99.9% of all characters in videogames are european looking whites even the ones made by japan

>99.9% of all characters in videogames are european looking whites even the ones made by japan
>a single character is darker skinned
>huh duh white genocide

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>make a game set in Medieval Europe
>people want to shoehorn in Africans

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why can't there be other settings other than western history, fucking pol retard?

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>there were no black people in medieval europe

Who said there can't be, ResetEra tranny?

There are a few grains of black sand that managed to get on this beach. Can you see them?

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its not very interesting to play civilization africa pack when your end game is a mud hut

>99.9% of all retarded posts are frogposts

People originally got mad over this because it'd be seen as forced or some kind of virtue signalling. This is entirely understandable, as it seemed like actual characterization was being sidelined just so agendas could be pushed. Someone was black or gay just because, and we're otherwise not interesting. Over time, it became a springboard for the alt-right to push their own agenda, and now the original issue is suffocated under this political back and forth.

Shit is fucking gay.


>A JRPG about sundiata wouldn't be dope as shit
kys retard.

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if I did would you cry and try to remove me from your country?

Brown people should not exist in Europe or any Europe-inspired setting.

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why do u assume I'm talking about european settings?

they're cliche as fuck.

What does "Europe-inspired" mean?

Fantasy with knights in plate armour shoving sword pommels up dragons' asses.

fuck off nigger

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>plate armour
so those are original european history ideas?

kys retard.
go read a history book if you love to talk so much about history.

google gondar etiopia.



Anglos and Germans shouldn’t exist in Europe either


you: white genocide is real!! soon people like me will be exterminated!
me, an intellectual: i wish

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Knights and plate armor are extremely European ideas. What farts are you sniffing?



Nobody knows or cares about your nigger empire, retard. Even though there were knights there, all knights in fiction were, in fact, inspired by european knights, because they are far better known to people who write fiction. So, yeah, modern fantasy is indeed literally european-inspired.


Now that's what I call Yikes!

Why does politics and the news inspire so much fear and paranoia in people? My parents talk about how whites are being genocided and talk as though they're being lynched in the streets all while sitting in their three story house sipping coffee and using their $1000 phones.

not they're not, most of european ideas comes from middle east.

muslims also had knights and armour plates.

also making your game inspired by european history is a mark of lack of creativity and you should give up making fantasy games.

Already bored of european settings, they're cliche as fuck.

Don't worry little colored fellow, I'll make a game that represents you because I love you and you deserve to feel entitled.
The game I'm thinkning about making is a simulator where you play as a white male and you have to make colored people happy by kissing their butts.

>why do people talking about genociding whites inspire so much fear and paranoia in people? they aren't doing it yet, just talking about how they are going to do it in the near future

Middle east and asia made use of plate armor too, read a book from time to time if you want to stop looking like a retard.

I have never seen normal people IRL talk about wanting to genocide whites and I attend a university.

Ancient Greeks had plate armor while Arab muzzies were worshipping a multitude of minor insignificant deities.


You can tell this is a redditor trying to fit in using pepes because he is le Yea Forums maymay

110th time lucky, goldstein

The whore of Babylon is used precisely to control people with fear and keep them dumb. Places like US use politics to raise literal uruks from birth. Same thing the Bolsheviki did.

By that same logic, nonwhites also should be afraid because a lot of people talk about darkie genocide.

>europe, middle east and asia all used plate armor
>this means all plate armor users in fiction must be middle eastern or asian, never european
>no, the writers don't get to choose what they are writing about, how dare they

Ah yes, please show me these examples of ancient Middle Eastern and Chinese plate armor. It should be easy.

Are you descendant of the Greeks or the Germanic tribes?

>all these very generic ideas are european only because fantasy D&D LoTR used them first
is using iron now a white invention retard?

When did I ever say there shouldn't be european one retard? Never.

What if fiction doesn't need to make sense and all you people are just getting angry over nothing?

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>worshipping a multitude of minor insignificant deities.
Damn, when did anonymous get this stupid