets insta-yeeted by it
goddamnit i just want to do a fucking dusk suppression

Attached: 1564110378215.jpg (750x750, 73K)

Let's make tools
>Lie Injector
>TETH, Mounting type
>Upon wearing it, employees will see the world through the Cognition Filter and will be immune to Fear damage. White and Black damage resistance is also increased.
>Taking any amount of Fear damage after unequipping Lie Injector will make the employee instantly become Overwhelmed.
>Red, Black, and Pale damage taken have a small chance of knocking Lie Injector off of the employee, causing them to become instantly Overwhelmed.

>Roll for Binah
>Keep getting Hods and Angelas


>not rolling a Shagohod

Attached: TheShagohod.jpg (800x533, 80K)

This is fine

Attached: 3103B049-026D-4306-BA1B-5F1AAAA54A60.png (1920x1080, 415K)

what am I gonna do with all these hods

What do you think?
You fuck them


Attached: angry.png (920x1160, 458K)

ugh do I have to

Enkephalin Dealer makes extras pretty useful fodder if you want to make your Netzach anything more than a wasted slot

Multiplies an employees' stats by 2 but forces them to do a random 3 actions each Qliphoth meltdown, such as working and suppressing.

Attached: 6bqm1dy384d31.png (2048x2048, 30K)

My playthrough's come to a stop because of this bitch
>you can't stop a tide with your hands
>drops a facility-wide meltdown on me
every single time

Hide everyone on elevators to avoid the pillar attack and then just attack her

Elevators truly are our strongest ally.

The elevators are a manager's best friend next to Execution Bullets.

Just do rapid hand movements user. You can S-rank it like I did. Just try doing it when you can't pause at all during the whole fight and you will know true suffering.

It's hard to do when half of my facility is out of my control and blue star is breaching

Attached: (welfare).jpg (594x801, 352K)

>Parasyte Tree
>Little Prince
>Fetus Deletus
I can't even imagine how fucking awful it must be to work in your Welfare team. The air quality must be fucking shit in there. Well, that and the fact your dudes would constantly get possessed by Little Prince AND the Parasyte Tree

Attached: 1563170867778.jpg (1024x914, 95K)

Maybe Prince and the Tree fight over the employees and cancel each other out?

There's a reason nobody is working there right now. Chesed must be crying.

I know it sucks but you pretty much have to pray that blue star doesn't get meltdown'd

>be clerk
>get possessed
>can't decide if you want to go to the mushroom or the tree containment to die
>get turned into a bee before you can make up your mind
>fetus begins to scream
Great abnos, well fared, my sephirah


where are these OC from?

games repainted is a thing where people put their shitty meme jpegs, injokes and retardation all over a game's graphics and basically shit all over a game's art in the name of it "being funny" or some shit

>Blue Star immediately becomes anal vore

Is the user that was gonna do Hod's soup gone? If so, I'm gonna do it myself, or at least try to.

>managed to do my first dusk without any agent deaths
>while fucking mountain and monk broke out at the same time because that many clerks were still alive when the ordeal happened
even though i was constantly pausing to micro against mountain's movements through hallways and monk's charge attack, i'd say im pretty happy with myself

Attached: ▄█▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀.jpg (1126x989, 808K)

Oh, so like the thing Vinesauce did one time?
I think the main appeal of it is the streamer's reaction to the references, so unless they've already played it I don't see it happening.

If you want to grind for it early, do the side missions
Cloak implant is quite useful
Higher difficulty settings in options give better brouzouf payout(?)

Attached: EYE guide megaimage.png (6984x2128, 3.34M)

Her soup?

Attached: sticker (32).png (252x224, 13K)

Where is your Mountain? Mine's in Disciplinary, and my strategy for dealing with it is:
>De-clerk Disciplinary and Extraction, starving it of clerks to kill in its' home turf and making the third option not with looking at
>Position two teams of agents on the top and bottom hallways
>It'll always go through at least one of these paths, so if it goes to one, it's slowed down by one team
>The other team dogpiles it from behind, preventing escape

>orange midnight
Who thought this was a good idea?

Attached: 1564167515408.gif (263x199, 405K)

Baby's first midnight
The only midnight that's an actual issue is violet

my mountain is in security, while my monk is on the very bottom right of centcom, luckily my mountain is next to an elevator room so i can just position someone there who runs into the hall the moment i get the breakout notif to slow it down while the containment squad in the main room come running through
thank fuck i've now unlocked disciplinary, now i can get some execution bullets to get rid of clerks and i can have some extra people nearby to tard wrangle monk whenever he breaks out

Is this even worth it anymore Lo/v/Corp

Attached: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.png (851x548, 747K)

Violet is literally the only one I've beaten.

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We must lose no agents!

Try luckshitting it
I remember that when i was doing Hod's mission i somehow avoided a meltdown on CENSORED everytime
If you can't finish hod, just do some other suppression but do farm the aleph gear to try hod again

Imagine the clones lesbo orgy...

you're telling me there's physical media of these things

There is physical merch but that plush looks fanmade. I'd buy a punishing bird plush or rubber duck not gonna lie

I'd chowder on her beef stew before I slow cook my sausage in her broth, then I'll splash cream of mushroom all over her egg drop.

Attached: B.jpg (901x1200, 280K)

all I see is traitor

Give some caps to know you're still trying

I'm sorry Anons.
With Blue Star, Mountain and Nothing There in our facility, I could do nothing but take the loss.
Forgive me, and take this as the first betrayal if you wish. After all, we just suppressed a traitor, didn't we?!ldc0BaqD!2Pl5Pb4_z1H74OceqOMvcqsZaIongShaaR9SRATTnrs

Attached: ImSorryHodSoup.png (1366x766, 740K)

So, weed is dead? Poor guy.
I'll speed this day since it's a memrepo day i think

With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Face the Fear, Build the Future, or persist in the doomed world you have created.

Weed may be dead, but the immense amount of Bongs in the facility will carry on her spirit.

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I honestly feel really sad for the user who created him. He was easily one of my fave employees and seeing him go was rough. I sent him with full confidence that he'd survive, but somehow things turned south quickly. If you are lurking, I'm sorry, DudeWeed-user. May your legacy persist in all future threads with the images you blessed us with.

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Why do you wanna fuck Hod so bad?

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>not going for 100%

She has the longest hair and the least weird hair color.

Played EYE, but have no idea who this is

Anyways, here's some of the library lore

Attached: two wolves.png (467x485, 266K)

It's a character from Lobotomy Corporation. Many threads ago some EYE Anons git confused and thought she was part of the game because of her style, so now that's kinda stuck with us.

>longest hair
eh, i guess i can kinda see it

Attached: 1556199740552.jpg (850x477, 103K)
Farmed some aleph armors so help with the supressions.
Remember to beat foreskin murderer 4 or 5 times while doing the supression to finish gebura's mission
Unlock Exe bullets pls

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I'm gonna do this one.

No that's Gebura. Who just so happens to be the actual best girl.

