For me it's Marie
For me it's Marie
For you it's prison
For me, it's Tamaki.
there aren't enough marie rose sfms
For you it's söy.
Post more.
6 months later and we know it's actually you
for me it's slut cyclist girls
shes 21, right?
She's a serial killer.
For me, it’s Lisa
We get it, you're European, petite women scare you.
She'll be 21 in five years.
Marie is 18. But it wouldn't surprise me if someone starting Marie threads was also a child molester.
For me, it's Rachel.
Have you ever been to Europe, dumb mutt?
For me it's Hitomi.
Her porn isn't degenerate enough to be enjoyable, revealing how pleb-tier her fanbase actually is. She's a bland, normie oriented character and as such absolute trash.
Old hag.
On the contrary. Only boring characters need degenerate porn to make fapping to them interesting.
For me, it's Christie
This is art.
This is what always happens after every competitive fight.
You already have a containment board for your lolibait/mariecancer I suggest you go there.
It's more about Mariefags not having any imagination or experience. They literally latch onto the first sexualized character they saw, most likely reminding them of their own age, and then jerk off all day. Marie is entry-level fapbait for underage casuals.
With other women?
Marie is such a lameass character devoid of sex appeal.
Fap to a much better woman, plebs
Cool projections, diaperfag.
You know who else uses diapers? Kiddos. You know, the ones that you secretely fap to and try to justify.
Tamaki is for pounding into oblivion.
For me it's the southern belle Tina Armstrong
Any link or source of the original¿
this is pedobait, you must be blind to deny that
Sexualizing someone in diapers takes some advanced intellect and skill and clearly shows the superiority over someone who just faps to the first piece of young meat they laid eyes upon. It's as such a higher tier fetish. Not that I'd expect a Mariefag to understand any of this.
For me it's, yeah me too
They should give Marie a big pair of honkers
It's hebephilia
>Kanna thread
>Marie thread too now
Pedobait is the saving grace of the industry.
Sexy old hag
I hate gay faggots so much
Good taste
Good taste.
She's older than you.
that's a tranny
Age of consent is 15 in most of EU you retard.
they did her name is Honoka
Invisible me underneath her ass
How long will this thread last?
I like a lot of the DOA girls, Marie, Tina, Lisa, Mila, Ayane, Christie. It's all good.
Licking Marie's armpits!
I was expecting her neck to get broken...
licking her tummy
This, I have my favorites but I'd fuck literally all of them.
I've already lost.
Lost billions?
tfw don't need porn to give her my millions
>the art of a great rack has been passed down the armstrong line for generations!
And ? that user was talking about petite women not underage women
>toering connected to anklet
Her neck remains but her mind is broken.
based, being attracted to women should be illegal
Imagine mating pressing her small body with all your weight, her feet right next to her head as you bend her slender legs to lock her into rape position so she can't escape the violent breeding.
Hey, Is VV generous in any way in terms of gacha? Whether it be rates or letting you roll often? or not too much gameplay shit I need to do to get gacha$?
I just want to gamble for free some more with bonus bikini fetish.
at least she got the bikini right
you earn easy about 20k V-stone (gacha currency) weekly more if you go ultra tryhard ( 10 hours of grind a day ) each roll in the gacha store cost 500 V-Stones and you also get tickets that can be used in the gacha store each ticket = 1 roll. They give Free SSR ( max tier ) swimsuits pretty often .
where the fuck do you live
Wait, wait wait... let me guess... the Jewnited States?
DOA is not for feetfags
The rates are terrible but you do get a lot of rolls. There's events running constantly that last about a week that give enough for at least 4, sometimes 6 or 7. But if you miss your chance at something it's hard to get another.
But 18 is enough to join the Army top kek what a fucking country .
>hair down
>armpits on full display
very nice
Why do retards not know the difference between loli and petite?
Please don't bully us
For me it's Donkey Kong
For me it's Sophia the guildmarm
absolute lel
why stop there and not lick everything?
No one knows
I wanna be__ Marie!
Angry roasties against everything younger or more attractive than them. The bar is only going to keep rising as they keep aging.
It gets worse.
Licking her tits!
AAAah fuck, another billion
You just know he picked that handle for THAT reason.
Age of consent in the US used to be 10 until 2nd wave Christian feminists. Hebephilia is objectively natural, based, and biologicallysensiblepilled.
