GTAIV essential mods?

What are your favorites?

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the game is still shit

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wheres the one that makes the game not run like dog shit

recoil fix (requires lifeless)
realistic driving and flying

oh, and some color filter remover, to get rid of piss'n'shit filters in base game and TLaD

>the game is still shit

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lol 1990 """zoomie""" here. its shit.

it's non-cracked game

wow, you guys posted wojaks, you absolutely destroyed him! wanna go stream snipe jacob on fortnite soon?

he's not entirely wrong, GTA IV story mode was a borefest, and it's the only GTA I didn't complete. Expansions were really good, sadly also pretty short. Both suffer from very little side activities compared to 3D era, because muh realism.


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lol sad samefagging kid


>implying 7th gen shit isn't zoomer crap as well
top kek


i5 2500k gtx770 here, game ran in acceptable 50-70 fps AFTER I went into video options and reduced anitaliasing, because autodetection set it at x16 for some reason.

are there any good first person mods, preferably with the ability to switch between first and third person on the go.

>i5 2500k
>50-70 fps
these specs just show how fucking unoptimized and susceptible to specific hardware configurations the game is
I have an i7 8700K and a 1080Ti, 16 GB RAM, GTAIV runs at no more than 47 fps for me, at 720p mid settings with some stuff like AA and other shit disabled

you meant xLiveLess?

snow mod
download as many licensed songs from The Sopranos and put them into your custom radio, add some max payne in there for good measure
icehancer is a meme enb that destroys the atmosphere of the game by making night times orange-purple and breaks multiple visual effects (cutscenes don't shade characters, street lamps have a weird halo effect) so dont install it

It's only unoptimized for Nvidia, AMD's always run it amazing

>has much better PC but runs it worse
sorry but that makes no sense, you've done something horribly wrong

I have a 3700x and a 1070. I get 100+fps with 8x AA enabled from the nvidia control panel

yep this one. Numerous mods require it, and you won't need to register and login to dummy XBL account to play.

>8x AA enabled from the nvidia control panel
lol that doesn't work in IV, imagine being placebo'd by an AA setting

No, it runs like shit because people are retarded and don't know what they are doing.

My 296x2 ran it like garbage, as did my 3x 6970s. As did my x1990xt. My 980ti, Titan Xp and 2080t all run it just the same.

Game is coded like fuck and always has been.

>Intsall it
>"install" xliveless
>launch game and leave settings at default
>switch to 720p
>25-27 fps
>disable AA and other shit
>disable more shit
>60 fps but game looks like shit
>decide i'd rather play at 45fps than the game looking like shit
you tell me, any other game that i should be able to run perfectly, i do.
GTAIV is the only game that does this, and i didn't touch anything.

it's GFWL not XBL, though I recon Live for PC is as dead as as Xbox one

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works for me dude
i bet you're just some retard who maxes out draw distance and doesnt understand why that would possibly slow down the game

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Bald Niko