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That's a weird way of spelling Carmen, user.

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Ty amigo

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So, why are abnormalities 1, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21-26, 28, 29, 34-36, 38, 39, 48, and 65 absent from the game? What narrative reason for them to not be in the game?

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you could say they're neutralized in scp terms
one neat thing is that judgement bird is present in hod's story even if you don't have it

Are numbers really that important? I don't think you can see them after unlocking all of an abno's infonexcept for tools.

Really? I know that Nothing There is in Gebura's story but I didn't know about Judgement Bird.

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they talk about why they should even train if it's a guilty or not scenario and then hod loses it right after

What are the odds of getting WhiteNight again after you meme repo'd him? I'm at day 41 and wondering if it's worth it to grind mem repo for him, still need his weapon.

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Fuck Alriune

But I like her

Attached: Hi.png (590x518, 206K)

intentionally left blank, either for lore reasons or missing to keep things mysterious. Or maybe there's a lot of cut abnos

Is that a happy Alriune I see? Is that a good result I smell?

Why are you SCP knock off fags stealing my rare E.Y.E memes?

see , an innocent mistake turned into a slight injoke apparently

Because I want to be friends with you user.
Binah was made to unite us together

She truly is best girl.

Which perplexes her to no end

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Hey... why'd the first trumpet music start playing?

>Mountain Of Smiling Bodies breaches

Attached: chompy boi.png (271x265, 127K)

>Mountain of Smiling Bodies
>none of the bodies are smiling

Actually nevermind, got it 2 meme repos later. Seems to be up there with the rest of ALEPHs.

Attached: whitenight.jpg (1920x1080, 595K)

Thanks for the tips user, I'll make sure to keep them in mind and try my best. I haven't given up yet and I refuse to do so now. I'll farm some more waw and aleph gear and give it a shot.
Can you just explain what you mean by abusing elevators tho? I've never looked up any guides or anything so maybe I'm missing out on a really good strategy here

Amber Ordeals do not enter elevator rooms under any circumstances. Your agents are 100% safe while they're in them. They also allow for quick movement to kite abnormalities around.

Attached: 73399960_p0.png (1920x1080, 397K)

How is the suppresion going?

Oh shit, that's a game changer. I gotta give that a shot for sure. Cheers for the heads up user

Elevators aren't 100% safe against other Ordeals or Abnormalities, keep that in mind. But the quick movement and safety can prove useful!

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Everyone just got TRAIN'd except for the Bongbong who was on train duty. I just got all the boxes too.

Reminder elevators teleport.

if it's good enough for midnight green, it's good enough for me

When the work result was good...

...punishing bird escaped.

Attached: IT FUCKING GOT OUT AGAIN.jpg (640x368, 65K)

How is the supression going now?

No luck so far, shit keeps fucking me early on.

Just do yesod if malkuth is 2hard4u

Rimanah here i didn't even make this thread it was actually my wife, haha she loves playing jokes like that with me even tho i keep blinding her, anyway here she is to apologize the next part was written by her.

Hey there yeah, i'm the wife lol sorry for having caused so much trouble but i guess i wouldn't have to make them if he stopped commanding you all and paid me a bit more attention

>doing nutsack supp
>well i can just use wellcheers and trainman to he-
>fucking NOTHING heals
This will be harder than I anticipated

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I've been gone since Central top floor completion, anything happen?

Reach the first meltdown and call me in the morning. I made the same assumption and had to retry because I had Child of the Galaxy give pebbles to everyone

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What set off the pebble nuke?

First meltdown targeted Alriune and I realized, looking at the red flashy frame, that I had fucked up. Naturally she got out and started replacing the clerks in my facility with very pretty hanahaki disease displays, which caused Big Bird to become upset because he's allergic to lavender and terrible abnormality design. Despite identifying my error exactly 30 seconds earlier I mindlessly sent his favorite agent to quell his autistic outrage like I always do.
My sides departed alongside my beloved employees

Attached: Blue Star the Hedgehog.gif (1100x800, 3.71M)

This is one of the greatest shitposts I've seen in my entire life. Thank you. My favorite part is the even shittier Nothing There standing in for Tails.

That's a work of art.


You just know

Shit like this is why I love LC threads. Thank you

Exquisite shitpost, my friend.

>mosb breaches
>deathball results in 2 casualties
>turns out we had 3 pairs of aleph gear lying around
I feel like a clerk

Any alternative file type? Current one isn't opening for me, going to take a crack at Malkuth since the other user hasn't come back in a while.

Attached: 1539048550529.jpg (1218x408, 510K)

I'm doing Netzach right now. Did a MosB deathball without deaths this time.

>No way fag
I haven’t laughed like this in a very long time

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Eloquently put. That would have been a sight to behold, just watching every agent flop over instantly.

It's quite an old slang too. I knew of it from literature but literally no one has used the word in conversation for 50 years (I'm a frenchfag). Which makes it better for the futuristic setting.

How come this cult indie game has such amount of OCs?

Still doing the suppression. The only problem is the clerklovers breaching.

Same with me, call it Deja-Vu. I have seen some threads on Lobotomy Corp from time to time, but I didn't really get the deal of it. If I understand it correctly, its one of those micromanagement games, but is there that much more to it? Could I like it?

Attached: f51.jpg (500x500, 140K)

>He doesn't what brouzouf is
Are you some kind of Jian?

jians are based and redpilled

It has suprising amount of PLOT, and I dont mean the usual big anime tiddy 'plot'. A rather dark story that doesn't even have a good ending with a philosophical question of 'how will you understand/overcome faults within you, and build the 'tree of life'(from the kabbalah)'. Regardless of how well they delivered it through the game I believe the message is similar to how EYE is about trying to stop yourself and yourself.
And cycles. Endless cycles until you see the end only to repeat it again.
This facility again, de ja vu!

Attached: 1563381369.jpg (640x622, 187K)

oh shit
LobCorp is actually the real EYE2: Prequel Sequel

Oh also by good ending I mean as in technically all endings are bad endings to a degree, even the true ending due to how half the results from the near-endless suffering just gets nullified due to a certain event. Apparently fully hopeful, bright, idealistic endings aren't allowed to happen in this game.

Not exactly, but yeah, I too was suprised at how similar the message the game is trying to tell(or the method) is.
and also at how both are relatively obscure from mainstream gaming. I get that lobcorp is based on a niche genre but really, EYE should at least be accesible by virtue of being a shooter. The story might be confusing but one could totally play the game blissfully unaware of the story and breeze through the campaign just fine.

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>Unlocked WN right out of the box
>This faggot just skips the whole clock thing and straight up killing 12 of your employees when he has his first mental break

WN is a joke on 2nd+ runs

None. Binah's bucket is only filled with snark and incomprehensible speech.

Attached: 1563906333424.png (319x551, 133K)

Daaaaaaaaaamn son, damn.

>tfw laughed at 4am and woke my dog up
I will save this for later
good post

Attached: reeee.jpg (249x283, 27K)

Tibereth beats Hod on both regard.
Brown hair is for degenerates.