Fun fact, pregnancies over 35 years old are called "geriatric pregnancies".
it's like a cry for help
Feed me more Marie! Gonna leave an user dry, and my folder lacks variety
>handheld Marie
Now you can handhandle instead of manhandle her tiny body.
>posting twitter screencaps
no one cares
fuck off
holy kek
Jesus christ gonna need the original
When all else fails, try yandex.
21 is not the age of consent in any state I know of. In fact it's as low as 16 in some states.
yall really bout to make me cum at 6pm dude
isnt there a server with that rp'ing marie that just helps everyone bust
Someone pass that shit
Can you faggots shut the fuck up and post more DOAs?
now this is pretty based ngl
>terrible watermark
i cri
Sometimes doctors recommend looking at Marie pics to raise your testosterone levels.
Reality is truly stranger than fiction.
She's the best
i removed it on photoshop when i made the edit but i decided to put it again so people don't ask for the source
When I look at her, I get a boiling, animalistic urge. I just want to ambush her in an alley, tear all her clothes off, and violently rape her and rape and rape her until I'm sure she's pregnant.
but that gives me a boner every time, and it doesn't go away until i fap
That's love.
tfw no vr
im going to need some sauce on this one.
>On October 15, 2017, Malik Morgan, 25, of Stroudsburg, and currently an inmate in the Monroe County Correctional Facility, removed the mattress of his cellmate, Christopher Goldberg of Tobyhanna, from the cell and began to urinate on it.
>Morgan was ordered by a corrections officer to stop, at which time Morgan obtained a container of urine and threw it on Goldberg and the corrections officer.
Holy shit
Fug! look at that fat ass.
Based and coconutpilled.
Can't argue with that.
Why is she making that face?
Motherfucker, I live in the US and 18 is the age of consent.
That's how an underdeveloped loli ass looks like
do people actually play DOA?
she's got my black dick under her bro
Did someone say Marie?
Looks nice tanned too
ALL anti-animeposters area pedos or closet pedos. Every. Last. One. NEVER doubt this. Classic "The lady doth protest too much".
I play 6 every now and then
For me it's Kasumi!
My copy of DoAX3 Fortune is still sealed just like my Ps4 one of this days i have to start playing , ive heard the grind is pretty crazy in that game
most people play Venus Vacation or X3
It's a long grind if you plan to get everything, but if you just want some specific stuff you can get what you want pretty easily if you know what to do. The most efficient grinding method boils down to just navigating menus which can be automated with software/timed scripts etc.
No kidding.
It's better to just hack the save for 100%. Grind is just retarded in that game.
in what game grinding is not retarded?
Man, i'm so fucking glad i get to experience the renaissance of 3d porn that started with source pornmaker. I have dozens starring Marie Rose, she's only behind Ivy from Soul Calibur.
If you didn't play DOAX3 you know nothing about the grind.
Ivy is sexy but she needs to fuck less dogs and lizards
Fun RPGs with good combat.
>Ivy is sexy
>but she needs to fuck less dogs and lizards
i grind on VV. It's the mechanic of "grinding" that i think it's retarded, a torture, made to make us waste time
How bad are the rates in VV? Will I get any skimpy clothes by playing normally and not rerolling like a madman, making 20 accounts?
Yes and less monster fucking too
VV rates suck, but you get enough currency to roll a ton, so it evens out.
I have play warframe tho
She's expecting snu-snu, user. You best be prepared to take responsibility of her needs. pls no ban all naughty bits are covered
you will eventually get sick of it
I pirated it and said jesus christ this is awful, and I actually like fighting games
VV is relatively easy. It's more luck based than grind based. DOAX3 is pure insanity where it takes more than 1000 hours to grind everything using the most efficient grinding way possible. If you just playing normally it'll take much more than that.
It's usually a 1% to get an SSR. Regular events have 2 event SSRs to get, but you can also get regular SSR which are only good for scrapping.
I'll take responsibilty. I'm a good guy.
>pirating a free game
That's why you play something else.
Poor people is also branless
Poor people are
me behind her, helping her push that wall
You're a good friend.
You're doing it wrong, bro. Why are you not beside her?
damn, im glad these threads exist
Marie is objectively the best wife material, other than explaining to your parents why you are marrying a midget.
New OC donut steel when? NiCO would be fine too
If you chose MR over any of the other DOA girls, than you are a literal degenerate.
why would i need to explain anything?
You better, else she might crush your head between these toned legs as punishment. What a terrible fate that would be haha
where's the mega with teras of DOA images?
