Game have niggers and women

>Game have niggers and women
>Is suddenly SJW propaganda to Yea Forums
Since when adding black and thots means that you’re a leftist?

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just let me play as a white male. And i say this as a non-white male

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Politics are gay but my dubs aren't

looks like you dropped them

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this is only true if the thing is new and isn't from japan, otherwise they say "DIVERSITY DONE RIGHT"

When your lead writer posts "this is a game to make white incels MAD" on Twitter

>playing gay ass vampire gaymes
dude are you like...a female teenager or something ?
lol stop being gay

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d-delete this... vampires are b-based....

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It really is a pain in the ass. Look at Prototype 2. The new protagonist is black and wants to kill the old white protagonist. It happened before the whole “SJW” shit, but If it happened now, some on Yea Forums would scream “FORCED DIVERSITY”.

haha what a faggot look at this 7

wheres the lie

None of this would be an issue if you played a robot. Fuck humans.

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Gamers Rise!

post 3 examples

don't worry, caught the slippery bastard

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She is kinda right even if i hate thoses faggots


It's actually the SJWs fault this is happening.

No one cared that Jade and CJ weren't white.

on Yea Forums this is actually just factual

I want to play as a human.

pander to whoever you want just stop coming in here making threads crying because your shit game failed

this is just a summary of Yea Forums

that was ages ago, now the alt right exists

i can’t believe that nazis were born in the year 2016

A lot of people cared that CJ wasn’t white. When San Andreas was revealed everyone was worried that they’d be unable to “relate” to him.
I’m sure everyone related to Tommy Vercetti just fine as an ex-mobster.

why can't we just kill all niggers and women?

They're usually ugly bitches. That's a big tell.

I wonder how many American black people are ghetto nigger caricatures.

Thug nigger guys and bombastic nigger gals who are both quick to become outraged and start swinging. There are way too many of them for the number to be low, I'm sure we all have observed them in real life. I know I have.

I actually have some black friends whom I like and respect, you'd call them "whitewashed." They speak with white people voices and are very intelligent fellows

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neo nazis you mean

based context removing twitter retard #53473483

i wonder how many anons on Yea Forums have had sex before
this number HAS to be low

You need to leave your house.

we have white niggers to, they're called rednecks, welcome to to the socioeconomic hierarchy moron

The problem with the left is they assume everyone hates blacks JUST because of their skin color opposed to how many of them act,
Personally i think they have done this not to protect blacks but to keep them where they are. If they are never criticized or if excuses are made every time they are then they will never better themselves. Therefore guaranteeing they stay poor and uneducated and willing to trade their vote in for empty promise of help.


Listen coming from a so-called black man there was literally no problems ( ex Lara croft, Garcain Smith Kiros Seagill ) prior to SJW's deciding to fuck everything up for everyone.

Now because of that agenda today, as you can see damn near everything from coming the west whether it's your Games, Movies, or TV shows, are now tainted with identity politics which is nothing short of cancer.

It's true and I don't care. Pander to me or get pirated.

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