Attached: sticker (15).png (252x224, 20K)

Congratulation. You won one internet.

Don't know why, but I just found this to be funny to me.

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I am still trying to do the red mist suppression but holly shit outside my 5 chads on aleph gear and tons of gifts everyone else gets disintegrated at the drop of a hat, really wanting to just press the damn button at letting her drown in all the shit my facility has to offer. Was this how Binah felt about her “fuck no I am not fighting that thing on fair terms”?

Attached: 1560877859655.jpg (1200x1920, 338K)

The true faces of Lobotomy Corp

You gotta at least survive to witness her do THE gold rush on your sorry facility, after that it's a fair choice to cheese it. You'll get your just desserts at Binah's anyway

I once send her Hood while I was healing my dudes and collecting more bullets… she dint last 50 seconds and the rabbits get killed like metal slug henchmen.

Have you tried appealing to her sexual instincts?

Attached: 65721062_p0.jpg (768x1024, 574K)

I saw that WN

Imagine the amounts of OC when LoR is finally released.

Just hope the game comes out good and that they do a good advertisement so it doesnt stay in the void.

That's what got rabbits killed.

Okay, now this is epic

By the way, I'm on day 26 and I'm considering getting plague doctor to unlock WN, I've got a good amount of Aleph gear with 3 weapons and 4 suits, should I try to get the WN weapon when that happens? Or should I try to roll for long boi and big boi for Justice set and Apoc set?

I like this artstyle

I have made it all the way to her 3rd phase than she just goes "lol no" and murders all the people in front of her, I also want to drop on top her a Great Hate for you on to of her but every single time I got that ordeal the stones fall on another central area, was kind of fascinating watch her remove prophecy of flesh anus from his torso mortal kombat style.
>Checks her search history
>impressive amount of time browsing for porn especially for a woman whit that figure
>Ryona and Guro all over the place
Yes, yes I did…

Attached: 1563276122839.jpg (1024x1024, 546K)

>The Qliphoth/Qlippoth/Qlifot or Kelipot (Hebrew: קְלִיפּוֹת, the different English spellings are used in the alternative Kabbalistic traditions of Hermetic Qabalah and Jewish Kabbalah respectively), literally "Peels", "Shells" or "Husks" (from singular: קְלִפָּה qlippah "Husk"), are the representation of evil or impure spiritual forces in Jewish mysticism,
God damn, I know we keep saying this but props to the writers for putting effort into their Jewish mysticism

Attached: 1513312832765.png (446x456, 362K)

Well, then try her sexual prudence, next time.

>God damn, I know we keep saying this but props to the writers for putting effort into their Jewish mysticism
They even hired one for their translation.

WTF is sexual insight
>reads manual
Now I have even more questions!

No matter what you do.
Do NOT use sexual repression on her. Under any circumstances.

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Holy shit

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Attached: 1561867960446.jpg (1100x800, 70K)

>Alriune hiding on top of the loop

don't diss clerks! they're people too!
and 100% not food for extra body parts!

Threadly reminder to bump your thread with reminding to read the manual.

Attached: 1558071937962.png (256x256, 28K)


what is even sexual repression? Handholding?
The last try I managed to get her to her 3rd phase but dodging Justitia is just a bad joke but seems like the one guy using magical bullet can outrange her and she just stand there trading fire using Justitia wind wave but is not able to reach, maybe that a glitch something killed him though it wasn’t the Red mist she was not reaching him. And I almost sure I have not seen the blender.

But dont you know user clark lives matter... at least to those 4

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Pure soul

Lovely isn't it

Attached: qliphoth.jpg (1036x1441, 404K)

If Japanese made this, this would have become a battle shonen.

Bastard!! did it in the 80s.

How does one make Binah happy?

Attached: 71696175_p18.jpg (800x594, 152K)

Apparently this is all about that stuff. Hold on, the korean wiki has elaborate details about the theme/message of this game. I'll try to translate this but this might take some time.

give her info on a facility she could destroy
either that or oreo macarons

Attached: 1551234071970.png (900x900, 134K)

>Any tips for getting into EYE?
Don't make waves.

What is Angela's problem? No memes

Check your legs

My legs are ok

I'm calling in the rabbits

Attached: 1563913744817.jpg (1680x1050, 472K)

This guy was such a letdown, everyone hyped him up as being hard but he just got stunlocked and melted before he could do anything. No wonder Gebura fucked up two of them.

Sexual Repression is NTR, CBT, BDSM and other generally unpleasant things

>NTRing Geb
>When she can turn you into mincemeat without a second thought

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*hides in shelter*
Nothing personnel Geb

reminder that myo is the best girl

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If mosb is at 1 you could just trigger him with a wounded nugget and then maul him to death. Also remember, magic bullet can kill clerks

>Any tips for getting into EYE
Use the spreadsheet form comments
Also remember to upgrade your legs(It's important), take tons of ammo with you and check your legs after every fight, also occasionally outside of them

Hippity hoppity
Myo is everybody's property

cute bun

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Dumb bun!

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May or may not have forgotten to do Geb's mission while braindead rushing Nutsack
Also we really really need exe bullets now. :)))

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Wtf I love R Corp now

I’ll speed malkuth in a bit

>we need execution bullets urgently
>haha but i forgot to do gebura lol :)
Manager, your prudence............

The clerk lovers weren't so bad
I just picked up my waifu for you guys.

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Smart choice manager
We can easily beat gebura's 3rd mission now.
I'll try to grab SO to make sure we get it though

NTR means a third person and the shelter only holds one.

Alright got it done, although not sure if clean. Gimme a moment...

Original Corporation/스토리?from=로보토미 코퍼레이션/스토리#s-7
“… meanwhile sometimes people insult A’s personality which isn’t wrong but in reality this work of fiction is about said A going through confessions (the ones you do at confession booths) and self-reflection so such an act is not a proper way to see this work. As it can be seen in game A lacking humaneness (is there a better word for this?) did not care for or interact with other people within the corporation except Carmen [or just does not like people], and would likely ignore and sacrifice them depending on the circumstances. [Binah:”I knew you and I were alike since we first met.” Also like Binah says, in this DYSTOPIAN world a personality like this would be more adequate. Or the world made him so.] However despite that internally he had guilt and sorry feelings for his former colleagues and employees that are being ground down to paste in real time and after a certain point endures countless loops despite B’s suggestions to not do so and achieves humane growth through the process. For example in Asiyah growth is gained through “willingness to stand up straight” [Malkuth], and “despite being a hypocrite, wanting to become a better person” [Hod] and at the same time realizing his former self has been neglectful of his colleagues and lacking understanding of them and structured as confessing he should have not done so to the player, Briah and Atziluth layer is not so different in basic frames. [Of course they’re not completely similar. For example Briah is generally about suggesting answers to the current X that is heading to the future, and Atziluth is literally a TEST and preparation to accept the future.]