I picked Hitomi as my main girl and Marie as my second choice
no, he just has a good taste
It will be, soon enough. Being attracted to women is sexist and homophobic.
Yeah, imagine that happening. I wouldn't want that all haha
What do you care what other people choose or are? Can't you mind your own business like a good adult?
Same but Marie as my main and Hitomi as my second, and i've never picked anyone else
It's normal for girls to be midgets. It's cute!
I like how everyone's tits are bouncing everywhere
Post some high quality Nagisa pics. I need some to rebuild my DOA folder.
Dancing is cringe these animations are stiff, stop posting these
>those fucking Honkers
I spoke too soon
roasties can't compete
Cringe is cringe, stop posting you child.
They make me kek. Don't listen to this guy and make more.
They make me cringe. Don't listen to these other guys and stop posting.
You post the uncensored elsewhere?
me behind her, helping her push the desk
she looks like she's sitting upright so she's not getting fucked, wtf is happening here
Is this OC?
She's listening to music
Some Marie user makes them from time to time
>earn 24m zack bucks during this event
>no fucking SSRs to spend it on
This event sucks.
she's not seated, she's almost in the same posittion as this but with her right arm behind her
i meant this
Ryu's wives are so cute.
t. pedo to be arrested in the future
Check /e/
I've never not seen someone with N7 in their name that wasn't a turbo faggot.
Seriously what's with Mass Effect fanboys and being so insufferable.
30 seconds in photoshop, because I love Marie
VR sucks at gaming
but the porn, damn, its like jesus having a magic baby.
this is great, even if the animations look like ass. Kudos to you make more
this is great, I'd love an entire series of game girls browsing threads about them on Yea Forums
where can I find a gallery with photos of Doa girls? Help an user out pls.
top kek
that brown smudge you left is part of the watermark
goes in socks
>part of the watermark
actually i was wrong but it still looks messed up cause the watermark was covering part of it
intelligent people have always been degenerate, dumbass
Yeah, I spent 30 seconds. I wasn't going to feather in that ripple on the sheets, that baseboard(?) doesn't look quite right, and her hair is a bit mussed up too. Fixing any of that stuff means spending 20-30 minutes to make it perfect.
not my fault ayane is so hot
There are versions without watermarks that was unnecessary
Einstein was a degenerate fuck , This makes no sense.
he wasted 30 seconds of his life, he will never recover that half minute of life!
he could have jacked off to anime tiddies or something more productive, but instead did something that was completely unnesessary!
what a fool!
>excited to see more Marie and Honoka sfm/blender with the DOA6 release
>Game flops and nothing new is made
Huh, where'd you get that?
>not showing ass
throw it in the trash
Well thanks. It would've taken me more than 30 seconds to Google that, I assumed there weren't clean versions seeing the other user mention he shopped it
is there a law for this? it happens every single time
>not bare
throw it in the trash
here on a Marie thread
Oh? Mixing the 2 images took less time than it took for photoshop to save the finished png file
Must be from their patreon then, darn.
i bet using it for porn was the original idea
Really? Google found nothing, but Yandex turned that up. Now I've wasted like 3 minutes of my life of this pic
Is this the new gen z reddit meme? More wojak variations?
Get a head shrink or something before you hurt someone
im gonna fap to it
>duuurrrr peedoh
ive seen girls that look younger than marie who are older than 21. fuck off.
I've seen girls that look older than that who are 15, what's your fucking point
In which state is 16 legal for marriage? I wanna move to such a state.
I've seen girls that look younger than marie who are 10. Dont fucking talk to me.
the point is even aside from the fact its fiction, neither her given age nor her looks is synonymous with pedophilia, so kys
I love Marie fap threads.
it's X3
I think he means the robot looks like Bender Bending Rodriguez
I want to feel Marie's butt squish against my face and her butthole rub against my nose.
But it would be smelly user!
There's nothing wrong with butt sweat!
Hitomi is for milking & mating
im still waiting for a facesitting SFM
What she's listening to?
Ewww! Maries butt sweat!
I want to put a baby in Honoka while holding hands
What are these waifus running from?
They're not!
They're running TO the world's toughest competition in town!
i would definitely buy a bottle of Marie's butt bath water
it should be ILLEGAL for her to wear her hair down like that
For me it's Honoka.
Is the casino stuff fun? I like blackjack so a good blackjack AND fap material would be a nice buy
Wish you could see them sitting at the tables though
Why would you want that user?
