Remember to backup all your video games

Remember to backup all your video games.
You never know when they'll be gone.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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unironically this

>mizuryu kei
>katou jun
>bear hand
>naga ichi
>sugi G
>juan gotoh
>john k peta
>logan cure
>kenkou cross
Why does Yea Forums prove time and again to have the worst taste in porn?

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Shit happens and you get over it. Physicalfags are all safe besides missing updates if they never got them and digitalfags can just pirate shit in the future. It's your fault for not saving the files

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Let them disappear, maybe I'll pick up a decent hobby to replace them. Or maybe I'll just kill myself, that works too.

Oh no! How are you pedophiles going to get your rocks off now?

Sorry I'm not a contraion faggot.

No need to back up my steam games as I don't own them.
Checkmate porn fags.

What're some good ones then?

fuck off filthy whitu piggu

Are you gonna start to spam this stupid shit everywhere too?

>law just magically appeared and the site owner suddenly had no time to warn anyone

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S-someone saved all those doujins and cg sets right? Someone m-must have

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>nagi ichi
Shit taste. I love that fagit

God why are people so fucking addicted to wojaks
Literally the waifufags of memes


I'm more of a Alkenubis, Ray-K and Rustle guy. If I might add.

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Times and times again studies shows places with easy access to porn have lower sexual assault crimes rates. If you took porn away from deviants, they will be eventually forced by their own very libido to sate it one way or another.

As many anons pointed out: 2D children arent real...

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Eventually everything will be gone user, nothing can stop the flow of time and all will be turned back into dust and stars in the sky.

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>caring about the artists in porn of all things
>not liking individual pieces from all different sources
Shit tier porn taste.

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save the c * nny

>lol nobody cares about all those artbooks that were hosted on there anyway
Disgusting wojakloser



Watch out he’s going to sperg out because he thinks exhentai had only loli content

And you fuckers wonder why I rely on physical when the opportunity arises

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>people still pay to view the mona lisa, a fucking painting made by a dead guy

nice meme bro

People like graphic novels because the art is pleasing, and we appreciate the artists.

GO back to sucking robot cock, google government boot licking cunt.

You don’t actually care

>>nagi ichi
Sorry I don't have shit taste

>We've uploaded everything we possibly can find to a single website
No sympathy to anyone involved in this stupidity. There's other sites, you could have been uploading to all of them all these years. You CHOSE to upload everything onto a single website, you CHOSE not to mirror shit elsewhere. This is the future you chose. Stop fucking whining about how your own stupidity fucked you in the ass. No one cares except your fellow retards.

Taking away porn from deviants only makes them seek the real thing.
Do you prefer weird porn you don’t have to look at being legal or skyrocketing sexual assault cases?




Do you really want that kind of person going outdoors?

So you’re saying is that weebs are all latent pedophiles, and without porn they would rape children?


is this 2007?


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>tfw no more mysterymeat3

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Yeah, that way the pedos are forced to leave their stinking holes and they can be more easily hunted down.

This is peak Yea Forums culture right now. The site should just die and let these people get on with real life

Chuck and suck

>Bought a digital album because they sold it in FLAC DRM free
>Can no longer download it from source, only get MP3s.

Do not buy from CDBaby. I still have my files but this is horrible.

>friends mock me for having a nearly organized 100Gb doujins collection and actively seeding the .rar
>get gf eventually
>delete my shame folder
>4 years later this happens

>LiveForTheFunk not on the list

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And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help?

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>not locking it away on an external drive for safe keeping

delete this.

A porn site is getting more discussion than actual video games on the video games board. And you wonder why people look down on you or won't give you the time of day

just create your local sadpanda

>e-hen is exhen but without the good stuff, can't search for artists on it knowing that there's material missing
>nhentai has garbage tagging and searching function
>hitomi gives me ads for cee pee and won't even load the images half the time

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>Had to DL every TG set I could get my hands on before it imploded
>Mostly trash but if I dont circulate some of this shit theres a chance no one will
Its a very strange feeling indeed. Needless to say ive been saving alot more files and porn to harddrive these days.

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It was on my HDD, during my depression years I planned on burying it deep in the woods and leaving cryptic messages so that people in a hundred years can find my stash

i pirate everything I own on steam just to have a backup install because YA NEVER KNOW


Who are these "people" and why does their opinion matter if I don't know who they are? Also I hope you make a post like this on every single bait and shitpost thread in the board. You're not a hypocrite, right?