Simply said A’s position is a complete flip side of this game’s first Abnormality ‘one sin and hundred good deeds’. It could be seen as ‘hundred sins and one good deed’. Day 49’s Adam and 50’s Ayn is not a mere twist on the first abnormality, because that IS ACTUALY HIM which caused such a description. Therefore this work (of fiction) is about throwing a question of ‘can a man full of sins, help other people, shed tears for them and advance to be a man who saves?’.
As it can be easily noticed Lobotomy Corporation is a game based on Jewish mysticism Kabbalah [many people don’t know but the commonly mentioned tree of sephiroth is an idea under kabbalah]. The general story of the game is as X which is broken possibilities of A in a corporation based on tree of sephiroth but reversed in the shape of qliphoth, sending down FEAR OR SIN down the tree, therefore, managing Abnormalities = FACING THE FEAR, reflecting apon the fear within humans and gaining understanding as such and solving A’s fear of ‘sins related to sephirahs’ former human state’, obtaining of “Answer to the lives in a broken world” and rotating the company as tree of sephiroth and spreading it causing a reversal = CREATE THE FUTURE. However in such a Jewish themed, inserting an Abnormality that implies Christianity that is blatantly opposite of Jewish, ‘one sin and hundred good deeds’ is quite profound. Even more as if showing up on the first day isn’t for show all endings including bad ending is a bad ending.

Closely observing the shapes connecting the departments from Malkuth to Keter at deployment phase blatantly shows that this game is a satire of kabbalah. At first from Malkuth to departments to Keter is electronic circuts, Mysticism-like shapes in Briah, and Void Chains later on, meanwhile in the background straight cities, reversed cities, and chains in the void. Adding on to this, as Asiyah departments are connected with electronic circuts, it’s like a schematic of tree of sephiroth as if it was a machine.
Based on this, assuming from the schematic of departments in deployment phase based on automata theoretic schematic, the main site’s departments take the shape of changing a certain language to other language. Starting from Malkuth which changes the language of lifetime to the language of the corporation’s system language, and continuing translations to the final location of keter, language of truth. However, unfortunately it lacks one mechanism. The thing that takes the role of that mechanism is “Daat” which has been added to the tree of sephiroth as a type of trick (…). Daat is neither Sephirah or something else but forcefully added to the tree of life, and the schematic during deployment phase showing this is the game mocking on how the kabbalah structure is flawed. And “Daat” suddenly appears at the very end of the game with no mentions, and just after Daat appears is the game’s final day. When seen in some way A’s plan was destined to fail from the start. [but this does not mean this was worthless. As mentioned in the game the pillar of light did shoot up, the player and speaker A did complete his personality, albeit in an unstable state.]
Meanwhile the three As seen during the final days also have very import backgrounds on their settings, their form related due to the reason of not only Jewish Mysticism Kabbalah but also Christians that stole the positon of chosen people, encompassing them all.

Abel is, how Cain’s offering was not accepted but Abel’s offering was, offering, therefore condition for salvation is following the laws given upon by god. Therefore, only following the road god prepared and not stepping an inch out or adding another. Therefore, a person meaning, as spoken in Proverbs (in the bible) THE FOUNDATION OF TRUTH IS REVEREING YHWH. Abel introduces himself as someone made of fury and egotism. However funnily when persuading and sending off Abel the four things player suggests is HOPE. Therefore, like how what the real Abel represents in the bible, the confrontation between Abel and X is a scene where the question of WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE? is answered with SUGGESTING HOPE. Abel is the first possibility that is confronted for a reason.
Abram is, the name before “Abraham” that means “father of large group” (can’t understand this much), which has the meaning of “high father” [which has the same meaning as the commonly spoken High Father, or Sky Father]. Abram, defeated by the holdup of the project abandons the project A and Carmen started, and BETRAYS EMPLOYEES with the words of “(insert D47 ending dialog here)” [think about what purpose the suffering and sacrifice of employees and Sephirahs are for from the start]. On the other hand, the 3 things X suggests to Abram is FAITH.

Adam is the “first person” that “the first sinner that was disconnected from god due to being able to discern good and bad”. Meanwhile, as Paul the apostle said “the first person is the shadow of the next person to come”, Adam is also the character that represents the reason for Christianity’s existence. And the two conclusions player suggests to Adan is FACE THE FEAR AND OVERCOME IT. This is interpreting eating “fruit of tree of knowledge”, as not the commonly thought becoming able to discern good and evil, but interpreted as ‘god’s order = god’s law = therefore, declaration to just die’ and refusing to directly see that fact, therefore EVADING THE FACING OF FEAR. So, it’s a criticism on “Hypocrisy of playing ignorant while knowing it in the mind”. This matches up with the contents of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes [Solomon warned to be aware of sins that fools oneself]. Especially so considering that Adam is a character that can only be met by X(Players) that learned at least some bits about the truth of the story.

Meanwhile carefully observing, there are inconsistencies in the scenes of confrontations with A’s possibilities. In confrontation with Abel the existence of “one sin and hundred good deeds” contradicts the meaning from confrontation with “Abel” [having faith is good, but having a different mind in reality and headed the wrong way], in confrontation with “Abram” the event that changed “Abram” to “Abraham” is missing [the fruition for following the road of hope and walking the right path is missing], and in confrontation with “Adam” the thing that the voice which showed up whenever facing these three implied, THEREFORE, A’S BASE FEAR OF NOT DIRECTLY FACING CARMEN is the contradiction. Even the last of the last day 50 Carmen cannot be seen anywhere on the road of the snake in the architecture team [Angela is implied throughout the story to be Angela=Carmen. Angela isn’t really Carmen, but Angela was more Carmen than anyone else. Therefore, A was thinking about THE CARMEN HE IMAGINED, rather than thinking about the true Carmen. This might be easier to understand on real life cases of people forcing their friends and lovers to be ‘their thoughts of the other’s ideal state’ or confusion upon the mismatch of the two (the imagined person and real person).]
And to end it off, Project Moon’s next planned work is LIBRARY OF BABEL. Seeing the incident of Tower of Babel in Genesis[although a famous story for lazy people(…), written simply ‘a tower to reach the heavens’ but YHWH COLLASPED IT in fury by making different languages. See the article for details], like in lobotomy, the story leading from lobotomy corporation’s failure absolutely cannot be a positive message towards kabbalah.

However this does not mean that failure in Lobotomy Corporation was useless. Even if incomplete the seed of light was spread, which caused “people who wander the library” to appear. However the original objective that A desperately wanted was unable to be completed in the end.
Meanwhile separate from A’s whereabouts which clear as night and day, Angela’s whereabouts are quite clouded, because if Angela truly did not care if humans found their ego or not there was no reason to wait for 3 days and just take the energy from the start. This caused many speculations and one of it is history of human philosophy (this leads to another page that contains a long enough analysis). And pointing out the contradiction of philosophy due to advances in technology exists. Lobotomy corporation of course handles religion as its main focus but it also indirectly handles western philosophical ideologies such as Cogito [that infamous ‘Cogito, ergo sum’. ‘I think, therefore I exist’, originates from here.]that Descartes suggested, and the brain in a jar, in which Angela choses to takes on the role of pointing out, destroying, and reaching out again[or chose that way without knowing herself]. Remember that Angela’s line of virtue is predicted to be “THE THINKING ME”[Angela’s first and last activity was becoming more than a simple machine, and being the actor and taking an active action.]