Me on the right
2 holes on the bottom and 1 on the top, yes.
Me on the left
I'm a pervert with a butt obsession.
me on the left, what do you have to say for yourself
what hapened to her clothes is there a bandit about we should b aware of
her face is disgusting
I never knew this about myself until this moment. Thanks bro.
What competition?
Sounds pretty based to me baka desu senpai.
there's absolutely nothing wrong with that
how the fuck do I play this game in the US?
Kanna in free gacha when?
I think it's actually Americans that hate petite women.
It's always some dumb fucking mutt complaining that a woman has "no ass" (ass a n-word fetish)
And "thicc" is ghetto slang, Americans are the ghetto ones with no class.
>get vpn
>download launcher
>turn off vpn
>download vidya
This. Americans are so retarded they still call 17yos children.
I play 6 and only paid for rose mary.
American here. I like both.
As an American citizen raised by god fearing American parents who they themselves were raised by god fearing American parents, I can say with the utmost certainty, that petite women are fucking choice. The thicc meme is just that, a meme, and with all memes, it has been appropriated by the masses and twisted to suite their needs. In this case, fat bitches that need a reason to feel like it's okay to be fat bitches.
don't waste your time, it's not as hot as fapping to the webms seriously. Tons of hurdles and timewasting gacha garbage.
I'm American, I've never left America and I don't even own a passport.
Every time I see Marie Rose my dick becomes so hard that not fapping causes me physical pain.
Tina likes anal. No way around it, she likes it in the pooper and is proud of it. Her favourite position is cowgirl (obviously) and likes rough, sweaty sex. If you're not behaving like an animal, grunting in her ear, grasping her tightly, and fighting for dominance then she isn't having fun.
Ayane is sassy, quick witted and sharp tongued. You have to be able to answer her challenges and beat them. Loves having her legs and butt massaged. Favourite position is standing sex from behind, and even though she'll never admit it, she loves being spanked.
Lisa is pretty much like Tina but without the anal love. Is also into threesomes (with Tina) and if you can get Mila on board so as to dominate her with Lisa, then all the better.
Kokoro is a cute gentle hearted girl so you need to be caring, loving, gentle and doting. Lots of hugging, kissing, hand holding and such. Favourite position is any she can look into her lover's eyes while doing so. Her secret kink is dirty talk and being called a naughty girl.
Pretty much the kinkiest woman in all of DOA. Leathers, whips, handcuffs, lipstick smearing, sweat, facials. Looks like a dominatrix but isn't against switching every once in a while. She loves the feel of body contact so it will be a very sweaty and hot affair filled with rubbing and touching. Loves pronebone, and also loves tying her lover down and teasing him for hours with her lips and mouth. Will deepthroat.
Helena is a high class lady, so every move must be perfect and romantic. A nice candle light dinner with top notch wine, with lots of loving gazes and smiles and compliments would put her in the mood, which will allow you to lead her to the bedroom, which she'd love if it was covered in rose petals, and initiate a most intimate and romantic lovemaking session. Lots of foreplay, caressing, "I love you"s and stuff like that. Favorite position would be upright straddle.
There are times, however, when Helena just doesn't care for the high class routine and just wants you to take her and make her yours. This is when deep, sloppy french kissing, neck kissing, loud moans, and all manner of sticky, sweaty sexy stuff would occur. Will probably put herself on all fours and offer herself doggystyle.
Kasumi is kind of like Kokoro. Loves lovey-dovey stuff, hugs, kisses and cute stuff like that, but is also receptive to kinky stuff, as long as there's cuddling afterwards.
Sometimes though her bitchiness comes forward and will love riding you cowgirl while giving you a disdainful look with those cold, tsurime eyes of hers. She doesn't mean it though, it just gets her super horny.
>Lei Fang
All the sex session would be one competition. For everything. Who cums faster, who pounds harder, who has more energy, who can make the other beg first, and things like that. Expect to be exhausted by the end of it.
Very easy to bait into kinky stuff. You just need to tell her that you don't think she'd be able to and she'll fall for it hook line and sinker.
Molestation fetish. NOTHING gets her wetter than you surprising her from behind and groping her tiny, plump, curvy plush body. Loves to feel a rock hard bulge against her leotard-clothed butt. Heavy into grinding and rubbing before getting mating pressed hard until she convulses from orgasm. Squirter. Very emotional and talkative during sex, a far cry from her usual stoic personality.
people like you are so cringe
New character most likely next week. So, soon.