I never said any words like ALL. I just said the harder it is to get sated by porn the more likely deviants will be forced to return back to children playgrounds or become teachers / priests.

>i entered thread i dont like, what is happening to me???
You are equivalent of casual on the right from pic related. Why is everybody so toxic? Just go back.

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Where am I supposed to get my Deep Rising cg sets now?

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>le wojak

Funny thing is, Yea Forums still thinks they are hardcore gamers. Despite all the threads whining about RE2 being too hard. Despite threads full of Yea Forumsirgins complaining about NES Castlevania games being TOO HARD. Yea Forums doesn't realize all the actual hardcore gamers left a few years back, and all that is left is casual shitters who spend more time watching e-celebs play videogames than playing videogames themselves. This is where reddit's videogame boards come to be edgy.

>a thousand years later
>teenagers discover messages
>spend hours decrypting and following clues
>stumble upon the drive
>they're eager to discover what secrets lie in this ancient tech
>100gb of hardcore loli doujins

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>all sources are gov sponsored anti-porn ads


Meanwhile actual studies have shown that not cumming reduces T

Same, I started doing it a few months ago. Even if I buy a new game for whatever reason, I also grab a pirate copy to store away too.

It probably would have gotten moisture fucked anyway.

Certainly. I always grabbed the torrents of anything I liked, and reseeded it 20x too. I'm still seeding through peer exchange too

you are so fucking mad

have sex with little girls

Oh shoot, if only Yea Forums could be for high brow discussion, for well rounded and respected members of society, such as myself.

We have enough communities that take themselves a little too seriously on the net, to be honest. It's off topic, but genuinely
>bump a different thread
>report thread
Those are your three options. All three together make a spicy combo too. But I still chalk your post up as caring too much or wanting this place to be what it isn't.

hey newfags

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R9k and b and pol infected an already infected wound and created where we are now. Reddit is a hugbox, and here is full of bitter retarded autists

There's nothing wrong with liking furry girls. Prove me wrong.

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>sticky for etika
>no sticky for exhentai dying
Fucking mods. If we were allowed to have a sticky for Aniki we should have been allowed a sticky for exhentai.

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Reported to the Dutch.

you didn't too until two days ago, faggot

there's a sticky on /h/


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I could ask the same fucking question, since you assholes have been invading /vr/ for a few years now whining that the shitposting on Yea Forums was so strong you couldn't discuss videogames anymore.

Which one is it Yea Forums, is the shitposting acceptable, and thus there's no reason to force 6th gen on /vr/, or is the shitposting out of control and in need of mod intervention? You can't have it both ways you cunts.

I had the exact same thought earlier on today,these are sad times.

What if all of Yea Forums got taken down by the clog stompers? Worst case scenarios?

I've been backing up a personal collection of hentai for about 3 years so I got every bit of personal fetish material off sad panda already.
Where should I go for artist galleries now though?

>Remember to backup all your video games.
>You never know when they'll be gone.
I have a bunch of old stuff on Steam I'm resigned to losing someday unless I go find cracks. But I've been buying exclusively on GOG for this reason otherwise. Yeah, it's missing some good stuff, but it's not like we don't all have backlogs 500 miles long at this point anyway, even a small slice of great vidya is more then I can play. And I can just download the images zero muss zero fuss and stick them on my NAS and backup remotely like normal.

In the dark cyber future at least I'll still have my ancient shit. Feels good man.

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a man of culture

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How come he barely draws anymore?

>since you assholes have been invading /vr/
>is the shitposting acceptable
>is the shitposting out of control and in need of mod intervention?
yes. But mods won't. No one can get paid enough for that crap.

Also, good job not saging. Mr.I Care Very Much.

>not buying the patrician physical copy

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you should have seen Yea Forums and /h/, a porn site brought together more people than anything.

He does personal commissions and most of them don't get uploaded.

Forget those two, /m/ were the real champions of the day getting all of those artbooks.

its not about the law idiot

hitomi and nhentai are in nederlands and they still up its just because sadpanda admin is a faggot

*goes to nhentai instead*

wow, so difficult

>"unironically everything is still there but only if you have an elite account" is not a meme anymore
Not sure how to feel about this exactly since I do in fact have an account where it all works.

Seriously though for anyone who doesn't know DON'T PANIC, at this point most stuff has been saved (I pulled down a few hundred gigs of all my niches myself just in case) and anyway the reaction appears to have made 10pony at least commit to keeping the db alive with somebody. 50TB is a bunch but honestly not that bad these days. I just saw a sale on 10TB enterprise class HDDs bringing them down to $264 for example. Even accounting for very good redundancy it'd be easy to have enough space for less then $5k. It'll live on.