Funnily enough Angela’s name is also ‘A’ngela, so can be also considered to be a fragment that inherited a part of A, or could be considered A’s daughter that A personally named himself which is a funny thought if considering it. Also in the teaser for the sequel ‘babel’s library’ the speaker assumed to be Angela wishes that “may you find the book that you wish for”, if she really did not care for humanity she would not use words like ‘may you’(she used polite words here in korean), and no need to do so. Of course proper reasons would only be known to the devs, Project Moon.

(End of translation dump. If there are any typos or incorrect info regarding rerigeon sorry about that. I didn't now shit about jewish or christian religion until now.)

Religion. Fuck me.

Oh yeah I forgor, dude, I got this thing for you down here.

I love how that Ordeal always rapes everyone when they try it beating it for the first time.

corrected version


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>get it for first time
>okay my agents are already in the room, whatever
>they all get yeeted
>get it again
>okay, this time im waiting outside the room THEN running in
>run in too early, just after the pillar lands
>all my agents get yeeted again
thanks violet noon

Oh yeah, the word for faith here can mean religeous faith or trust.

What is the single most powerful attack?
No memes, and lets say no one sin, since he is a special case.

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Lurk until the sun falls from the sky

The pale apostles are up there in the fuckton of damage range, since 0.5 pale isn't enough to survive an attack depending on which of the two slashes they do.

Excluding shit like instant kills isn't it Nothing There's arm blade attack? Wiki says it deals 300 Red.

Too complex for me, i just like to whoop some abnormality faces with justitia.

Apostle's grab, if it counts, Pale Pillar and Pale Scatter


Hey, wait a sec, this isn't E.Y.E thread, where am I?

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Does anyone know how much damage Gebura fist attack is?
That one she launches at the end of her teleport spam.

You are in cycles of guilt
Enjoy you drinking from the bucket

You are in Cycles of Guilt 2: Electric Boogaloo

Can't wait for us to day1 to reach 100% codex just for some faggot to pick it again

Well at least this place is somewhat familiar and girl on the OPs pic has culter yeah, what game?

Fuck off, Scooter.

Lobotomy Corp. Be aware that you killed Carmen yet you are not her murderer.

Do not make (meltdowns of) Waves.
We are only going for "Good" Ending, not the 100% one, user! Protect BongBong!
Lobotomy Corporation, cant put the name in OP cause j*nnies despise us


Can someone tell me what exactly was that part in Geburas flashback with Christopher?
What was that thing with As religion? Is having a soul such rare believe in this setting? Weird, especially since pale damage attacks someones soul.
Is A actually Jewish?

Has anyone grabbed the Fetus for lo/v/otomy?

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i don't think anyone is cruel enough to add Cletus the Fetus when it already has Alriune and the train

No, but we have Star of SUCC, Cute Person(dog), Cute Dog(meatball), Slime Aids, Dumb Llama, SCP-173 and train to a slightly better place.

I haven't seen it during the days I cleared, else we would've had it in the Central dept those days were being rushed from what I could tell so I couldn't really get a day of grinding gear done

All of those in Central? Only SO is missing.

Aha ahahahaha!

Whoever did it youre a total bastard and complete asshole, i love you.


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It's because she was a box.

Burrowing and Train are on opposite sides of the facility btw.

All Alephs but Melty in central, Llama and Heaven in Security, Train and Monk, and Melty in Disciplinary if Im not mistaken.

>get to day 49/48
>some guy deletes all EGO with button
You know it will happen.

Shouldn't bucket lady's reward prevent the EGO loss?

The stuff with Christopher happened when Gebura was getting used to being a box. He was the only employee who treated her like a person and not a machine, then he failed a work with Nothing There. His death and the subsequent death of his wife and kid brought Gebura's trauma about abnos slaughtering everyone up again.

Quick vote

It'd have to be pre-Binah
For the epic memes it should be done right before her suppression day
>someone gets the file
>all ALEPH copies of gear are gone with Binah being the only supp left
wood b funni, we just have to be lucky enough to see the button in this same run.

Yeah, I know but he said having a soul is part of the Religion A believes in.
What was that about?


I actually want you guys to win.

Yes obviously

Yes or no balls

If you can somehow skip Yang, do so, but Yin is super easy to handle and his gift is amazing and they barely break out, so its still a yes from me.

That won't happen because Yea Forums will pick ally right?

I thought this was a EYE thread and now im disappointed.

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You can join the cycles of guilt here too.

post malkuth please

Of course bro
We have Waves, Guilt, Cicles, and Legs. You are welcome to join

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According to what I read this game has similiar storyline, but question is, whats up with the girl and buckets?

Post Tiphereth please


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Waves, Guilt, Cycles, Eyes, Wings and Claws*

She destroyed what our "lover" was working for, so after she got almost killed by one of our workers, we took her brain out, implanted it into a machine, locked her in a basement and forced her to extract the Crazy Juice from a well.

Don't gloss over the fact that "we" ensured that she would feel a lot pain while messing with her brain

We made a lot of people suffer. Basically everyone.

The idea is that things have to go wrong, or else there’s no difficulty. Imagine if you could increase Orchestra’s meter.
However fuck that faggot, breaks out if he’s in a good mood, breaks out if he’s in a bad. Fucker has to be the most stressful Aleph to work with

But in her case it was 100% intentional.

You guys forgot that the well she extracts things from contains Carmen
Here's your music.
Now pay up, De Fago.

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Talk about weird crossovers, huh

I beat Hod’s by racing a lot of meltdowns. Nothing There getting out won’t kill you. Just evacuate everyone who he can instant rape to far ends of the facility. Stealth agents in to work on as many easy abnos as you can. If you have blue star/ orchestra , pray they won’t meltdown. instant game overs during hod’s suppression.
>tfw toward the end of my hod suppress nothing there and block swan got out
>black swan just letting everyone out
>manage to finish the day with an S rank just as black swan enters orchestra/blue star’s hallway

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Fuck uuuuuuuu trainnn
I swear i beat foreskin 3 times per meltdown yet the mission didn't clear
Guess it has to be done on a normal day
Protip: Lock on gifts that are actually good like the bird's and make sure to check the EGO available every day

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A is so fucked up.

>current playthrough
>have mountain
>have army
>have army in black
>big bird
>little red
>fiery bird
>mfw the ordeal is Great Love
I’ve been getting s ranks still but Jesus Christ, everyday it’s just a whole fuck fest

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>Protip: Lock on gifts that are actually good like the bird's
Gotcha bro you can trust me.

What game is this? What's it about?

