What happens when people die?

What happens when people die?

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google.com/search?newwindow=1&client=firefox-b-d&ei=DP89Xa7CMqWb5OUP446U8Ag&q=consciousness outside of the body&oq=consciousness outside of the body&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i19j0i8i30i19l3.7261.7261..7473...0.0..

i epic fortnite dance bro

Game over

>not becoming a star

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Energy doesn't die it just changes form

What constitutes dying. Arguably you die every night when you go to sleep.

Here's a picture of the afterlife.
However, if you view it, you will be barred from it.

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I'd imagine it's the same thing as before they were born. So, nothing.

Same thing as when you go to sleep.

What happens when people sleep?

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The stream of consciousness ends. You're essentially just dust particles at that point.

>goes with a minor philosophical definition instead of the robust scientific definition
dont waste our time user

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Science at this point in time dont know shit about dying. All they know is they dont know what happens after and only "assume" nothing might be the answer

the two unknowns are Nothing There and [CENSORED]
pretty epic, i'll throw my two megachads to do the research there and have someone babysit the lower centcom department and just do other things

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This post really isn't as smart as you think it is.

>wearing HE armor
>one is wearing dog ears of bad work results

>thinking they're my megachads
i used to have both of these with mountain's gift but i meme repo'd and lost it on Ryn

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You go to Heaven if you are a good person.

is blue star in that area due to plague doctor?

It's permanently night


i have both in sec for the longest time since i got mountain in there super early
but i got blue star's (and silent's) armour before i meme repo'd, sadly couldn't get enough PE to get their weapons, but with the gear from NT and [CENSORED] i hope to have a bit of a better time in the future

you wake up from the simulation and you get sent where you belong

What science don't know is the precise line between life and death.
Yet, we can tell that something is clearly dead by just giving it time. You cannot point at the skeletal remains of someone and argue that he is still alive, you would look like a retard doing so

Everything goes black

they can't say consciousness cease to exist when your body dies tho

How’s the omnibus facility doing? Are we finally doing suppressions?

Only some religions claims that conscious exist after death

With science, we are all biological machines, and our conscious are permanently lost to the void

you wouldn't be able to experience the blackness because there wouldn't be a brain anymore that processes anything really

We meet again as S.T.A.R.S.

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you respawn with all your memories wiped and relive the same life
but sometimes the memory wipe isn't completely thorough and you get Deja vu every now and then in life

their assholes tighten up and feels amazing

not what quantum mechanics is discovering tho, all consciousness doesnt come from the brain, the real you is outside of yourself, your brain is just the antena, you arent here, you are in a body
wake up

Right now to science we are what if they find some new particles in 100 years and new waves dimensions and shit and they will figure out dead people are not really dead?

I need more art of this trio

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Two angels named Munkar and Nakir visit them and question them.

get a CPAP machine

the fuck so my body is just a avatar I'm steering from another dimension? For what purpose?

oh that's the real question

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The only angel here us my pure, virginal, pristine, celestial daughter

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yeah okay sure

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so it turns out my agent is now Ryan Gosling

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>consciousness doesnt come from the brain
It does come from the brain with our current understanding. Are you mixing concepts up with "entangled particles"?

With science, we work with the knowledge that we currently have. Until the day that we can prove that consciousness exist after death, it doesn't.
Of course, feel free to proof that it does exist, that contributes to the world I suppose.

>The stream of consciousness ends
Nigger the reason why we have dreams to begin with is because we still think in our sleep

Stop shitting up the thread with not vidya you absolute autists

What's Bongbong doing there?

Her(his(gook)) goddamn best!

who knows
we may not even be able to handle the real answer

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Bongbong decided to come along with the crew, they're developing into a chad surprisingly quick thanks to how easy it is to throw someone at Child of the Galaxy over and over for every stat

>I don't know therefore no.
Nice answer

Well, what happened to you before you were born? Nothing, you didn't exist. Once you die, you're gone, you right now are all that you are. "You" are just a thought.
Images you have found on facebook AREN'T scientific research

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My answer is discuss vidya or go back to /sci/, you cl*rk.

They fart.

just google it brah

google.com/search?newwindow=1&client=firefox-b-d&ei=DP89Xa7CMqWb5OUP446U8Ag&q=consciousness outside of the body&oq=consciousness outside of the body&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i19j0i8i30i19l3.7261.7261..7473...0.0..

Who cares? Let's just live and find out when we die.


>yeah man nothing happens after death totally nothing trust me
>btw aliens dont exist too I can't see them so they don't exist to me
What if aliens do exist but we can't see them because they exist in higher frequency? Right now they are literally ayy lmaos walking the streets and you cant do shit about it because you are stupid

>yeah man nothing happens after death totally nothing trust me
This is true for the individual. But the people who didn't die will keep working to bring about the technological singularity and kickstart the resurrection along with creating more amazing things for us to enjoy.

It's the same shit don't act like he discovered fucking fire you moron.

>when the lobotomy corp thread is derailed by people arguing about the afterlife and what happens after death

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I'm glad you observed that. You're a smart cookie.

Free bumps I guess, better than the thread just getting forgotten because people might not recognize Funeral in the OP

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>tfw actually recognized funeral
>probably because he was my goto justice grinder for a while

How is the Yea Forumsfacility doing?
Did we already do malkuth's supression?

No suppressions yet.
An user said he was doing it earlier, hasn't posted his save yet.

Any day1's/memrepo?
I remember leaving you guys with mountain/NT before sleeping

We can't do day1s or memrepos, we just have to work with whatever the last guy gave us.

Post the save again, please?