Hell, maybe we'll even get better tagging out of it.

>non-stop Yea Forumsirgins shitposting about 6th gen on /vr/
>we totally aren't invading, srs!
Fuck you cunt. Go cry about resetera invading Yea Forums some more.

wooow, the site that has like 10% of what the panda had, I love all these alternatives!!

Go to lolibooru dot moe if you're really upset. About as much video games as anything else so far

Based ESL

Hey dipshit, guess where nhentai got literally all of their content from?

Ive found every saved hentai I had from panda there, dont know what youre bitching about

all the shit that was ''lost'' can be easily found else where
just like when the shut down emu paradise
theres no way in hell the internet can be regulated.

>has none of the exclusive content xhen had
lmao normalfag

look at this clueless redditor

Pedos eternally BTFO

>Typical roastie whore or weak ass beta looking for attention


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You think anyone has already killed themselves over this? Or sent death threats/ hacked Netherlands officials?

You think so

>Implying this place has ever had """culture"""

But I never posted on /vr/. And I don't have a ResetEra account. Thanks for the assumptions, user. Good discussion.

Is someone working on a new site?

>law just magically appeared
Uh, laws do in fact "just get passed" dumbass and then people "just find out" or "just realize that shit, maybe this is serious." Europe didn't have to bow to the copyright maximalists and push through Articles 11 & 13.

Admin is right to be nervous about it, and they're old now and risk appetite may have gone down. Yeah they could have panic'd less. Even so you fags are on real high horses (harhar) given you've got nothing on the line yourselves.

>doesn't upload anything to the alternatives
Yeah, I'm sure just staying to one site and only uploading to that one site will prevent this sort of thing happening in the future.

I notice everyone complaining about this is a whiny fuck who can't be bothered to do anything about it.

>Yea Forums shitposting must mean EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS DOING IT
Some impressive retardation you have.


instead of a sad panda it will feature an angry pitbull.

first day here?

Did sad panda going down finally break this board?

Why do people act like everything on exhentai wasnt backed up on n-hentai?

Look man, you're talking to me about it. So once you bust out the assumptions, your odds of being right are at play.

That's not my intention and you know it. Stop. As I said you care too much. Really.

This board was broken a longass time ago, it just keeps shambling on like a zombie

because it wasn't


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>Is someone working on a new site?
People are in a holding pattern now. There are plenty ready to go and poking away at some infrastructure, but no one wants to go full bore and waste a lot of effort if 10b really does follow through and simply make copies of the full db available. Or simply passes the torch and it goes well and e-h stays fine after all.

But if the worst does come anyway folks are ready now.

Because it really wasnt. If nhentai has 10% of ex I would be shocked it had so much.

it broke multiple boards, all hentai related boards went into full panic mode along with other boards like m spiking in activity just to save what they can

>laws just magically appear and get passed dude it's not like you can follow this shit with publicly available information wow you're a dumbass

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Artbookfags, things "deleted" and unique fetishists are not so lucky.
Good look finding things from before people uploaded torrents to almost everything.

>except a lot

The law has not passed. The proposal will only go to Dutch parliament at the end of this year. It's about an automated report and takedown system for CP and they've been testing it with ISPs since recently.

So, where do I follow Xierra99 now?

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nhentai had never let you upload things dumbfuck.

Where do you retards come from? Go back.

>>laws just magically appear and get passed dude it's not like you can follow this shit with publicly available information wow you're a dumbass
Nope you can't just follow it brainlet. Thanks for playing though.

Where are the art book scans on nhentai?

Can you morons stop going on about this nonexistent law?
All of this happened because of Kiwifarms.
Kiwifarms organized attacks and raids to bring down ATF. ATF was on the same hoster as ex. Hoster contacted Tenboro. Tenboro got cold feet.

If you want to be angry at anyone, then be angry at those retarded kiki lolcows instead of making up shit about laws.

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owner wants to retire too so there is that

You literally cant upload anything on nhentai you absolute moron, all nhentai did was rip the content from exhentai.

this but unironically

Apostle still the hentai king

You literally can as just said you absolute fucking retard

If something were to happen to their automated system, would things return to normal? Have these people been threatened or anything since this happened?

>art books
people care about this? nevermind, I just used it for porn with plot.

and this is how to spot a redditor

>aeolus isn't here

Is there a chance exhentai will be back some day?

