Is it better to have a PC game ported to console, or a console game ported to PC?

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consoles are for poor people and children (who are also poor)

Console game to PC, because it makes Sonyfags seeth.

The former.
This has always been the case.

$400 console plus $60 online, plus $60 games + 50 inch 4K TV = poor

Too many variables for there to be a simple answer, OP. There's plenty of PC exclusives that run like trash, compared with console games that are capped to low framerates on PC, compared to console games that are optimised for weaker hardware and so run exceptionally well on PC.

Porting a PC games to consoles leads to hilarious results in terms of looks and performance.
So I'd love to see more of that.

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PC to console

PC games usually have very good graphics settings and controller support if needed, so a console can just use the lower graphical settings if neccessary and the controller is supported already

Console to PC usually means that the graphics must be enhanced or they end up looking like console standard. On top of that, most console games dont have M+KB support, which means that the controls are of mutilated unless using a controller (see: dark souls)

It really depends on how the game is developed though

It's better to have games be sold physical only as has already been proven.

console game ported to PC ported to handheld ported to console ported to PC

yes, spending more for an inferior product is indeed how a poor man thinks

playing free game on mom's pc. wew

PC to console. Console to PC always means a downgraded version

My 55 inch 4k tv was only $300, so yes, poor

Console to PC
PC always get downgraded so toasters can play it

not making ports to begin with

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Console to PC if the port allows you to change resolution settings, uncap fps, etc. Otherwise it may as well have just stayed exclusive to console.

What's the difference? Consoles these days differ from PCs in software only.

No joke.

Put like 60 hours into Kingdom Come on Xbox one x and as much as I've enjoyed it and think it's a brilliant game, on the whole, it runs like absolute janky dogshit whilst also looking like janky dogshit.
The game looks marginally better than mount and blade and gets like 20fps in cities and npcs heads literally pop into existence 20 feet from them.

Console to pc, pc has too many buttons to port to console, think of witcher 1

>PC to console port
>worse graphics
>levels subdivided into smaller levels
>eternal load times
>bizarre key combinations just to manage to map all the keybindings to a controller

>console to PC
>"enhanced" graphics
>configuration is done from an external application, if it's configurable at all
>despite having an entire keyboard at your disposal, you have to use the same two keys for everything
>miss out on load screen blurbs
>have to alt+f4 to exit the game
>modders will fix it, maybe hopefully

But the game runs like janky dogshit on PC anyway. Even though it's MUCH BETTER LOOKING janky dogshit.

>What's the difference?
console games are catered to underwhelming specs, and thus need to do tons of sacrifices.
PC titles have only the sky as the limit, and tend to push the boundaries.

>PC titles
>tend to push the boundaries
have you been in cryosleep for the last 15 years?

Why they thought cry engine was appropriate for a 'seamless' open world RPG is beyond me.

I think it's to keep the kiddies away from it. They made the game like that only so that a monster of a PC would be able to run it at all.

Having consoles as the baseline for games isn't so bad. If a game can run on 2012 hardware, i can expect it to fully stretch its legs on my pc. As much as i want another crysis moment and games that push hardware and the medium forward, i like being able to buy a game knowing my computer will run at its best without breaking a sweat.

Crysis will never happen again, people are already crying because of ray tracing because it's too expensive

console to PC = stupid controller-mapped keys, scrolling text inventory lists, slow rendering
PC to console = fully-customize all your keys, grid inventory list, natural rendering

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What a stupid question

To be honest, kcd is the only game for which i'd consider upgrading my computer.

Console game being ported to Pc is easier. What’s best to play is based on personal taste finances and free time making this shit flinging thread pointless

Even though the GTX 1060 and above could do it due to a recent driver update.

I have a GTX 1070, and Ray Tracing on these cards is possible, but NOT recommended.

> 50 inch 4K TV
Do you know that all tvs can be used as pc displays?

Theoretically it should be console to PC but developers are retarded.

That's because it's shoehorned in games that don't use it in any meaningful ways, aside from metro. Control looks to make good use of it though. Sonic ether's path traced global illumination shader for minecraft is the best implementation, with the most transformative effect i've seen so far.