Monster energy farming with jewish mysticism simulator.

You manage and take care of monsters and weird shit to get energy and try not to have them break out and kill your dudes.

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SCP Zoo Tycoon with cute anime character getting mutlated

Neopets but with gacha elements

Is it worth it to keep this guy around? The tips make him seem like a big pain in the ass to manage.

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Sounds gay. I'll pass.

Just remember to do regular Insight work on it and click on any possessed dudes

Very easy to manage if you are not a brainlet, very good gift. Keep him

bad taste lol

He’s easy.

I was worried about not being able to tell when they were getting affected by him, but it sounds fine.

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His gimmick is less painful to deal with than Naked Nest, and for the most part you should only be doing Insight on him anyway, so most of his gimmick is invalidated.

Use execution bullets to cull as many clerks as possible before each meltdown. If you can pause when they line up you can take out 2-3 in one shot for maximum efficiency.

Clerks are people so you shouldn't kill them.*rk

>Someone saved my shitty attempt
Bless you

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Shut the fuck up mountain we know it's you

Neat, didn't know I can get multi-kills with them. You must be an expert cl*rk exterminator

You must be efficient to wipe out clerk scum.

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The memes are rooted in truth, they're just sexualized and simplified obviously. A made her to replace Carmen after the latter died, but she wasn't the real thing and he resented her for it. I've also heard he programmed her to love him so she's literally been hardwired into unrequited love for the past several million years A has been trying to fire off the Seed of Light but that might've been hearsay.

Im so sorry LC but I have to drop you because you lag so much pass day 37. Still I love how you put SCP fags to shame with an actual good monster manager game with creative and original monsters.
Death to all clerks

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What's happening Day 37? Midnight Ordeals?

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I drew this just now, it was a request from another thread I'm too lazy to find right now, and was too lazy to make then. Also I was tired and delirious when I made this but I'm still proud of it.

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Ive heard that disabling music helps, maybe try that?

He's not been trying for millions of years, I think humanity is supposed to be destroyed by their society in that kind of time-frame, it's that Angela is designed to perceive time extremely slowly so nothing ever catches her off guard, so it's been quite long (at least decades, Hokma mentions recruiting someone a decade ago) for the others and an extremely long time for her

>The game doesn't seem to actually use multiple cores or the gpu at all.
Its using a bunch of threads like any other modern game does (audio, graphics calls, effects, UI are all things running on separate threads), its just that the main thread can't be broken down as cleanly. You'll note that most other management sim games either instance the crap out of their worlds (IE: object A cannot effect object B if far enough away, or run on different layers that don't require the other's existence at all) or also run like hot fucking garbage.

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Nothing too fancy but is the day when everything goes to shit in performance
Yes I did but only helps a little. I really wish the devs made a final patch to optimize the game then go full force on Ruina

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Requester here, oh shit nice is the nugget gonna be ok

Is cool user, have some Stardust Speedway

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Why did nobody tell me how based Hokma is?

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Shit finally killed gerburah but she killed 17 of my dudes and nearly all my gigachads how do you even dodge that rush whtout send the rabbits to stop her on her tracks?

Malkuth is very beautiful and has the best body.

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Is that what is says in the manual?

>thinking the bunny barrier can stop the blender
I made that mistake and almost got 49 of my agents killed during the day 46~50 gauntlet, fortunately for me she got tired right when she entered the trapped nugget hallway.
As for stopping her attack, ask Der or Red to help out so they start the final phase for you and have everyone bundled together as far away as possible.

Yes! Malkuth has the best body! Not the biggest tits, but the best overall body composition!

Abnormalities have better bodies, yet it specifically states in the manual to not molest them.

That's correct, you're supposed to molest the employees instead
Just not Angela

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Malkuth is Malkuth though!

der bullets can stop her? anyways the deed is done and I will not be trying to S rank that one I still got chesad and a ton of EGO gear to recuperate, still happy to not have cheassed her It was a good training for what’s to come… My god Binah gonna is going to be a pain isn’t she?

Also are slow bullets able to slow her charge and slow her atk speed or animations?

I was thinking of playing this game once I'm done with my Medieval 2 campaign, going in blind is the best way to play this game right?

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I meant to ask Der/Red to start the final phase, then you use slow bullets to slow her down and move your nuggets if necessary

yes - checking everything on wiki will ruin most of fun

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You get hired at Lobotomy as a luxurious level EX agent in Aleph gear but the catch is you WILL die by the end of the day. What do you do?

I fuck a turbochad in the elevator and try to live life as full as I can before inevitably being fed to CENSORED or Fetus, given how that's the likely way I'll die.

Impregnate every female abnormality, clerk, agent, and sephirah before I die

Someone who recently started playing here.
I'm sure completely blind runs can be fun, but personally I'm a perfectionist faggot and a fair few abnormalities, especially the more dangerous ones, will easily freak out if you do researches other than the one or two they're compatible with.
I go for S rank each day and I find even with me looking up the wiki to pick out abnos most suited for me, and how to do em right, I've still reset multiple times on the later days due to lapses in concentration or bad luck

I'd kick the button and release every abnormality, then use the Clock to send all the other agents to safety, while alone in my timeline I'd fight in glorious combat eventually dying atop a pile of corpses.

Go in blind, the game gives leeway and encourages restarting days though so it's not exactly ironman Xcom. So it'll be a guessing game how much harder your you've made your life but if things go to complete hell you can retry and have knowledge of what you need to do.

Things will still go to hell though, the game is designed to synergize everything into a Fuck You Puzzle as it's "maintaining" things rather than discovering things that's the real killer.

Remake all ALEPHs including the "ZAYIN"s into TETHs

Anyone currently doing Yea Forums corp? If not, I could start doing yesod for this run.

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just never have someone work on him (always insight work if you can help it) twice in a row and he's harmless. if you fuck up a work, just click like crazy on whoever gets possessed.

>want to do suppressions
>not korean enough to successfully get past noons
Take the wheel

how do I set it up?

Just did malkuth, still waiting on someone to do yesod so that i can rush tipheret's midnight

You are going to do more than single run through anyway so don't bother with looking shit up
Remember that doing missions is important and there is no such thing as too much cheese
Also don't disable backer abnormalities

I'm gonna try to do yesod

are there more pages of this?

Yesod is the easiest supression in my opinion
All you have to do is remember your nugget's faces
Yo do care about them right?
You CAN tell each bongbong apart right?


im bored
give me some simple quick draw requests

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Remake him then or make a knockoff like "Dude vape" or something

It saddened me to see my creation die
How did he die? Did Hod claim his dick?

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Control captain laughing at Extraction team captain

smug aleph clerk

I thought it was a chick.
Anyway he got HELLO'd by Nothing There.