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Terrible art. You must be super autistic to get off on this shit

Not only does it only have like 10% of sadpanda's library, it's all lower quality due to inefficient scraping

He just wanted to retire, pulled the plug fast so no one could backup anything, as to get a good offer selling the site. If people had time to backup, he would not get what he wants.

Yes they deserved to die and you cumbrained faggots are freed slaves begging for your chains.

I would have lost like a third of my collection had I not backed shit up and I think lolicon and shotacon are disgusting. Plenty of non-pedophillic works were lost.

By fapping to the doujins I already downloaded.

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It does't have any westernshit, is which what nu/v/ loves


Yes, but considering how anti-piracy Yea Forums is, this doesn’t surprise me

>implying I'm not a physicalfag
I lost 90% of my favorites with ex

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Sadpanda's death should get people reliant on Steam to realize that GOG is the only true way to own a game. GOG and a backup hard drive or three.


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>has killed people and laughed about it
>burnt down a digital library
they need to be destroyed

You people realize you can still get doujins directly from the scanlation groups that upload them yes?

I must sadly interject.

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He said as he bumps the thread

Speak for yourself.

>The law has not passed
It was formally the "Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market" and
>the measure was approved on 26 March 2019 and the directive was approved by the Council of the European Union on 15 April 2019. Member states have two years to pass appropriate legislation to meet the Directive's requirements.
Clock is ticking now and it's too late to stop it. And people are already making arguments that liability may start earlier because "site owners should have known".

Not everyone follows this shit religiously. If someone just found out about it yesterday I wouldn't blame them though I'd be disappointed because it's such a fuck up. But the train is now coming down the tracks and if you're not already reacting you'd better be planning on it.

Admin's response was panic-y for sure and maybe they were feeling depressed or in pain or some shit, so bad frame of mind and then just thought "well let's get it over with". That happens with emotional investments. But the shittiness of the EU's upcoming laws on the internet is quite real.

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You have to have room temperature IQ to not be able to figure out how to filter western on sadpanda.

fuck you, the boogie is good

a shittier version of it with less content

fuck you nigger
muh artbooks

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Guess we'll have to just fuck real kids then.

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>lost my gf
>boot up exhentai for old times sake
Welp, time to rape

I'm having withdrawal

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The south will rise again!

50tb isn't completely unreasonable. My server has 70tb of space.

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Someone should burn the admins house of kiwifarms, lmao.

When it comes to video games, they're so common that finding a download of anything in particular isn't going to be a problem. Unless we're talking about truly obscure shit like beta builds, unreleased stuff, etc.

Especially when it comes to PC games, PC games will always be piss-easy to download. I'll admit that it can be a bit harder to find proper downloads for some console games though, simply due to piracy being less common on consoles. I remember back in the day I had to rely on shit like rapidshare direct downloads when pirating PS3 games, because it was so uncommon for people to have hacked PS3s.

Do you realize there's a bit of a difference between relying on 5000 different sources and having literally everything in one place on day one?

There isn't much lesbian incest to choose from.

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>You literally can as just said you absolute fucking retard
No you literally cannot. This is a common misunderstanding used by faggots to shift blame for all crappy law and regulation onto people. Sure in principle you could follow any single thing. But if you actually have a job and work and actually have to do stuff, it is physically impossible for a single human to follow EVERY new piece of regulation and law, or to know what all the effects would be given that they're often revised and renegotiated, sometimes in secret, right up until the day they pass. It's still possible to be caught by surprise. You can't blow off actual real world time and resource constraints in this context.

I already torrented over a 1000 mom incest doujins off nhentai so I'm good.

Not before they hunt down your daughters.

If you ever were able to breed in the first place that is.

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nothing is lost though user you just need a better account or someone else to get it for you

>can't kill DSP
>try to take down porn site instead
Fucking based DSP is gonna win in the end.

"These people" are the Dutch government and secret service....

But if you (can) read the press release I posted you'll understand they use hashes of known CP images to make the system work. Basically a report image gets tested against their database of illegal hashes and then the ISP has 24 hours to take it down or face a fine. As far as I know, loli is not illegal in NL so I dunno why the owner got cold feet.

Bullshit, oyakodon has plenty of stuff.

Fyi donors still have access to e-hentai, a lot of stuff is being scraped as we speak.
Someone even made a 15GB torrent of just the tag metadata and put it on nyaatorrents.

Did you look in the lost and found?

