How often do you pirate games?

How often do you pirate games?

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All the time

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I pirate most games unless the price is decent and the dev is a bro


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Games are expensive and I'm poor
I only really buy a game when I wanna play its multiplayer
I'm hoping to change this sometime, whenever life gets better though

Constantly. Last time I spent money on a game was some FIFA game for my nephew's birthday because he wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. I haven't bought a video game for myself in more than 10 years, never touched Steam in my life.

More often than not. My PC meets the minimum requirements for most games but they'll tend to have unsolvable framerate issues in spite of. Since demos aren't a thing anymore it's not like I have a choice.

Always. I only buy multiplayer games, but even then I try to stick to f2p. I also seed to 1:1 ratio, even piratebay torrents.

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Whenever the game is AAA or the devs are being faggots

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Just emulation.

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when I already own the game on another system and/or it's over a decade old

anything post 2010 you have to pirate before you buy. unless you enjoy being ripped off by publishers.

Not often. I pirate movies and music all the time though.

I always try before I buy.

I pirated DQXI and played it for an hour to see if it would run. I did everything but turn off shadows, and it was terrible.

This is gonna sound stupid but I just moved to the US and my aunt got an email from her internet provider when I was pirating shit. Are they okay to ignore or do I resort to using a VPN?

I like to pirate games.
Without using a VPN

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rarely, seems like there's nothing worth pirating in todays times
in 2019 only pirated RE2 and Sekiro. bought nothing, of course.
video games suck so bad now.

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You stop seeding torrents like a retard, Literally the only reason anyone ever gets a letter is because they seed while downloading and never stop.


cant wait until your dad gets taken off to state pen you little fag

I used to pirate everything, even anti viruses. Nowadays i just buy the game if it's on sale. If not I just play something else.

I still pirate 3ds games all the time btw, probably will do the same to a switch if i get one someday.

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every time it doesn't have multiplayer i'm interested in

I stopped, part of becoming an adult is understanding other people worked hard for these products and they deserve your support.

All the time, I started pirating when PC went digital only.I'm forced to pirate since I'm not willing to pay for digital distribution and PC is pretty much digital only aside from the occasional DRM free physical release of some indie game which I buy, I buy used physical copies of older games too.
Fuck the industry, death to Valve, CDPR/GOG, EA, Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, Epic, Sony video game division, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, and the rest of them
I refuse to reward the cancer that is being charged for a download and all the cancers that come with it. People who pay for digital distribution aren't even real PC gamers.
Only SJWs, retards, subhumans, and/or the mentally ill pay for digital distribution
>dev is a bro
Nothing bro about charging for a download and not even having the decency to admit it is a donation.
Multi player going through some official server like Steam servers is a form of anti piracy. The devs could always make it so the MP is p2p or people can make their own server without having to go through shitty Steam servers at all. You're financially rewarding them for sabotaging their own game

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same but im east euro so noone cares

I only pirate hentai games.
I don't blame pirates, though. It's just my circumstances require me to be a bit better behaved than the average person.


Part of being an adult is being able to think and realize the way they offer the product has 0 scarcity and infinite supply so it is worth $0 and shouldn't be paid for, and that the "support the developer" line is a brainwashing line the industry and its sycophants such as yourself use as a last resort to try to get people to hand over money to a business for nothing in return.

1.old games which are not available at reasonable price on GOG.
2.If i want to check out game without demo.

>video games suck so bad now.
Thanks Valve! Thanks digital distribution!

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I don't really do it anymore, putting a monetary investment down on a game kind of forces me to play it but when I get it for free I just don't the motivation to finish it.