>dies to hello
>but a clerk can live it just fine

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Crack open a bear with Netzach before nerfing myself so hard I can get Wellcheers to abduct me

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Nutsack drinking a bear

this with Netzach and "We Can Change Anything"

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the big meatball itself, Mountain, trying to hug cl*rks but he's getting upset because they're scared as fuck and running from it

>tfw was carefully fighting final form nothing there in my facility with my two chads with a level 5 with QoH's wand and my own Bongbong at level 4 with Solemn Vow for support
>NT sprints towards the QoH support, moving away from my two chads and the level 4
>the three give chase
>NT proceeds to turn 180 with the HELLO on the three trying to catch up
>all three were too far away to get behind him and were too far from any doors
>i had no more bullets
>bongbong got 1 shotted
>tfw NT only broke out because of a fucking clown

Holy fuck how do I deal with Censored, I can barely get any info on this guy since my employees panic 70% of the time and surpressing him in impossible since everyone panics when seeing him

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0.2 black aleph armor
Pebble gift

With the rabbits as the Salamanders and the heretics replaced with Clerks

Assuming you have no other ALEPH armor to choose from
Station the agent in the department with Theresia
Give them 0.4 black armor (QoH, Big Birb)
Have an agent from the chad's department use Theresia to heal their SP while working on CENSORED
Alt SP healing sources: Train, One Sin (need to be in its dept and get a perfect result)

to work on him, i found Mountain's armour to be REALLY good, since it has 0.2 black, other 0.2 aleph armours are also good but other armours with worse resistance amounts are a big gamble. 0.2 basically means you will only take 1-2 damage per NE in research which with good SP means you'd need hilariously shit rolls in both research and damage to risk a panic

to suppress him? have plenty of level 5s and use black bullets (or whatever his damage type is), his damage doesnt seem that good, taking about 5 or so hits to break black shields and his attack speed isnt that great
whatever you do, dont let someone die, the hopeless effect + the SP damage from an agent death will cause a chain panic on anyone fighting him unless you used SP bullets beforehand

dont have theresia or the train, so I guess ill need to rely on one sin. thanks for the advice

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OK, it seems like this motherfucker was a bad choice for my first ALEPH so Ima memerepo his ass until I get better equipment

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This but with an employee panicking on the floor and smug Binah on the monitor

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Draw a Darkest Dungeon goblet skeleton as an abnormality, splashing someone, and doing obscene amounts of White damage

Attached: 1474984013934.jpg (200x252, 13K)

yeah, i have multiple aleph armours and the only agent im confident with sending to do research on [CENSORED] is my one with Mountain's armour.

If you want an Aleph that isn't that crazy, I'd suggest Mountain personally.
Butterfly's armour is good enough to resist Mountain's damage in research, but you seriously need to have someone babysit him (having your agent with Mountain's armour do janny duty and clean up dead clerks during calm periods is also a very good idea too).
Mountain also has the exact armour you'd want for dealing with [CENSORED]'s research.

Blue Star is also great if you meet the stat requirements, its much harder to have it break out compared to mountain but if it does generally you're fucked

Culter teaching Binah

Attached: a_normal_day_in_lobotomy.png (2192x629, 178K)

Cute bear

>he needs armor to work on abnormalities
That clerk better give a hug to meatball right now before I execute him myself

Attached: Screenshot_114.png (1267x536, 647K)

Let me get this straight: 5 Pale damage equals to -5% of your max HP right?
K i did it & Tiphereth is now going mad.

Attached: Lobotomy 7_29_2019 5_07_35 PM.png (1600x900, 392K)

>1 lob reward
What happened

Fuck I was just doing this.
Oh well, guess I'll do tip

Attached: you_gain_brozouf.png (502x411, 55K)

important part is that noone died & I happened to get violet noon as my sixth meltdown.


Nice, now we're getting to the fun stuff hopefully.
>Geb and Chesed soon

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Aw shit Jian, 10/10 on Klaadum's ladder post

Also it doesn't seem like we'll be getting any of the uber-tier ALEPH stuff huh? Last I saw the file we only have Long Birb, and the doktor hasn't shown up either. I had to delete a few files when I uploaded my save since someone didn't wipe their data in-game before migrating Yea Forumscorp, if we met the Doc he would've been WN already.

Might've been me sorry. I just pasted the save on my current one when i started participating. WN instead of doctor will speed things up but it's a shame we won't get wheel memes
We do have aleph gear, We're only missing 3 sets but i dunno if you really want to get the abnos they come from.

Attached: soon.png (1234x1152, 193K)

>Used the actual code for WCCA
Madman, i love it


Thx translatanon

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manager don't open this

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I wanna play this game for the story, cuz the scene where you start seeing what everything really looks like with all the dead bodies along with the reveal that the way the game looks is just like an illusion so your character doesn't go insane was really cool. But the game is just too hard and tedious and fucking boring half the time. I don't have the patience to keep retrying a day cuz I took my eyes off of something for 3 seconds and now most of my dudes are dead.

I personally love it but it's not for everyone, that's for sure, and the tedium only gets worse as you get harder abnormalities/ordeals/suppressions. If it's really that terrible you can just YouTube both the main and Sephirah stories. I get that that can be a blow to your pride though.
Out of curiosity, what exactly is giving you trouble?

Attached: i seen a skull.png (350x350, 179K)

jians don't open this

Attached: level 11 cyberlegs.gif (512x384, 161K)

>tfw decided to do malkuth suppression
>i have censored, NT and mountain all without meltdown protection
boy am i fucking glad i have galaxy child and a couple easy bois i can use to test the waters of what each research is

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All you need is one sin you buffoon

How many of these did we actually make?

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>trying to enjoy EYE solo
>obnoxious red screen and aimpunch every time i get shot, not to mention obnoxious faggot snipers with laser beam rifle
i really want to like it but this shit makes the fights feel like a chore, not jump n shooty exploding sword chicanery


I recommend getting the minigun and heavy armor
It makes everything but levels themselves less of a problem

Poor bucket

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I think I was on day 20 or a bit later, and my biggest issue was that stupid monster with the angler antenna. It would always break out and usually kill whoever was in the chamber, it took ages to contain it cuz all the guns I have do dick all damage, and half the time before I could find it some retard would walk right into it and die instantly. I have to micro manage every single mook's movement to make sure no one accidentally wanders right into it after completing work while it's being contained and it's just so dull.

>groom lantern
And that's why memrepo is a thing, to get absolute horse shit like that out of your hair. But I'd say if you can't memerepo the tofu out of your hair, to tough it out long enough to be able to do Hod's boss battle, eat every single loss it takes to win, and Day 1.

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Meat Lantern's in this weird space where it's not godawful instant memrepo tier but god is he annoying before you cross the bump of figuring out how to deal with him. He's still a bitch by that point but a lot less of one

it's an E.Y.E crossover thread, deja vu!

Attached: your legs will not be OK.png (1059x1080, 1.03M)

>missing the point

It's always comfy when you jians visit. I hope you gain TONS of brouzouf and your legs never cease to be OK

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Yer welcome

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did she died?

She's in a better place user.

She got loved

>Playing E.Y.E
>Mentor tells me my wife wants to see me, I've been neglecting her
>Been searching the facility for an hour
>Still can't find her
Where is wife Yea Forums? I feel bad.