Do I really have to bros? Seems like so much work.


literally the greatest at drawing blowjobs, fuck you

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By going to the other million other site that got loli cunny

>Admin's response was panic-y for sure and maybe they were feeling depressed or in pain or some shit,
He clearly didn't want to run the site anymore. He could've literally just moved the host to any other country like how piratebay keeps escaping the clutches of the government.

>not good

I saved all that first. It'll be back up one way or another user.

the only good thing to come out of this is all the "le secret club" faggots will finally fuck off. now you're forced to use the regular garbage like the rest of us. enjoy.

That guy is a faggot though
t. i browsed the KF thread

>But the shittiness of the EU's upcoming laws on the internet is quite real.
if only it was only the internet. The greens are going ballistic, you will soon have to shower with your own piss because we must balance china, india and the USA pollution all by ourselves.

>y-you just don't have the time to follow everything
The only thing he needs to follow is laws regarded hosting porn. And even then, as anons link stated, he has TWO YEARS.
Your naivety is amusing.

Uh, we're talking about a different law. This isn't about the copyright internet takedown law by the EU, it's about a Dutch law that still needs to pass parlaiament.

Yea Forums babbys need to be spoon fed.

honestly this was a good change. fuck rehosters that steal work from others for the masses to consume for free.

I know what I said. I'm asking if there's been reports of people in their parliament that have received threats over the interwebs or programs getting DDOSED or shit like that

No, we don't.
>>Yea Forums191291950
>>Yea Forums191292006

Not sure if these posts are ironic or not, but we will never sink to your level. Work is being done on a replacement that will be even more difficult for your pea-brain to navigate its way into.

Oh right, all the exhentai exclusive stuff exists on ehentai behind a paywall, right?

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Reminder, /pol/ stabbed the rest of Yea Forums in the back over Sad Panda.

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how to access sad panda was literal common knowledge. it wasnt secret and anyone that wanted in just need to spend 2 extra minutes to find out how.

>people thinking the dead of sadpanda is only a problem for people who like loli/shota

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Josh isn't even that bad, the actual kiwifag community is cancer though.

>le secret club
All you had to do was make an account and wait maybe a week. Is that so fucking hard? I don't understand how this gatekept so many people, how do you swine even breath?

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No idea. But I guess they receive threats all the time.

It was literally as easy as making an account then waiting for a week
How was something that simple such a massive roadblock

It was so fucking easy to get past the panda. How? How come it was so hard for faggots like you? Honestly, the only way a website can be good is by preventing absolute retards of getting in.

what else on ex hentai isn't available on e-hentai?

What dis they do? /pol/ is full of normalfags.

>forced to use the regular garbage
There will always be demand for not-shit hentai sites. Good that you can admit that you like garbage though.

>He clearly didn't want to run the site anymore.
Yeah he's clearly gotten tired, but
>He could've literally just moved the host to any other country like how piratebay keeps escaping the clutches of the government.
Those are all anonymous/distributed though and importantly free. 10b and e-h is not, government (or any private party suing) know who he is or could trivially find out.

Like holy fucking shit you fucking retard, do you actually think you can escape your country's laws on hosting just by having the physical server be elsewhere and that's it? That's not how any of this fucking works.

>I don't understand how this gatekept so many people, how do you swine even breath?
yes that is the kind of people who were gatekept, and worse, they also browse here

It was common knowledge but it required you to know how to operate a basic internet browser without breaking down in tears. Unsurprisingly, 50% of Yea Forums got filtered.
You literally need to edit a single cookie. One fucking cookie.

2016 election.


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90% of that is literally just shitposting. Why you people keep getting angry at the same phrases over and over again is a mystery

All the big tiddy bitch doujins with a token loli. This goes deeper than you realize.

Look as long as girls get pregnant I'm not very picky.

/pol/ also supported Trump in banning video games. They're mentally ill.

Lolifags will probably be the only ones that will recover everything they had, since so many of them are always in fear of the stuff they have getting deleted and have any sort of backup.

bestiality and incest come to mind.

Too bad he's fucking dead at the rate any new shit from him is coming out.

/pol/ has just been reddit since 2016, most actual users bailed.

A lot of shit taken down by the artists request for copyright.

>Oh right, all the exhentai exclusive stuff exists on ehentai behind a paywall, right?
yep. though it's not purely a paywall according to some people, it's some mix of pay/age/mod power. Nobody seems to know the exact formula, some have paid a mere $20 (or in fake hentai tokens) and had low mod power but like 2011 accounts and boom in, whereas others have paid $20 and still not everything. dunno. I have everything though so it is there.