Why would I pay for something I can get for free, without any repercussions whatsoever?
When there are two ways to obtain the same product, one involving me lossing money and one that doesen't, I sure as fuck would pick the one where I don't lose any money. I barely register the option of spending money on digital products, it doesen't exist in my mind. You might as well ask me to go around the street and hand my money to random people, it's fucking retarded.
In fact, I think that people who buy games must be mentally ill. The same people would jump of a cliff to get down when there is a lift 5 feet away. They are retards, there is no other word for it.
>reasonable price
$0 is the only reasonable price for a download

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>find game that looks interesting
>if it's over 5 gb i forget about it
>under 5 gb and i look for a download
>find one and cross my fingers
>if it's not rar i delete and forget about it
>is it rar we good
I can't into mounting and burning, just give me something I can right click, unpack and play.

How do you stop seeding while downloading? Or make sure your not seeding? I just use ddl.

You know that you can just put GOG installer on physical media.

>Nothing bro about charging for a download and not even having the decency to admit it is a donation.
Yes, preach it, my brother! Everything should be free! I should have to pay for nothing!

I pirate console games all the time. On PC I'm more prone to buying them since you can get keys cheap.

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why did you put crypto in there

die degenerate piratefag
derpibooru DOT org/1747212 (replace DOT with .)

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Always. I tell myself I'll support the good game devs, but then I see Sekiro is like $60 and I already beat it 4 times so I just pirate the next game instead haha.



Most downloads these days from codex or whatever have installer that puts the crack on automatically, just click on the setup icon and it installs like a regular game would, also they have nice old school loading music

If you want to pirate to try it out and see if its worth money, go ahead.

But don't say there is no loss.

Do you guys bother downloading updates for a pirated game ? They're not always there or lack seed, this is actually the main deterrent against piracy to me. Nowadays all games are bugged and lack content because it's drip-fed later after launch otherwise players would start crying about lack of support.

All the time.
I buy Jap games that I'm interested in and a very small handful of indie games, pirate everything else.

I pirated Darkest Dungeon and was not disappointed. I wouldn't spend money on a shit game like that.

delete the game, use vpn and then redownload it. i got caught pirating san andreas and my isp told me that there was a file within the game that checks for legitimacy.

>Be Australian
>On Dodo without a VPN
Is the clock ticking or do they just not care?

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>people in the US actually get messages from their ISPs
How the fuck?

I didn't realize anyone bothered VPNing. Bong here, so basically living out 1984 IRL and nobody seems to care about piracy, must have "stolen" like 50 terabytes worth of shit by now.

almost never, just pirated tetris effect shit is meh

This year just Resident Evil 2 Remake cuz it's too expensive for a 20 years old game

Same, I've been on a piorating spree after getting a new PC, I've been downloading something almost constantly for about 2 weeks. Sadly, most of what I tried I deleted after about an hour, so glad I could try before I dont buy

Usually when it's a single player title I pirate as a demo, but if I play for 5+ hours I buy a copy.

ITT: the reason consoles are winning.
sure you do, faggot

I’d need to actually play games first

I haven't in years. Grabbing shit when it's nonsensically cheap in the sales combined with only getting around to playing an hour or so a day means I've have a huge backlog to work through. Little sense in piling pirated games on top of that, I'll never get around to playing them.

Why would I lie on an anonymous imageboard?

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one of life’s greatest mysteries

holy fuck thank you for reminding me I can pirate Sekiro, I was waiting until it went on sale for at least 50% off because I was a consolefag when it came out but I built a PC since then
based piratebro
>video games suck so bad now
i agree, I built a PC and i'm just playing the same shit I was playing on my kaka laptop but with more fps now

Part of becoming an adult is not giving away money like a braindead invalid.

Same, I've been torrenting shit since the early 2000s and we've never even gotten an email about it

Never. Piracy is minkdick manlet tier. I have never met a person above 5'9'' that actually pirates content.