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It's a mystery

Attached: 1558476991708.png (519x684, 100K)

Keep doing missions, I'm sure she'll turn up eventually

In the Space Hulk mission user

Thank you, but now I'm worried terrible things are afoot.

user, Mentor died a long time ago before your mission in the cave

>he didn't get to the rusty funhouse of endless falling

No... that can't be true!


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Why are some lobotomy corp characters named after EYE genes

The Jews, literally this time

You put 4 .444 caliber slugs into his dumb Jian loving face user

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dang it

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It is true that I killed my mentor, and yet, I am not his murderer.

since you're a french fag, how exactly do you pronounce it?I always just said it like bro-zoof



12 player cap, you didn't hear this from me

>Accidentally let King Of Greed Out because of a fucking normal result
>Makes Mountain go nuts after it mows down enough dudes
>Almost get Security Department crushed by GREAT LOVE FOR US, one guy gets smashed but survives due to red shields
Fuck. Today just ain't my day I guess.

Attached: read the fuckin manual.jpg (800x800, 50K)

Now hold on, what's this supposed to mean?

Attached: 75103713_p1.png (950x950, 159K)

>finish malkuth suppression
>game crashes as its loading up next day
>have to do malkuth suppression again

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Lobotomy Corporation Online

golly i can't wait for manager to kill me with an execution bullet

>it's a Nothing There camps extraction elevator and spams voicelines episode
fuck you too buddy

Imagine if tools could give gifts.
How would you get WCCA's gift?

You have received a voice mail

Attached: 20190730042830_1.jpg (1920x1080, 278K) do I use this? t. brainlet

Attached: Apocawhat.jpg (550x400, 50K)

1% Chance to get the gift, that Agent can no longer be instakilled.

How about if you try and break the system with portrait and shelter shenanigans, it spits out the victim with a -15 HP but +15 SP eyepatch gift. The implication being that they lost an eye and a lot of physical health from simply being in there, but nothing can affect them more than that. It's a lot harder to scare someone who's already been through hell.

>tfw no lobcorp mod for eye

Pretty sure it's EYE related, and not LC.

Is it true that Liza killed Carmen yet she is not her murderer?

>be me
>playing as an agent
>so far good gear, have crumbling armor's weeb sword
>all of a sudden fag comes sprinting full speed through the hallway
>go see what he's up to
>he belly flops into the gigachad den of central command
>pink slime bursts from him
>instant level 2 trumpet
>all the slimes start running towards me
>fuck this shit i'm out
>as i'm about to get out of there some faggot uses der freschutz to fire a bullet through the hall
>none of the slimes die but i do
>get notification
>Congratulations! You have unlocked the Angela Hair customization part!
>uninstall and delete from steam

>he didn't beeline straight to Shelter the moment the event triggered
What a cl*rk lmao

>not letting blue star out and helping your fellow agents become stars

>intentionally convert into Nothing There
>hide behind a gigachad so the manager cant shoot me
>stall the round as long as possible
>energy quota finally met, everyone goes to the elevator
>activate Goodbye
>You have been kicked from the server. Reason: Trolling
The absolute state if gigachads lmao


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How much money would you pay for a figure of your favorite Sephirah or Abnormality?

Attached: weeb.jpg (800x1000, 137K)


Depends on the manufacturer, obviously.

I just want the coffee mugs.

>play like a bro all round and carry most of the game
>become gigaest of chads
>always make sure to max my fort while leaving all the other stats slightly lower
>"accidentally" go into a panic by "accidentally" face-tanking white crap near the end of the round
>go berserk and shit on the entire facility
Gotta play the waiting game a bit if you don't wanna be obvious about it but damn if its not awesome to hear some squealer manager losing his shit over the mic.

Attached: laughing dante.png (274x385, 130K)


Thug Hero Party

read the thread, i'm sure it's been mentioned somewhere

Attached: Magical_Girl.png (512x512, 370K)


>get the Twilight set
>do the same thing you mention
>no one can stop me because of my resistances and I do all 4 damage types at once
Fuckin gottem

Attached: 1564082076122.jpg (640x640, 64K)

Syndicate Black Ops

this gives me SS13 escape shuttle vibes

>that clerk who thinks non-panicked friendly fire is only limited to Magic Bullet
The only thing it does different is penetrate

What does this say?

Attached: 98408571-519D-45EA-8798-69528D4B81A7.png (686x642, 134K)

Brain Surgery Conglomerate

>play on friendly fire server
>throw grena- I mean use mimicry special attack in elevator
>get banned or have literally the entire server attack on sight for the rest of the round
If you wanna be an ass you gotta do it discretely and in style. Plus having "unforeseen accidents" and secretly helping the abnos when the manager isn't monitoring the room you're in is a lot more fun.

>get magic bullet + twilight armor
>oh yeah, this'll be fun
>spam heart of aspiration to panic
>prudence is too high
>suicide panic instead of murder panic
Now what faggot?

why is blue star covered in feet??

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>not hogging an instinct leveling abno as soon as it shows up
>having prudence as the highest stat if you plan on setting the fun to 11 from the start
Nothing short of a completely shitty early game abno roll or intentionally being retarded can fuck you over that much. Even if the round is going too fast for you to prio fort leveling and every instinct abdo is being hogged just do instinct on something with only a moderate success chance while pretending you don't know what the fuck you're doing if somebody asks or at worst level justice.

It's the feet of the martyrs who became eternal stars. Don't you hear the eternal trumpet?

Attached: the blue star lobotomy corporation.png (2480x3507, 2.96M)

Why is it some kind of fuckin weird heart thing?

>Manager notices
>get immediately executed from being a faggot, a new player joins your spot

i hope you don't mind that i colored it super quick between in-game days

Attached: soon.png (1234x1152, 834K)

because it loves you. The blue star is the only place that accepts sinners like us. Just become a fucking star already you double clerk.

Attached: bluestar artbook.jpg (1288x881, 458K)

I feel like "moron-party-mask-accident" would be a good password.

Attached: 1564122384761.png (549x919, 648K)

>server not responding

Attached: 1536539981278.png (640x400, 25K)

rough translations:
top text: "Hierarchy"
plaguey: "apex"/"top tier"
monk and Red: "safe and reliable WAW"
shootman and QoH: "can give popular items"
the second line of text on the murderer/butterfly tier is too unclear for me to make sense of, sorry
lowest tier roughly equates to "no human rights"

not a native JP speaker so theres like a 90% chance these arent exactly right but you get the gist

>instantly executed for not min-maxing shitboxes
Just use something with moderate results that doesn't throw a hissy-fit unless you get a good result and at worst pretend to be stupid and ask what were you doing wrong. Of course you're gonna get shit on if you go for something that escapes on normal or you only farm bad results but what king of faggot MLG tryhard servers do you have to play on to get insta executed for farming normal results.

We will meet again as stars anons

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where can I find more pages of these I need lore

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too late, everybody's dead dave