There are some other exclusives that I think I would like but I mostly want to buy it for Bloodborne. Is it worth? I've enjoyed all the Dark Souls games and Sekiro.
Is it worth buying a PS4 for Bloodborne?
No, never buy a console for just one game.
Well, it's by far the best game in that style. I bought it, no regrets.
Also don't you have a friend or something to borrow you his PS4 for a week or so?
Yeah dude you should buy the console for it
*stifles laughter*
yes unironically. I actually bought mine for Everybody's Golf but this gens EG was hugely disappointing, Bloodborne is so good it was worth the purchase though.
the game is mediocre at best
What's your favorite game.
Mario Party
No, BB is coming out on EGS in few months
I bought a switch for smash and have already gotten my moneys worth
bloodborne is just dark souls without estus flasks
If you enjoyed Dark Souls 2 and 3, I can't imagine there are many games you wouldn't like.
No, just play it on PC.
It sucks.
ds1 ds3 and sekiro are all better than bloodborne
This sums up /v quite nicely.
>implying you dont dodgespam in bloodborne
yes, I have 1000 hours in it
running random chalice dungeons and trying out all the extremely different transforming weapons is super engaging because of how visceral and satisfying the combat is
Yeah, it is the GOTG
if you enjoy from software games, then there is no doubt you will enjoy bloodborne. make sure to get the dlc too, its somewhat needed since the base game isnt all that long
ask yourself is bloodborne worth 300 dollars
I did buy a PS4 for it but ended up getting more exclusives along the way. BB alone made my purchase worth it because I've replayed it about 8 times already. It never stops being good. On the Pro there haven't been any noticeable frame drops (if you can bear 30 fps) but loading screens sometimes take a while.
Do yourself a favor and get the Beast Cutter the soonest as possible because it's the most fun weapon in the game. A shame there were no flails in DaS3 that worked like the Beast Cutter.
This. Chalice Dungeons start getting real good after a while. The first few are boring and made me avoid them entirely for years. Only recently I started to get into them and fuck, there's just so much fucking content hidden in there. I found a mini-blighttown with enemies I've never seen before doing some crazy shit. There's even motherfucking knights with armor and shields for fucks sake.
No. I borrowed one from my friend and even though I loved the game I was done with it after a two playthroughs. He had some other games there and none were interesting enough to keep me playing.
I'm a big souls fan and I was dying to play BB before, but I'm actually glad I didn't budge and never bought the console for it. Now that I finished it I don't regret giving the console back. Shame I couldn't play coop with my friend because of it but hey, even that is not worth that kind of money.
Just wait till black friday and get one for 200 dollars, the game is worth that much.
At this point the console is dirt cheap by know, get the base one the others don't have improved performance for the game. No regrets for me. Definitely not worth it at launch, but now yes. The game is dirt cheap too, which is weird because it is the best game on the console by a absolutely gigantic fucking margin.
And if you somehow have other things for the console that interest, then by all means go for it.