>$400 console
It was $250
>plus $60 online
I don’t play multiplayer games I only play singleplayer games.
>plus $60 games
I got bloodborne wipeout and re2 remake for under $60 total
>50 inch 4K TV
Who doesn’t have a tv?

Technical demos were always done with a PC in mind. Even if a game was built as a console only exclusive it ran on a PC kiosk first.

When you get a game built from the ground up for consoles you get Red Dead Redemption. Which couldn't be ported to PC as a result of console retardation.

Pc ported to console otherwise you get gimped games like morrowind

if you make a game on PC then it gets better treatment because it had less restrictions in place, then port it to consoles and downgrade it as much as you want

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It's just about playable with xenia on PC, with minimal glitches, so a port by a half decent team shouldn't be an issue when the bulk of the experience is accessible via an unofficial emulator developed through reverse engineering without access to the game's source code or the console's devkit.

Just about any console game could be ported to PC with competent enough developers, but not all PC games translate well to console, so second option.

Look how long that took. Not to mention it's still not playable.
People shouldn't have to essentially reverse engineer shit to play the games on the platform they enjoy.

Neither. Just look at Rts games. Red Alert was weird on ps1, why play it with a controller? Then look at Red alert 3 where they designed it for 360/ps3, it is ass no matter where you play it.

>PC to console
>controller mapping is awful and inadequate because controllers dont have enough buttons
>grapical downgrades
>gameplay downgrades
>cut content

>console to PC
>if the port is not shoddy it is at least as good as on console, usually better

yeah, always the case.

Morrowind was developed for PC then ported to Xbox though.

Still, if a bunch of devs can bring it to this level by working in their free time without access to development hardware or the game's source code, there's no reason team working fulltime on it with access to source code couldn't make a decent port of rdr.

fpbp /thread

No they cant. You cant play pc games on tv. Ive tried to play the new civ on my 42" tv and I could see fuck all. Same with playing mouse and keyboard fps on a couch.

You cant play pc games on a tv and if you gonna play console ports might as well then get console which also supports HDR unlike pc.

PC to console, based on the fact that 95% of the reverse turned out to be dumpster fires in terms of performance, looks and controls.

consoles have a single set of specs, and getting proficient with using these specs and getting more out of it is the opposite of pushing boundaries.
nothing about that fact has changed in the last 20 years.

It's running on an emulator user. All you have to do is emulate a console to get that running.
A pc port is an entirely separate issue and honestly I doubt rock star are even competent enough to do that in the first place.

Consoles are shit

Everyone seems to be shitting on the game industry but PC ports have really gotten better in the past years.
Look at games like early final fantasy ports, and then look at final fantasy ports nowadays. We have a much bigger variety of games because even Japanese games make it to PCs now. Also less and less exclusive games. Also higher quality ports.
Feels good.

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Name a PC game that is 'pushing boundaries' these days.

lmao at you. I must be playing resident evil 2 remake on an imaginary tv then?

t. console nigger who bought a PC

Depends if you're the dev or the player.

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Of course they are competent enough. GTA V was developed first for ps3 and 360, which use PowerPC processors. They then managed to port it to ps4 and xb1, which use x86_64 processors, and PC, where the same processors are the standard. GTA V uses a later version of the rockstar advanced game engine, or RAGE. Assets from rdr could even be used in GTA V, as take two shut down a project that aimed to bring rdr's map to GTA V. Hell, for GTA IV, the game was released for both PC and consoles. RDR, which came our after, had no legitimate reason to be trapped on ps3 and 360.

I spent 450. on black friday. i got ripped off. though it was 7 years ago

The GTA5 PC is the best PC port I've ever played, technically speaking. It was optimized by gods. You could get 60fps on an 800-series GPU.

I thought it was Doom 2016 and Prey 2017 which were better optimized

what is the point of this post


>console game ported to PC
Literally the same game but with more controls options.
>PC game ported to console
Safe to assume said game was simplified for consoles and limited by them during the development for PC.
Therefore I'd rather have console games ported to PC.

I play it on PS4 and it definitely is buggy but playable. It's also one if the visually impressive games this gen.

They're all great PC versions, that take advantage of the better hardware to provide a better experience beyond higher framerates and resolutions, with doom using vulkan and gta V offering extended draw distances and exclusive features for shadows and antialiasing that put them head and shoulders above their console counterparts.