>low IQ: Killing antagonist
>high IQ: Impregnate antagonist
Which games lets you turn game boss into mother and wife?
>low IQ: Killing antagonist
>high IQ: Impregnate antagonist
Which games lets you turn game boss into mother and wife?
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I still want to know if this game is good or not after that villainess thread last week .
Fuck you, user. I'm tired of the
>spare villainess because she's hot
meme. You can have a character be irredeemable and fucking hot at the same time.
Dark souls 2
Stella Glow was too comfy.
Who exactly?
It's pretty good. Interesting but little predictable plot, hidden sci-fi elements, good gameplay. And Sakuya is tsundere waifu material.
She had troubled past, that's all.
Goddamn. Added to my eternal backlog.
Also, pretty sure Harvest Moon allows that.
what game?
Stella Glow, a comfy srpg with a variety of magical singing girls you can marry.
In Fire Emblem Awakening, Aversa was a female boss character you could recruit and have a child with. Same with Flora in Fire Emblem Fates, although she was less of a villain, but still an enemy boss.
Cute and wholesome.
But you said Dark Souls 2.
Not him, but in Dark Souls 2 there is a side story, sorta about that.
Alva, the guy who wore the Alva Set, was a hero from a faraway land who went to Drangleic to find a cure for undeath to cure his country's princess of the affliction. Drangleic has a weird effect on people that makes them forget their past and motivations, and cause them to forget about the outside world. When he got there, he ran into a seductive witch who kept fucking with him and generally being a pest, following him around and making his life harder. Over time they both forgot what they were doing, and spending so much time together made them fall in love.
Basically a knight met an evil with on a journey to save a princess, and ended up forgetting about the princess and just fucked the hot witch for the rest of his days.
I never unlocked Flora, always beat the game before I unlocked the requirements for her
I didn't make it that far but you probably can't marry your sister so fuck it.
Its ok, very much a generic anime srpg
please tell me there's more content like this bros
Get back to work and shack up with your sister with your mom's approval.
I'm pretty sure you only officially put a baby in Hilda, but I've only cleared it twice and done her and the sister.
>Boss is a misunderstood confused Loli
>Can convince her to marry you, become your companion and have childrens with you
Can a game be this wholesome?
I've seen this game a lot, is this one of those low effort Vita dungeon crawlers or is it actually a good game?
It's incredibly derivative of other works and shallow, but well-executed.
It has a really mediocre and uninspiring start and its pace is pretty slow, i had to force myself to not drop it but in the end it became one of my favorite 3DS games. I like it a lot, but SRPGs are not for everyone, also don't expect a hardcore strategic experience
Don't forget about the Ivory king who got together with Alsanna, who was like a later incarnation and "daughter" of Manus, that guy who started the Abyss.
Unlike her other "sisters" she's good and is trying to carry out the Ivory King's will. I think when they first met she never mentioned about that whole dark thing, but big dick Ivory King knew anyway and was totally cool with it and with later sacrificing his life to try and stop Chaos.
I don't remember this character at all.
Name 3 games
*hits pipe*
It's alright. The music buff mechanic was an interesting twist, but aside from that, it's fairly cookie cutter to FFT style of gameplay. My biggest beef is that battles are too slow, even with all the animations turned off. You're forced to wait a half second or so before the engagement plays out beyween two units and the information of the outcome has you wait another second or so before you can input the next command. It gets tedious in longer stages due to how much all that time adds up.
Also, Water > Wind > Time > Earth > Fire
>Water > Wind > Time > Earth > Fire
>Stella Glow
Seriously? I dropped that game because the beginning made me fall asleep
Sounds like you have bigger problems than posting on Yea Forums, have you talked to your doctor?
>can’t max bonds with everyone in a single playthrough until NG+
It’s like they want me to watch it on youtube
Based Sachiposter.
It's like you prefer to watch other people date rather than do it yourself.
Yes, he told me I need a goth gf or I'll die by the end of the month. It was a nice journey and I'll miss you all.
Retard YOU are the antagonist in Stella Glow
What about becoming bros with the final boss
She was Gangrels bitch.
What about being bros with the final boss until circumstances and differences of opinion push you towards different paths where you both do what you think is best but end up at odds with each other?
If only this game wouldn't waste so much time with its shitty robotic combat then maybe I could experience this ending too.
>game about building a harem
>no harem ending
Harem endings in non hentai games are fucking garbage anyway.
What about mating pressing the final boss' boypussy?
>a daughter
cumbrains need to be euthanised
Stella Glow one fatal flaw was not allowing you to grind comfortably outside story battles. I mean you could do it in Luminous Arc 3, why remove it here?
Does reconciling with your dad count
You can in NG+
Mordimort was better imo.
Is this game suppose to be a struggle? I am at the anthem program part, the enemies are way stronger than I am.
The beginning of that game seemed like an NTR doujin. you get to the capital and all the important people want to have a conversation with your "childhood friend" and you can't come along since your a nobody.
It's mediocre in every sense outside of the music.
Difficulty is awakening bumrush tier, even with the secret objectives.
Story is as bland as it gets and characters arent anything to write home about.
Its style over substance.
No, it's Eve and her minions
Pretty much. It's harder than usual generic jrpg but nothing that can't be done. Just remember about keeping recommended level and train everyone about equal and everything will be fine.
>forced to use certain characters that I left out of battles
>they are all like 12-15 levels below
Not fair. Ewan is shit, Keith is shit and Archibald is too slow to use properly and dont even have counter.
Is this the new buzzword for anyone who wants anything remotely sexual
>He didn't use Archibro
After a few friendship bonuses his speed goes up significantly and he's one of the best units in the game after Nonoka, you fucked up.
Fun, but derivative and fairly generic. Song magic system is neat but underdeveloped. Combat is really fucking slow due to a whole slew of needlessly drawn out elements. A whole more playable in Citra once you speed it up to 300%, though that comes at the expense of sound.
Also, antagonist waifu best waifu.
It's a tactics jRPG on the 3DS, it's pretty good.
>you will never convert a villainous through the sheer power of dick
why even live
Luminous arc 2.
Luminous Arc 3 translation when?
Dead, for many times. The first translator abandoned it, then someone is looking for a translator for it. After that, no news.
Hows Luminous Arc Infinity anyway?
I really liked Xeno's battle.
Too bad he occupies event slot with cute girls so fuck him.
>get to the desert with the not!muslims
>"earth witch" allahu akbars when she's about to get taken
I know it was supposed to be emotional but I couldn't stop laughing.
>A whole more playable in Citra once you speed it up to 300%, though that comes at the expense of sound.
Couldn't you use cheatengine's speedhack instead?
Play the JSK flash games, now.
NOW anons
He's practically done by the time you get the girls, the only reason you shouldn't is if you've used that time before for exploring or some other shit option
>enemy boss
>can knock up and start a family with
This right here is patrician-tier.
i did, with the vampire
ar tonelico 2