>Those are all anonymous/distributed though and importantly free.
I didn't realize anything on piratebay is free.
I didn't realize the owner is the one uploaded shit on sadpanda and not the users.

>do you actually think you can escape your country's laws on hosting just by having the physical server be elsewhere and that's it?
Unironically yes. See anything torrent site that keeps getting hit by DMCAs and relocating.


I am very sorry your secret club was taken away from you. there is no need to hurl insults my way.

>what dis they do?

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>"Will send the gallery pining for the fjords."

Anyone with that power planning to make backups for the exclusive content?

It's a mix of a paywall, your accounts age, and pcontribution to the community

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Fuck, you're rightest man who's ever been right.

I have a 2008 account, seeded H@H for fucking ages and still only 7 mod power and can't see 1/3 of the regular content on E-H. It's seriously fucking gay and depressing, can't use my 6 million GP for downloads because I can't fucking see anything.

Age means little, donations are king.

>only recognized like 8 names on here
But hey if all of those other names are on the same tier as shad, diives, minus8, or raita, then I'll take your word for it.

So pretty much 50% of hentai in existence

>mfw just realized none of my fetishes involve this

Looks like it's time to start backing up on e-hentai.

Also I'm surprised shit like guro isn;t on that list.

It’s because it’s about as much of a secret as hiding under a blanket

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Pretty bad victimizing skills, work on that.

Donations means fuck all either, I'm gold star.

This unironically happened to me. I used to play a Spring rts called Gundam RTS and the only files I can find related to it are .sd6 files and I can't seem to be able to run the game from spring :(

That explains this sudden "cumbrain" poster.

And don't forget Yea Forums mods. I don't know if the anons fought back or not, I didn't check.

No need. Steam will exist forever.


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>filtered faggot too stupid to edit his cookies or even go find one of the dozens of EZpanda extensions
I give it 2 months before a full fledged replacement comes up, hope the next site is hunkered down even more to keep brainlets like you out.

Because it wasn’t secret,you are just too stupid to realize that.

>I didn't realize anything on piratebay is free.
FFS. No, USING piratebay is free. As-in, there is no money trail. Whereas e-h has long taken donations and in fact originally took direct regular money ones, not bitcoin even. Owner was never even remotely anonymous.

>I didn't realize the owner is the one uploaded shit on sadpanda and not the users.
You also don't seem to realize that the whole issue with the new EU laws is that this will no longer matter. The USA's Section 230 is US law only user, not some world standard. The kinds of protections we have (somewhat by sheer luck) are not a given. Nothing inherently stops any government anywhere from holding an owner responsible for everything on their site. And even 230 isn't completely watertight by design, hence mega and so on.

>Unironically yes. See anything torrent site that keeps getting hit by DMCAs and relocating.
See above. If you create a professional torrent site that takes donations to your actual real self (and get big enough for someone to care) you will be raped in court. It's illegal. You can be protected by hiding yourself and being beneath notice, but that's not the same thing as actually being beyond the law.

datahoarders are the true master race. I don't care if you buy digital, buy physical, pirate or steal discs. Just back that shit up, and crack any drm, hack any console. To make shit last forever.

never heard anything more naive and retarded in my life. Go on, show me those books of alexendria.

fuck off tranny there are plenty of loli sites out there because they are super popular, the issue is a literal library of alexandria of doujinshi is gone and will never be seen again

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go play HAWX

I don't think incest inherently does this? I still have access to a lot of the incest stuff I've favorited on e-hentai. Just nothing that contained a shota or loli
Which certainly eliminates a good deal of them, but not all

>Anyone with that power planning to make backups for the exclusive content?
You kidding? Everyone has been, it's been wild. I pulled down a few hundred gigs myself and that's small fries. That's why prices suddenly went nuts and the servers temporarily ground down. I dunno if EVERYTHING has been saved but tens of terabytes at least has been.

>Age means little, donations are king.
This is what I thought too. Except that people have donated and it hasn't worked, unless maybe it takes a few days afterwards.

>just buy physical media bro
>for porn
>for the sick twisted shit that comes outta hentai/doujins
naw im cool. i like having people over to my place and people dont need to know i beat my dick like it owes me money to /ss/ and women being raped by insects.

Josh is a good boy. Kiwis are cancer though, barely better than the trannies they laugh at.

I donated last year.

my gf reads a lot of the shit with me as long as there is no guro, have more faith unless she is omega normalfag
Nigger sadpanda was basically 4chans sister site

ok faggot this is the wizardry 5 JP artbook i save from the purge now is vidya related

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