Fuck off retard.
No, user. Not here.
Was looking for this very thread
Kys tranny
Thicc is mostly because everyone doesn't want to offend black people and want to be "in on it" too. Black people have always preferred fat chicks, so incels just latched onto it to "be cool" with black dudes.
>women that have evolutionary advantages for easier birthing are a meme
Stuffing your face with mcdonalds while sitting on the couch watching real housewives every day isn't an evolutionary advantage
neither is being a literal table
so then dying in child birth is an evolutionary advantage? hmm...
Thicc doesn't equal obese
Kinda want to buy DOAX3 Scarlet but the physical version is expensive af. Free version + Misaki pack seems like a better deal
>Wanting your beautiful wife to go through the disgusting process that is human birth
>not wanting to make a family with your beautiful wife
Honestly you should go for Fortune instead , the "new" content for scarlet does not outweight the censorship it has and they added Misaki and Lei Fang to fortune so literally no reason to buy Scarlet .
>not just doing c-section
It's the 21st century, kids.
I blame Marie for never being able to commit to nofap.
this isn't remotely video games
c-sections leave scars
Tell that to the rest of the world.
She has killed too many.
I have a fetish for scars, so I don't see the problem.
yes it is, here's some gameplay
And you can get rid of them . Most women i have meet over the years actually wanted to give birth which is pretty crazy taking into account that it hurts a lot .
I'm trying
What the hell are the pen things they've added to the bromides for?
why? a petite 18 year old girl wouldn't need one unless there are other circunstances
Now that is some gameplay I can get behind.
I have met
Would you slap your favourite DOA during sex if she was into that?
Switch version?
Stay the fuck away from Scarlet on PS4. Fortune+the 2 dlc girls is the exact same game, but uncensored.
but she's not doing anything wrong!
I don't think I could slap Hitomi even if she asked
tickle tickle
if your dick is below 8 inches don't even bother talking to her.
what if she wanted you to choke her, pull her hair, spank her, and speak in a demeaning way to her during sex
No choking
we got a gay over here fellas
Please post more like this
Or in the /e/ thread, since this one probably won't last much longer
How do I grow one more inch?
She's actually 11 but they just say shes's 18
That's how I treat all women because I'm chad.
imagine looking EXACTLY like marie rose
The /e/ thread has tons of links
i just posed that not minutes ago so that's really it for now
Imagine getting raped endlessly for eternity.
just here for the lewds
same with gacha threads.
what a coincidence
there are a lot of 11 year olds on this board that claim to be 18 too
Ok, if you make more, please put it in the /e/ thread so I can find it
Great stuff, I hope you make more in the future
i'm very tummy centric so don't expect much else
That's very, very good to hear
>if your dick is below 8 inches and/or white don't even bother talking to her.
Nice, I'm in then
What do you think of Marie Rose's best friend, Honoka?
I want to sleep in her pillowy mounds
Marie escaped the Swedish government's requirement that all native Swedish girls must pleasure african migrants to make them feel welcome in their new country when she went to live on Helena's yacht. Plus Lady Helena didn't like that they kept stealing her silverware.
how do i have this on my pc?
what game it is?
you didn't fix anything, you only showed insecurity
but i got 3 (You)s
Xtreme 3, only on PS4
who caaares SFM is all 8 second loops boring as fuck when is there gonna be a quality DOA SFM
She's ok
Please delet this
That's right, it's from Source!
I wish I had the uncensored titcow marie images, they're fucking choice.
I don't understand what you mean.
v1z3t4 on any booru
this is the best combo you can get
I don't like these images
you're lucky, i ran out
I'll suck your dick in the future.
that guy is very hit and miss, but i appreciate your offer
oh i forgot this one
Cuck niggers off your self
why is the honkcow such a dog lover?
Thanks for the consistent threads, lads
Imagine Marie Rose was the daughter of a prominent Swedish white supremacist and she disagreed strongly with his political views, so she moved away and sent him lots of videos of herself having lots of degrading sex with immigrant African Muslims.
Im gonna fap to these meat balls and theres nothing you faggots can do to stop me
Enjoy being a pedophile
>fapping makes you a pedophile
This is a weird pic
Beating off to just about the closest thing to animated child porn makes you pretty dang close
That's what this thread is for
I miss the /trash/ fighting girl threads
From this day forward, I'm going to pretend my puniana dx is Marie Rose.
