>Game has multiple female romance options but the nice, homely female with breeding genes is the best one
What's her name, user?
Game has multiple female romance options but the nice, homely female with breeding genes is the best one
Pic unrelated
t. misty
May is hotter than Misty
Misty is an Asuka clone, so automatically best girl.
well duh, she has the body of a 10 year old
Yep, that's gonna be a BASED from me.
>Misty is an Asuka clone, so automatically best girl.
>Any of those girls
Your standards are warped. Pokemon may as well be a Museum of Childhood crushes, only beaten out by the Dread Queen Sakrua Kinomoto.
No, he's right. Serena is the only one who was officially confirmed as a love interest. The rest had no insight of being into Ash, especially Misty.
That's not what "insight" means.
>best girl never got a depiction outside the game series
Never development at all
Same but implied
Literally confirmed but ash is a faggot
Literally annoying af in the anime
Literally forced shit,even the backstory and the reason of why she's obsessed with that looser comes out of their ass
She's innocent but again is the "protagonist gets all the girls" shit
Same stuff
Again same shit
Why is everyone obsessed with Ash anyway? He literally never doing something relevant,in the first seasons you can see development,in the gen 4 era it was a thrownback,gen 5 get serious but the anime didn't,gen 6 was forced shit for cringe faggots everytime and gen 7 is a reboot instead of development again
And just wait for gen 8 where they're are going to do the same shit
We all know who the sexiest pokegirl is.
Misty is the only one who ever mattered
>Why is everyone obsessed with Ash anyway?
Protagonist aura. But somehow that same aura never gives him a single Pokemon League victory.
Your image is of worst girl though
It's what happens when you drag a series out endlessly without ever being able to give closure.
I honestly thought "Red" was Ash who retired in the game.
best option is imagining none of them ever got with that faggot ash
>breeding genes
yeah if you want weak simpering beta offspring with that girl
you need a feisty girl to conquer and have strong kids with
>nice, homely girl is the best one
>she has the worst chemistry with the MC
I'd debatably put her below Iris for being yet another contest girl in a region without contests, a backstory pulled out of their asses and a forced character development that went nowhere.
Misty's was shoehorned at the end of Johto, their relationship was always of rivalry, the rest might as well not count since past Johto, Ash becomes so painfully oblivious and fightsexual he easily puts Goku to shame. He was in a region attending school with three girls who never minded getting personal or close with him yet he didn't even react. At least Lana would turn tomato red whenever people implied they were dating.
i miss watching pokemon on twitch
funny enough I had already went through the series up to the beginning of DP a while ago, was hoping to finally watch DP during the marathon because I never saw all if it and DP is where they decided to shit the bed
So now I've watched the first like 500 episodes at least twice but still never watched DP or BW
Dont know anyone other than misty. Why is the bottom one so happy?
But where's Flannery?
Regardless, only Serena was into Ash. Your bait thread failed, try again.
Meanwhile, in PokeSpe...
May and Dawn didn't fight with Ash all that much though. Hell, Dawn even changed into cheerleader outfits to root for Ash whenever he battled.
Serena is still best girl though and Misty still worst.
>people still watch the shit anime
Serena was the only one to get into his pants.
Good old Edgeventures, the Pokemon material of choice for the emo kid who never grew out of his Deviantautist phase.
Remember when anime thought that it would be a smart idea to remove Brock and give us some faggot with a camera?
Hey mang, its pretty good
May and Ash fought a ton. Though Ash had a really short temper in general during hoenn.
I think they might have gotten along much better if it was OS Ash, but then they probably would have never gotten anything done if both of them were lazy and immature.
You mean the background character with the Marill? Todd was from the games.
Never understood why they always keep Ash the same age and simply replace the protagonist and let Ash grow older. Main audience only care about Pokemon, not give a shit about protag who catch them
Did the ever confirmed Jessie and James as having feelings for eachother? Never seen any episode after Johto
Yeah the Marill guy was so out of nowhere. The only interesting thing about him is that he had a Pokemon who wasn't a part of original 151
I like to consider that one comic series about Ash fucking all the girls in his path as canon.
Misty is for hardcore anal fucking and humilation to the point where she can't even walk.
Cynthia is for intimate and sensual love listening to the sounds of Marvin Gaye, Barry White and Stevie Wonder under the night sky.
I genuinely can’t understand why people continue to watch the anime
friendly reminder serena is a shit
tits or gtfo bitch
>Serena isn't the best g-
I need material for shitposting.
Ash & Pikachu is pretty much comparable to mickey mouse. I think I read someone said they regretted not doing it at johto, maybe it was just shudo voicing his opinions, but they said after johto it's just too late to replace him and not take a huge nosedive.
I used to be this
But somehow Misty became more favorites. Maybe I need to watch Gen 3 over again. Is it worth it?
This cute busty yandere
It has some nice moments
She has a fetish for fat hairy men.
If Misty canonically turns into that Misty in HeartGold/SoulSilver, then it's a waiting game and she has to evolve from shit tier to ascended godtier
It's fun
Remember when anime thought that it would be a smart idea to remove Brock and give us some actual faggot?
Can't trick me into watching the anime but that does look neat
I think you mean Elli
Serena has the most boring visual design I've seen of any character in Pokemon.
I understand her love for Slaking. He's great.
it's comfy & sometimes funny, sun&moon have some really good interactions. I want to know why are y'all always grumpy about it.
*suck* *suck* *suck* *suck* *suck*
I stopped watching when they got rid of Brock.
How can anyone watch without the best character?