I tried pirating a couple of games a few years ago i downloaded a bad copy of dying light that left a virus on my pc every time i started my pc up it would open a browser window to some click bate anime game site

Never. I find the idea of pirating a literal .exe is too risky and retarded

Never. Private trackers are too much effort and public trackers are now full of viruses.
Fuck. That.

always if they arent multiplayer online or ps4 exclusives

Because you can get away with it.


pretty infrequently honestly, just out of me not bothering
i think don't starve, some indie game called elemental, and saints row 4 were the only games I ever pirated, and I bought all 3 of them later on

me too except I live in the US. been pirating shit since I discovered limewire over a decade ago and have never gotten in trouble for it a single time, not even a letter from my isp. I think what gets you in trouble is seeding aka distributing the illegal goods, most companies don't seem to give a shit about downloading things illegally as long as you don't reupload it and distribute it illegally. thanks seedbros for being smart enough to use a vpn or dumb/alpha enough to seed for us leechers

Have you ever bought a pirated game you liked anons?
I've bought at least 3 indies that deserved it for me.

just read the comments and scan with your antivirus before you do anything to it retards. i've never gotten a virus from torrenting shit

extremely rarely,
i always buy games to flex on poorfags
it's nice having money to afford things

I only pirate indie games and support AAA developers. I love the idea of some neckbeard tranny indie dev basically living hand to mouth and receiving no recognition despite putting in 10x more work.

I actually miss ransomware. It was fun trying to figure out a way around it without reinstalling everything.

Real talk though viruses don't even exist anymore, download whatever you want.

>just read the comments
>trusting comments on public tracker sites
the only retard is you

Would only pirate from 1995-2012
Then I bought the games I did like. (Except Skyrim and GTAIV, bought those and they're trash but I fell for the memes)

I have multiple times. I treat it as a demo, I have a moderate PC that can play some things but some things run like shit. I pirate it first to test if it actually fucknig runs well, and if I like it i will buy it. I would rather have the legit game for updates and such.

>Real talk though viruses don't even exist anymore
they do, they're just more subtle and come in the form of miners
how am I the retard if you're the giant pussy who wastes money on buying things he could get for free and I've never gotten a virus in my life lmao

I used to pirate as a poor teen because a guy from school showed me the ropes and gave me burnt CDs of games and I had the mindset of "Why pay when you can get it for free?".
Nowadays though I rarely pirate games (except for old games I wanna emulate) because I buy most since I only buy a game when I'm certain I'll like it and when it's discounted. But when there's a game I'm really uncertain about whether I'd like it or not I pay a visit to certain places and try the game.

No. If I can't find a game for torrenting in the first week I will buy it though. As I am desperate. If I can torrent why would I pay... ever?

>this torrent has a virus
>check if it is true
>it is
>this torrent is great
>check if it is true
>it is

Because some developers actually deserve the money, it's not a hard concept.

>If I can torrent why would I pay... ever?
People who develop worthwhile products should be supported.

I only do it once a year when I dedicate a week to downloading every single game that came out that past year so not that often

how the fuck

yeah, supported by you while I download it for free sucker

>updating a pirated game
Never. I just wait 1 year after release and pirate the final version +DLCs all in one torrent.

I literally have no qualms with that, other than the urge to call you a poornigger.
But yes, I like being paid for my own work, which I enjoy and when my client is satisfied. I extend to others the same treatment.

he ladled up some comfort alright

the wealthy NEVER pay when they don't have to you worker peon

Whenever it doesn't have online.

I dont because i am not a douchefag who has to have every game out there and i like suporting the people who make the game.

I'm still a normalfag that uses Pirate Bay. Anyone got any recommendations for other alternatives?

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like who?

Hollow Knight devs is a good example.


I pirate 99% of PC games and emulate everything that can be emulated effectively. The only games I don't end up trying to pirate are console games and that's only because there are only 1-2 decent console games released a year.

Game devs BTFO

Do people really do this? Why do you willingly turn your PC into a bitcoin machine?

Cool, so?

>support devs
>support people who make the games free

Gee I dunno

Not as much anymore, even trusted uploaders began putting miners in their cracked software.

if you arent retarded its insanely easy to avoid malware and miners. I'm a tech brainlet and i've been able to avoid it.

FPBP I even pirate indie games if they cost money.

I pirate 99% of my games and not once have I downloaded a miner.

I agree 100% even if it's a pasta.

Every chance I get now that I'm on 500/500 speeds.