By definition you're not a paedophile if you're fapping to breasts, you retard.
your WHAT?!
those are some really nice clean feet
Jesus christ this is the most normie shit I've ever seen posted on this website. Go back to twitter.
Make a new fucking thread.
Marie needs more attention and we NEED MORE IMAGES
Tell me about it
>have the option of choosing from multiple voluptuous women
>choose the literal stick
i'm not even mad about your pedo degeneracy i'm disappointed in your complete shit taste.
Do you think Helena makes Marie massage her thighs?
There goes another billion
Daz models usually look creepy as fuck, but this one looks pretty good.
wow this one's really well animated. wish the talent wasn't wasted on footfaggery
>you will never kill billions all over marie's face
>ywn feed Merie with your billions
brothers I need the sauce
i been looking for it for a while. no luck
I want to see marie get ora ora'd for future threads
This is some uncanny valley shit.
ikr her face looks real but her body looks cgi
still i want to see what else she got
>ywn form a life after unloading billions inside marie
In prison with Marie? Hell yeah.
No, Marie as your cell guard.
oh god oh fuck yes please
what do i do with marie Yea Forums
why must you remind me of sad things user?
Why is Marie so overwhelmingly popular?
I've never seen what the gameplay is like in these games.
She's the only petite looking girl in the game.
People that like curvy girls have tons of girls to choose from, so on polls they are more spread and as such "less". However, pedophiles have only Marie to choose, so they all choose her.
ahegao face with a aspect ratio for wallpaper
>caring about gameplay
Mainline series are fighters.
Xtreme series is volleyball/minigames with relationship-based gift giving mechanics.
Venus Vacation is gacha with literally no gameplay.
not just polls user she seems to be more popular in general
For me it's wind
Pedophiles would not be attracted to Marie. She has developed secondary sexual traits.
kys pedo
Talim in DOA when
again, imagine if you combined every single post ITT about a DOA girl that isn't marie, into a single girl
the "popularity" ratio would be more balanced
# # # # # # # # # # #
Do you pedos always get this triggered over a joke? Yoikes.
that's not called being triggered
this is
For me it's Honoka AND Marie
t. Amerishart who has forgotten that women can be petite because they are an endangered species in Muttland
this is bait?
Whatever helps you sleep at night pedo
bad analogy
glad ehentai is going down
Ok pedos, you are all under arrest
your cocks were I can see them
i sleep at day Amir0x
>series goes to shit the moment they put pedobait in
you'll never catch me alive copper
Stop with this fucking "for me" bullshit no one cares what you think you fucking estrogen fueled fucktards
you're not fooling anyone user, you only come to this thread because you love Marie's cunny.
For me, it's Honoka fucking Marie.
for you
Thicc posters repeatedly show otherwise.
this girl is 4 years younger than marie rose
But 5 was better than 4.
I need more busty Marie, fuck these faggots, perverting her makes it hotter.
based op btfoed
you asked for this, degenerate
How come the SC comunity doesn't have cringe faggots crying like a little bitch over petite girls?
do you mean crying like a bitch because they want to fuck her but she's not real, or crying like a bitch because she's inapropro
i think he means the first DOA
the later
Why is his hand backwards?
That's why we're all here.
Marie is really the only thing that makes DOA games worth playing
Thread went to shit around the middle and towards the end but I'm kinda impressed it wasn't nuked by mods over so long a time. The killing will truly never stop.
Talmud's Law.
Did you ever consider that, maybe, shes for you?
Most Marie threads reach 500+ replies
Nothing can stop the Marie
Her dog fucking videos are great. I wish he did them with Marie too.
Is DOA really the only game that gets this much dedication to their characters? Isn't there some weeb shit game that is basically a beat em up with cute girls and once you beat a girl it strips her clothes and humiliates her? Do you guys play that shit or is it just infinite DOA because of the quality?
for some reason 4 different animators made a Marie dog animation in the same day
Ivy is made for monster rape.
For me, it's Marianne
So smart.
>has pictures on his computer of young women being violently murdered
>pictures almost certainly made by some guro fetishist
>has the gall to call other people degenerates
Why can't they make some artificial thing that feels like this, dolls are just plastic, I need to sink my face in there and never come out.
DOA is the only lewd and weeb game i play and i like it because of the style semi-realistic and semi-anime it has.
well it seem it works but i dont know how to change her clothes and i dont understand shit of japanese
why don't you play the Steam version?
not available on my region and im to lazy to make another account to use a vpn
Take your period medicine.